InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Night Of Pleasure ❯ The Secret's Out ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter One: The Secret's Out

After lunch Inuyasha had dropped Kagome off at her house and was heading home. After the last stop light before home, his car door opened and in jumped Kikyou.

"Hey Inuyasha, miss me?" she asked leaning over for a kiss. He turned away in disgust.

"Kikyou get the hell out of my car. I told you that I never wanted to see you again, or are you too brain dead to understand that I don't want you."

"But Inuyasha I have important news to tell you about your new girlfriend" she said sweetly.

"If I want to know something about Kagome, I'll ask her myself." he said

"Is that so? Hmm, I wonder, do you really think she would tell you that she slept with your brother?" Inuyasha lost control of the car and it swerved to the side of the road. "What the hell did you just say?"

"I said, do you really think Kagome would tell you that she slept with your brother." she repeated.

'Sesshoumaru and Kagome? No! She would never,' he thought.

"You're lying." he said quietly

"I wish I was but, I have proof."

'Proof? But why would Kagome...'

"Get out. Just get out, I don't believe you." Inuyasha said to her.

"I'll leave but look at the evidence first before you preach to me about how pure and righteous your little whore is. Hasn't she been acting strange today?" Then she left, tossing a bulky manila folder on the passenger seat.

'What's wrong with you?! Why would you say that?! The memory of today's lunch replayed itself in his mind.

'No. Kagome would never....she just wouldn't.'

Nearby Kikyou watched Inuyasha shaking his head to himself in the car and smiled at her handy work. She knew she had him. 'Now Inuyasha will come back to me, no one can take what's mine.'

- - - - - - - - - -

He was going to be sick. Coming home he nearly broke his neck racing up the stairs to his room. Ripping the envelope open he found pictures of Kagome and his brother in various states of undress and sexual intimacy. 'How long has this been going on?" he wondered. He really didn't want to see the video but, he couldn't help himself.

There on the screen was his Kagome crying out for Sesshoumaru to drive harder into her. The video ended with her screaming his name as she came. Inuyasha felt the bile rise in his throat. That's why she had been so angry with him for the comment he made about her sleeping with another man. He could have dealt with her sleeping with someone else and betraying his trust but, his brother?

'I'll kill him' he thought. `I won't rest until he's dead!'

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Sorry that the chapters aren't longer guys but they are pre-written up to chapter 4 after that I'll do my best to make them longer. To all who want to know this is a Sess/Kag fic! I wouldn't have it any other way.
