InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Life ❯ What Secrets Lie in Oblivion ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: hello All! Thanks for the reviews! This was a difficult chapter to write, mostly because I just wanted to skip it and go right to the next, which I am soooo excited about! Anyway, here you go! I didn't have anyone look it over before I posted, so, sorry for the mistakes.
I do not own Inuyasha or its characters.
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Chapter Eleven: What Secrets Lie in Oblivion
The creature came to rest in the dark recesses of the cave, his beady eyes perfectly adjusted to the dim light, and snarled in rage.
“Fucking InuYokai!” He hissed as he began to pace back and forth.
“The master will not be pleased by this at all!”
Thoughts of hatred and death came crashing through his inferior mind remembering his master. He had dreamed up a thousand different deaths for his master, each more gruesome than the last. But, he had served this powerful and hated demon for centuries now.
All for what?
He could barely remember why he, the most feared and respected, the most powerful of his kind, was bowing to this demon.
But, remember he did.
The treasure.
The master had promised the sword as payment all those centuries ago. The sword of life was a valuable piece of treasure. He ached with the need that had grown in him for the sword. Yes. He was loyal for that reason alone.
He sneered as a particularly horrid fantasy of his master's death played out across his mind. And then inspiration took hold of him.
The other sword.
The one called Tokijin.
It could be powerful enough to kill the master. Perhaps it is time to stop playing the master's games. Perhaps it is time to kill the master and just take the treasure myself.
Just as the treacherous thoughts entered the creature's mind, flames erupted throughout the cavern crawling along the walls and effectively blocking off his escape. He was surrounded by the thick hot waves. A terrible voice echoed through the cavern as fear began to take hold of him.
“You have returned empty handed.” It said smoothly, with no hint of emotion.
“You have failed again. This time, you will die.” The deep, evil voice of his master stated as simple fact.
The waves of fire began to swell and expand inward on the cowering creature.
“M…master…pl…please wait!” The creature begged as it tried to curl into the smallest amount of space possible and searching through the flames for any indication as to where his master might be standing.
“The demon lord came in…and…and then so did the panther…Agh!...and the toad!” Each word became higher pitched as the flames drew nearer.
“I think the demon lord may be wounded, and…and…” He threw out any and all bits of information hoping to catch the master's interest.
“And…the panther is there as a guest! The rumors of a match must be true! M…master…please! She is no longer a threat! ” The flames came to a halt.
For several moments the demon cowered in the silence, the hot flames licking at the hairs protruding from his rough skin, and then the master's voice came to him through the scorching heat.
“This information pleases me, and for that reason alone I shall allow you to keep your life.”
The flames began to recede and extinguish. Darkness crept back into the cavern; the master's final statement echoing throughout.
“If you should fail again in anything else, you will die.”
The creature's heart raced and he could feel the tremors of fear shivering through his body, but anger was swiftly growing and overtaking all other feelings.
Yes, it is time to end my servitude. I will not play his games any longer. I will call him `Master' no more! He will die!
He could feel a warm satisfying feeling filling him as he plotted just how he would kill the master and take the treasure that was rightfully his.
A week had passed since Lord Sesshoumaru had fallen ill and he had yet to wake from his feverish death like sleep. Rin lay at the side of his plush pallet. She had been watching the sleeping figure in the dim candle light when she had drifted off to sleep. His fever had finally broken only just the night before and he had finally stopped thrashing and mumbling in his unconscious state. He seemed to rest peacefully for the first time in days. He was so pale; his hollow cheeks almost a grayish color. His breathing was labored, but finally calm.
She had not left his side for more than a moment's time all week, wiping his brow with cool cloth and constantly dripping water through his parted lips. He had whispered hoarse broken statements of his mother dying several times throughout his fever, but two nights ago he had whispered her name. She had thought she had imagined it, but when she had looked down at him, his eyes were thin slits of a golden gaze on her. He had swallowed and whispered again, so softly she could barely make out his words.
“Rin,… my…” But then he appeared to have passed out again.
Her heart had leapt into her throat as she bolted to his side with a cool rag to wipe is brow gently.
“Master….?” She whispered lightly to him as she watched for any indication that he might still be conscious. She had stared so intently that she had jumped in surprise when a warm drop of liquid had suddenly splashed onto his cheek. She could not hold back her tears as they trickled down her cheeks and chin. He did not stir. Not a flutter of an eyelash. Nothing. That night he seemed to get even worse and Master Kenta had even told her to prepare herself for the worst. She had cried for him the rest of that night. Her heart was breaking. Her world was crashing down all around her. What was she to do without him?
She had stayed by his side, watching his chest rise and fall, listening to every single intake and release of his breath. Her small hand stayed on his chest, feeling every single beat of his heart. And with every breath, every beat of his heart she wondered if it was to be his last. Her tears did not stop for days, and she did not take her eyes from him for a single moment until Master Kenta had finally told her that his fever had broken. She had fallen into an exhausted sleep after that.
Now she lay at the side of his bed having continued her silent vigil over him.
Sesshoumaru seemed to drift in a thick hazy fog. He swam through it fighting for something. He wasn't sure what. Light pierced through his brain and he squeezed his eyes shut. His head was getting clearer now. He was vaguely aware that he was nestled deep into soft pillows. His bed. He was lying in his bed.
He inhaled deeply as he fought to open his eyes and gave up for a moment and just listened. The familiar scent of his room, his sheets, and his pillows surrounded him, but another sweeter, more feminine scent that was foreign to his room was present.
He took another breath, inhaling deeply, and slowly opened his eyes, squinting in the dim candle light. Rin lay at his side just barely off his bed. Her eyes were closed, her breathing even, her brow etched with worry. He smelled her tears and saw the dark circles under her closed eyes.
It took all of his energy, but he reached his hand to her and gently pushed a strand of thick hair from her face. His energy now drained he dropped his hand and closed his eyes to the sleep that demanded his attention.
Rin opened her eyes slowly. She had felt the lightest brush against the skin of her cheek. Lord Sesshoumaru still lay sleeping beside her.
He stood bare foot in the sand watching as the waves rolled in. He felt oddly numb as he reached out and let the ashes in his hand filter through his fingers into the rolling sea. His mother had loved the sea. His heart jerked at a sudden thought and his hand began to tremble. He wondered if his unborn sibling would have loved the sea too.
His father stood at the window in the library, tall and powerful.
“You betrayed her.” Sesshoumaru said. Anger boiled through his veins as he watched his father turn to him.
“You are angry with me for living, is that it?” The Western Lord asked his son.
Sesshoumaru's eyes bled red and his claws lengthened. He widened his stance preparing for the attack.
“Your marks were false! Everyone in the land will see that you have lived while your mate has died! You dishonor her! All will believe that you kept her as a concubine!” He yelled, and then he lunged.
His father was quick. There was no impact as Sesshoumaru brought his claws, dripping with poison, through the air.
“Sesshoumaru. Stop this! We had the ceremonies. There were witnesses. We had a seal of approval. No one questions my loyalty to your mother.” Inutashio explained, trying to calm his son.
“I question it!” Sesshoumaru spat.
“She has been gone a month and you have already taken that human to your bed! I can smell it you know. I can smell the hanyou growing in the human's womb!”
His heart was clenched in pain at the thought of his dead sibling. He had wanted a sibling. A sister or brother. His mother had wanted it. He had wanted it. But not this hanyou. It would not, could not, replace the one that was lost.
Sesshoumaru saw the anger building in his father. He had hit a weakness. Good.
“If you are concerned about your status as the heir to the West being questioned, let me assure you that your title is safe! And…you will continue with this treaty!” He growled and then vanished.
The comment had felt like a slap in the face. He had been so angry. So hurt. He had not even thought about his inheritance, or of the treaty. How dare his father accuse him of such heartlessness!
The human has poisoned his mind. He is not the same.
Perhaps his father had indeed died with his mother.
The little human child was bruised and battered, toothless and dirty. She was obviously an outcast among her own kind, mistreated and neglected, but she fearlessly, or perhaps stupidly, continued to try and save him, a demon. When she smiled the first time, something in him loosened. Some tight ache eased.
Hazel eyes haunted his dreams. The scent of cherry blossoms lingered in the air. The delicate sound of feminine laughter echoed through the palace.
Her lips had been so soft. So tender and sweet. He had wanted to devour her. He had wanted to take her right then. His need for her was growing painfully and there was only one way to ease it. She had to be his. His Rin.
“My…my Rin…” She was there now, watching over him. Worry was clear in her eyes. Then she was gone, but before she faded completely he heard her whisper to him, trying to call him back.
But it cannot be.
She stood hand in hand beside Lord Kazuo. Her eyes locked with his own. She mouthed the words “Yes, M'lord” as a single tear slid down her cheek.
His heart squeezed inward as he realized that she was merely obeying his command to marry the panther. She would never disobey him. He had commanded it and now it tortured him.
But suddenly she was in the arms of Master Kane. Her eyes were filled with a misty, false passion now. She loved Kane! That insolent tiger had taken her first kiss! He had marked her! He had not given her the choice!
She should have loved me!
Rage burned through him and his sight bled to crimson hues. He could no longer contain it. He let out a growl that became a roar.
Sesshoumaru lashed out and shred the object before him with his whip, still yelling in fury. Feathers floated to the floor. He stood still then, and listened, his eyes adjusting to the darkness. There was no sound but the distant rumble of the waves crashing onto the beach. He could smell the faint scent of Rin in his rooms and a growl reverberated in his chest.
Where is she! She is with Kane! His inner voice poisoned his thoughts. Jealousy pulsed through him.
“RIN!” he yelled.
“Master Sesshoumaru!” It was Master Kenta, Rin's healing arts master.
“Where is she?” Sesshoumaru asked, his heart hammering. He felt weak and drowsy. He needed fresh air. He staggered over to the window.
“She…she stepped out for only a moment.” Master Kenta responded in confusion.
“M'lord, how are you feeling?” Kenta asked as he began to approach the disoriented demon lord.
“What happened?” Sesshoumaru asked mildly as he steadied himself. He could feel his calm returning to him, his head clearing as he stared out into the night.
“It was a poison, M'lord. It entered you blood stream when you injured your arm on Rin's window pane.”
“I am immune to poisons.” Sesshoumaru responded simply.
“Yes M'lord, but the attacker left behind some secretion that I cannot identify. It is the only explanation.”
“Is it still alive? It was the same creature that killed my mother many centuries ago. I wish to see it tortured for daring to attack what is mine again.”
Silence filled the room.
Sesshoumaru turned to face the suddenly pale healing master and raised a questioning eyebrow.
“M…m…master, it…ah…it was not captured. We have found no trace of it.”
“Then have Jaken prepare a hunting party. It can't have gotten far.” Sesshoumaru commanded as he looked out into the darkness once more.
“Ah…M'lord…we already…it has been…you have…” Sesshoumaru heard the healer swallow audibly and detected his heartbeat increasing. He was about to defy his order.
Faster than lightening Sesshoumaru had Kenta's throat in his grasp and lifted.
“What were you about to say?” He asked mildly, daring the demon to continue his refusal. His head was beginning to ache with from the little bit of exertion and he was not in a very tolerant mood.
“Fourteen…fourteen…agh…” But Kenta passed out. Sesshoumaru dropped him. He had caught the scent of cherry blossoms.
“Master…you have been unconscious for fourteen days.” Rin's soothing tones came to him from the doorway.
He did not turn around.
Fourteen days!
“I heard you call my name…”
“Were you injured?” He asked, an odd sense of, was it…shame, began to form in his chest. He did not turn to look at her.
Fourteen days!
“No M'lord.”
Relief washed over him.
But, I failed to capture the attacker. My mother's attacker. Rin almost fell to them and I failed again. The voice of shame whispered to him, driving him just a little mad.
He felt the lightest touch on his bare arm and looked down at the small hand.
“M'lord, do you not remember? You saved me.” She whispered.
He looked down into her eyes then and saw fresh tears glistening in them. He remembered. He remembered her screams of terror. His name on her lips. The fear that had shot through him when he had heard that terror.
“Why do you cry?” He asked softly.
She suddenly reached out and embraced him fiercely, her cheek against his bare chest, her small hands around his back tangling into his long hair.
“M'lord, I was so scared. I…I just…I felt so helpless and it was all my fault.” She whispered. “You would not have fallen had I been such a weak human.” She sniffled.
His body reacted to her touch like wild fire. Desire shot through his weakened body and he had to take several slow cleansing breaths to maintain his control. He did not return the embrace.
She is wrong. Her life was in danger, yet again, because of me. Because she is mine.
No, she is not mine any longer.
He grabbed her by the arms and forced her away from him.
“Rin, you know you are a target for the enemies of this Sesshoumaru.” He stated as he backed away from her.
Control. He reminded himself as he tried to block out he scent.
“Yes master, but…” But he interrupted her.
“You will no longer be as such once you have been mated to Lord Kazuo.” He stated in his mild tone, but jealousy fluttered through him.
How simple it would be to just forget about the treaty, about his promise to his father.
You cannot back down. She must be gone. The treaty with the North is too important to throw away over a simple human and your weak heart. His inner voice of reason reminded him as the taint of jealousy continued its assault.
Her eyes fluttered at his words and he could sense her heart beat changing. She lowered her eyes.
“Yes, Master.” She whispered and then she turned and left. He could smell her salty tears all through the rest of the night.