InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Life ❯ Heart's Desire ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter Two: Heart's Desire:
A sound in the woods woke her from her slumber. Rin looked over at Jaken who was still fast asleep and then out into the woods where she thought she heard the sound come from. She seemed to be drawn to the darkness of the trees and felt as though she was being watched. What was it? She climbed out of her bed roll and slowly made her way into the beckoning trees. She moved further and further into the woods looking around and listening for any sign of what had woken her, careful not to make any noise herself. Nothing. She looked up through the trees into the sky and sighed, drawing her arms around herself and shivered.
“Are you cold?” a deep masculine voice whispered behind her.
Rin whirled around in surprise and found herself looking up into the golden honey eyes of Lord Sesshoumaru himself. He was so close she could smell his woodland scent and feel the heat of his body. He wasn't wearing his armor, but just his kimono, which was open and showing off his sculpted chest. It was as though the night had allowed him to shed his unfeeling outer mask and he seemed relaxed, almost peaceful. She gasped in surprise and began to back away, but he reached for her grabbing her arm and pulling her to him. His other arm slipped around her waist and held her firmly against his hard body.
“Let me warm you.” He huskily purred into her ear and began to trail soft kisses up her neck.
His lips were like fire on her skin burning a hot path up her throat. Her heart hammered in her chest and she began to shiver more, but this time from pure desire. What's gotten into him? What's going on? By the gods how I've wanted this though! She tilted her head back softly moaning, unable to control herself. At her little noise he roughly pushed her hard up against the nearest tree covering her body with his. She gasped again as waves of desire rolled through her body. A growl reverberated through the air softly as he lowered his face to hers, his lips parting slightly. Her eyes drifted closed and she wrapped her free arm around his neck, her other still held in his iron grip. Her lips parted, ready for his kiss and…….
And Rin's eyes snapped open at the sound of the camp fire popping and cracking. It was just a dream! Her heart was pounding and she was drenched in sweat! That wasn't all though. She suddenly remembered her dream and that throbbing place between her legs throbbed still harder! But the most startling thing of all was that she was staring straight into the golden eyes that had haunted her dream! Lord Sesshoumaru crouched low to the ground across the fire starring at her, his eyes locked with hers. He looked almost angry! She blinked and he was gone! She sat up and looked around. I know he was there! What was he doing? Why did he look at me like that? Ugh! Rin lay there for the rest of the night trying to regain control of herself. Her body ached and quivered with a need that she didn't understand but somehow knew Lord Sesshoumaru was the only one who could satisfy it.
Sesshoumaru sat in the sturdy branches of the tall tree above the camp and looked down at his ward. She had tossed for quite a while before he heard her heartbeat slowing and she finally drifted off to sleep. She had grown into a rather lovely young woman. She was about 18 human years he guessed. She had come into her cycle some four years ago and he had been careful to avoid her around her time of the month. The scent she gave off during that time rather puzzled him because it distracted him so much and he didn't like the feeling. Now she was old enough to mate and have pups of her own. His gaze trailed down the length of her. She had thick glossy waves of black hair and full pink lips. Her almond shaped eyes, he knew, were a deep hazel that sparkled with laughter all the time and her skin was as smooth as cream despite the time she spent in the sun. She had long slim legs and she had also developed curves in all the right places. She was petite and fit and the parts of her body that were viewable were well toned. She was utterly feminine in every sense of the word, and she commanded his attention more and more of late. At that moment he heard her murmur something in her sleep. Did she just say my name? He jumped silently down from his perch to the ground and crouched low to get a better look at her. She lay with her sheet stripped away. Her sleeping clothes were damp with sweat and her hair was fanned out around her. Her brow was slightly creased and her lips were parted. Her breathing was ragged and heavy and he could hear her heart pounding. His gaze raked across the perfect swells of her breasts raising and falling with her breath. He would have thought her in distress, but what suddenly distracted him the most was that now, in her sleep, she was giving off the most erotic and intoxicating scent he had ever smelled, and it was not her normal hint of cherry blossoms. She smelled of strong sexual tension and energy!
Damn she smells so….so…she smells irresistible! His blood seemed to come alive and coarse through his veins. He felt a sudden and very powerful longing to wake her and thoroughly ravish her, to make her cry out his name! Sesshoumaru blinked at the thought, stunned and angered at his body's response to her.
So you desire a human female now? Control yourself! This Sesshoumaru will not be tempted by a human! Ever! He blinked again at that thought. It had been decades since he had felt desire for anything other than for attaining power and expanding his great territory.
Just then, Rin's eyes snapped open and her gaze locked with his. His heart gave a quick jerk at having been caught starring at her. She blinked her lovely eyes, seemingly in a daze and he took the opportunity to vanish from her sight. He reappeared in the woods some distance away and leaned against a tree letting the cool night air surround him. He took a deep calming breath and let it out slowly. He could feel his entire body actually shaking with restraint, and his heart felt as though it would beat its way out of his chest any moment. This new feeling, this longing that he had not given his body or heart permission to feel made him angry.