InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ one love ❯ The end of naraku pt.1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER:I DO NOT OWN INUYASHA.but i own yanick and sakenos and mia.

it was a foggy night and the gang which inclued:inuyasha,kagome,sango,miroku,shippo,sesshy,rin,kouga and ayame prepared for the battle ahead.They were outside of naraku's castle,miroku created a barrier to protect them from the miasma .They all wondered what would happen in the battle in the future.They sat around a campfire except for inuyasha who sat on a tree branch watching over his friends .

His gaze went to sango and miroku who were cuddling together,he actually smiled when he remembered tha his two friends are
together,he remembered the night he saw them ''DOING THINGS'' in the forest and only days later he smelt that sango was pregnant.
Then his gaze went to shippo and rin playing and he muttered''knew the runt liked her'' and he was not wrong,shippo did indeed fall in love with rin but hid his feelings because he was afraid of sesshy[A/N cannot spell his name so i just call him sesshy].

Then his gaze drifted towards kagome,the woman he loved with his entire heart but couldn't tell her he thought she liked this guy in her
time called ''homo,hobo,hoko or something like that[A/N i hate hojo]

kagome looked up at inuyasha the man she loved,who was looking at her she was half happy half sad was he looking at her because he liked her or was it because she looked like kikyou.That very name made her a little sadder,she knew that inuyasha promised to go to hell with kikyou.

inuyasha saw that kagome was sad and jumped off the tree and went to her.

inuyasha:are u alright kagome ?

kagome just gave him a fake smile and a nod.

suddenly there was a huge explosion and everyone turned to see kagura and kanna escaping naraku's castle on kagura's feather
with poisinous insects behind them.

inuyasha:''so naraku has sent his little minions to fight us heh'' he said while unsheathing his tensiaga[A/N cannot spell it]and jumping towards them.

kagura:''NO WE ARE RUNNING FROM NARAKU, THEY ARE AFTER US''kagura said pointing at the insects.inuyasha realizied she was not lieing he jumped over them.

inuyasha:DIE!!! WIND SCAR!! he said as he destroyed the insects with the powerful attack of his sword.

Nothing was left of the insects except dust .As inuyasha approached the he could hear them questioning kagura.

sesshy:''i thought u said u would not try to escape since naraku has ur heart?''

kagura:''well that is true but let me tell u guys what happened''


As kagura walked through the castle she thought''strange,why has naraku disappeared all of a sudden '' she turned down a hallway and saw a door she has never seen before and she went in and found a bowl with her heart inside she was shocked that naraku just left her heart in a room unprotected she said the word ''ahsayuni skcor''and her heart started to glow a little but disappeared and transported itself into kougra's chest,then she left the room in search of kanna.

kanna was outside when kagura came to her and said ''we are leaving'',''but ur hea-''was the only thing kanna got to say before kagura told her that she found her heart they both ran to the door leading to outside of the castle which was locked.kagura had an idea.

kagura:''kanna stand back DANCE OF THE DRAGON!!!''which caused an explosion they both flew away on kagura's feather but were attacked by naraku's insects.

kanna:''and u guys know the rest''she said.suddenly they heard two screams and turned to see.

A/N:sorry about the cliffie u guys it is my first fanfic,please review and i make chappie 2 eeeeeeeeeexxxxxxxxxxxxxtttttttttttttttttrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa long,PROMISE.