InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Last Dance ❯ The Dance of Life ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I think it's safe to say, that my story, doesn't have one of those fairytale endings, but it is a romantic story. An epic tale, but not for the reasons you may think. This story will not be told to all the generations of children whose parents were a part of what lead to these events, but neither will those same people easily forget it. In a way, these events touched all of them in some way, and although their lives after this fateful year are sure to be filled with wonderful stories of good times, romance, and probably some stupid mistakes, my story is the one that lead them all to become who they are to this day.
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It was just now beginning to warm up, showing all the signs of spring. Rin loved this time of year; the flowers always reminded her of when she was a child, and how she would pick the wild ones that grew in the backyard of the Tokyo apartment that she had lived in. She always smiled more at this time of year, and even if spring meant more and more rigorous hours of practice—she didn't care! As long as it was warm, and sunny, and there were flowers blooming. Japan had such magical gardens, so exact, so perfect. No matter where Rin's travels had led her, she could never find gardens that compared to the ones in her homeland, and she had been all over the world, twice to some places, because her father was an archeologist. Her mother, though not without interests of her own, had always been happy to move with him to keep the family together. Rin never minded; she had inherited her father's love of foreign countries at a young age. Yet, unlike her father, Rin always felt a strong tie with the Land of the Rising Sun, and even as an adult, no matter how far she might travel, she always returns. Rin also chose a career that led her all over the world, yet it was nothing like being an archeologist. She was a dancer, an amazing dancer. She was twelve when she first started performing locally, and fourteen when she became famous on the world stage. It was no surprise; her parents and teachers had been astounded with how early she had picked up the hobby turned career. She had been passionate about it since her first dance class at age five, and now at twenty she was in her prime.
Rin's long hair was the color of a moonless night, pulled back into a tight bun, and slicked back so it wouldn't come undone. A light pink leotard hugged her body; the neck was scooped, showing the right amount of skin so that she didn't look like a neck-less blob to the people sitting in the back. The sleeves of the leotard cut off about three quarters of the way down her arms and were hemmed with ruffles, to accent them in an artistic way. Her waist was wrapped with a sheer piece of multi colored fabric and tied at the side with a pink ribbon. The skirt was a blend of mostly white, and then pink, then blue and fell just above her knees. Rin's pale skin gleamed like silk from the huge lime lights pointed at her; casting her in an almost haunting glow.
The music drifted through the theater—the soft violin in E minor, accompanied by the strong sound of two cellos, and a grand piano bringing the trio together and leading the melody off into a spring-like classical song. The venue was one of the oldest western theaters in Japan, its large wooden stage framed prettily with red billowing curtains that were rimmed with huge gold tassels. The theater held six hundred and seventy people, and it was filled to capacity tonight. Rin had even been told that a few people offered to stand in the back and watch. It was no surprised to her though. She wasn't arrogant, but she had found that being coy to yourself could get you in trouble, so Rin's modesty was kept solely for her admirers, while remaining honest to herself. She was good, but she knew her weaknesses, and knew what would make her an even better dancer/chorographer. That was the thing, Rin didn't just perform dances, she created them. Often for a dance concert she hired other dancers to join her, but this night was special. Her solo performance would be her Welcome Home surprise to her fans in Japan.
The violinist began his solo, and Rin let the music flow through her, echoing its beauty with the movements of her body—her soul. The steps flowed like water, each move becoming more intricate, and almost…private. As if this dance was something more then just a show, it was Rin, her life, everything that made her, well, her. As the piano came back into the song, it was all her pain, every scrape and bruise she had suffered as a child, all the heartache of a lost first love. And when the cellos sped up, it was the fear Rin had had of getting shots, the hesitation about going to her grandfather's funeral, the sound of thunder to a child…and when the violin took control of the song again, it was all of the beauty Rin found in life, every joyful memory, and just how simple life was, how simple it could be, and love. All the love Rin held with in every fiber of her body shone as she and the violin's music moved together in perfect harmony. A leap and mid twirl, ended up with her in the center of the stage, her hands circling up towards the ceiling. Rin wore the brightest smile as she stood there, moving her hand to the sound of the violin.
Rin turned, going into a plie. As she rose from the position, the smile on her face fell. That's when the darkness came, consuming her vision, trying to suck in enough air to breathe as she fell to the floor.
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Rin slowly opened her eyes, She felt as if someone had just taken a sledgehammer to her head. The familiar groggy feeling told her that painkillers were at work. She sighed; Rin always asked for no painkillers, she hated this half awake, half asleep feeling. Glancing at the clock she waited for the doctor to come in. Glancing around the room, Rin smiled softly. It was a private room in the emergency room, saved especially for patients that the press might find interesting to photograph whilst in a drug induced sleep. They were called SP rooms, which stood for “special patients”; the room was painted in green pastels with little birds flying off somewhere. Tapping her fingers against her stomach, Rin was already bored with being in the bed. Sliding over to the side, she slipped out of the bed and onto the freezing cold floor. Ignoring this discomfort, Rin walked over to the wall, placing her hand on the picture of the birds, the corners of her lips tilted upwards into a soft smile.
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Meanwhile, Sesshoumaru stared at the clock. It seemed far-fetched to think that he had really been at the hospital for fifty-two hours straight, demon doctor or not, that was a long time. It felt like less. First he had gone into the lab, and it seemed that the next thing he knew it was ten pm. He had missed dinner with the group again. Sighing, he turned around. His brother would be angry again, tonight was the night that he was suppose to meet his girlfriend. Apparently, InuYasha was pretty serious about this one. Which had initially surprised Sesshoumaru. His half brother normally had problems letting people in; he had always been stubborn, which pushed people away even more. Not this girl, though. The big shocker was the fact that they had been dating for almost a year. Sesshoumaru frowned, just a little, at this. It seemed like Sesshoumaru should have known about her before his brother decided to get serious about her. InuYasha claimed that he had told Sesshoumaru all about her, many times. InuYasha had even arranged dates so that his elder brother could meet the girl, but every time Sesshoumaru had blew them off. Angered by this, Sesshoumaru had disagreed, which had launched the two Inu brothers into one of their infamous fights.
Sesshoumaru grabbed the logbook. Even after the fight, Sesshoumaru still hadn't believed his younger sibling. That is, until he had checked his calendar. Ten times InuYasha had arranged meetings with this girl. How had Sesshoumaru missed this? He pondered this for a minute or two, until he was shaken from his thoughts by the pestering of another doctor. Sesshoumaru turned abruptly and glared at the person who had spoken.
“What?” He snapped at her, only to realize it was one of his colleagues, and at one time, girlfriend. His gaze didn't soften, but he did apologize. “Forgive me, Ukina-sensei, what is it you wanted?” He didn't use her first name. They weren't dating anymore, and since she had left him, all formalities were back.
Her lips turned up, ever so slightly. Despite the breakup, she had always had a soft spot for the man, and could tell that he hadn't slept in a while. But now was not the time to get personal, and Kagura turned her attention back to work. She handed him a clipboard. “Could you take a look at this? The patient's normal doctor went home about an hour ago. All I need is for you to just take a look at her and make sure she didn't break anything,” she said, handing the stoic man beside her the clipboard.
Sesshoumaru took it, making it a point not to touch her hand as he did. Flipping the page up, he scanned the contents. Not taking his eyes away from the page he asked, “Why would she have broken anything?” His eyes finally lifted from the paper. As far as information went, this told him absolutely nothing about the girl, save for her name and that she was allergic to most sedatives, and not to use painkillers. From the SP stamp on the page, Sesshoumaru guessed that this girl was someone who didn't want her ailments getting out to the press. Which basically meant that all doctors, save her own, were kept in the dark.
“She fell off a stage.” Kagura said, giving him a look that said she was suspicious about the whole thing. Sesshoumaru raised his eyebrow. That wasn't something you heard every day. He turned his gaze towards the door. He knew that the look Kagura had given him meant that she wanted him to tell her who exactly was in there, and what was really going on. Kagura hated being uninformed, and if it wasn't for her own overload of cases, she would be in there finding out everything about the girl. Also the fact, that Sesshoumaru was better with confidentiality meant he was chosen more often to visit the SP rooms.
Without another word, Sesshoumaru turned toward the SP ward. He had never told her much about the people in these rooms, and he would be damned if started telling her anything now. Sesshoumaru wrapped his knuckles on the door, before pushing it open. His gaze landed on the bed, only to find it empty. He froze. Losing your patient was bad. About to turn and call for security, he suddenly noticed the girl by the wall. He released a breath. At least now he wouldn't have to fill out the paper work. Coming into the room, he closed the door, an eyebrow raised as the girl still stood staring at the birds, unfazed by the fact that he had just entered the room. Clearing his throat, he waited for her to turn around, but she stayed still, watching the wall and rubbing it, as if it were a cherished pet. He took note of the easy movement of her limbs and,turning to the clip board, wrote that she didn't appear to have broken anything, but seemed to be in a world of her own.
“Don't they look like they could really fly?”
If Sesshoumaru had been anyone else, he might have jumped at the suddenness of her question, but as it was, only his eyebrow twitched. Why hadn't she responded before?
“Excuse me?” He said, trying to keep the disdain out of his voice as he scratched out the “unresponsive” part. The girl laughed, a sweet sound, like chimes in the wind, causing him to look up at her.
“The birds… On the wall? Don't they look as if they could fly right out of the wall? I think they would go to the beach. I love the beach, Although, I've never been to the beach in Japan. Isn't that funny? I've lived her on and off my whole life, and I've never been to the beach on an island?” That laugh again, and a smile. Sesshoumaru was slightly taken aback by all the information she had given him. Glancing at the sheet of paper, he noticed they had put her on painkillers against her request. Maybe she got loopy on them, which is why she had asked not to have them.
“It's just wallpaper” He said, signaling to her that he wanted her on the bed. Glancing at the wall, he had to admit that he had never noticed the birds. He had been in this room hundreds of time, and yet he had never seen them. He frowned at that thought. What did he care? It was only paper. “Tell me about falling off the stage,” He said aloud, poised to write down her response.
Rin watched him as he scribbled away, obviously irked by something she had said. When he made the motion towards the bed, she had complied, hopping on the thin rock they called a mattress. She tilted her head to the side when he said that thing about the wallpaper. Pausing, she watched as he moved to take her blood pressure. Holding out her arm for him, she studied him for a moment before replying.
“I guess I must have passed out from over extending myself,” Rin smiled at him as she continued, “I tend to do that a lot. Plus I haven't eaten anything for, well, a while. Maybe breakfast.” Sesshoumaru nodded as he jotted done her blood pressure score and her answer. After another pause, Rin continued. “It doesn't matter if they're just paper… They've captured the life that the real objects hold. Bringing out the animal and its sorrowful joy” She saw him pause and look up at her.
Was she on crack? That was the only question that ran through Sesshoumaru's mind. He really needed to stop talking to his neighbor, Shippou. He was picking up the younger guy's habits, and beginning to think like he would talk. Reaching over to the drawer, he didn't break eye contact with her. Opening the drawer, he pulled out the thermometer and, handing it to her, studied her as she stuck it under her tongue. After the it beeped, he took it away and recorded that her temperature was normal.
“That's an oxymoron. Sorrowful joy? That makes no sense” He finally said, causing Rin to frown at him. He raised an eyebrow. What did she want from him? The truth? Okay, he thought she was in a drug-induced high and would do better if she had just stayed unconscious, would that have made her happy? No, which, in addition to the fact that he rather enjoyed the lifestyle his job afforded him, is why Sesshoumaru refrained from saying that.
Rin sighed, crossing her legs and shaking her head. “It's symbolism, it doesn't have to make sense.” She pointed at the picture, “See how the birds are painted so that most of the detail is gone? It's done that way so that we aren't focused on the unimportant parts of the picture…So you can get the feel of it,” Sesshoumaru looked at the picture as she spoke, not fully understanding why he was even looking at the wall in the first place.
Shaking his head, he turned back to the girl. He would be adding to the clipboard that “no painkillers” shouldn't just be a request; it should be a demand. “I don't see what you're talking about. They're just drawings. On a wall. In a hospital. That's…” He was cut off by Rin's aggravated sigh, and suddenly took his head in her hands and turned it back to face the wall.
“The birds are white, and most likely doves which signal, remorse and freedom. Freedom from something holding them back, Remorse from finally leaving behind whatever held them back. I wish I could go to the beach, and fly like them” Rin spoke, a small smile on her face as she looked at them. Sesshoumaru, fully peeved that this girl had yanked his head towards a meaningless picture and rambled on about something that, although, did make sense, seemed to have no relevance with the reason she was here in the hospital. It seemed about time to call the psych department in for a consultation. Yet something held him back.
Turning around, he was about to lose his temper, hardly an unusual thing, but considering it was with a patient it would be a first for him. But when he turned he hadn't realized how close she had leaned in. So close were their faces, that Sesshoumaru could feel her breath against his lips. He struggled to remain nonchalant. The girl in front of him seemed to have no issues with personal space. She also had this far off look that sort of disturbed him. He didn't know why, but he suddenly wanted to shake the girl, make that look disappear, that almost sad expression that became almost haunting with that smile of…something. Sesshoumaru couldn't place it. Whatever it was, the look seemed…old. As if this girl, who could only be a few years younger then he was, knew something that he couldn't even fathom. As if she knew a secret that was only revealed with time. This bothered him. Sesshoumaru pulled away from her, and continued the examination in silence.
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Weeks passed, and the grueling heat of summer began to over take Japan, which meant more work for the hospital. It never ceased to amaze Sesshoumaru just how stupid people were when it came to heatstroke. Just because it had the word stroke in it, didn't mean it only happened to old people. Honestly. He was glad, for once, that he had clocked enough hours to take the rest of the day off. As he walked out into the parking lot, he was suddenly very glad that he had kept sunglasses in his locker. He had forgotten how bright the sun was. That thought made him frown. Was that really true? Could it really be that he hadn't seen the sun in that long? After thinking about it, he sighed. It was true, even when he was home during the day, he either spent it sleeping or researching for his next publication. As he walked towards his car the sound of a horn and someone yelling his name captured his attention. Turning around, he searched for the source, only to see the girl that had plagued him weeks before. Rin. That was her name. Why had he bothered to remember it? Groaning, he walked over to her car. But as he got closer, he had to suppress a smile.
The car the girl sat in was none other then an American Corvette convertible. Red. `70 or `71 by his estimation. Sesshoumaru had to admit, if this was her car, and she certainly seemed comfortable enough in it, she certainly had good taste. After regaining his composure and drawing his attention away from the beautifully conditioned car, he grumbled a “What are you doing here?” at her.
Frowning, the girl lowered her dark sunglasses and stared at him. Why was he so grumpy? Rin surely hadn't annoyed him so much that he didn't want to speak with her. Oh well, she had taken a liking to the young doctor, and sort of made a goal and a plan as to how she would go about achieving her goal once she saw him again. “I came for an appointment with Hashimoto-sensei. He wanted to make sure everything was okay. Anywho. I was hoping you could help me with something” Rin paused, an embarrassed look crossing her face, as she turned her attention ahead of her. Squeezing the wheel of the car, she bowed her head a little. “I have a car question,” she mumbled.
All of this was noticed as Sesshoumaru raised his eyebrow. A look of amusement crossed his face, but at the same time, he couldn't help but be a little disappointed. The girl obviously didn't know how to take care of her car. Shifting his bag to the other shoulder he nodded his head, signaling that he wanted her to continue. Rin sighed at this, rubbing the wheel once again and slumping down in the seat a little.
“It won't start,” She said, and, truthfully, Sesshoumaru had to refrain from bursting out in laughter. This girl was all worked up over the fact that her car wouldn't start. Sighing, he began to walk over to the hood. “I don't think it's the car…I think it's the fact that I can't really work a stick shift,” she said even quieter then her last remark. Sesshoumaru sighed, walking over to the passenger's seat; he opened up the door and shoved his bag in the tiny back seat. Closing the door. he turned to look at her, a rather disdainful look crossing his face. Hey, he was off duty, and he didn't have to be nice to her.
“Put it into neutral,” he said, as he watched her do it, he couldn't help think that the only good coming from this was the fact that he got to sit in the Corvette. “Foot on the brake, then start the car. From there put it into reverse.” His voice sounded rather monotone as his attention was turned to the gleam of the side mirrors. This car really was in marvelous shape. While his attention was turned away, he didn't really look at what Rin was doing.
The girl smirked as he began looking elsewhere. “Like this?” She said, as she shifted easily into reverse, sliding out of the parking spot, she expertly turned around in one move towards the exit. Hitting the locks, she shifted once again, easily into first gear, then to second, and into third as she sped out of the parking lot. Sesshoumaru gripped the side of the car, his gaze Harding into a glare.
“What is the meaning of this?” He said, his voice held the same tone as someone making a threat—each word seeping with an invisible amount of loathing. This girl was out of her goddamned mind. Sesshoumaru quickly buckled his seatbelt, and returned his hand where he could grip the side of the car. “Have you ever heard of a speed limit?” He hissed, his eyes narrowing, as if glaring at the cars ahead of them would make them less likely to get into an accident.
Rin laughed, causing Sesshoumaru to stop glaring at the cars, and look at her. Glancing at him out of the corner of her eye, she smiled. “Silly, I'm kidnapping you! And we're going to play hooky. I figured you probably had never even heard of a vacation, so I decided to show you what the outside world was like!” She said as she once again, passed a car. Sesshoumaru had to admit, that she was an excellent driver, even if she was out of her damn mind. Maybe it hadn't been the painkillers. Could one human really be this irresponsible? Sesshoumaru had a feeling he was about to find out.
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Rin laughed, Sesshoumaru had finally gotten out of the car, but he was obviously displeased with the place she had taken him. Oh well, it was his fault that he was being useless and not giving her ideas of where he had wanted to go. So, being Rin, she took him to a place that had always been the reason for her staying in Japan. The famous gardens of Japan, although this was a more secluded one she still thought it might help him. As for Sesshoumaru, all he could think about was the fact that he was wasting his time in a park. Surprised, when he suddenly found a small hand encasing one of his own, he could only look down at it, a little dumbfounded. What was her deal?
“Come on, Sesshy” He had told her his name in the car, and was suddenly regretting it when she had shortened it. True, most people shortened it to Sess or Sesshou, but never Sesshy. It was odd, but then again, so was Rin. She seemed so unaware of the normal formalities that kept the Japanese in a “norm” of respectable manners. She hardly ever used formalities, save for referring to someone as “doctor”. It seemed as if personal space had never even been implemented into her vocabulary, and most of all…she was pure, Pure of any kind of evil, both of the mind and soul. It was as if the harsh world Sesshoumaru had come to terms with long ago, didn't exist with her. Almost as if she hadn't even heard of it, she was too busy looking at the good in everything-- Bugs, animals, pictures, cars…. and even people. Her reality was the same at his, but for some reason, her perception of things seemed so much more fulfilling, and in that moment, Sesshoumaru made a decision. Even if it was for only a second, He wanted to be a part of that world. He laced his fingers with hers as they walked. He would protect her, from ever loosing that smile. No matter what, he would be a part of her world.
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So it went on like that, every week, she would come and pick him up and they would spend time some place or another. They began taking tours of parks, stopping to look at things Sesshoumaru would have never noticed. Rin had a way off finding the beauty in things that most wouldn't give a second glance. Surprisingly, Sesshoumaru began actually enjoying Rin's driving. She really wasn't as reckless as he had thought. He had asked where she had learned to drive a stick shift, jokingly of course, but actually got a serious answer. Driving in the Chinese mountains of Karakoram. “If you can drive through those turns in your dad's old Junker of a Honda, you can drive anything” She had told him. If anyone else had said that, he would have just rolled his eyes. Instead, he was fascinated. Rin's childhood was amazing. As the summer progressed, Sesshoumaru couldn't help feeling more concentrated. Having something to look forward to during the week seemed as if it was an amazing motivator.
“Sesshoumaru! Wait, I need you to take a look at something” Kagura's voice stopped the man in his tracks. He groaned, why couldn't she do it herself? It was his day with Rin. Everyone knew that he took Fridays off. Turning around to face Kagura, he gave her a rather bored look.
“Are you so incompetent that you can't do it yourself?” He spoke, knowing that if Rin had heard him, he would have gotten smacked upside the head. He would risk it at the moment. Every Friday when he left, Kagura had something she simple had to have him look at. It was beginning to grate on his nerves. He knew she hated the fact that he was spending so much time with someone.
Kagura glared at him. Whatever that girl was doing, it was changing him, and Kagura didn't like that one bit. Why hadn't she changed him? Why was it this girl was able to warm this Prince's heart? She had left him, in hopes that he would come after her. He never did. He practically acted like he didn't care. As if it was a privilege she had gotten to spend time with him, and now she no longer got that “privilege”. Squeezing the paper in her hand, she thrust it at him. She was fed up with him; he could shove it for all she cared. Storming off, she left Sesshoumaru smirking.
Shaking his head he couldn't help but laugh a little. Kami, that women annoyed him. How on earth he had been obsessed with her was beyond him. Shaking his head, he bent down and picked up the small piece of paper. His eyebrow rose when he saw Rin's number on it, and a note. Turning, he left the building, deciding to see why Rin wanted him to go to do all this.
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Sesshoumaru was a little surprised to find the address she had given him was a rather hip jazz club in the Shin. Even more surprised when he told the ticket booth his name, and the owner escorted him to a table. He stopped mid step when he saw who was already sitting at the table. Sesshoumaru had been expecting Rin to be sitting there, but once again, surprise surprise, another surprise. The memorable thick slivery hair of his brother, slowly, he recognized the back of his other friend's heads, Miroku, Sango, and the youngest of the group, Shippou, and one other he did not know. Walking slowly over to them, he was glad that Rin had told him to dress up. Everyone in the hall was wearing a sort of casual sleek look. So Sesshoumaru didn't feel so out of place with his dress shirt and slacks.
“Brother” He said as he stood behind InuYasha, the boy jumped, alone with Miroku. Both turned around and stood up, eager to see the missing member of the group. Miroku shook Sesshoumaru's hand, pulling him closer into that half hug they had always done, the act was repeated with Shippou and InuYasha. Sango though, hugged him. He patted her back. It really did seem like forever since he had seen them. Perhaps it was.
As the hours passed by, the friends reconnected. Sharing the stories and times that had happened between their last visit. His old friends were all a little taken aback by how chatty the once stoic teen of their memories was. They all enjoyed it thoroughly. Laughing and reminiscing, sharing the jokes with InuYasha's girlfriend, who Sesshoumaru decided that she was probably the best thing to ever happen to InuYasha. Kagome was a nice girl, defiantly completely the opposite of InuYasha, but both were obviously hotheaded. Somehow, that seemed to work for them. The music that started playing, only added to the fun that the group was having. It almost seemed like Sesshoumaru had never left at all…
“So, Sess, Why was it Rin couldn't be here again?” Miroku asked after yet another round of drinks came by. The drinks, they had been told, were already paid for. Sesshoumaru put down his drink, raising an eyebrow. He had almost completely forgotten that Rin was the one that had made him come here.
“Didn't she talk to you?” He asked, not letting on that he really had no idea what the girl's plans had been. Taking a sip of his drink he watched as most of them nodded. Interesting. Had Rin really planed all this? It was sort of an amazing feat if she really had been able to track them all down. Though he guessed he probably should have kept a better eye on her when he let her wait in his office.
“Yeah, but she just said that she would be a little late and meet us all her.. I was under the impression that she would show up by the second act. That's at least the way she made it sound,” Kagome said, she had been the one who had known who Rin was by the name. The rest were all quiet shocked to find out that the girl who had come to their doors was a world famous ballerina. Kagome had been rather disappointed that Rin hadn't been here. She would have liked to get to know her.
Sesshoumaru couldn't help the worry that ran through him. What had held her up? Was she in trouble? He pushed it aside though when he scanned through his pager. She had paged him apologizing that she really couldn't be there. After sharing the message with the others, they all went back to talking.
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Rin bit her lip as she canceled yet another show. She was doing her best not to cry in front of the press. Once again her manger told them it was nothing more then a miss scheduling, and that Rin wouldn't be able to handle everything else. Rin was so tired of it all. All she wanted was to dance, to her it was an escape, and more and more, that escape began to fade. It just hurt so much, both physically and mentally. She was over it, she could get through this, but loosing this, was like loosing a piece of herself. It must have showed, because when Sesshoumaru was over he noticed that something was wrong as soon as she opened the door.
“I'll kill them” He said after a second of looking at her, which just as he expected, got her to laugh. He watched as she turned back into her house and lead the way into the living room. Sesshoumaru couldn't help but notice how small she looked. Rin was only 5'0, but someone she looked so much smaller. Reaching out to her arm, he made her look at him. Staring at her for a moment, she finally turned away.
“What?” She asked as she sat down. Sesshoumaru fallowing suit, sat in one of the chairs. Normally Rin sat on the floor or in some weird angle on the couch, but today she sat stock still, as straight as her back would let her.
“You don't look good. What's wrong?” Worry shone through his eyes, and Rin couldn't help but smile. Sesshoumaru was no doubt a good looking man, and those eyes--swirling pools of liquid gold—had been so cold when she first saw them, and now, they seemed…warmer, like the sun. They had a way of making her forget. Just for a second, but that was really all it took. Reaching over she took his hands and shook her head.
“I had to cancel another show. It's not a big deal, but you know me. I always feel so bad about those people who paid all that money to see me,” Rin said, standing slowly, and walking to her room, she beckoned Sesshoumaru to fallow. He did, but wasn't really satisfied with her answer. He watched as she went over to the window. He smiled ever so slightly. Rin loved summer. It was defiantly her favorite part of year. It surprised Sesshoumaru how fast the summer had come; it would be fall next month.
Walking over to her dresser, he raised an eyebrow at a picture as he saw a picture on her dresser. The photograph was an old Polaroid of a sunset, the beautiful red and orange colors reflecting against the ocean. “I thought you said you had never been to beaches in Japan?” He asked as he flipped the photo over to read “Iwo” on the back. The righting though, he could tell, wasn't Rin's. Had it been some family vacation?
“I didn't take that picture… My mother did.. She always had it with her so that where ever she went, she knew, that Iwo would still be in her heart,” Rin said, as she looked out the window. Sesshoumaru turned, that look was on her face again. That smile. He hated it. She kept getting that look more and more often. It bothered him, but he couldn't really say why. His thoughts were pulled away from that though as she spoke again.
“She always told me that, when I needed the picture, I could have it. I was so mad at her for telling me that as a child,” Rin laughed, but it wasn't really that happy laugh Sesshoumaru had become almost addicted too. This once made him Flinch. “When she gave it to me yesterday, I really wished she hadn't given it to me” Rin smiled bitterly and shook her head. Turning to look at Sesshoumaru she rolled her eyes. “Parents. Always knowing just how to be a buzz kill” She stuck out her tongue, which eased the tension out of Sesshoumaru. There was the Rin he knew.
“If you had one last wish, what would it be, Shessy?” Rin asked, her gaze made him uncomfortable, and he didn't really know why. He shrugged and went back to look at the picture. He looked back up at her, though, when she laughed. Raising an eyebrow he watched her. Rin's gaze had returned to the window.
“My last wish…Is to fly on the beach in Iwo…I grew up around there… But I've never been to the beach…That's what I would do…You…you would fly too, Shessy, Wouldn't you?” Sesshoumaru's eyes widened as Rin collapsed, rushing to her side.
----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------
Sesshoumaru felt so stupid. He had but broke down right there next to her. He was a doctor and all he did was freeze. He didn't know why, but the nurse had called his brother. Normally he would have yelled at her, but right now, he really couldn't bring himself to do much but sit and stair at the picture of Iwo. His brain frozen on the image of her tiny little body crumpled on the ground like a wilted flower. It was like everything stopped, that image imprisoned in his brain. He blinked when he realized that Sango was hugging him. She had always been like the third sibling in the Inu family. They had known her longer then even Miroku.
“Have you talked to the doctor yet?” Kagome's voice drifted into his mind. Looking up at her he just stared. Why would she ask him that? He was a doctor. He should know what was wrong with her…that thought sickened him; he hadn't even thought anything was really wrong with her. How had he missed whatever it was that was making her sick? The others must have told Kagome what Sesshoumaru's occupation was, because she covered her mouth and whispered how sorry she was to him.
Suddenly, the door to the SP corridor opened, and Hiroshi Hashimoto walked out. Sesshoumaru stood. It took him a second to remember that Rin had mentioned him as her doctor. Now that he was thinking about it, Hiroshi didn't even work on the same floor as the emergency room, so it was odd that Rin had even chosen him to be her doctor. Sesshoumaru saw the look on his face as he gestured for him to come. The look was one that Sesshoumaru knew by heart. It was the look that he had given people when someone was really sick.
“Rin has been my patient now for six years. And in truth I'm surprised she's been able to keep the truth from anyone for so long. Let alone keep up with her active life. But I guess that's why it's attacking her so hard this time…”
“I'm not someone off the street Hashimoto, I am a doctor, so spare me the preparation” Sesshoumaru spat. He just wanted to know what the hell was going on. “So tell me now, or…”
“Polio, Sesshoumaru… She has Polio” His voice wasn't harsh, or angry about being cut off before. Sesshoumaru shook his head.
“No. Polio hasn't been in Japan since the seventies. There's no way she can have gotten it” Sesshoumaru spoke, shaking his head not believing what he head.
“Rin's father had them moving all around the world by the time she was three. She missed two of the four vaccinations, and at the most crucial of ages.. You're right about Japan, but since all are vaccinated, the government didn't see the need to set the alert for a polio epidemic. It's an imported case so that changes…”
“That's impossible. “ Sesshoumaru yelled. Causing Hiroshi to widen his eyes. He had never once heard Sesshoumaru raise his voice.
“She had been to all four of the countries that consider it a major epidemic by the time she was seven. Sesshoumaru, stop thinking you are the only one that cares for her. She had touched everyone's heart that she has come into contact with…. Do you even understand how hard this is for her parents? She only recently agreed to see them for the first time since finding out! If anything she is the only one that cared about you!” The elder doctor had had about enough.
Straightening, Sesshoumaru turned and walked into her Room. As he opened the door, he prayed to every god he could think of that she wouldn't be in that bed, that she would be standing and petting the birds. Sesshoumaru gripped the doorknob so tightly that his hand throbbed. She was in the bed. Coming to her side, Sesshoumaru fell to her knees. How could he have let his happen?
“Shessy?” His head shot up to look into those chocolate hued eyes, grabbing her hand, he brought it to his lips. It took all the strength he had not to let out a cry of joy. Rin smiled at him. He smiled back weakly. Rin brought her hand to his head and ran her fingers through his hair. “You look so sad….It will be okay… It's okay to cry.. Sometimes it helps” She spoke. Pulling his hair a little, she moved over a little. Sesshoumaru felt helpless. So utterly helpless. Getting up, he laid next to Rin in the tiny hospital bed.
Rin softly began to sing, running her fingers through his hair long hair. He hadn't had time to throw it back into it usual ponytail. Biting the inside of his cheek, he slowly, broke down, but for once. It wasn't in anger, and he wasn't along.
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Rin awoke to her blankets being pulled off of her. It had been a week since she and Sesshoumaru had been in the hospital together. Hiroshi had called her once they had released her to tell her he had taken off of work. Rin worried. Yet as she sleepily opened her eyes, she was met with a pair of liquid gold ones gazing back at her. “Shessy” She whispered, still half asleep. Strong arms lifted her from her warm bed and carried her out of the house, placing her into the convertible; he started the car, and began to drive. Rin slowly fell asleep as the motor hummed a sweet lullaby in her ear.
Hours passed, until Rin slowly opened her eyes. She jumped when she realized she was in her car. The road outside the window was dark and she had no idea where she was. Turning, She relaxed when she saw Sesshoumaru. After a moment of shifting around to a comfortable position, she turned and looked at him. Neither of them spoke. Another three hours passed until Sesshoumaru finally stopped the car. Turning, he got out. Rin made to get out the other side, but stopped when she remembered she couldn't. Rin's bottom lip quivered a little, and she bit it. Her convertible couldn't hold her wheelchair. Most of the muscles in her legs were useless now. She had little mobility, and what she did have was painful. Suddenly the door opened, Sesshoumaru reached inside and picked her up. Rin wrapped her arms around his neck.
As Sesshoumaru Started walking, Rin rested her head on his shoulder. After a few more steps, he stopped, tossing off his shoes. Rin opened her eyes. Looking down she smiled. “Sand” She whispered as two tears fell down her cheeks and dripped onto the dark earth. As Sesshoumaru continued walking, Rin saw that he had a blanket set up already. Two candles burning white candles held one edge down, whilst the others were held with seashells. He slowly set Rin down on the blanket. Sitting besides her, they watched the waves come in for a time. After a few minutes, Sesshoumaru stood. Holding out a hand to her, he smiled at her.
“Dance with me” He said, Rin smiled, and nodded. Slowly, he leaned down and picked her up again. Holding her wait, He slowly began to waltz. Rin held onto him tightly, and they danced, and danced, because in that moment. They had each other, and really, in the end. That's all that counts.