InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Life ❯ Life Mates ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter Four: Life Mates
Lord Sesshoumaru was very clearly enraged! His eyes glowed a deep blood red and his fangs had elongated to sharp points that could be seen as he snarled. His silver hair swirled about him as his own power crackled in the air swallowing up Kane's completely. Lord Sesshoumaru had grabbed her wrist pulling her roughly aside and had hurled Kane several feet into the crashing waves. Rin blinked, still almost drunken with Lord Kane's seduction.
Lord Kane struggled to his feet in the water, dripping from head to toe, and glared at Lord Sesshoumaru. His eyes too had gone red.
“She will be mine, Sesshoumaru!” Kane growled aggressively as he began to lower into a crouch, ready to attack, but before he could make his move, a stinging whip of lightning lashed out at him from Lord Sesshoumaru's fingertips and knocked him back into the water. He sputtered and hissed as he got to his knees in the foamy waves.
“So be it! I will take her by force! You do not deserve her!” Kane barked at Lord Sesshoumaru.
“The next time I see you, I will kill you.” Lord Sesshoumaru stated in his matter of fact manner, but there was a more harsh quality to it to match his appearance. He stood perfectly still, silver strands of silky hair flowing about him in the crackling power that was seeping off of him. Rin's wrist was still firmly gripped in one fist, his other hand poised casually in the air, ready for another attack. His blood red gaze consumed Kane and never faltered.
Kane's eyes drained back to their emerald color and he leaned back in the water, sitting on his heels, his shoulders slumping in acknowledged defeat.
Rin blinked again looking up at her infuriated master in shock and confusion.
What's going on here? And how could Kane think to be so disrespectful to Sesshoumaru-sama!
But before she could voice her question she was jerked to a half run as Lord Sesshoumaru turned and began to walk away, dragged her back up the path towards the palace.
“Sessh….Sesshoumaru-sama! Please! You're hurting me!” She pleaded helplessly as her wrist began to burn in his acid grasp.
He pulled her into the main house and proceeded down the hall, but rather than turn towards her room where she figured he was taking her, he turned towards his own quarters. They reached his rooms and he roughly tossed her through the doorway spilling her unceremoniously onto the floor. He entered after her and turned to the door sliding it closed. He remained facing the door standing completely still. Gripping her injured wrist, Rin looked up at her angry master's form.
The arrogant, weak, brainless tiger dared to insult my house! How dare he presume to even touch what is mine! How could she even consider the tiger as a mate! He is not good enough for her by even half!
“He did not ask my permission! I will be the one to choose your mate!” He whispered harshly.
…choose my mate!? Rin blinked in confusion.
“M'lord, I don't understand.” But before she could say anything else he whirled around dropping to his knees before her and grabbing her.
“Do you not know what he was doing?” He growled out, golden eyes flashing in anger.
How could she not know! Does she desire Kane? Is she ready to leave this Sesshoumaru so soon?! He wanted to shake her and order her never to even think of Kane again!
“He…he was kissing me…it was just a kiss!” She stammered, hurt by his anger at her.
“He was about to mark you with the first mark! He did not ask permission! How dare he presume to even look at you! You are mine until I decide…!” Lord Sesshoumaru snapped his mouth closed biting off his words. He had said too much. He needed to calm himself now!
Rin could hardly believe what she had just heard! His! Until he decides… what? What am I to him anyway? I am no use, and he does not love me! What good am I to him? What purpose do I serve? Am I just an object? A possession that he may tire of and discard whenever he chooses? It was these thoughts that had almost made her accept Kane when he had first proposed.
She was starring up at him with a stunned expression on her face, still gripping her injured wrist, tears welling up in her hazel eyes and her lips trembling. He could sense her heart beat and smell the salt of her tears. She didn't smell of fear though. She smelled of sadness. His own heart jerked.
Startled by his sudden and very uncharacteristic outburst she stammered.
“I didn't know. I'm sorry. It's my fault! He wanted to come to you weeks ago, but I told him not to!” She lowered her eyes to the floor and allowed the tears to fall. “I didn't know that I didn't have a choice in the matter.” She whispered so weakly that Sesshoumaru's demon ears barely picked up the words.
Wait a minute! Weeks ago! Just what has been going on around here?
He let her go and in one fluid motion stood and moved to stand at the window. The sun was gone now and darkness was falling. He could still hear the waves of the ocean though. He took several calming breaths closing his eyes. Her cherry blossom scent came to his nose, overpowering the sickening scent of her tears.
“Have none of your studies included mating rituals?” His voice had calmed to its normal bored tone.
“Yes M'lord.” She whispered, heat rising to her damp cheeks at the subject. “But all my lessons have been on human mating. Master Jaken didn't feel it necessary to go into detail about any of the demon rituals since I am just a human.” She said meekly.
Sesshoumaru let out a silent sigh of frustration. Jaken will pay. He didn't want to explain this to her! He didn't even want to think about the mating rituals! More than that, he just didn't want his thoughts filled with intimate details when her scent was so sweet and inviting! But if he was to find her a demon mate, then she would need to know what was to come.
He remembered the sudden wave of jealousy that had punched him in the stomach at the sight of her in the other male's arms. But that jealousy turned to rage when he felt Kane's power fill the air as they kissed. He would not stand by while Kane gave her the first mark! She was His! No! That mark would steal her affection from him and he was not ready to give her up just yet! He had reacted without thinking.
Another thought entered his mind. She had defended the tiger, taking the blame for Kane not asking his permission to take her as his mate `weeks ago.' She had not said anything about refusing the tiger demon's advances either, and he had no clue what had been going on between the two! Images of secret kisses and soft caresses flashed through his imagination. He remembered the intoxicating scent she had been giving off that night on their journey and wondered if it had been dreams of Kane that inspired her arousal. His blood began to boil with this cruel jealousy that was so new to his veins.
Stop it! He commanded his mind and body to be still.
Rin sat on the floor where she had been dumped and looked around while her master stood in quiet contemplation. She had never been in his rooms before and she took a moment to look around as she wiped her tears from her face.
It was a large comfortable room. There was a door at the back of the room and she wondered where it led to. His furniture was all a deep rich mahogany and there were several rugs adorning the wooden floor. Tapestries woven in rich colors hung on the walls depicting great battle scenes, each with a huge dog-demon in it. She wasn't sure, but she did not think that the demon on the tapestries was Lord Sesshoumaru. His father? His bed was what drew most of her attention though. It was sunken into the floor and was very wide. It was made up of huge pillows and silk sheets all in dark reds. She blushed as she imagined her Lord Sesshoumaru laying in those sheets, his pale skin and silver hair in bright contrast to the dark sheets. She could feel the warmth of desire beginning to spread through her and she shivered.
Lord Sesshoumaru turned suddenly and starred at her. His expression blank as usual.
Gods! It's true! He can sense my feelings!
He looked down at her, taking in her changing scent and rapid heart beat. She sat on his bedroom floor looking up at him with big, lustrous hazel eyes, her cheeks streaked with tears, and lips kiss swollen. Her dark, wild hair hung about her shoulders in soft waves of silk. Kane's kiss has affected her greatly! Gods she smells so good! He tore his gaze from her forcing himself to calm down and tried to block out her scent. He needed to be as far away from her as possible before he forgot himself.
“Go sit over there.” He commanded, pointing at his bed. He moved about the darkening room and lit a few candles before settling himself on the floor hidden in the shadows against the far wall opposite his bed. The orange candle light flickered and glowed giving the darkening room a warm, mysterious, and rather intimate feel.
She did as she was told and as soon as she was comfortable he began. Her heart skipped a beat as she soaked in the sound of his deep voice. She never heard him speak this much!
“Strong female demons have always been scarce since it is most common for demons to produce male offspring. Needless to say, there is much competition between males for the favor of a desired female. Demon unions are rarely formed in love, demons being more power oriented than driven by emotion. They are mostly political unions. The marks are nature's way of sealing life mates to each other throughout the centuries of their lifespan ensuring a pure bloodline. The marking rituals are as old as time itself and strong male demons perform them by instinct. There are, however, formalities that must be observed! First, the male gets the consent of the strongest male in the female's bloodline, and then that consenting male confirms the union with his own power, a sort of seal of approval. If this is not done, then it is looked on as a disrespectful challenge.” He swallowed the angry growl forming low in his throat. “Kane has challenged me this night.”
“The first marking ritual is a kiss which is sealed with the male's power and binds the female's heart to him alone. This first mark is to ensure her faithfulness to him. A sort of seduction. The affects are not unpleasant for the female. It has been described as being in love. It is not necessary, but it makes arranged marriages more…..bearable.” He said this last as though the words tasted bad in his mouth. “It is called, simply, The Kiss.”
Rin's eyes widened as realization and understanding dawned on her.
“That will not matter when I have marked you as my mate! You will love me!” Kane's words echoed in her mind.
“The second marking ritual is a bite given to the female on the left collarbone, or above her left breast over her heart. The wound, when first given, is sealed with the male's power and a scar forms after it heals that physically marks her as taken. The male's scent is also embedded in her after this effectively marking her as a specific male's territory. It is painful, so it is usually given during the height of a sexual act between the two. It is called Branding”
He was quiet for a moment, a faded memory coming to him briefly. He blinked and pushed it to the back of his mind. He looked out the window. He could smell a storm coming.
Rin held her breath waiting for him to continue. She thought she felt sadness hanging in the air, but as he sat in the shadows, she couldn't see him. Before she could ponder this any further he took up his lesson again, his voice soft and masculine.
“The third and final marking ritual, called Binding, is the sharing of blood. It is usually done at the same time Branding occurs. The male and female both drink from each other's blood, the male weaving his power into it. This binds each soul to the other. The mates spend the rest of their lives together after this. After this mark, neither is able to be unfaithful to the other, each connected to the life force, the very soul of the other. If one dies, the other usually follows soon after. I have heard it described as watching someone die of a broken heart, and I have only known one demon to survive the loss of his life's mate.” He said these last words in a barely audible tone.
A memory filled with such pain, so much loss that he nearly cried out from the pain it caused his forgotten heart, suddenly burst from the recesses of his mind. He took in his breath and held it, closing his eyes and willing the images to be locked away again, and continued.
“The Life Mate rituals have been performed for centuries to ensure strong bloodlines, and have been used to seal many treaties and agreements. Any demon with honor and a sense of dignity and duty to his family performs the rituals when he chooses his mate. If at least the last two marks are not given, then he has no claim to the female at all. Anyone may take her, and she is not recognized as his mate, rather she is viewed as a sort of concubine. Any offspring produced by a demon couple who has not shared the marks will not be recognized as heirs to the family titles, estates, territory…nothing.”
His explanation ended, and silence filled the room. Lightning flashed through the window illuminating the room briefly and she thought she saw his eyes on her.
“If Lord Kane had succeeded in completing The Kiss, what would have happened to me?” Rin asked softly, almost afraid to hear the answer.
Perhaps he already has. How can I test it? Sesshoumaru pondered to himself.
“I do not know, but there would be nothing I could do. Death is the only event that may remove it.”
“Oh.” She swallowed.
“You are human, and though you are strong and healthy, I do not know what would happen to you. They are demon mating rituals.”
“Oh.” She said again.
They sat in silence listening to the rumbling thunder in the distance for several moments. Lord Sesshoumaru was calmer now. He was able to think clearly once again, and his thoughts turned grudgingly to Lord Kane.
“Kane has expressed wishes for you as his mate before today?” Sesshoumaru asked in his bored tone.
Yes, but what does it matter when all I ever think about is you! Her mind cried.
“Yes M'lord.” She answered simply and turned her gaze to the window blushing.
Sesshoumaru watched her blush innocently. Why did she not assure him that she did not return Kane's feelings? His gaze fell to her lips. They were down turned in a frown. It looked very out of place on his Rin's pretty face. His Rin! How he suddenly wished he could make those lips turn up into a smile again. He found himself wondering how those soft full lips would taste. Sudden anger filled him again.
How dare Kane presume to take her without my permission! How dare he take her first kiss! My kiss!
A growl took form before he could stop it. My kiss? He tore his gaze from her and stood in one motion and paced across the room like a caged animal. Enough! He commanded his thoughts.Such sentiments will not continue! This is exactly why you are seeking a mate for her!
Rin was again startled by Lord Sesshoumaru's uncharacteristic show of any type of emotion. He clearly radiated agitation.
“M'Lord, are you angry with me?” She asked in a hurt tone. Why else would he be acting like this?
When he reached the window he stopped and stood for several moments watching the lightning. His long hair seemed to glow in the flickering candle light.
YES! How could you want another!? Have I not given you everything!? His mind screamed at her, again having automatically reacted with jealous rage.
“No.” He answered her after a moment and then he turned to her, fixing her with golden eyes that seemed to bore into her soul.
“You will stay here until I return.” He ordered and was gone, leaving her sitting on the edge of his bed. Thunder rumbled in the distance.
Sesshoumaru headed out into the storm eager to be away from her. He couldn't seem to gain control of himself around her right now. Her scent was so sweet and such torture! How he had wanted to touch her! It was becoming evident that he would have to find her a suitable match and be done with her before he lost the control he had always prided himself for having and ravished her!
His restless thoughts conjured up an image of Kane as Rin's mate and he snarled into the storm at the thought!
Fool! He chided himself inwardly. Why does Kane anger me? Am I not seeking a mate for her?! NO! Not him! He is not worthy!
Sesshoumaru had disliked the arrogant tiger demon almost as soon as he had encountered him; however, he had commissioned him for Rin's combat instruction because of his reputation for being a great warrior on the battlefield. Sesshoumaru snorted to himself at this thought. It was not the tiger's arrogance or conceit that Sesshoumaru disliked though. There was something dark about him, and he always seemed as though he were about to challenge Sesshoumaru to a duel to the death at any moment. It was because he was cousin to the ruling clan of the North that he even tolerated the behavior. It was said that Kane had even been disinherited by his father several hundred years ago, but his father had died suddenly in his sleep around the same time. No, Sesshoumaru needed the alliance with the North to go as smoothly as possible. He had grudgingly allowed the tiger to tutor Rin.
Well, he would tolerate the tiger no longer! It was possible that Kane had succeeded in giving Rin the Kiss which meant that as long as he lived, Rin's weak, emotional, human heart would belong only to Kane! He tried to convince himself that the reason he was after Kane was that if Rin had been marked, she would not be able to be taken as a mate by whomever he chose for her. The marks would not be able to be given. Images of Rin drunken with desire for the tiger flashed across his thoughts. Oh Yes! The tiger would die! Lightning flashed and a clap of thunder boomed throughout the night sky as the fierce rain stung his face. Indeed, he would enjoy being the hand of death this night!