InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Little Five Letter Word ❯ One-Shot

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/n Hi guys! Um, yeah I know it's been a while since I've updated all my other fics, but I'm really trying. I am determined to finish every thing that I've started; I've barely even broken ground on most of them yet. I plan on making `A Heart Can Only Take So Much' at least twenty something chapters if not more. And my pokemon fic I plan on having continuing for a while so don't give up on me yet! I know it is taking a lot of time for just a couple chapters but I am in the process of making effective outlines for all of my stories, as I started them on a whim. But once that's out of the way, it's smooth sailing from there on out guys! It's just that I hate doing outlines, but without them my stories go phooey and they start sucking and not making sense and then I have to redo them and edit the crap out of them which I also hate and crap and now I'm babbling. I so had way too much caffeine today… night whatever time it is. Anyway I should have something up soon, but I'm not making promises I can't keep so I can't set a definite date. But I also have another one shot that should be up with my other updates, and I think you guys will like it. It's 12,000+ words and probally the longest thing I have written to date.
So about this fic. Well I don't want to give away too much, but it is sort a prequel to `Cleaning his Sword' and establishes their relationship when CHS takes place.
So now by your requests I give you the latest one shot from yours truly.
Oh yeah and WAFF warning. This fic will probally leave you with cavities.
DISCLAIMER- I do not own InuYasha or any of it affiliates. He belongs to Rumiko Takahashi and Viz Media. So don't sue me unless you are obsessed with pocket lint… if you are you might need to see someone about that…
One Little Five Letter Word
By yurDestini
Kagome sighed in contentment as she snuggled in closer to the warmth that surrounded her in the form of muscular arms. The sounds of birds and forest creatures buzzed around her in the clearing she and InuYasha were currently resting in.
Kagome turned around to face the hanyou whose bare arms presently held her nearly unclothed form flush against his. She could hear the soft snores indicating that he was still asleep, so Kagome took the opportunity to look upon and study the serene face of her hanyou lover. He was beautiful; the sharp contours of his cheekbones and jaw line were perfectly balanced by his full lips and long eyelashes. His long silver hair flowed over his form and shimmered in the late afternoon light, making him look more like an angel than a hanyou. His skin was surprisingly smooth and not a blemish could be seen. And when he was awake those amber eyes of his could make her shiver in delight with just a look.
His left ear then choose that moment to twitch, effectively averting Kagome's attention to it. She giggled softly as she reached up to tweak it and watched as the sleeping boy leaned into her touch as she continued to rub.
`And he said he didn't like having his ears touched…'
A smile slowly spread on her face as she began to recall the events that lead up to this moment. Who would have thought that one five letter word would bring about such a wonderful turn of events…
“Osuwari!” she commanded seething quiet anger as InuYasha hit the ground. He had said it again, that word. No matter how times she had told him not to call her that, he still did!
The spell soon wore off and InuYasha sprang up, his face red from the impact and his rising anger.
“What the hell?! What'd you fucking do that for!?!” he demanded angrily as he loomed over her. Kagome thrust her chin up in defiance as she met his heated glare with one of her own.
“You know just as well as I do what you did, you jerk!” she shouted, jabbing her index finger into his chest accusingly. The anger on his face subsided slightly as confusion became apparent on his face.
“The hell…? What the fuck are you babbling about now?”
“Don't act like you don't know! You called me th-that word!” she sputtered. She was so angry, her eyes crossed and if InuYasha hadn't been so angry with her at the moment he would have laughed at her expression.
“What word? Stupid?”
“No, inu no baka! That word!!!” she nearly screamed at him. InuYasha actually took the moment to replay the last the last few minutes. They had just gotten back from Kagome's time and had been making their way back to Kaede's village when InuYasha casually asked Kagome what she had brought him from her time. (Okay, maybe it had been more along the lines of `Where the hell is my ramen?' but still.) Next thing he knew he was on the ground kissing dirt, so it must have been something he had said. Either that or the wench was crazy; it wouldn't be the first time the miko had sat him out of the blue for no apparent reason. But when he was able to get up after the spell wore off, he could clearly see the anger on her face, so that kind of blew his Kagome going insane theory out of the water (though he still had his suspicions). So then what was it that had made her so angry? He began to rack his mind for anything in the slightest that would set her off, when it hit him. No wait, that couldn't be right…could it? Well, it couldn't hurt to try.
“Wait, you mean bitch?” he threw out casually.
He probably shouldn't have said that out loud.
“The fuck woman! Are you trying to kill me?!” he screamed from the ground. She slowly approached his fallen form and bent down to his level, unknowingly giving InuYasha quite the view with the low-cut tank top she was currently wearing.
“You…are such…a BAKA!!!” she hissed clenching her fists as she tried to calm herself.
When the spell wore off once more, InuYasha quickly sprang up, facing away from the irritated miko.
“Feh.” He sniffed. He began to kick at some of the rocks that were on the forest floor when a sudden thought entered his mind.
“Hey Kagome, why do you get so offended when I call you a bitch?” he asked seriously. Out of habit, Kagome nearly sat him again, but when she heard the completely serious tone he was speaking she forced herself to calm down as she sought to explain to the clueless hanyou why exactly that word offended her so much.
“Well I know for you…that word means a female dog, but in my time it means…something else.”
InuYasha snorted.
“Keh, that's what you think.” He muttered more to himself but Kagome was able to hear him as clear as day. She narrowed her eyes as she put her hands on her hips.
“What do you mean `that's what I think'? Is there something you aren't telling me InuYasha?” she asked as she sauntered over to the hanyou, her schooled features not giving away a trace of the anger she felt.
To her complete and utter shock, she could see a small blush dusted across his high cheekbones.
“Feh, it's nothing.” He quickly said as he averted his gaze. But it was too late; Kagome's interest was already piqued.
`What's he not telling me?' She then moved so her body was less than an inch away from him as her eyes sought his, laughing inwardly as his eyes widened to the size of saucers.
“No InuYasha, I'm interested in what ever you have to say.” She purred as she lazily traced her fingers over the length of his arm. “So please…” she implored as she pressed her body completely against his. “Do tell.” She commanded, her face merely centimeters away from his. InuYasha visibly gulped and Kagome inwardly smirked.
`Hook, line and sinker. Works every time.'
Meanwhile InuYasha mentally shook his head and forced himself to move away from the enticing feel of Kagome's warm body against his.
“W-well,” he began shakily. “You can be a female dog without being a bitch.” He glanced briefly at her and by looks of her narrowing eyes, he knew that she wanted him to elaborate. InuYasha sighed heavily.
`I can't believe I'm telling her this…!'
“Look, you know what an alpha male in a pack is, right? He's the leader of the pack, the one in charge of all the others. You know how like I'm in charge of every one in our group…” Kagome nodded as she understood.
“But in every pack there's also an alpha female who is second in command and the one who takes over leadership of the pack when the alpha male is away. She is the bitch.” He explained as the anger on Kagome's face gave way to that of understanding.
“Oh, so when whenever you call me a bitch you're not insulting me at all?” she asked just to make sure of things, just in case it had another meaning.
InuYasha shoved his hands in the sleeves of his haori as he sank down to sit on his haunches.
“Yeah, something like that.” he muttered as Kagome sat down next to him, leaning slightly into his side.
“So why were you blushing, if that's all it means?” She asked innocently. As if summoned, the blush once again appeared on his face.
“Because it's also what inu youkai call their mates.” He said so softly Kagome almost didn't hear him. She gasped as he gave her a pointed look, his eyes a brilliant swirling pool of molten amber.
“Or mates-to-be.”
Kagome's mind was racing as was her heart. She knew she and InuYasha were closer than they had been in the past; no scratch that, a lot closer. But never before had he acknowledged aloud the state of their relationship, and for him to say in not so many words that he cared for her more than just on a friend with benefits basis, made her heart swell with all of the love she felt for the hanyou. To think, all this time he had been calling her one thing and meaning something else entirely! Why he might have… wait a minute! Kagome met his eyes as a sudden thought lodged itself.
“Wait a minute, you mean to tell me all those times you called me a bitch in the past, you were really calling me your fiancée?” she asked in barely contained excitement, which did not go missed by InuYasha.
InuYasha studied the glowing face of the girl before him, barely able to contain his shock at the emotions that were so clearly written on her face. Did she actually want to be his mate? When he had realized his feelings for her a long time ago, he had told himself that no matter how he felt, he would not force Kagome to live a life that a hanyou had to endure, even if she felt the same for him. Now that Kikyou had finally been put to rest, thoughts of a future with a certain raven haired that once seemed impossible, now weren't as farfetched. And his earlier fears of putting Kagome through the life he and his mother had to endure were slowly being assuaged as Kagome proved to him every day just how strong; in mind, body and spirit; she really was. Hell, if it hadn't been for her he and Sesshoumaru would still be clawing each others throats out. She really was amazing, and everyday he thanked every deity that he knew of for sending him this wonderful girl from five hundred years in the future to set him free from his prison, in more ways than one. And he hoped more than anything that she really did want to be his mate. But he could be wrong; Kagome had a tendency to surprise him on occasion.
“Well to be honest at first, no, I really was calling you a bitch.” He mentally slapped himself when saw her eyes narrow at his words.
`Note to self: Never say the first thing that comes to mind when in middle of serious conversation that could possibly change relationship with the girl you love.'
“But as time went on it took on a different meaning in my mind.” He then took a hold of her hand in his. “And in my heart.” He whispered, mentally applauding himself for his quick thinking.
Kagome couldn't have stopped the rivers of tears that began to flow down her face if she tried.
“Kagome…” InuYasha whispered as he gazed into her eyes and reached out with his clawed hand to tilt her chin toward him. He didn't even realize that their faces were slowly moving toward each others until his lips collided with hers.
Now this was in no way their first kiss together; but as he felt Kagome's tears spill onto his cheeks and her arms wrapping around his neck, drawing him closer into the warmth that was Kagome, he knew that this one kiss that they shared, unlike all the others that came before it, would undoubtedly mark a turn in their relationship. With that one kiss they both came to an intimate understanding; words weren't needed to tell the other what they felt as their lips began to fill the empty spaces within each others hearts.
They soon broke apart as the need for air overrode the need to be close to one another. InuYasha rested his forehead against hers and lovingly smoothed the back of his hand over the side of her face as he slowly regained his breath.
“Now you know when I call you a bitch, I'm not trying to offend you. But instead I'm calling you my koibito.” He pulled away to look into her eyes.
“I know I'm not good with words, hell, I'll probably fuck this up too, but I want you to know that you are the reason why I wake each morning, why I put up with that damn nonsense from that monk and kit. You… you're like air to me, I can't breathe without you…”
`Okay she's crying now, just say it before you fuck this up.' He silently ordered himself as he took in a deep breath in order to say the next few words.
“Dammit woman I love you… there isn't a day I would want spend in my life without you by side. And if you would have me I would show you every waking moment how much you truly mean to me.” He proclaimed as he brought her in closer so her head rested gently on the crook of his neck as he continued.
“I want to wake up every morning with you by my side, to see my pups growing inside of you, to grow old with you.”
Kagome's vision was rapidly becoming blurry from all the tears flooding her eyes and her head began to spin from his words.
How long had she dreamed of this moment, of InuYasha proclaiming his undenying love for her? And now it was finally happening. If this was a dream, Kagome never wanted to wake up.
“Kagome,” his masculine voice bringing her back down to earth only to send her mind reeling once more.
`Here we go, you can do this.'
“All I need to know is one thing; will you be my life mate?” he finally asked. A joy Kagome never thought she could feel rushed over her as she found her body propelling itself into InuYasha's arms.
“You baka,” she chastised teasingly. “Don't you know I'll always be by your side?” She whispered unaware of just how much her words affected him. She wrapped her arms tighter around his neck as more tears sprung forth.
“Oh god's… I love you so much.” She murmured into his shoulder, putting a smile full of male pride on InuYasha face.
After a long peaceful silence had settled on the embracing couple, InuYasha suddenly remembered something important that had been unfortunately (or fortunately) forgotten in the recent revealing of each other's feelings.
“Oi Kagome, you still haven't told me why my calling you a bitch was offensive to you.”
Kagome sweatdropped.
`Oh yeah that's right… I guess I got so caught up in InuYasha's words I forgot what I was even angry about. Oh well, it can't hurt to at least tell him where I'm coming from.'
She reluctantly removed herself from the warmth of InuYasha's arm and stood before she answered him.
“Well, in my time the original meaning of the word sort of changed over the years so now it means in nicer terms a female aggressor who needs to be put in her place… like an angry female dog, I suppose.” She added almost as an afterthought as she made the distinction, which surprisingly, struck her as funny. She was probably still giddy from the adrenaline, she reasoned.
“Anyways, most women and girls in my time find the word offensive to them.” She finished. To her surprise InuYasha let out a noise that sounded suspiciously like a cross between a laugh and a bark.
“Keh, you're still a bitch!” he retorted mirthily, as he erupted into more barks of laughter. Kagome's face immediately became stony and the air around them suddenly dropped ten degrees.
“WHAT?” she inquired icily. InuYasha held onto his aching sides as he barely managed to bring his laughter under control, if his most undignified snorts were any indication.
“You s-said it yourself wench, a female aggressor who needs to be put in her place! I think we are both in agreement on who that is!” he barked gleefully. Kagome's stony countenance fell as it gave way to that of childish annoyance.
“B-but I don't go around harassing people and blackmailing and other…bitch-y like stuff!” she whined.
“I didn't say you did, but an aggressor that needs to be put in her place, like…a b-bitch!” he collapsed on the ground in another fit of uncontrollable laughter as he got the double meaning of his statement. Kagome silently fumed.
“You know, I should be offended by this.” She huffed as she crossed her arms. InuYasha let out one final bark of laughter before picking himself off the ground, a lopsided grin on his face as he took a step towards the annoyed girl. He placed his hands on her waist as he regarded her in amusement.
“Tsk tsk tsk. No matter how you look at it Kagome, you're still a bitch.” He leaned in to whisper into her ear. “And you're my bitch.” With that he moved a hand down from her waist to firmly squeeze her rear, forcing a startled squeak from the girl. He leaned away to gaze upon Kagome's flushed face, slowly rubbing the offending appendage in circles on the small of her back.
“Besides, I like it when you're feisty.” He retorted with a suggestive grin that showed a hint of fang, completely unaware of the effect his words had on her.
Kagome inwardly smirked.
`So he wants aggressive, eh? I'll show him aggressive!”
In a sudden display of strength, InuYasha suddenly found himself on his back on the ground, with a heavily breathing Kagome perched on his stomach. Her shirt had ridden up and bunched around her waist, revealing an enticing amount of skin and her chest heaved from the physical exertion. Her hair flowed in streams down her back and her lips were slightly parted as she panted; it was probably the most erotic he had ever seen in his life. Kagome silently thanked Sango for the moves she had taught her a while back, as it was clearly worth all the times flipping over Miroku just for the look that was currently on the hanyou's face.
`Damn…' Was the only coherent thought he could form as his mouth suddenly became dry.
“Is that… aggressive enough for you?” as she lowered the upper half of her body towards InuYasha, once again putting her chest his line of vision. InuYasha growled as he flipped them over so she was underneath him and he was on top.
“You'll have to do better than that if you want to best me, Ka-go-me.” He rumbled huskily as he began to trace the outer shell of her ear with his tongue. Kagome shuddered in delight as a malicious glint formed in her eyes. With a growl that could rival one of his own, she flipped them over once more, resuming her position on top.
“Bring it on, dog boy!” she taunted, thus ensuing a play fight that would undoubtedly have pleasurable results…
A sudden moment in front of Kagome brought her out of her reverie. She watched in amusement as InuYasha slowly cracked open an eyelid, revealing brilliant gold that hazily regarded her smiling form.
“Good evening, koi.” Her eyes roamed over his bare chest as he sat up and stretched letting out a jaw cracking yawn. “Sleep well?” she inquired. He finished stretching and smiled at the girl next to him.
“Best damn sleep I've had in ages.” He answered honestly as he gathered Kagome in his arms, burying his nose into the crook of her neck.
“Mmm…'Yasha…” she sighed as he began to place tiny love bites along the length of her shoulder, reminding her of their earlier activities. The sun had already begun to set and the dimming rays shone through the swaying leaves of the tree around them.
“ `Gome, you smell so good.” He murmured as he began to attack the other nearly bare shoulder. Kagome smiled as she leaned into his loving assault.
After every thing they had been trough, it was wonderful to finally be able relax and just be with one another, without the worries of evil hanyous, undead mikos and corrupt jewels. For so long they had skirted around one another with their feelings, it was such a relief to just enjoy being in one another's presence without having to hide behind the walls they had built as a result of hiding their feelings for each other for so long. And although they were not officially mates yet, as Naraku still needed to be defeated, they knew that once everything was over they would do so, and not a moment before. But for now they were content with just being close to one another.
InuYasha suddenly twisted her around in his lap so she was straddling him, his eyes a deep amber as he nearly burned her with his gaze.
“Bitch…” he drawled huskily as closed the distance and gave a her a deep, passionate kiss that made Kagome's toes curl. She smiled against his lips as she recalled the one word that now sent shivers down her spine every time she heard it fall from InuYasha's lip.
One word, one little five letter word had started it all, and it's appearance lead to the chain of the events that now had Kagome and InuYasha holding each other nearly unclothed and kissing each other senseless.
If someone had told her earlier that one word could bring about so much change she would have thought them insane. But as she felt InuYasha lower them to the ground once more and gaze upon her with such gentleness and love, she couldn't help but feel that she was the luckiest girl in the world.
`Yep,' she thought as InuYasha kissed her once more sending her mind reeling.
`This bitch is here to stay…'