InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One in a Million ❯ ir your girl only knew ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: This is one of many Inuyasha stories I plan to release in the next two months. I hope everyone enjoys this one. R&R I'd appreciate it, I love it when people tell me what you think. And also, I apologize for the long awaited update. I really need to keep my stories in check,

Previously on One In a Million

I scanned for a few more seconds and then my eyes had finally fallen upon my target. Golden crescents locking with my lusting chocolate eyes, I giggled girlishly, fingering him over. I watched as he raised his brow in suspicion,
“What the fuck is wrong with you Yasha! Go up there she wants you!” His buddy encouraged, nudging him angrily.
“Yeah! Now go!” The other yelled, giving him an abrupt shove up and onto the stage. I stared at him with a impish smile crossing my cherry pink lips, he looked confused.
That just won't do, I'd make him understand why here was here, “Hey Mr. Golden eyes, remember me?” I winked, shoving him against the bitter coldness of the pole, closing the space between our bodies.
“How could I forget?” He whispered against my neck with a husky tone, giving me chills up and down my spine, but not ceasing my mission, though. My hands unwavering, “But didn't you try to slug me?”
I chuckled sensually in his ear so he heard “That would be me,” Stroking his cheek sensually. Unaware of the properly dressed woman standing behind me, with a scowl burning away at my back.
INUYASHA TAISHO!” Her venomous shriek nearly knocked me off balance, I glared at him in contempt and slowly backed away from him. And turned to observe this woman, who exactly is she? His wife?

if your girl only knew

“Kikyo! Hey baby,” the silver-haired devil grinned casually, making light of the situation. And by then the music had stopped and everyone present in the club stared in awe at the tense situation. Even Keitaro, who gawked in sympathy at the poor guy.
“Don't you even dare `baby' me!” Looking at her more thoroughly I came to the sad conclusion she was gorgeous, if not more so than myself. Although are appearances were strikingly similar there were distinct differences, her features were sharper, eyes more diluted with intelligence. That lust of class set us a very different levels,
Her attire wasn't something wore by commoners, a sleek cream Gucci trench coat draping her shoulders. Black blouse, and matching cream pants. Damn. Clenching her Louis purse, pattered in their newest springtime design, “You're have the nerve to sweet talk me when some stripper was practically mounting you?” His dark fudge eyes narrowed at me, a shot her back a nervous look as I slowly backed away.
“Kikyo she wasn't, so don't blame her. Its her job,” Climbing down from his spot on stage, he rolled his eyes to his friends and he snatched her hand, “Let's go.” Pulling her through the goggling crowds.
I blinked several times, trying to comprehend what had just happened. Feeling like a horrible trap that may have ended a good marriage, the music from the DJ booth slowly impaled the club once more, rekindling the men.
Kyra, Kyra, Kyra!” I was still submerged in utter shock, not acknowledging their rants for my performance. Still lost in my own guilt I never realized a hand grappled my wrist, yanking my behind the curtains. In the safely secluded backstage.
“Kagome, jeez, poor baby.” Sango's voice soothing my senses as she cradled me, knowing how disgusting I must've felt when his woman started wailing. “You didn't know he was married, sweetie.” Stroking my cheek,
I sighed dejectedly, as she released her grasp on my frame. Slumping against a small couch in the corner as all my other friends and fellow co-workers swarmed around me, saying comforting things. “Honey child . . . don't even that conservative goody knock your spirit from ya.” Robbin, a red head from North Carolina in the US cooed. Her accent was so thick though, making me laugh when she try and speak some Japanese with it.
“Rob's right Kag. Don't sweat that self righteous, jealous mess. She just doesn't know how to keep her man entertained.” Natasha grinned impishly, while nudging my shoulder playfully.
“Maybe she needs to go to a sex-help doctor, ne? I mean, guys are here for one of three reasons. #1 they are hideous and want something to jerk off to. #2 They wanna have a boys night out, friendly not too touchy with the dancers. And last but not least #3, their wives are uptight and never give it up.” Mayu's tone was so velvet soft it gave me shivers, but I allowed a girlish chuckles to escape my lips.
Her shortly layered mahogany mane bobbed as she combed some `sleek and shine' in it. Her Sharp violet eyes always had that exciting aura to them. Being as she mostly obtained the most cash when she's draw on the magnifying navy blue eyeliner, defining those naturally sexy eyes. They just drove those dogs crazy,
I watched with a humors smile as she showed us her routine, but . . . as I observed I couldn't keep my mind from him. His name was . . . er. . . I think Yasha? Ugh! He tried to make me. . . the other woman! Just like before . . . deja vu,
Hojo, where were you? I was worried,” I asked, drying my eyes. Fixating them on him as he squirmed,
I was busy Kagome, I told you not to call until after six.” The brunette shivered subconsciously, as his eyes gave off is temper. “But I'm here now, what is it?”
I . . . I have no idea how to say this but . . . I'm pregnant,” I felt a weak smile crease my lips, waiting for his response.
Shit!” Slouching his back so his dark bangs hung over his eyes, shit? Was he angry? I became nervous, as my boyfriend just stood there in the darkness groaning and muttering incoherently.
You're father Hojo, don't worry. Its not like I cheated,” I solemnly laughed.
That's the worst part you idiot!” His shout shot me up from my sitting position, my lip trembling as he slowly made his way towards me.
Hojo, please . . . don't hurt me!” I squeaked as he grabbed my wrist,
Listen! I can't have a child Kagome, I haven't been completely honest with you.” I stared up at him, flinching as his grip tightened, “I have another life, one where I have a wife. That's why you can't call until 6, she works late nights.”
I gasped, feeling betrayed tears spills violently. “WIFE?” I cried out, smacking him away from me. Stumbling back a few feet he continue to glare. “Asshole! You got me pregnant and you are married?” I laughed hysterically,
Yeah, I do.” His tone was almost sinister, I scrunched my face up. What happened to the sweet, caring, romantic Hojo I knew? I want him back, this is an imposter! And . . . he stole my heart away, “And I will refuse any parentage to that,” Pointing at my underdeveloped abdomen, “Cause if I did, Miyako would divorce my ass and take all that I'm worth.”
My tears turned bitter cold as the flowed in small rivulets down my paling cheeks. “But-but what about the baby Hojo?” I knew I sounded pathetic, a dependent fool that didn't even accept that he was dropping me like dead weight.
Abortion,” His slips curled. “What the fuck else? Or are you gonna raise that bastard child on your own!” Finding that particular comment funny, not to forget what sort of humor he possessed.
The lump gathering in my throat made it ache, I felt my voice go dry. “No . . . I don't have the money or the space, you know that.” A whimpered in guilt released my throat,
I thought so.” Narrowing his eyes dangerously, “I'll be leaving now. Miyako has my ass under a radar,” Laughing once more as he clenched the handle of the front door. “Oh and . . . don't contact me anymore, needy sex isn't worth my time.” SLAM
Sixteen, I was still a insecure little girl. Without a father, so I clung to any male presence I could obtain. Sadly, that's what had happened. That's when my fiery attitude towards men had gratified in means to protect myself from getting damaged. That is how I am, Kagome Higurashi. Royally screwed up,

A/N: Gomen Nasai mina-san, I felt like posting immediately for your own enjoyment. Stop reading this and quickly review!