InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Life ❯ Farewell ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Hello All! I know it has been awhile since I updated. I'm sorry. I have been trying to leave ongoing updates on my progress on my profile. I haven't forgotten you and I promise I won't leave you all hanging forever.
This Chapter is dedicated to Animechick262003, the amazing author of `Seducing Sesshoumaru' and `Ugly Beautiful', two Rin and Sesshoumaru stories that I would like to have seen completed, as well as `Suddenly Daddy' and `Collide', a Kagome/Inuyasha fic and a Kagome/Kouga fic. Animechick262003 decided to pull her stories from AFF recently, having lost interest in writing for her own reasons. I only hope she comes back to us soon, ready, willing, and happy once again.
Thanks to everyone for reading, reviewing, and being patient with me. I love you guys!
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or its characters. =*(
WARNING: This chapter contains sex and violence.
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Chapter 13:
Sesshoumaru silently cursed himself for having let his guard down. The tiger's scent hit his nose a second before the attack, and in that second he had also realized that not only had he let down his guard, but his swords were several feet away, against the tree he had leaned them on when he had decided to wait for Rin in the clearing.
With lightning reflexes he sidestepped his opponents attack, slashing with sharpened claws, and used Kane's own forward momentum to hurl the charging tiger into the steaming hot spring.
Rin gasped in shock clutching Sesshoumaru's robe to her naked body, her cheeks flushed with her aroused state. Her eyes were wide as they locked onto her former swords master. Master Kane stood dripping in the waist high water, steam rolling off of his glistening bronze skin as the heat of the water met with the cool night air. A gash across his haori revealed fresh stinging wounds and the fabric was slowly soaking up the demon's blood, but he didn't seem to care. He radiated pure rage.
Almost casually Lord Sesshoumaru moved to stand between Rin and the tiger demon, shirtless and barefoot, his weapons several feet away. To Rin, he seemed not to even notice these weaknesses as he stood ready for Kane's attack. He stood tall and powerful, and completely still. Rin could see lean muscles rippled across his perfectly sculpted back and shoulders.
Her heart leapt into her throat as she suddenly felt the air around the clearing first die down completely, and then the static charge of power began to crackle around the two demons. Rin crawled backwards trying to ease out of the way, terror filling her as she watched in complete shock. She couldn't believe that Master Kane would do this.
Sesshoumaru's deep icy voice sliced through the air, deadly calm.
“You were warned that the next time we met, you would die. Prepare yourself.”
“And I told you she is mine and that I would take her by force if necessary.” Kane growled back with just as deadly of a tone. But then he laughed, and Rin could not contain the shiver of pure fear that ran through her.
“Do you think you frighten me Sesshoumaru? Me!?” Kane threw his head back and laughed again. Ripples of power pulsed through the air as Kane laughed.
Rin swallowed hard, not daring to move. Not wanting to draw attention to herself. Something about Master Kane just didn't seem right.
He has lost his mind. Rin's subconscious mind told her, but she couldn't believe it. He was Master Kane; her swords master; her friend; almost…her husband.
Kane's laughter stopped abruptly and he turned a murderous glare to Sesshoumaru's form. He seemed to bristle threateningly, not unlike his feline form might have. All amusement was gone from his now flashing eyes as he spread his sharpened claws, which were now extending dangerously from his fingertips.
Rin watched in horror as Lord Sesshoumaru flicked his wrists, one at a time, at his sides, his claws extending to deadly lengths. Then slowly, deliberately he headed for the hot spring, his long silver mane swaying slightly in the static, power charged air. Master Kane began to back up to the opposite side of the pool, out of reach, his demonic glowing green gaze never wavering as Lord Sesshoumaru approached the edge.
Just when Rin thought Lord Sesshoumaru was going to continue to advance right into the water he smoothly leapt into the air and was behind Master Kane in an instant. His bored expression unchanging, Lord Sesshoumaru snatched the demon by his burnt orange hair and dragged him out of the water. The tiger's hands shot up to claw at Sesshoumaru's grip as he was forced to his knees, but found his head jerked back roughly, his throat exposed. He was at the complete mercy of the Western Lord.
Lord Sesshoumaru's free hand began to glow a sickening green as he raised his poisonous claws, ready for the final strike.
“Rin…” Kane choked hoarsely. His eyes had bled back to their clear crystal green hue.
“Rin…do I mean nothing to you?” The helpless demon gasped in a pleading voice.
I can't just stand by and let him die.
“Master please!” She shouted as she scrambled to her feet, still clutching the white robe around her naked form.
Rin's heart slammed in her chest as she watched Lord Sesshoumaru's hand freeze in the air.
“Please, Sesshoumaru-sama, do not…” She swallowed, standing on the very edge of the pool shivering, her begging eyes shimmering with a fresh sheen of tears.
Lord Sesshoumaru regarded her coolly for a moment before he did the most unexpected thing.
He showed mercy to Master Kane.
With a jerk, Lord Sesshoumaru threw the tiger into the dirt.
“You would be wise to leave before I decide you are worth the trouble to kill.” Sesshoumaru instructed mildly, turning to face Rin across the hot spring.
Rin let her breath out with relief, and was suddenly holding it again when Master Kane's emerald eyes rose to capture her gaze. They were filled with...was it…satisfaction?...Triumph?
“He is taking another as mate! He does not want you! Come with me.” Master Kane growled fiercely.
She held his gaze for only a moment before turning hazel eyes to her master. In the second their eyes locked, bright burning images of searing kisses and scorching caresses crashed through her mind.
“I cannot.” She whispered, unable to find her voice; her eyes still focused on Lord Sesshoumaru.
A growl began to vibrate through the air and Sesshoumaru's eyes flicked to Kane's crouched form. His claws began to glow again.
Foolish weakling. He must wish to die.
“Please! Just go!” Rin's cry stopped Sesshoumaru again.
With one more frustrated growl, Kane leapt to his feet and fled into the night.
Rin gulped another breath and held it as she watched Lord Sesshoumaru. He stood completely still, his eyes trained on the spot in the trees Master Kane had disappeared through, and she knew he was listening. Waiting until he was sure the threat was over. His shoulders suddenly slumped and he wavered, taking one staggering step before righting himself.
Her heart leapt into her throat as she scanned him for injuries.
He must still be weak from the poison!
“Are you injured M'lord?” She asked him, standing on the very edge of the pool.
He turned towards her suddenly. His golden eyes smoldered with an intense light as he glared at her.
“As if that pathetic creature could harm this Sesshoumaru.” He said hotly.
“Tell me. Why did you ask for the tiger's life?” He demanded abruptly. His eyes stayed locked on her features ready to catch the slightest hint of a lie.
She lowered her gaze, a slight blush coloring her cheeks, and Sesshoumaru could detect her heart beat quickening.
“Was it a lie?” He asked softly.
Her head shot up, a look of shock on her face, but before she could respond he was suddenly thrashing through the steaming pool of water closing the distance between them. He reached up, grabbing her wrists and pulled her roughly down into the water. She gasped in surprise as he pulled her up against him sharply and forced her gaze to meet his.
“Was it a lie? Was he the reason you were out here?” He demanded again, his voice cracking slightly with long suffocated emotion.
Does she truly love Kane? It can't be coincidence that they were both out here and she in an aroused state.
Rin looked up into his eyes in utter disbelief, but her throat tightened and her heart seized at what she saw in his eyes. Raw pain and distrust flashed across his golden eyes, barely a glimpse into his soul. But it was enough. She had never seen a look of such agony on any face.
He jerked her closer, his breath hot against her lips, the steam from the water bringing a flush to his pale skin, his silver hair dampening around his face.
“Tell me.” He whispered across her lips, nearly brushing them with his own. He could still smell the musky scent of her recent orgasm and it intoxicated him. The nearness of her threatened to drive him mad; he couldn't focus his thoughts on anything but her.
Suddenly mesmerized by him, Rin had to struggle to find her voice.
“N…n…no, you can detect a lie…” She stammered, her voice barely a whisper, her lips quivering, her eyes searching his desperately. His grip on her arms tightened. She took a shaky breath and tried again.
“I did not lie. I will only ever love you…” She whispered breathlessly.
She barely got the words out when his lips were crushed to hers in passionate relief.
She gasped in surprise, and then melted into him, giving into his rough kiss and returning it. His mouth searched hers hungrily, tasting her, devouring her. She was drowning and she never wanted to be rescued.
“He is taking another mate! He does not want you!” Kane's words came unbidden to her mind and she forced them away.
No! He wants ME. Just for a little while… Her heart ached, knowing that what had happened between them, whatever happened now, it was a secret, a fantasy. It would never happen again. It would never be spoken of. She knew his true feelings for her kind, and she knew that he would regret, knew that he wasn't thinking rationally in his weakened state, but she couldn't bring herself to care. She wanted him. Needed him. Loved him.
His kiss was hurried, almost desperate. He let her arms go, reaching under them and around her back to hold her in his arms, to feel her small form in his embrace. She wrapped her own arms around his neck instantly as she leaned into his hard body and moaned into his mouth.
Just one night. He told himself as he let the desire he felt wash through his body.
He broke away from her mouth breathing heavily, his golden eyes locking with desire filled hazel eyes, as he slipped the robe she wore off her shoulders and pulled it away from her exquisite body. Then he reached between them and untied his hakama. She dragged her hands down his body and when she reached the waistline of his hakama, pushed them down his slim form. When he was clears of them and nothing separated their bodies he pulled her back into his embrace crushing her wet, naked body against his and claming her mouth once more. The contact was like a wildfire spreading through his veins. He wanted her more than he had ever wanted anything in his life.
Rin's head was spinning as she kissed him. She wanted him so much. This man who had been her savior, her leader, her mentor, her companion, her very life. She loved him with so much passion, so much energy, so much of her spirit that it almost hurt.
Gods, Please! Just once before I let him go. Just this once. The thought stabbed at her heart and she sucked in her breath crying out and wrapping her arms around his shoulders once again.
When Rin cried out, Sesshoumaru lost control. A growl formed low in his chest as he backed her up against the bank of the hot spring and forced his knee between her slim legs all the while trailing hungry kisses down her graceful throat, finding her pulse and licking the skin above it. He could taste her heartbeat and smell her desire. When she wrapped her legs around his waist he moaned, grinding his hips against hers. The motion caused his erection to press against the sensitive bundle of nerves at her core and she moaned rocking into him. He ran his hands down the smooth skin of her sides and under her to grip her small bottom and ground into her even harder this time holding her to him.
When she rocked into him again he hissed, closing his eyes. His manhood was throbbing, aching to be seated deep within her core. He drew his hips back, lifting her slightly, feeling his thick shaft drag across her womanhood until his sensitive tip was teasing her slick entrance. She flexed her legs rocking into him again, her body trembling with need, her eyes hazy with desire.
“Please M'lord…” She begged brokenly between gasps, her body crying out for something more than just a physical release. She ached for completion.
He rubbed the tip of his arousal back and forth over her opening but could feel her natural wetness washing away into the hot water. In one fluid motion he lifted her out of the water onto the grassy edge, laying her on her back with her slim legs wrapped around his waist. Thick drops of water beaded on her skin and steam rose from her cooling body as he settled himself at her secret spot between her legs. She jerked when his thumb came to rest over her sensitive bud and began to tease it with circular motions. At the same time he slowly guided the tip of his aching manhood to her slick opening and he could tell she was more than ready for him now.
She thought she would die any moment. The agony of this building need within her was more than she could bear. She ached for more, but wasn't sure what until he slowly began to enter her, spreading her.
Slowly he pushed into her, his own body beginning to tremble with his fierce need. He grit his teeth as his sensitive tip cleared her first set of tight muscles. He stopped, waiting for a moment to allow her to adjust before he continued. He rubbed her aching pearl as he pushed ever so slowly into her. She sucked in her breath as he pushed past tight muscles and felt her innocent skin give way.
Rin felt as though she were being torn in half. He was so long and so very thick. She was beginning to think this wasn't going to work, but she trusted him, and as she watched his face while he pushed into her small body, she knew she wanted this no matter how badly it hurt. She cried out in pure, painful, bliss when he finally seated himself as deeply as he could within her.
He stayed like that for a moment relishing the feel of her around him. She seemed to fit him perfectly. He had never experienced such a feeling in all of his conquests. Their bodies seemed to be molded for each other. A shiver ran down his spine as he savored the erotic sensation of her.
He began to move now, thrusting into her and pulling back, gaining a rhythm as she too began to thrust her hips into his. Their gazes locked as they moved together and Sesshoumaru let a small moan slip out as he pumped into her.
The burning discomfort of their union began to dull leaving only the joy in her heart and the tingling pleasure of being so intimately close to him behind. She arched her back memorized every sensation, every touch, every sound. The feel of him moving inside of her brought a shiver through her and a low moan from her lips.
When she rolled her head back, arching her back and crying out, a carnal desire shot through him, and a sudden sense of urgency hit him. He pulled out of her abruptly and pulled himself out of the pool. In one smooth motion he flipped the still gasping woman over onto her stomach and lifted her waist so that she was on her knees. He found her hot, dewy opening and thrust into her once again. He gripped her round bottom and pumped fiercely into her as she moaned, pushing back against his thrusts. She arched her back and threw her head back, her hair cascading down her back as he ground into her.
When he felt his release coming he slowed. It was all he could do to keep from pounding into her until he spent himself, but this was her first time, and this would be his only time with her. He wanted it to last. He wanted to hear her cry his name just once more. An image of Rin on Kazuo's arm flashed through his thoughts, her eyes only for the panther, and jealousy, hurt, anger, and regret filled him all at once.
She will remember me! His inner voice proclaimed savagely as he tried to block out the gut wrenching anguish of knowing he had to let her go.
She groaned her protest to his pause and pushed against him encouraging him to continue. He pulled out of her once more and turned her over, laying her on her back in the grass. Slowly he lowered himself onto her, guiding himself between her legs and into her once more. She immediately wrapped both her legs and her arms around him holding him as close as she could.
He rested his weight on his elbows as he buried himself deep within her. He rocked his hips into her, not wanting to pull out of her even a little as golden orbs locked with burning hazel green. Her eyes were clear now, and full of passion and longing. He leaned down claiming her inviting pink lips with his hungry kisses as he continued to rock into her as deeply as he could.
She moaned and began to thrust her hips against him again. This time he ground his hips into her causing friction between their bodies that caressed her sensitive bud, and as he began to make longer strokes into her he continued to brush that aching spot. His own need was now a fiery inferno, and his body trembled with his impending release.
Soon they were moving as one, their climax building as one. Rin clung to him as her world began to spin, and just as she thought her lungs would burst and her body would break into a thousand tiny pieces, she was tipped over the edge for a second time that night. She cried out in ecstasy as her orgasm washed over her in thick pounding waves.
Sesshoumaru could see nothing but the hazel green of Rin's eyes, he could hear nothing but the sound of his name on her lips, he could smell nothing but her intoxicating scent, and he could feel nothing but his burning need for release, and just as she screamed his name he let go. He thrust into her a final time, his seed spilling in short painful bursts deep into her womb.
His head sagged and he took deep breaths, breathing in her musky scent at the curve of her throat trying to calm his breathing. His silver locks fell around them in a thick shimmering curtain hiding them from the world. His heart was pounding as though he had just run for days, and his entire body trembled with sheer relief. Her legs stayed locked around his waist and her arms around his shoulders as she gasped for air. She ached. She could feel the soreness between her legs already, but she didn't want to let him go.
This will be the last time I get to hold him. She thought as she tightened her embrace.
Sesshoumaru could feel his tired muscles beginning to ache as he took in deep cleansing breaths. His head was swimming and he felt heavy from the spent energy of their lovemaking. He was well aware that he had not fully recovered from the creature's poison yet, and that he would need even more time to recover now, but when he recalled the sound of Rin's passion filled voice crying out his name, his given name without his formal title, he had no regrets.
Lethargically, Sesshoumaru lifted his head and looked down into Rin's soft features. Her eyes shimmered with unshed tears as they traveled over his own features. Her lips were full and kiss swollen, her cheeks flushed with the heat of their lovemaking. A single lock of ebony hair lay across her cheek and clung to her lips. Tenderly, he reached up and brushed the strand away from her perfect face. His heart clenched painfully in his chest as he looked down at the electrifying young woman who had somehow captured his unfeeling heart and he again had to convince himself that the completion of the treaty was more important than matters of the heart, more important than this longing to keep this young vibrant human, his Rin, by his side forever.
The lover's lay in each other's embrace in silence for a long while, their cooling bodies pressed to one another. Sesshoumaru could sense dawn approaching and knew that their time had come to an end. Slowly they washed and dressed, their eyes never leaving each other, and then made their way reluctantly back to camp. Sesshoumaru guided her through the darkness, taking her small hand in his clawed and calloused one, and when they reached the edge of the campsite he paused, pulling her close.
“Rin, the treaty…” But she reached up and put her fingers to his lips.
“The treaty with the North is vital.” She whispered her understanding.
“And, with my own union I will finally be of some use to you.” She whispered so quietly that his demon ears barely caught her words.
He squeezed her small hand lightly, his eyes holding her gaze, trying to say all that he felt with his eyes, but could not say aloud, and then,…he let her go.
Jaken's snores could be heard from the darkness as Rin made her way back to her bedroll next to the now barely smoldering embers of the campfire. She settled down and when she was situated she looked across the fire, finding Sesshoumaru settled against the tree watching her. She held his gaze for as long as she could before sleep began to claim her.
Rin was jerked into the air, a powerful fist clamped around one arm, with such force she could barely draw breath, her heart beating wildly as adrenaline and fear washed over her disoriented senses. Suddenly she was flung several feet, crashing painfully into the rough trunk of an unyielding tree. In shock she twisted around on the ground where she had tumbled and took in the sight of her attacker as it moved towards her.
The dim dawn light revealed an enormous creature, the shape and size of a huge man, covered in black patches of rough skin and matted fur. It had a snout nose glistening with yellow and green mucus and sharp lower fangs dripping with saliva protruding from its steaming mouth, and raggedly torn ears tipped at the top of its large head. The tiny black pupils of its beady yellow eyes were focused on her as it lumbered towards her. It wore a strap across its massive chest with knives glistening from their sheaths, but the creature's sharp claws looked more deadly than any knife.
“Sesshoumaru-sama!” She shrieked, the first word to come to her mind as she scrambled back against the tree watching it get closer and closer. But it suddenly stopped and turned at the startled cry of master Jaken.
Her heart hammered in her chest as she got to her knees and crawled around the tree. Taking a deep breath she sprinted through the edge of the trees around the site, scanning for more creatures all the while hoping that Lord Sesshoumaru and the others were alright. She made it to her travel pack and silently thanked the fates for her decision to not pack her bow and quiver of arrows with the rest of her belongings. Shaking, she grabbed the familiar weapon and peered out, scanning the site for her companions. She heard master Jaken first.
Rin saw the imp hurled through the air, the staff snapped in two on the ground. She had to bite her lip to keep from crying out and alerting the creatures to her hiding place behind the tree as she watched her friend crumple to the ground in a lifeless heap. She took a deep breath, held it, and aimed her arrow, but Jaken's attacker was brought down by a sudden shot of lightning. The creature snarled and turned on the two-headed dragon that had just shocked it. Ah-Un was fending off master Jaken's attacker while two more creatures snarled and ruthlessly slashed at the dragon with sharp claws. Another creature suddenly came flying through the air to topple one of Ah-Un's attackers. Both creatures got to their feet and turned. Rin followed their glare where her searching gaze found Lord Sesshoumaru.
He stood poised for battle, his eyes glowing blood red, fangs elongated, and talons dripping with the green hue of poison. He was still bare-chested and bare foot, and his ribs heaved with heavy breathing, but her heart jerked at the sight of blood dripping from a gash across his shoulder. Still, crackling power rippled through the air, silver locks swirling around him. He was faced with a particularly foreboding creature with wickedly jagged knives drawn.
Suddenly, more creatures began to pour from the shadows.
“Sesshoumaru-sama!” She screamed in horror.
Rin's training took hold and she picked off as many of the creatures as she could, fighting to get closer to her master. A sudden blur of burnt orange streaked across the campsite taking down two creatures simultaneously, both seeming to burst into flames and then disintegrate into ashes, and then the blur jumped into another group of the foul creatures.
Master Kane…? But, she wasn't able to see what happened next because she was grabbed from behind.
Instantly, Rin dropped, twisting her arm free of the grip and sweeping her leg under her attacker's. It crashed to the ground with a snarl and she took the opportunity to run.
They were all around her as she ran. She continued to fire arrow after arrow as she ran through the trees trying desperately to put some distance, any distance, between herself and these foul beasts, but there only seemed to be more and more and more. She stumbled into the icy water of the stream and turned again to fire.
Sesshoumaru had picked up the foul scent only seconds before they attacked. Then he saw them. The creatures he had hunted centuries ago. The demons that had killed his mother and then had dared to come after his Rin. His stomach turned as he saw them for the first time in the dim dawn light.
They were fabled Troll demons. He was sure of it, though they were presumed to be extinct. Yet, here they were, in all of their hideous glory, attacking his campsite.
Then came her first cry. “Sesshoumaru-sama!”
Just as quickly as they had attacked, Sesshoumaru had grabbed his Toukijin and countered, flinging the first into a group which was going after Ah-Un. His vision blurred and he felt slightly dizzy from the exertion, but he stood his ground, shaking his head a little to clear it and preparing for the next attack. He had just seen a few of the creatures drop, arrows protruding from their twitching bodies, when his attention was drawn to a particularly menacing creature approaching him. As he sized up his opponent he was aware of more creatures materializing from the shadows, and then he heard Rin scream again.
But as he sought her out, while still avoiding the lumbering creature before him, Kane burst onto the scene, fierce and fiery. The Tiger demon abruptly plunged into a group of trolls, the entire group bursting into flames. Sesshoumaru had just enough time to see Rin dart into the trees, arrows flying, with several demons in angry pursuit.
The large creature before him, chuckled low in his chest. His voice coming out as hissing, garbled sound.
“The Great Lord of the West would risk everything for a mortal female.” It chuckled again as Sesshoumaru turned his attention to the creature.
“Kill him.” The Troll Demon Lord commanded, still glaring at Sesshoumaru. “Bring me the treasure!” He barked.
Shadows materialized from seemingly nowhere, and then Sesshoumaru saw the mounds of earth. These creatures, these fabled lesser demons were coming up from the very ground. Instantly Sesshoumaru understood why he hadn't smelled them, or heard their approach. They came from below the earth. They smelled of the earth. Only their thick, grey, oozing blood seemed to give off the foul odor he recognized.
Then he heard Rin shriek.
Sesshoumaru made quick work of the minions that came for him, lashing out with his whip of light, and taking off into the trees after Rin. He caught sight of Jaken's crumpled form on the ground, and Kane's struggle with three other creatures before he was in the trees, his thoughts consumed by Rin's terrified screams.
Sesshoumaru sliced through troll after troll as he shot through the trees following Rin's scent. His lungs burning and the slash across his arm throbbing, he burst through the tree-line onto the stream bank and attacked. He brought three more down, slicing easily through them with Toukijin as his keen eyes found Rin fighting off several attackers.
Rin smoothly dropped the last few trolls that made the mistake of turning their attention from her to the newly appeared TaiYokai. Slowly, the demons had begun to retreat into the dense forest as Lord Sesshoumaru fought off one after another, his sharp sword making swift work of each pathetic creature. The last one fell with an arrow quivering from its chest.
Cautiously, Sesshoumaru lowered his sword, looking around, listening for signs of any further danger. He concentrated on the sounds around them. The rush of the water, the breeze in the trees, Rin's labored breathing and the strong steady beat of her heart. He heard nothing more. He concentrated on the scents in the air, turning his head slightly to catch anything and everything it had to offer. He smelled dew on the grass, and the musky salt scent of Rin's exertion. The faint stench of the grey troll blood was coming from his wound and he knew he would feel the affects of the toxic qualities it possessed soon. He smelled nothing more. Slowly his gaze was drawn to Rin alone.
She stood in the middle of the rushing stream, the icy water up to her thighs. She stood with bow in hand, arrow notched and ready to be fired. Her breathing was heavy and her eyes flashed with a fierce inner light as they scanned the trees. The first rays of sunlight filtered through the trees shimmering down through the misty morning dew and falling over her. Her glossy raven locks cascaded down her back shining in the streams of glittering light. The goddess of war could not have been more magnificent.
Pride swelled up in him as he admired her and just as swiftly, it was replaced with a longing in his soul. Desperate kisses and forbidden caresses swept across his memory as he looked upon the woman before him.
Enough! He commanded his inner self. He felt a wave of dizziness wash over him.
“Rin, we are going.” Sesshoumaru commanded as he wearily turned, but something suddenly caught his eye. Just as the attack came, he was ready for it. He smoothly moved aside, his attacker flying right past him, an arrow lodged into its chest with a solid `thunk', and just at that moment he heard her scream. He whirled around to see Rin drop to her knees in the water, blood streaming from her lips, but her eyes were wide and frightened and on him alone, and suddenly they were terrified at what they saw.
Pain shot through him as a thick blade impaled his body from behind and protruded from his chest, his sword dropped to the ground. Suddenly he was lifted off the ground and flung into the river with such force that when he hit the icy water, he rolled several feet across the water before sinking into it. He struggled as he tried to get to his feet, the blade still jutting out from his chest. Finally finding purchase, he rose to his feet, staggering and gasping. His lungs burned and the world around him shattered as he watched in seemingly slow motion the scene before him.
This is not happening! He tried to convince his rational mind to snap out of this nightmare as he took in the sight before him, his entire body quivering with pain and sluggish heaviness. There was another sudden and sharp pain across his shoulder and he could feel a warm wetness gushing down his side now.
Sesshoumaru slowly sank to his knees growling. He began to gather his power into himself, ready to take on his true form. Ready to be done with all of these pathetic creatures. But there was something wrong. He was having trouble concentrating. He had no energy, and he could suddenly do nothing but watch as Rin fought for her life several feet away.
Rin was screaming now as she watched another blade slice across Sesshoumaru's already wounded shoulder blade, though he barely reacted. She saw his eyes beginning to glow red as he began to transform. But nothing happened.
Rage like nothing he had ever felt filled his heart as he watched another troll demon approach the bleeding and screaming Rin. She heard him coming and began to try to back away from him, splashing clumsily through the water. Another troll appeared on the riverbank ready to grab her. And then Sesshoumaru felt two heavy bodies tackling him, one after the other and still he couldn't gain control of enough of his power to repel the creatures, let alone to transform. But, Rin was screaming his name gain.
A burst of adrenaline shot through him and he lunged up the river bank towards Rin and her attackers, dragging the two trolls with him. The troll on the bank had dragged Rin out of the water by the hair and now Sesshoumaru could see the deep gash across the flesh of her back and another deep puncture wound between her shoulder blades. He saw her twist around grabbing the hand that had her hair struggling to turn around just as he reached them. He grabbed the creature's ankle and squeezed, puncturing its grotesque, hairy skin with his poison claws. The creature howled, trying to pull its leg from Sesshoumaru's iron grasp and finally dropped, the poison taking its cruel affect. But, Rin was snatched by yet another demon.
The two trolls on top of Sesshoumaru quickly became three and then there was another burst of pain as something blunt struck his head, and he was now acutely aware of the poison coursing through his veins. His body was so heavy, his heart was pounding as though it would explode, and his vision was blurring. His struggling growls became a deep low rumble as his vision faded.
“Rin…” He rasped as he struggled to move towards her.
Three trolls had her now, one dragging her from behind, another slashing her across the face with its claws as it followed, and another following with a short blade ready in its hand as she was dragged off into the trees away from the stream.
She was still screaming; sobbing.
He could see her hazel eyes, heavy with tears, never leaving his face, and then…there was nothing.
The great Western Lord fell to his enemies and unwillingly succumbed to black unconsciousness. Utter terror in the eyes of the woman he loved, would be the last thing he would see.
My Rin.
“In Dreams”
When the cold of Winter comes
Starless night will cover day
In the veiling of the sun
We will walk in bitter rain
But in dreams
I still hear your name
And in dreams
We will meet again
When the seas and mountains fall
And we came to end of days
In the dark I hear a call
Calling me there
I will go there
And back again
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Did I mention I was a fan of the angst? *hehe* The poem is by Fran Walsh and Howard Shore and is from the LOTR: The Fellowship of the Rings soundtrack. *sniffle* Also, no…this is not quite the end.