InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One for the Kid ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: I don't think I've mentioned that they are in their regular forms. I think I forgot. Woops, well anyways, they are. Sorry about the long wait again… I've gotten really busy… please review I don't have a lot and I like to hear that people enjoy it. That's really all I want to hear.
Title: One for the Kid
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, though this plot is mine!
Ages: Everyone is between 22 and 25. They will be mentioned later.
Rating: M (for topics and language)
Chapter 5
Sometimes between the shower and my bed after my date with Inuyasha, the idea of going into Naraku's territory sounded like a good one. And now at 10 in the morning it still sounded like a good idea, in fact it seemed to be getting better the more I thought about it.
I had told Ayame about this idea and now we both were dressed in slut wear and headed into probably the most dangerous territory ever. Okay maybe not ever, but right now being that I'm wanted dead by this guy I would probably say I'm safer any where else.
I parked Ayame's car about a half a block away on Ayame's request. I trusted her on this one. She knew more about this area than I did and I'm the cop.
“Now, Kagome, you know once we leave this car it's all an act right? No turning back?” Ayame said before we got out of the car.
“Yeah, I know.” I said. I was ready. I could do this. I HAD to do this. Holy shit.
We got out of the car and began walking down the street into Naraku's territory.
“I want you to let me ask around. There are certain people we need to stay away from.” Ayame said. I nodded. That was about all I could do. My ass was cold. I don't know how Ayame wasn't shivering, but I sure as hell was. I think it was time I went through my closet and got rid of all my skimpy revealing clothing, cause I would be stupid to where them again.
“Ayame, I don't even know if I will be able to talk. My mouth might be frozen shut.” I said, “How aren't you cold?” I couldn't believe that she wasn't cold. It was flipping crazy.
“I am. I just know how to hide it. You'll get use to it. I'm surprised you are, I saw all the clothes you had in your closet. I thought you'd be fine.” Ayame said. She had helped me pick out this black halter dress that ended just past my butt, a pair of black stilettos, and of course she had also done my makeup and hair. I swear I would die if someone I knew from the station found out about this. I swear I would.
We walked about two more blocks till we ran into some guys. They didn't look exactly friendly, but Ayame stopped to talk to them.
“Hey any ya, know Naraku?” she asked. She had this down. Maybe I could pick up some new tricks. Sure I did this sort of thing all the time, but the thing is, is I know who the person is that I am suppose to get info out of. This was flying blind and it was scary.
“Are shitting me, everyone knows Naraku. He's got some hit out. Paying big bucks to get some girl and bring her to him. He's pretty pissed right now because someone tried to kill her.” One of the three guys said. He had black hair; we'll call him Black hair
“Why Naraku want the girl?” Ayame asked.
“Word on the street is that Naraku has some kid and he wants the girl `cause he wants to get the police chief back for somethin' that happened.” Black hair said.
“No one knows what it is.” The one with brown hair said. He was to the right of the other guy… we'll call this guy Brown hair.
“So what's the kid got to do with everything? Why not just the girl?” Ayame questioned.
“To get the chief's damn brother out of the way. The brother has some connection with the girl. Word is they had a thing back in high school. Now the girl Naraku has now wants the brother back and is helping Naraku get the girl and the brother.” The guy to the left of Black hair said. This guy had dirty blonde hair; we'll call him Dirty Blonde.
“He's goin' through way too much trouble for some chick.” Ayame said. She would get it later.
“That's what everyone thinks. Even the girl he has now is too much.” Black hair said.
“You know who the girl is?” I asked. If it was Kikyo everything made sense.
“Her name is Kikyo something. She lives about half a block from here in the only town house on this street.” Brown hair said.
“Guys we gotta go, we have to get some stuff ready to get the girl.” Dirty Blonde said. And then they all said good-bye and left. That was the most interesting conversation I've ever had. I'm not kidding.
“Let's check out her house.” Ayame said. Wait a second I thought I was the cop.
“All right, but remember…” that was all I could get out before Ayame took off down the street. I started after her.
We walked until we reached a really nice town house, just like the guys said.
“Lets see if she's home.” Ayame said.
“Aya, are you crazy? She knows what I look like. And you.” I said my eyes widening.
“Not in this outfit, make-up and hair. Plus she won't remember me.” Ayame said. She had me there. I didn't even recognize myself in this outfit.
“Fine.” I sighed. I knew someone had a death wish for me. I knew it.
We walked up to the door. On instinct I looked through the window and what I saw shocked me. There sitting in chair was a kid, he appeared to be a fox demon. I really hope that was not Shippo, he looked to be in bad condition.
Ayame knocked just as I turned to face her. We waited a few minutes before Kikyo answered the door.
“Yes?” she asked crossing her arms and resting on one leg. She didn't look pleased.
“We want to talk to Naraku, we saw the hit. Thought maybe we could do it good `cause were girls and could get close to the girl.” I said. I don't know why I said it. It just sort of came out.
“Come in.,” she said letting us in. I seriously didn't think it would be that easy. I was almost positive.
“Naraku, some girls are here to see you about you know what.” She yelled up the stairs.
A few minutes later Naraku came down the stairs. When he saw us a smirk appeared on his face.
“You two want to bring me Kagome?” he asked.
“Sure, we can get close to her without her knowing and set up a capture easy enough.” Ayame said.
“Well then, I believe you to have yourselves a job. What did you say your names were again?” Naraku asked. I got this bad feeling about him; his aurora was very dark.
“I'm Nova.” Ayame said.
“I'm Jinx.” I said, she made a smart decision not to tell him our really names. We never talked about the name thing.
“Well, that's it Nova and Jinx. Bring her to me as soon as you can. It's vital I get her.” He said.
“Do ya mind if I ask why.” Ayame said. I looked at her hiding my surprise.
“Yeah, I mind. Now if that's all you can leave. I have business to deal with and you two have to get me Kagome.” Naraku said walking towards us.
Kikyo opened the door for us and we left. We walked about a block when we finally started a small conversation.
“What is the great plan now? We now work for Naraku and have to capture Kagome.” I said. Might as well keep up the name thing incase anyone is around.
“Calm down Jinx, it'll be easy. We just set a goal and then get her. It won't be that hard.” Ayame said. I looked at her. Not that hard. Was she kidding? She was talking about capturing me as if it was picking up trash.
“She is a cop Nova.” I said. We had just reached the spot where we met the guys so another half a block till we reached the car.
“So, if she befriends us it won't be hard. Think about it.” she said. I was starting to think that coming down to Naraku's territory was a bad idea.
“Fine, I guess it won't be to hard.” I said. I had just agreed to kidnapping myself. I have seriously lost it. I really have.
“Cool.” She said as we arrived at the car… or at least where it should have been. This was a really bad idea, god I want to kill myself for thinking of it.
“Please tell me I'm seeing things.” I said.
“Shit, we can't call Sango her and Miroku took the day off. Who else?” I said.
“Don't ask me. I don't have a cell yet.” She said.
“I only have officer's numbers.” I said.
“Call someone.”
“Fine.” And with that I dialed the number I thought would be the best. After asking them to pick Ayame and I up we waited for about twenty minutes.
A black SUV pulled up and the driver parked it in the spot where Ayame's car was and got out.
“Kagome is there a reason you are dressed like you are AND so close to Naraku's territory?” Inuyasha asked. Yes I called him, figured I might as well get it over sooner rather than later.
“Can we talk about it in the car?” I questioned. Ayame was silent the whole time and I got a chance to look at her and she looked shocked at who was picking us up.
We got into the car, Ayame in back and I into the passenger seat. Well this was going to be a long car ride.
“We're in the car now spill.” He said starting the car.
“Well I had this idea that maybe I could get some info on Naraku if I asked around. It sounded really good and Ayame came to help me because she knows better than I do how the people in this area are. And we found out some good stuff.” I think I would leave the working for Naraku bit out.
“You thought going into Naraku, the guy who wants you dead, territory was a good idea?” he asked looking at him curiously. I couldn't tell if he was mad, if he was he was hiding it very well.
“Yes, I did.” I answered.
“What made you change your mind?” he asked.
“When Ayame's car was stolen and I had to call you and ask for a ride. Then you seeing me dressed like this.” I replied.
“Ayame she didn't get hurt did she?” he asked.
“No, I did all the talking, mostly. I didn't want her to get in any more danger. She did ask a few things, but she said everything right.” She answered. “Uh… you can drop me off about a block before you get to Kagome's apartments. I found a place and I have some stuff already there. I'll get my other stuff tomorrow.”
Inuyasha did as Ayame asked then we continued to my apartment. He parked the car and got out and came around and helped me out. We walked into the lobby and to the elevator in silence. We didn't talk until we were in my apartment.
As soon as we were through the door and it was shut Inuyasha pulled me to him and held me close.
“When you called and told me where you were I swear I almost lost it,” he said as he ran his hand through my hair.
“You didn't sound like it.” I said pulling back a bit to see him. I didn't think I could scare him that much.
“I had to hide it, the other guys were around. You scared the living hell out of me.” He said leaning his forehead against mine.
“I'm sorry, but I figured out that Naraku doesn't want me dead. Only you.” I said stepping out of his hold.
“You risked your life to figure that out?” he asked raising an eyebrow.
“I found out where Kikyo is living. And that she IS working with Naraku and that they have Shippo and the reason why.” I countered.
“Really?” He said his face remaining the same as a he took a step closer.
“Yeah, and the only reason he has Shippo is to get you out of the way or at least let Kikyo have you. He really wants me to get back at Sesshomaru for some reason. No one knows.” I said turning away and going into my kitchen to get something to drink.
“My half-brother.” He said coming into the kitchen, “My half-brother hasn't ever had contact with Naraku.”
“Well according to the word on the street that's why he wants me, and he wants you out of the picture.” I said pouring my self a glass of orange juice.
“They could be that my HALF-brother put a bunch of his crew away for life.” He said. I nearly lost the orange juice I had just put in my mouth.
“What?!?!” I said after swallowing.
“I don't think Naraku would sink that low just to get Sesshomaru back. I'll go back to station and try to get Sesshomaru to spill some stuff. You change, I think it's time for you not to look like a slut.” He said. All the nerve!
“You know what, maybe I LIKE looking like a slut. Maybe I LOVE all the attention and stares I get when I dress like this. I wonder what would happen if I came to the station like this.” I said finding myself actually thinking of the reaction I would get.
That's all he said then left. What a prick. I was only kidding. Okay only HALF kidding. In the summer I didn't mind because it was really hot, but in the freaking winter it was cold! Plus I hate the attention and the stares. God, what a prick! And I still find myself loving him more than I thought possible. I was surprised that he didn't flip out when he saw me.
Then all of the sudden my door burst open and Inuyasha came in kissed me. I'm not kidding he really did. It didn't last very long before he pulled away.
“You're so stupid.” He said.
“You're such a mood killer.” I said pulling away. I was planning on changing.
“You're hot.”
“You're not.” I know pathetic, but I couldn't quite think straight.
I rolled my eyes. I raised an eyebrow at him and asked, “Who's the stupid one now?”
“Depends, who was the one that went into a dangerous territory?”
“Who doesn't know how to his mouth shut?”
“Go change.”
“Make me.” I know childish, but he was getting on my nerves. I wasn't going to go change because that required a shower and I was NOT going to shower while he was in my apartment.
All he did was raise his eyebrow. I rolled my eyes and began to push him out of the apartment till he was on the other side of the door.
“Go do what ever you said you were going to do.” I said.
“As long as you change.” He said. He wouldn't let it go.
“Fine, just go.” I said. And just before slamming the door in his face I could've sworn that he mouthed `I love you'.
Maybe I was just seeing things. Yep that was it, just seeing things. I headed to my room to take a shower and get into some nice warm clothes, like sweats and a sweatshirt. I could think about Inuyasha and what he possibly mouthed later, right now I needed to get warm.

A/N: Well this isn't as long (about a page shorter), but a lot happened in this chapter. I hope you liked it. I kept getting stuck at the beginning and then after getting past that it all just flowed… well I hope you write the next one soon. PLEASE REVIEW!!!