InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Night Of Pleasure ❯ Waking Up ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Sesshoumaru stared down at the naked girl lying in his bed. He couldn't believe it when he opened his door last night to find his brother's drunken bitch, begging for him to take her. Who was he to deny her what she wanted. He got the pleasure of casual sex plus, the added bonus of taking something else that belonged to his brother. He couldn't wait to see her face when she woke up and since she was starting to stir, he wouldn't have to wait long.

Kagome frowned as she woke up, taking in her surroundings. This isn't my room, she thought. That's when she felt his eyes. She glanced to the left of her to see a very naked Sesshoumaru grinning at her. This definitely isn't my room.

"Can't you say good morning?" he said. "It is after all in good manners."

She couldn't even speak, her throat was too dry. What the hell was she doing in Sesshoumaru's bed naked? Inuyasha would never forgive her. He laughed at the terror stricken girl staring at him. He could almost hear her thoughts on what his brother would think. He decided to tease her. He reached across the space separating them and caressed her cheek while she watched in silent horror. Then he pushed her down into the bed. She still didn't move or speak out against him. "I see your voice must be sore from all the screaming you did last night." He smirked evilly. "I bet Inuyasha never made you scream like that." he whispered in her ear.

I bet Inuyasha never made you scream like that.

At last she found her voice. "Get the hell off me!, you bastard!" She screamed.

"I would advise you to keep your voice down. You wouldn't want Inuyasha to come in and find you in my bed, do you? Besides I'm not the one who came here begging for sex. I was merely complying with your wishes."

That's when it all came back to her. Going out with Kikyou, getting drunk, coming here and then Sesshoumaru, she remembered what they did. His hands, his lips, his... "Oh my God, what have I done?" she asked in quiet disbelief. "You had sex with me is what you did" Sesshoumaru said coldly. Kagome started to cry.

"Inuyasha, I'm sorry...I'm so sorry."

Sesshoumaru sighed. The wench had started to cry over that stupid brother of his. "I suggest that you get dressed and leave before Inuyasha wakes up" he told her. She nodded and started to put on her clothes under the covers. Sesshoumaru laughed and ripped the sheets from her body. Kagome gasped and tried to cover herself as best as she could.

He laughed again. "It's a little bit too late for that don't you think? I already got a good look at you last night Kagome...yes, a very good look." he repeated licking his lips for emphasis. Before she could tell him off a voice came from the outside the bedroom door that made her want to curl up and die.

"Oi ya bastard, why don't you and your slut keep down the noise, I'm kinda tryin' to sleep." Inuyasha yelled from the other side.

"I'm sure you would enjoy my "slut" if you had her" came Sesshoumaru's reply.

"I don't need your tramps. I have Kagome." Inuyasha retorted, thinking how lucky he was to have found the perfect woman. Sesshoumaru's laughter was the only answer he got in return.

"If he ever found out this, it would kill him." said Sesshoumaru to the stricken Kagome.

"I'll do anything. Please just don't tell Inuyasha." she said in fear.

"Really is that so." he said immediately interested. "Well how about another go? I want to hear you scream my name again."

She blanched white before casting her eyes down. "Fine, whatever you want but not here, not now." Sesshoumaru was in shock. She would really sleep with him again to keep him from telling his brother about their one night together. I don't think any woman would do that for me, he thought angrily. For once his brother had found something truly worth cherishing. I can't take advantage of her.

"I was just joking. I wouldn't stoop that low for a piece of ass."

Piece of ass?! she thought angrily and slapped him with all her might.

"I'm not a piece of anything. You're such a pig!"

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Kagome? Inuyasha stopped in the hallway for a minute and listened. I must be hearing things.

- - - - - - - - -

"You weren't complaining last night!" he yelled at her knowing it was her weak spot.

"I was drunk! I would never have betrayed Inuyasha on purpose. You act like I was chasing you all along. I'm not one of your mindless drones that worship you" she screamed back.

God she's so hot when she's like this. She's even hotter writhing beneath me, thought Sesshoumaru. To hell with Inuyasha! I want her for myself, shouldn't be too hard to steal her from the runt.

"Look I'm sorry I came here and threw myself at you. I didn't mean it. It won't happen again." With that Kagome walked out the door.

That's what you think. I won't let you off so easily. When I'm done with you, you'll be begging for me. I can satisfy you in ways that Inuyasha can't hope to compete with. He smirked at the thought.