InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One moment too Late ❯ Finalty of Goodbyes ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~*~*~*~*~*~Disclaimer: All characters, places, objects, ect. related to and or in the anime 'Inu-Yasha' are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. I make no profit but the joys of writing. ~*~*~*~*~*~

Finalty of goodbyes

Kagome threw herself onto her bed, tears streaming violently down her cheeks, splashes of crimson flesh in their wake. Her nerve-endings were on fire, there was nothing that could be done, he was dead, murdered, from something born within Inu-Yasha, something she had never seen before...something she never wanted to see again.

The gleam in his eyes, they were blood-thirsty, and hatred filled every cell in them. Her sobs echoed through her room, crying would not solve this however, this she knew. She had to find Inu-Yasha, before he got himself in even more trouble.

But I don't want to see him, i don't want to find him, i want nothing to do with him... A sharp rap on her bedroom window reported loudly throughout her room, and she toppled from the top of her bed, lying sprawled on her floor. Inu-Yasha growled and drew his hand back. Kagome glared at him as his hand made contact with the pane, and shattered it into uncountable numbers.

"Goddammit! What the hell is wrong with you Inu-Yasha?! I had a date, a nice, decent, respectable date, and ...and...YOU FUCKING KILLED HIM YOU ASSHOLE!" Inu-Yasha growled and he advanced towards her. "Any emotions I might have had for you, your search for someone to replace me has decimated them to the fullest extent. You're a whore, you are a worthless female who is looking for someone to hold onto to protect you. I killed that boy out of pity for him, I hate many yes, but none as much to leave them for you." Kagome cringed at every syllable.

"What are you talking about? I am NOT a whore, you're just a selfish, arrogant, little boy that can't handle the fact that I would want someone over you!"

Inu-Yasha's hand shot out, it's grasp wrapped tighlty about Kagome's throat, "You scheming little bitch, I will not be tossed to the side so easily, you can have your 'mates', in the meantime, your coming with me. You're to find the jewel, after that, if I ever lay eyes on your disgusting corpse, you will die."

Kagome glared at him, her eyes locked tightly within his gaze.

"I will not." Inu-Yasha released her and shoved her roughly towards her bedroom door, "You will if you want to live you pathetic, indecent tramp. NOW!" Kagome whimpered as she hit the door, her shoulder banging against it roughly. Tomorrow would bring a bruise, physically, and emotionally.

Kagome stumbled down the steps to the curb, her eyes on the pavement in front of her. She whipped around, her face inches from Inu-Yasha's, "I will not be shoved around like a slave by a dog! Whatever the hell is wrong with you, fix it! I am not under your commands, your threats don't scare me, and if you touch me one more time I will pound your face into the ground until you enter coma!"

Inu-Yasha's eyes narrowed, and his hand instinctively laid to rest on the Tetsuaiga. "Kagome, you are going with me to find the shards of the jewel, after that, your free to live your life as you please. Do not cause any unecessary problems for either of us."

Kagome paused, and glared at him, her eyes watering, her breath forced, she was fighting, Don't cry, don't let him see you cry... She opened her mouth to speak, but the tears flowed instead.

"What did you never understand?! I love you Inu-Yasha! I have loved you for so long, but your so heartless, so cruel. How can you tell me I am worthless, when you yourself have gone out of your way to save me?! can you be so void of emotion?"

Kagome stepped backwards slowly, her words laying fresh in the air. Inu-Yasha stared at her, his mind blank. She said it...she admitted it...

"I love you! I left to find someone to take you off of my mind, and it didn't work! I did not leave to abandon you, why would you even think that?! I love you!"

Inu-Yasha blinked softly, his hand extending slightly to her ever retreating body. "I..." His sentence never finished.

Kagome stepped back once more, and lost her balance. She lay on the street, her head swimming from the impact of the pavement. A small trickle of blood lay behind her as she opened her eyes, a soft light to her left catching her attention.

Inu-Yasha noticed it as well, he drew his blade and hissed quietly at the oncoming light. "What the hell is tha..." He panicked as he realized what it was. It was one of the carriages the humans use these days, but it was bigger than any he had ever seen.

Kagome shook her head and looked upwards, the grill of a 40,000 pound truck rapidly closing on her. She squeaked and struggled to stand, but her head injury prevented it.

Inu-Yasha grabbed for her leg, but was far too late.

His hands grasped her ankle as her fragile body was drug beneath metal, and ripped apart by rubber. Inu-Yasha himself was swung against the trailer, his hands still attatched to her leg.


The truck continued, it's driver unaware of his deadly mistake. Inu-Yasha stared at her form, a twist of her flesh, some torn, some intact, and the ever-growing puddle of crimson liquid. "No..." His hands slipped beneath her corpse, his eyes searching for a sign of life...he found none.

His eyes burned, and water leaked from beneath his eyelids. "Kagome...I loved you too..."

His hands released her lifeless mass and she slid to the road, settling next to him in a lake of blood. Inu-Yasha turned away, drew the Tetsuaiga, and walked to the sidewalk. He sat, staring at the limp figure of Kagome. "I loved you too..." He sighed, a tear falling, and plunged the Tetsuaiga into it's final resting place, him. "I loved you too..."

Review please, no flame for killing the almighty couple. They will return happily in another fic! Love the mythic and wrap yourslves in a passion for the fantasy. ~Love always, Dwell_among_the_moon~