InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One for the Kid ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: A quick little blurb… this chapter is quite interesting… and I hope you all don't hate me for it… honestly I don't care… it flows for later… anyways read on.
Title: One for the Kid
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, though this plot is mine!
Ages: Everyone is between 22 and 25. They will be mentioned later.
Rating: M (for topics and language)
Chapter 3
By the age of 23 most women are married and getting started on a family. Some are becoming successful in their jobs and struggling with relationships. I don't fit in either of these categories. I'm not extremely successful, but I also always solve my cases with out losing any one. I'm also not married, but I guess in a way I did start on a family. But currently the godchild is missing and the godfather is a prick.
So I'm guessing it's safe to say that my life is pretty much screwed up from now until forever. And I have Inuyasha to thank for that! Ever since the night we both lost control of all actions. Now look where that has gotten me, trying to find our godchild and on the way to my parents house for dinner.
No I didn't normally do this, but there is nothing at my apartment and Ayame was going to catch u p with Sango. The only thing I hated about eating at my parents house is that everything that I do gets back to my mom. Then I get nagged about how so-and-so's daughter never walks into a house with some dead woman on the floor.
And that's how I was greeted when I knocked on the door. After going up a billion shrine steps. And yes my house was a shrine that my grandpa gives tours around. I used to help when I was little, but now Keade-san helps out.
I walked into the dinning room and saw an extra spot next to mine. And just as I was about to ask whom it was for there was a knock at the door; Keade answered it.
I looked up to the doorway and there stood the person I thought my mom hated. She of course knows what happened thanks to the lovely grapevine.
“Mom, I'm not feeling to well. I think I'm going to leave.” I said grabbing my purse that I had set on my chair.
“No you're not, I know you are feeling perfectly fine. Now Inuyasha called looking for you and I had a feeling you were coming so I invited him over. It would've been rude if I didn't.” my mom yelled from the kitchen.
If Inuyasha or anyone knocked on any mother's door before any meal they would let him in and feed him. Not because of looks, but because here in the west side of Tokyo every mother has their house open and if they didn't it would get around and be talked about. It was considered rude and no one wanted to be known for that.
“This will be interesting then.” I mumbled as I set my purse back down.
“So you find anything new?” Inuyasha asked taking a seat in the chair next to mine. Yes I did, but I don't think I should fill him in quite yet.
“Nope.” I answered slowly going to the kitchen to `help' my mom.
“I hope you don't think you're getting off that easy. Don't think this is about Kikyo's house and the body, but what happened in front of it. Your knee, my crotch.” Inuyasha said freezing me midway there.
I heard a small gasp from the kitchen; I'm not sure if it was because of Inuyasha confirming I found a body or the knee and crotch part. I guess it doesn't really matter they were both quite shocking to anyone that wasn't there.
“I don't think now is a good time to talk about. In fact I don't think there is a good to. So let's drop it.” I said going back to my seat.
“Sorry to interrupt, but its time to eat.” My mom said trying to put on the `perfect' hostess look.
Keade and my grandpa came into the dinning room. My grandpa took the seat the head of the table (to my left). My mom and Keade sat across from Inuyasha and me. This would definitely be interesting.
“Kagome I here there is a job opening at the clothing factory as a secretary.” My mom said as we passed the salad around along with other food dishes.
“I didn't intend to find a body today or to be sexually harassed.” I said, “And I'm not giving up my job, I love it. Plus you'll be glad to know that I'm a godmother.” I heard about all the jobs that were hiring. My mom loved that I was cop and that I got kidnapped people back; it was the fact that in my spare time I was bounty hunter; one that when the day was done I was covered in something. That ranged from garbage to pool water and everything in between. Well almost everything.
“You were sexually harassed?!” my mom asked fork full of salad halfway to her mouth. I looked around everyone was looking at me wide eyed. Damn.
“You can't claim sexual harassment, babe. You liked the kiss, you kissed back.” Inuyasha stated. Oh was I seriously screwed.
“Yeah, until you opened your mouth and words came out.” I mumbled back. All eyes were on us and I knew my mother would kill me later for this.
“Well sorry, Ms. I-didn't-get-enough-last-time. Next time I'll just focus on kissing you.” Inuyasha snapped.
“That's it! OUT!” I yelled standing up and pointing to the door.
“Kagome, he didn't eve get dessert. It would be rude to kick him out.” My mom said.
Inuyasha would get his dessert if I had anything to say about it. Screw the whole rude thing.
I marched into the kitchen and grabbed the chocolate cake and walked back into the dinning room.
“So Inuyasha how much do you want? How about a handful?” I said grabbing a handful of cake and throwing it at Inuyasha and hitting him square in the face, “He got his dessert. Now he can go.”
“Kagome, I have one more thing I need to say before I leave.” Inuyasha said wiping the cake from his face, “I may bring up what happened so many years ago but that doesn't mean I regret it. Sorry about dinner, it was great for what I did eat. And the cake too.” And then he left. I didn't move until I heard his car pull away.
“Now there goes a man who knows responsibility. Coming back to take care of what he started.” Keade said leaning back in her chair.
“If you're a godmother, who's the godfather.” My mom asked. I had a feeling she knew who it was.
“Inuyasha.” I answered, “I'm just going to go home.” And I left grabbing my purse and taking my keys out.
I sat in my car for a moment and ran my hand through my hair then instantly regretted it. That was the hand I used to throw the cake.
I think today set the record for the absolute worst. And the only thing that was running through my head was:
“…that doesn't mean I regret it…”
I didn't regret it either. That's what scared me the most.
I walked into my apartment with Ayame watching T.V from the couch. She mumbled a small hey as I just walked through to the bathroom to take a nice long warm bath and forget about what just happened.
I got up to my alarm clock beeping. I slowly got up and got ready for the day, not really caring. I felt like crap and that's it. I stayed up most of the night thinking about what Inuyasha said and what it meant. I decided that I was scared to admit that I didn't regret it and was why I reacted the way I did. Knowing that he didn't made me want to tell him. How I was going to do that I was a little unsure.
I didn't bother with breakfast this morning, I felt too sick. I didn't go down to the bond office either. I went straight for the station. The last place I wanted to be.
I walked in and everyone smiled, it got around. Inuyasha was known to have a big ego and none of the guys wanted to work with him, but did any ways. The girls refused to, and usually came up with a good excuse to not work with him. I, on the other hand, didn't have an excuse and HAD to work with him.
“Does anyone know if Inuyasha came in?” I asked.
“Yeah, he's in his office. I wouldn't talk to him if I were you, he was pretty mad yesterday after what you did.” A rookie officer said.
“Thanks for the warning, but I'm pretty sure I can handle him.” For the most part I added silently. They didn't need to know that we already tried to talk about it and that didn't end as bad, but still.
I knocked on his door and heard a gruff come in, so I did. He looked terrible, like he hadn't gotten any sleep; I'm pretty sure I didn't look excellent my self.
“What do you want?” he asked after I closed the door. I bet everyone was listening outside.
“About what you said, not regretting, I wanted to let you know that I didn't either.” I said, “I'm going to talk to your brother about some things, just had to let you know that first.” I turned to open the door and make my way down the hall.
“Wait,” he said, “Don't go off the case. I asked my brother to put you on, I knew you were good, plus I needed to tell you about Shippo.” I stopped and turned back around.
“I'm not going to get off the case, I was going to ask your brother if he got the information that I wanted.” I said trying to hide the small smile I had. I think he just gave me a compliment.
“You want to know why Kikyo was so mad at you after our night.” He asked. `Our night' that's an excellent name to call it.
“No, not really.” And I turned back to the door and left. I think I've had enough information on my personal life for right now.
I walked into Sesshomaru's office feeling ten times better then I was when I woke up this morning.
“Do you have anything for me?” I asked taking a seat.
“Yes, but you aren't going to like it.” He answered.
“Well it can't be any worst than I already think.” I said, the worst that it could be, or what I thought was that they had left the city.
“Naraku is definitely involved, like you continually mention, and Shippo's parents were murdered, they didn't just die. There is also a hit list that has been tagged in Naraku's area. Eri was on it. Someone's gone and crossed her name off. Next is you, but I have the other info you asked for.” He told me.
Oh man did I have the WORST luck. If it wasn't one thing it was another I had people after me all the time, but this time it was probably more than one person and they also probably know what they're doing. Most of the time it was people who thought they were good, but actually really bad.
“We don't know why I'm on the list or why Eri was?” I asked taking a seat.
“No we don't, but there is one more name on the list and the only reason he could be on it would be because he's the godfather and has a past with Kikyo and she is also involved, which you probably guessed.” Sesshomaru said.
“Then we should probably let Inuyasha know.” I sighed.
“Let Inuyasha know what?” a voice asked from the door, one that I knew all to well.
“Don't get mad at Kagome for not telling you. I told her not to tell you.” Sesshomaru said leaning back into his chair.
“You might want to sit down before I start. You're going to get mad.” I said moving to Inuyasha and trying to get him to sit down. He sat, but his eyes didn't leave me. Man this was going to be hard.
“Alright, I'm sitting down, now tell me.” Inuyasha said leaning forward on his elbows.
“Well, the girl, Eri, that was murdered was Shippo's babysitter. That's what Sesshomaru told me not to tell you. Now what he just told me is a little bit harsher. Shippo's parents were murdered. Eri, you and I are all on a hit list in Naraku's area and Eri has been crossed off, I'm next and then you. And the best part of all is that Naraku is involved and I've been telling everyone for years, but no one's believed me!” I said finishing off with a smile.
Inuyasha looked at me then turned and looked at Sesshomaru and glared at him.
“You two were going to keep me out of this?” he asked.
“No, I was ordered not to tell you. I would've told you when Sesshomaru told me I to.” I said quickly.
“So, dear brother, why did you want to keep this information from me?” Inuyasha asked the glare never leaving his face.
“Well, knocking down your ego takes a lot, well at least for the guys to do. Kagome did it in one conversation. I didn't quite want to bring it up so soon. So I gave her lead on the Eri case and any information she wanted.” Sesshomaru answered Inuyasha leaning back the whole time no expression on his face.
“We need to talk Kagome.” Inuyasha said then left.
“Yeah, I'm gonna go.” I said following Inuyasha out the door and down the hall a bit to his office. Once I was inside Inuyasha shut and locked the door.
We looked at each other not moving. What scared me most was the emotion in his eyes, I hadn't seen this ever, or at least I couldn't remember seeing it. Then in one sudden movement that caught me off guard Inuyasha pulled me to him.
“This is going to sound stranger than you think, but I'm glad you knocked down my ego as Sesshomaru put it. I would have done something rash, and I know it. Thanks.” He whispered in my ear. He probably knows what he's doing to me because if he doesn't then his nose has to be broken. This feels SO right!
His breath on my skin was like chocolate, I always want it, but it's bad for me. Inuyasha was definitely dark chocolate with sixty percent coca. Not milk or white, those were bad, especially white. Inuyasha the best of the three and man oh man, did I love them both (Inuyasha and dark chocolate that is)!
“Inuyasha,” I rasped after finding my voice, “You're right, that is a little strange.”
He pulled back and rested his forehead on mine and I looked into his amazing amber eyes. I loved the color; it reminded me of sunsets and sunrise, the best colors are there during that time of day. Right now I was thinking of how good it would be to feel his lips on mine again. No matter how much I denied it, I was always in love with the guy. I wouldn't have slept with him if I didn't have somewhat strong feelings for him.
“I really want to kiss you right now.” He whispered huskily a smirk forming on his soft lips.
“Then why don't you? You were never one for asking permission.” I said my own smirking forming.
The smirk widened just before his lips crashed to mine and I closed my eyes. This kiss was filled with all the emotions we felt for each other, but didn't dare to say. His arms wrapped tightly around my waist and mine went from around his neck to his ears.
He broke the kiss moaning and leaned into my hands and backed me into the wall about ten feet from the door. He continued to kiss my neck as I rubbed his ears along with an occasional moan from either one of us. We were definitely enjoying this. It was like the night all over again.
“Kagome, we need to stop. I'm going to lose control soon and I don't want to lose you this time.” He said when his lips left mine. My hands were still on his puppy ears.
“Now this isn't the Inuyasha that I know.” I whispered a smile creeping on my face.
“I know, but how about we just start out with dating, babe. I want to do this right this time. Please do this for me. Be my girl?” he pleaded and he went all the way with the puppy dog eyes. Ugh! How could I refuse that? He looked absolutely adorable.
It wouldn't be that bad dating Inuyasha and actually having a relationship before the sleeping together. Sounds like a good plan to me!
“Alright, I'll be your girlfriend, but you better be good.” I said moving my hands from his ears to his shoulders.
Without any warning his lips crashed to mine again, and just as quickly they left.
“Kagome, the reason Kikyo hated you so much was and is because…” Inuyasha started before being cut off by knocking on the door. Damn people and their impeccable timing.
We broke apart and Inuyasha unlocked the door.
“Inuyasha, you're needed in the interrogation room. For the guy from the case you were in charge of. We're wrapping up today and tomorrow.” A rookie said.
“I'll be there in a minute.” He said then turned to me and smiled, “Come here.” I did as I was told.
“Tonight, we're going out. Dress casual. I know where you live, be in the lobby of the apartment complex by 7pm.” He said as I was walking to him.
“Okay,” I agreed then turned to my left to go out the door when Inuyasha stopped me by grabbing my right upper arm.
“Not yet, not without this.” He said before he kissed me briefly on the lips, “See you tonight sweetie.” And he left going to the interrogation room.
Well since I really don't have anything to do today, might as well see if Sango wants to go shopping for tonight. I looked at my watch. It was about noon so I had seven hours to kill, well only about four and a half that way I had two and a half to get ready. So I was off to Sango and the bonds office, then hopefully to the mall after that.

A/N: Again I hope you don't hate me for that, but I swear it will flow… or at least I hope it will… lol. Well I have to write ch. 5 yes. I have ch. 4, but I won't post it till I have 5 written so I can stay ahead of the game. I'm really busy at school and so it's hard to find the time to write, sorry! Review please! I don't have many… though I really just want you to enjoy the story… I don't really care about the reviews… they just make me feel good that people like my story… anyways got to go.