InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Life ❯ Moving On ( Chapter 19 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hello my readers. So it has been a full year now since my last post and I had promised you that I was going to post the final chapter. Well….after much writing, re-writing, re-writing, and then re-writing some more, my muse kicked into high gear. What this all means to you is that, well, this is not the final chapter. Oiy! So I have 5 and a half pages of the next chapter and my beta reader hounding me to finish, so I can't make you any promises about timeframe, but I assure you that the ending has always been planned. I will have it to you…soon…someday…hopefully sooner rather than later.
Thank you all so much for your support, your e-mails and messages of encouragement. You have all been so wonderful and I can't thank you enough for hanging in there with me during the long wait.
Now, if you do not remember where we are, go back and read the last chapter. :) There is also a summary of the whole story up to that point at the beginning of the previous chapter.
Chapter 19: Moving On
The fall festival had been wonderful. The colors, the crafts, the food, the music, and the friendly cheer had been overwhelming and a sense of belonging swept over Rin as she weaved through the mingling crowd.
Rin thought about her life among the villagers as she strolled along. Lost in thought, she heard her name called out every now and again and smiling, she would wave an idle greeting to her friends in return.
She sighed in mild satisfaction as she continued on through the merry crowd, thinking of how she had come to be a part of this village; how she had come to be accepted and even appreciated.
It had been four cycles of the moon now, months as the villagers would say, since Lord Takaeda had proposed marriage to her. After thinking on it for several restless nights she had finally requested that he allow her some time to decide on her answer. She wanted time to live on her own, be on her own, and come to terms with her new life. Somewhere deep inside of her, Rin knew that at that time, even after months among these humans, she still had not belonged. She had still been an outsider; still a drifter; still alone and helpless. But most of all, she was still a useless mortal human.
The past few months with these humans and with Lord Takaeda had given her the opportunity to observe them and to ponder their day to day behaviors. Behaviors which, to her, seemed strange compared to what her mind had resolved to be human behaviors.
They seemed content to be who they were. They worked tirelessly and endured all types of hardships and yet they seemed to always find a way to smile; a reason to be happy. They laughed with one another. They fell in love. They celebrated. They cried with one another. They mourned the loss of their loved ones. Indeed, she found herself perplexed by them.
Rin could remember only flashes of her life before she had died.
Her human parents and brothers had been killed; murdered by bandits. She had been alone and traumatized after that; frightened to trust; frightened to even speak to anyone. And as she tried to live out her days without starving or freezing to death, she found the villagers to be harsh and unforgiving of her taking what she needed to survive after no one would give it willingly. She was useless to these people as the mere child that she was; always in the way and never wanted. Never needed.
She had eventually lost her very will to live, only going through the motions really and waiting; waiting for her death. Waiting for the day she could join the family who had shown her love once, so long ago.
And then she had found Him.
Rin blinked as she denied that part of her mind that was bringing up memories she did not wish to think of right now.
No, I have a new life now. She told herself firmly. And as she continued on her way, she let her mind wander to her life in the village once more.
It had been night fall when the commotion had begun. Several villagers hurried through the small thatch roofed buildings to the Lord's palace, the crumpled form of a young girl supported on a makeshift cot between them.
She had been attacked by bandits, brutally beaten and possibly violated in other unsavory ways, and now she lay near death.
Rin had been sick to her stomach at the thought of such brutality. The thought of such atrocities frightened her and she cringed inwardly. Other memories washed over her as she flinched into the shadows and out of sight. She remembered the darkened figures of horrifying creatures that came out of the night to tear at her as she fought. As she watched them rip Him apart.
No! Not any more! I am not weak. I am not helpless. She had screamed inwardly at herself.
Firmly she had pushed the fear away in that moment. It had no use.
A moment later she had leapt to her feet and hurriedly followed the panicked villagers into the palace.
She remembered the girl's skin, so pale that it was almost blue. Her face and arms were bruised deep purples and sickly yellows, and gashes seeped with blood from open wounds on her cheek, neck, and from somewhere under the torn robes that hung loosely around her. Her eyes were blackened and swollen shut, and her breathing was shallow and labored.
Rin had left the palace, gathered the water, herbs, and cloth she would need, and had headed back to the palace before she realized what she was even doing. She had learned from her tutors so many years ago how to clean and bandage wounds. And also from those many years under a tutor's guidance, she knew the herbs that she needed to help the girl recover, help fight infection, and ease her pain.
Rumi, as the girl's parents called her, was no more than 14 years old, and her parents stood shivering and sobbing in the corner of the room, frightened of the death hovering around their young daughter's form. They had reluctantly allowed Rin to tend to the girl as the village had no healer to speak of and the trip to the next village was too long. The girl would be dead before they reached it.
It was then that Rin had met Haru, Rumi's older sister.
Haru had hovered over Rin, watching her every move, studying her every breath. She wordlessly assisted Rin as she worked, never asking questions. Rin and Haru stayed with the girl all night, Haru having ushered her parents home to rest. The worried parents had left only after Haru had promised that she would stay and that Rin would stay as well.
As dawn's sunlight had broken over the horizon and through the window, Rin and Haru were awoken to the girl's weakened groans. Rin watched in tear filled joy as the girl slowly opened her swollen eyes and complained of being hungry while Haru sobbed in relief over her sister.
It had been that incident that had lead to her tending to others. Not all nearly as serious, yet suddenly she found herself the village healer. The people were thrilled to discover her talent and soon she had been offered the vacant home at the edge of town. It had been perfect. She had been able to plant a garden with plenty of different herbs, spices, and vegetables, and she had swiftly found herself comfortably situated in the cozy little home, decorated with dried flowers and objects given to her as payment.
She had tended to illness, injuries, ailments, and had even been midwife to a woman who gave birth to twins. Through it all she had also taken an apprentice. Her now closest friend, Haru, proved to be diligent and hardworking as well as eager to learn. Haru, indeed seemed to be quite passionate about the art of healing.
Suddenly, she had a home. She was accepted, even liked. She had friends and a purpose. And the Lord of the village would be expecting an answer to his proposal soon.
Rin sighed as she thought of the friendly Lord. He had been so patient with her.
She had accomplished what she had wanted to, and she no longer felt tormented by being the human that she was. She was proud now. She felt stronger and more confident now. Not physically, for she had always been strong and capable. But she now she understood that she had needed to heal so much more emotionally. Not only heal, but to come to terms with her very humanity. And she felt that she had.
But, there is still something missing.
Rin frowned and clenched her teeth in frustration at the familiar haunting feeling that she could never quite explain. She could feel the void like a great bottomless hole in her very soul, and through her struggles she could never fill it.
Lord Takaeda came to mind once more as she pondered her sorrow.
Perhaps it is time to answer him. She told herself for the hundredth time as she continued to weave through the meandering celebrators toward the village square.
Now, as the sun sank slowly below the horizon and the festival activities neared their end, the children were all ushered off to their sleeping pads, and Rin found herself following as the villagers lazily gathered around the warm glow of the bonfire in the square.
Lord Takaeda found her easily in the crowd and was by her side in mere moments. Rin's heart warmed at his gentle smile.
He took Rin's hand without a word and guided her to a comfortable spot at the fire's edge, but he did not sit. Instead he raised his hands and the crowd around the fire quieted, all giving their lord their undivided attention. Their faces shone with eager anticipation as they looked admiringly up at him. Rin furrowed a brow as she watched him, her curiosity peeked at this new activity. He began to speak, his voice deep and soft.
“There is a tale of an ancient ritual practiced with such grace and passion that those who have seen it swear that the only comparison would be that of the most intimate love making.”
Rin began to blush at the subject of the Lord's story, averting her eyes from him as she listened.
“But this ritual, this dance, is not practiced by humans. Nay, it is a demon ritual that makes our romantic human hearts cry out with a longing for such a powerful moment. Demons, in all of their cold disdain for the world. Demons with all of their lust for blood and power.”
He paused and there was nothing to be heard except the crackling of the fire. When he began to speak once more, his voice was even deeper and as Rin looked up at him again, his eyes met hers and held them.
He pursues his heart's desire
Alone and barred before her eyes
Some secret glimpse of skin
A display of unveiled lust
Meant for her and her alone
Her breath catches
Her life-beat stops
He is pure beauty in her mind's eye
Her heart now knows desire.
Enticement with Flesh is done.
The dance begins, their bodies move.
She drowns in deep fathoms
His eyes hold endless need.
She fights him still, even as her longing grows
Their bodies glisten
Their scent mingles
Now strained with effort and still she fights
To hold onto herself, to prove him wrong
But it is no use, he is her heart's desire
He has won her favor
Power and Strength is done.
Their breath is mingled, hot against soft lips
Their hearts beat as one
He has her in his grasp
His powerful body holds her true
Her own is still, unmoving
And yet she yearns
His eyes are like fire as they pierce her soul
But she does not look away
She aches for him and he for her.
He is the one.
Submission and Acceptance is done.
His eyes had never left hers as he toned the passionate verses. Something deep in the folds of her memory was screaming as she soaked in the tale and her heart beat wildly as she began to loose herself in his eyes. But it was not the soft brown of his eyes that she saw.
In her mind's eye she saw misty morning sunlight gleaming down on the upper body of pale skin and perfectly sculpted muscles. She saw a challenge gleaming in angry golden eyes. She felt his demand for her to yield the battle that she had tried so hard to win. But she hadn't understood then.
She didn't understand now.
She blinked. And when Lord Takaeda's brown eyes came into focus once more her breath caught. For in them she saw a glimmer of understanding.
He knows!
What will he say now? Will he still want me?
Her heart was in her throat as she held Lord Takaeda's gaze. Slowly the villagers began their lazy and contented retreat to their huts, the story now finished and soon Rin was left alone with the handsome Lord who was offering her this beautiful life. She felt it coming, knew he was hoping for an answer to his proposal tonight. But as she held his warm gaze, full of longing and adoration, she felt unsettled.
“Rin.” His voice washed over her, but the power she knew that a voice could hold over her was not there.
“You looked so far away. What were you thinking about as you listened to the story?”
“I…” She stumbled over her words and tried again as she lowered her eyes.
This is it. You knew eventually you would have to tell him the truth. She reminded herself as she tried to calm her anxiety.
Slowly, Rin raised her eyes once more to his.
“I was thinking of the past, M'lord.”
He nodded but said nothing, his eyes steady upon her face, waiting for her to continue. In that moment, she knew that he hadn't believed her when she had told him she didn't remember her past. He had just been waiting for when she was ready.
“You told me once about a woman you loved. Sango. You told me that she was just a dream for you.” She took a single breath, filling her lungs, allowing herself one final moment to gather her courage. She watched as the blacks of his eyes grew larger and he seemed to look past her now. He was looking at her, but he did not see her.
“There is someone…a dream for me, like Sango for you. But, there are so many questions I have. So many answers I still need,” she dropped her eyes, hesitating, “before I can accept your proposal.”
“M'lord, I am leaving. I have to…” But, he interrupted her, a whispered response coming from him, his eyes now turned to the burning embers of the fire.
“Then go. Chase your dream. But promise me you will return to me once you have your answers.”
Rin's heart warmed to him a little more, and she was about to make that promise when he whispered again.
“Promise me my Sango. I will wait for you. I will wait forever.”
Sango. He had called her Sango.
Does no one want me? Just me, because I am…me?
Slowly she turned away, leaving him standing there, staring into the firelight.
It was time.
She had healed here in this village. She had accepted her humanity. She had become independent and even useful. Now, it was time to go after the answers her heart was aching for from; Even if it meant facing Lord Sesshoumaru's hatred and mistrust. She had thought that she would be able to leave her past behind her, but Lord Takaeda's story had triggered something in her. She had to know.
If and when she returned to this village, she would be ready to accept Lord Takaeda. Maybe one day they would even grow to love one another.
Sesshoumaru returned to the palace after many weeks surveying his lands. He had come and gone several times now, never staying for long, preferring to be away; away from the disturbingly empty rooms. But even his patrols could no longer distract him. The cold had chilled him to the bone and the sound of the quiet haunted him.
Now in the darkness of him rooms, Sesshoumaru slipped into a fitful sleep. He could feel the dream as it made its way into his mind's eye, but there was nothing he could do to stop it.
It was the same every time.
She came to him in the darkened night without a sound, sometimes wrapped in a delicate silk, and sometimes gloriously nude. Her hair cascaded down around her in shimmering ebony sheets on some occasions, and on others it would be pulled up with flowers adorning the silky strands. Always, her skin glowed a golden cream and her eyes glimmered like hazel green gems. Each time, he felt his blood catch fire at the sight of her even as he fought to maintain control.
But every dream ended the same. She was always just out of his reach and his soul was consumed with the fire in his veins that was never quenched. The pain was always unbearable. It seared him, white hot in the depths of his heart. He would wake in the pitch black of night, trembling and sweating, and each time it angered him more. And each time he would remind himself that he was TaiYoukai. He would insist to himself that he would not be ruled by this unrequited feeling.
This time the midnight darkness was heavy and impenetrable.
Rather than taking in her eyes or hair, her robes or pale skin, he smelled her first. Sweet, and feminine. Cherry blossoms and something more, something completely her own. Something completely Rin. His heartbeat began to strengthen and become more amplified and he felt the first rush of annoyance with himself.
He concentrated on keeping his breathing slow and even as he sensed her, felt her move into his rooms. As always, she made no sound, but it never made a difference. He always knew right where she was. He took slow measured breaths as she slowly approached his bedside and he realized that he was hearing her heat beat, not his own.
Something in him sparked. He was tired of being her captive. Tired of succumbing to her fiery seduction. Tired of waking alone and defeated.
He reached out and snatched her wrist and yanked her to his chest as he sat up. She gasped and went still, but said nothing. He had her. Finally, he had her. He would be alright. This time he would take her. This time…yes, this time he would finally be able to conquer this desire and maybe, just maybe, finally forget her.
He pushed her forcefully to her back on his bed and ripped her robes open. She gasped again, and he knew that her hazel green eyes searched the darkness for his face. Yes, let her see he begged the darkness. He wanted her to know that he was defeated no more. This phantom vixen would yield to him, and he would be master once more.
Even with eyes sharp in darkness, the sight of her pale skin and perfect breasts was shaded and he felt a longing like he had never known to be able to see her clearly. But it would never be and the longing angered him even more.
He grabbed her wrists, raising then above her head holding then with one strong hand, and forced a knee between her legs. He lowered himself onto her, gripping his stiffened shaft in his free hand and balancing his weight on his other arm above her, her hands pinned.
“I will be defeated no more.” He growled to himself, determined to succeed this time.
He positioned his sensitive tip at her warm apex and thrust forcefully into her. She gasped again, a hitch in her breath and with his next forceful thrust she let out a strangled cry of pain.
Briefly he wondered at her virginity, but it was unimportant.
She was tight and not ready for him, but it mattered not.
He pounded ruthlessly into her, fisting a supple breast as he reveled in the satisfaction of her defeat. When she cried out again, he could smell salty tears as they streamed down her face into her hair and he wondered if her hazel green eyes still sought him out in the darkness as he sought her.
He thrust into her hard and felt her flinch as he had expected, as he had been waiting for, but with that small outward display of pain, triumph did not come as expected.
In that moment, he knew he was defeated once more.
His soul caught fire in that immeasurable moment. He abruptly halted his assault and stilled within her, letting go of her wrists, and slowly shifted so that her body cradled him. He lowered himself to his elbows as his gaze swept the darkness searching for her face, her hair, her perfect mouth, her eyes, all of which he could see so clearly in his mind's eye. He could smell the salt of her tears mingled with the sweet scent of her virgin blood and he felt his heart clench painfully.
He would never be free of her; could never be free of her.
Slowly, he felt her arms move down to his shoulders, and when she touched him, it was all he could do to keep from flinching. Her touch seared him to the bone. Slowly, he began to move within her once more, this time wanting only to hear her cries filled with pleasure, longing to see passion in her eyes, and smell the sweet scent of her need. Pleasure given by him. Passion filled eyes looking upon only him. A longing for him and no other. Ever.
He buried his nose in her waves of dark rich hair as he felt her body begin to move with him, her smooth slender legs bending at the knee and gripping his waist.
It happened suddenly. There was no slow build up. It was a sudden flood within him, taking hold, gripping him, strangling him.
He lost control.
Savagely he threw his head back and growled as his whole body stiffened and he spilled his essence deep within her.
He collapsed to the side of her, exhausted and unsatisfied, his pounding heartbeat mingled with hers.
He found himself even more troubled as the phantom of his dreams faded away, the scent of her skin and the sound of her heartbeat lingering long after all else had faded.
Rin groaned and stretched as she woke grudgingly from her slumber. She was tired, confused, and so sore. Slowly, she opened her eyes to the light that streamed in from the window and blinked, her heart leaping into her throat as she saw the tall figure standing in the stream of sunlight.
She had come back for answers. She had traveled several days and had finally arrived late in the night and had only meant to sneak in to sit in her rooms and wait until morning to make her presence known, but as she approached the hall that lead to Lord Sesshoumaru's rooms she had remembered his new bride. The thought tore at her and in that moment she found herself being carried to his door as though she had no control of her own legs.
With anticipation that bordered on terror, she slid the door open, wanting to see for herself that he truly had a wife now, afraid of the reality the sight would bring, and yet drawn to the sight that would open the wounds in her heart once more. But, as she approached, the darkness cloaked Lord Sesshoumaru and his bride. It was at the moment of this frustrated realization that his arm had quite suddenly shot out and locked her in a crushing grip.
Now this morning, in the sunlight streaming through the window, Lord Sesshoumaru stood straight and tall, his silver hair flowing down around him. His arms were crossed inside his white robes, the sleeves coming together to hang down in front of him. His golden eyes stared down at her. To anyone else, he would look completely indifferent, but she knew this look even as unpracticed as she was after so long.
He is angry.
“Good morning Sesshoumaru-sama.” She said, trying not to sound nervous.
He stared at her, unblinking.
She narrowed her eyes at him, and moved to get out of the bed, but stopped. Her robes were in tatters and there was no hope of covering herself decently, and the sting of pain that shot through her as she shifted was surprising. She felt the soreness between her legs and the reminder that she had given in so easily brought heat to her cheeks. She grasped the embarrassment and turned it. Molded it into an emotion she could use in this moment. Anger simmered where the embarrassment had been.
I did not come to him to be used in such a fashion. I am here for answers!
How dare he be angry after what he did last night! He is mated, and yet he would use me so! Her thoughts shouted haughtily at her.
“You look angry.” She stated, and watched for any sign of a reaction. Any shift she could gauge him by. It was subtle, but it was there.
His eyes went even colder.
She knew she was asking for her very death by goading him, but she could feel her own anger bubbling up in her chest as she stared up at him and she couldn't back down. “You weren't so angry last night.” She sneered at him. The sarcasm sounded so unnatural coming from her own lips, and yet she was so hurt by his anger. She wanted to provoke him.
He blinked.
Shame washed over her in an instant at her behavior, and she couldn't stifle it. She lowered her eyes.
She was so confused.
His deep, quiet voice abruptly interrupted her thoughts.
“I believed myself to be dreaming last night.”
She shivered uncontrollably at the sound of his voice.
Yes, there is the voice Shivers rippled down her spine, and she lost herself for a moment to its depths.
This was the voice that had such power over her. It had been so long since she had heard its deep baritones.
Nothing like Lord Takaeda's.
“I would not have taken such liberties with you had I been aware.” He said plainly, breaking her revere.
She knew it was meant as an apology of sorts, and she tried to appreciate that he was making the effort, but her confusion would not allow her to accept the apology. Her mind reeled with questions.
He thought he had been dreaming? Does he truly dream of me in such a way? And where is his new wife?
Her confusion only grew as her logical mind tried to reason out what had happened, when she knew it to be an impossibility.
Why was he able to take me when he is mated? The Binding mark should have repelled the very thought from him.
The questions she had come for came flooding to the forefront of her mind.
She had left the village she had somehow come to be accepted in. She had left a decent and caring man who had offered to share his life with her. She had left her human life in order to seek answers, and she would not go back until she had them.
Rin took a single breath and looked up to meet his even gaze.
“That day in the practice yard…was that? What was…?” She couldn't get the question out.
“It is called the Sparring Dance.” Sesshoumaru answered softly. He had not moved from where he stood, arms still folded over his chest. Glistening silver and cold in the sunlight.
“I did not know it was a ritual at the time.” Rin protested helplessly but caught herself abruptly. Her ignorance then did not matter now.
“Sesshoumaru-sama,” she paused, swallowing her nerves.
“Why did you challenge me that day when…” she paused and swallowed, trying not to choke on the bitter jealousy that would always be there, and then continued. “…when you were already engaged to another?”
He blinked.
As the words tumbled out, it became easier to continue.
“Why did you kiss me that day in the clouds above the forest?”
He blinked again, his face unreadable. Her heart began to pound as she wondered if he would even answer, but at the thought, something deep inside snapped, her agitation lacing her words.
“Surely you remember, Sesshoumaru-sama.” She accused a little more forcefully.
Golden eyes darkened to a deep shade of amber, but she could not tell if it was because of her tone, or the memory her words brought.
“Why did you get so angry when you thought I was involved with another? What did it matter when you would not claim me? When you planned to give me to someone else? When you used me as a bargaining trinket?”
He turned his back on her and looked out the window, all silver and silent. Still no answers came.
“Why did you make love to me that night?” Her voice caught as she struggled to keep the tears from coming. She was trembling now and she clutched the sheets tighter to her.
His head turned slightly and she knew that he had caught the subtle hitch in her voice. Silently she cursed him for being able to hear her heart break.
“That night…That night in the Northern Palace, before you were to give the third mark and take your Life Mate…after Tensaiga healed me…why did you kiss me then?” Her heart was twisting in anguish as she fought to keep control. And still his back was turned to her, his silence still the only reply.
Visions of golden orbs, flashes of lightning in guarded eyes flickered across her memory as she stared, unseeing, at his sliver hair cascading down his form.
“I saw it in your eyes that night.” She let the small sob escape her.
“Why did you kiss me when you did not even…trust…” She shuddered as she took a sorrowfully hitched breath.
“How could you not trust me then?” She whispered, remembering the doubt in his eyes.
“Enough!” Sesshoumaru barked harshly and then spun around in a whirl of white robes and silver hair and smoothly picked her up from the bed, still wrapped in his crimson sheets. She could feel the hum of his power around them before they abruptly appeared in the forest just beyond the place.
It had taken mere moments to appear in the forest, a blink of an eye really. But in that brief time, Sesshoumaru could see all of those stolen moments flashing before his eyes. He could feel all over again the devastating affect each and every one of them had had on him.
“Sesshoumaru-sama! What…what are you doing?” Rin's voice interrupted his thoughts, wavering as she looked around, clutching the thin cloth close to her shivering body.
When she looked up into his golden gaze, he heard her breath catch.
He paused as he caught her hazel green gaze ensuring that he had her attention. “I trust you now.” He said simply, and headed into the clearing.
She blinked in shock and obvious confusion at his simple statement and he watched as her frustration played across her features, knowing that his lack of response was beginning to infuriate her.
She began to kick, her legs flailing and the sheets flapping up into his face. “Sesshoumaru-sama! I demand you answer my questions! You owe me answers! And where is your new bride? Answer me!”
He tightened his grip slightly against her squirming as he continued down the path. He would not dignify her insulting questions with an answer, though her uncharacteristic outburst of anger amused him. Wasn't it obvious after all? Hadn't it always been obvious? He was under the assumption that he had been the only one blind enough to not see that he was in love with her.
In the distance, he could hear Jaken's familiar caterwaul through the forest.
“Lord Sesshoumaru! Where are you going? M'Loooooord!”
Rin had only a moment to register that they were at the edge of Boukosenou's clearing when the ancient magnolia's voice reverberated through the clearing.
“Lord Sesshoumaru! How delightful! You've brought young Rin!” Boukosenou's voice rumbled boisterously.
“But she seems rather annoyed with…”
Sesshoumaru cut the elderly tree off abruptly, dropping the squirming Rin at the tree's roots.
“Great Magnolia, Bokousenou, oldest adopted relation to Lady Rin, I demand your approval to take the lady as my life mate.” Sesshoumaru's voice hissed cold and annoyed.
This is ridiculous. He grumbled inwardly. He did not like asking for things.
The tree looked at him in astonishment and then began to boom with laughter!
“My boy! I wish that I could give you such permission, but I am not the oldest male relation. I am a demon, but I am also but a tree. I am both genders and neither. You will have to ask permission from her oldest male relation.”
Sesshoumaru visibly frowned at this. “Then who…?”
He stopped abruptly and followed the tree's gaze and groaned inwardly. This was going to be the most humiliating experience of his existence.
Jaken came tumbling into the clearing gasping for air and looking around wildly.
So, did you follow that?
Time has passed while our lovers have been parted
Rin has done some soul searching and realized that being human isn't horrible despite what she misunderstood as a child and her misconceptions after growing up with demons like the pompous Jaken and the non-conversational type, Sesshoumaru. She has also become a strong, independent woman and has established herself nicely in her human village, though she still feels an emptiness.
The little story Takaeda tells is about the Sparring Dance. Remember Sesshoumaru using the dance to “test” Rin for the marks? He had been so cocky and confident that he was certain that if she wasn't marked that she would respond to his seduction, thus proving she wasn't marked. This tale reminds Rin of the encounter and she realizes that there was something more going on that she hadn't understood at the time. Remember, Rin didn't know about this demon ritual. Jaken was careless in training Rin in demon rituals since she is human.
Sesshoumaru has come to terms with his feelings for Rin and yet he is tormented by dreams of her. His desire for her tortures him. Every dream is the same…until this one. He finally catches her in this dream, and attempts to conquer her, but even this time, he is the one that is defeated. He loves her too much and longs for her too much.
But surprise!!! When he wakes up she is there, in the flesh! Obviously this frustrates him because of his harsh treatment of her the night before.
Rin has left the village, fueled by her new understanding of the Sparring Dance and its meaning, she wants answers!! So, she leaves and goes home. Home to the palace and to Sesshoumaru, where she finds him sleeping..alone. But where is his new bride? And what about the answers she is looking for?
Sesshoumaru is annoyed by her questions as he has now come to terms with being in love with her and also being the last to know he was in love with her, so now he feels that the answer to all of these questions is obvious. “Because he loves her.”
Now we are left wondering why Sesshoumaru is asking to take Rin as his Life Mate. How is this possible? We have already established that the treaty has been completed, so what's up with the whole wife thing?