InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One night which change everything ❯ Chapter 3 : fiercy ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hi !!!!!!!!!!
Sorry to have taken sooooooo much time to update this story, don't hate me please (puppy eyes). It will not be long but the following will be…
Hope you will like it, and if you have comments or even propositions for this story or any others of mine, you know what to do, right ? Good. (grin)
So, I let you with this new chapter…
Disclaimer : No, I don't own InuYasha. It's the property of the famous Takahashi…(sigh)
Previously, in the chapter 2 :
" Bankotsu is right. He will not harm her. "
" Are you sure of that, Houshi ? "
Miroku smile.
" Of course Jakotsu. Who would want to cause harm to a so beautiful little thing . The little angel is too…appealing for that. You have a lot of things which cross your mind when you are in her presence and hurt her isn't part of it. "
He said, finishing his sentence by liking his lips.
Jakotsu giggle at his dreamly face.
" Yes, a lot lot of things. " add InuYasha, a spark in his eyes.
Jakotsu look at all the men around him.
" Ok, I believe you. "
He tried to calm down.
" It became strangely silent up there. "
Chapter 3 :
Jakotsu felt his heart beat wildly in his chest. So silent, suddenly… Kagome, please be ok.
The words of the others members of the gang calmed him a little, or at least enough to stop him to push all of them out the way and climb to save his best friend. That would be foolish and he is not sure he could have kept his head on his shoulders by interrupting their leader but still.
He made another noise of distress in the back of his throat, which really like a whimper.
InuYasha turn to look at him again and growl low
" Stop with the noise already, freak. "
Miroku put a hand on InuYasha's shoulder. "Calm down my friend. That will not do any good to get violent in the moment. We should go back to sit and wait "
InuYasha crossed his arms on his chest. "Feh"
They walk towards the sofas. At this moment, the ears on the top of InuYasha twitched with the sound he heard.
Everyone turn towards the stairs. The door of the office open and let a really piss off looking young woman come out. She didn't close the door, and walked directly to the stairs and came down.
When she reech the end of the stairs, the people on the room could perfectly hear her mumble a `jerk' to herself, when massing her neck gently.
She raised her head and came face to face with a lot of eyes locked on her. Red appear on her cheeks at the attentions she attired, and jump to one foot to the other with nervously.
She didn't seem well, like she go all the way to Hell and come back, which she probably did.
" Kaggie ! " screamed an overjoyed Jakotsu.
He started to come toward her but stop at the face she made. She forced a little smile to try to reassure her friend, but failed miserably.
" Kagome… ? " He asked, his voice catching in his throat, his face didn't hide his concern.
" I'm fine Jaks, Just a little tired. It's a Hell night and a lot happened so I will go back home right now. "
He took her in his arms in a fierce hug.
They heard some clear his throat, and saw Sesshomaru, in all his glory, on the top of the stairs.
" InuYasha, you will drive the woman home with someone following you for your way back. " His deep voice catch the attention of everyone. He looked at his half-brother and after that he nodded at him, started to make his way back in his office.
The anger raise again in Kagome at the arrogance of the demon Lord and come out of the securatively embrace of her friend to face him.
" Hey"
He stopped but don't turn around. People in the room look fearfully at her direction, like if she was crazy or had a dead wish or something. But Kagome didn't give a damn at what they assume she is tired of all of this. The blood of the young woman boiled in her veins like lava, and with that her powers. Sesshomaru could almost taste it on his mouth. The others could feel it to and their eyes went from Kagome to Sesshomaru and the other way.
" Don't order me around like, I was a thing or like I'm not there. I don't need anyone aid, I can find my way back myself, thank you really much. "
Sesshomaru turned slowly and locked his gaze with the fiery deep blue ones of Kagome.
" You have already difficulties to stay up. Don't prize yourself, I don't care what can happen to you. But you will not die on your way back from my home tonight, after that I really don't care, woman. Don't forget the meeting Monday. "
She huffed and narrowed her eyes at him.
" Like if I care what you think, youkai. "
She crossed her arms on her chest and turn toward the exit.
All the people look at her strangely, but she didn't care and continue her way. She stopped to walk when she felt someone behind her but didn't have the time to turn around. She knew perfectly who it is, if the deep growl she could hear behind her is any indication.
He caught her by the arms to prevent her to turn around.
She can feel his hot breath on her neck and couldn't help the shiver. Damn him ! How can he make me react like it with really not doing anything. And traitorous body too !
He whispered in her ear but still loud enough to every youkais' ears to capt at least part of it.
" We already went by that, woman, I will call you by what ever that damn please me, and you had no saying in it. "
She tried to make him release her but his hands just tight around her arms making her stop and whimper. He bent down more close to her ear.
" Why do you take so much pleasure to oppose this Sesshomaru when you know you can do a thing against it ? Do you wish so much to die ?
The fact that I'm youkai did disgust you so much that you wouldn't take an escort to drive you home in safety even when you can't really stay awake ? "
He said that with a voice so husky and smooth that send a new shiver down her spine. He smirk at that. At least, even if he didn't really afraid her, like everyone, he still had some power on her.
She answered softly back.
" I do not care if you are youkai or human, you are just too much arrogant for your own good. You can be the leader of the gang and any youkai you want or even human but that didn't give you the right to speak to me like that just because I'm human. I just want to go back home. "
His eyes flashed red a second before becoming to their original golden color again. He growled low in the back of his throat and being so close to him, Kagome can feel it all over in her body. Her breath caught in her throat. His claws became tighter and lighter alternatively, when he tried to keep control and don't tear her apart. His claws were so tight on her arms that they almost broke the skin.
He took a deep breath and swim in her so special and appealing scent and try to stay in control.
Her pleasant scent, even if he will never admit it out loud, calm him. The fact that a human could have that kind of power on him revolted him and disgusted him, but he can't denie it neither.
He took another deep breath, nuzzling her neck and hair lightly to smell her so special scent above the scent of the club and his brother's and others people who was close to her tonight, without attire to much attention of what he was doing. No one of his gang must to see the effect she had on him.
He bent even more down and grab her ear with his fangs before release it after hearing the woman in his hands whimper.
He spoke with a voice even more deep.
" Like I already said, Miko, how much your fierce spirit could be entertainment, you are lucky to be still alive after all your disrespect. I will let this last one slip because of all happened to you tonight. That must be to much for your human mind, but you will not have another chance. Do not forget that, woman. "
He growled again.
With that, too rapidly for eyes to catch, he disappeared towards his office, leaving a trembling young woman at the front door.
Her legs feel like jello and had difficulties to support her. Her face is blank but in her mind that work erraticly.
How can I be so stupid ? I just insult the leader of the Dogs, in front of all his gang ?! I'm crazy !! He didn't kill me, but I could feel his youki increase during a second. I…
Her through were interrupted when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around to came face to face with another pair of golden eyes. She blinked up at him, her eyes still unfocus.
He was angry at her stupidity to do and say that to his half-brother…but when he saw her face, all his anger disappeared. He sighed and his eyes turn softer.
" Come, sweetheart, I will take you home." Said softly InuYasha while caressing one of her cheek with the back of his hand.
She didn't complain this time and just nod, leaving InuYasha dirige her.
" Miroku, take your car and follow us. " Sent the young hanyou before disappearing outside with Kagome in his arms.
Miroku ran to seek his keys but stop beside Jakotsu. He is quite impressed and look at the other man who wear an anxious mask.
" Man, when you said she was fierce, you didn't say that much. My little angel is quite impressive. Ah, our children will be perfect." With a dreaming face.
"MIROKU !! "
He grinned at this, before running towards the door.
"Coming InuYasha. "
With that he disappeared too outside.
The others in the room are still eyes wide open, jaws on the floor, looking alternativement toward the office where Sesshomaru disappear and the front door where Kagome disappear.
Finally, someone romp the silence.
" This poor excuse of a monk is really sick. "
Bankotsu walk towards his brother and put a hand on his shoulder.
" What a spitfire, little brother, you were not joking. Is she always like that ? "
" Hai. Do you see now, anikii, why I was so much afraid to have her coming here and coming in this world ? "
"Hai, I understand but what a quite interesting and fascinating woman. I'm still a little angry at you to have hide your friend from me. "
" I already said why to you, Anikii. She was really important for me at this time and still is, and I know how you are, and all of you are, with women…Even worst with one like her. You were all drooling on her when she arrived. She could be qualified of fierce or spitfire like you said, but she is really sensitive and pure in another hand, and I just wanted to protect her from our world."
He sighed pitifuly.
There is a silence during a moment. But all silence is to be broken, right ?
"By the way, it's not that I'm not thankful, but I don't understand the reaction of our Lord. If anyone would have done it another day, this person would be dead right now."
" Hai, that was strange. But I will not say that I'm not happy. That let her another chance to become my woman. " Said, confident, Kouga.
Jakotsu rolled is eyes at him. " Take a ticket. "
"hn ? " Came the most intelligent answer the wolf could do.
"Oh, come on, Kouga, beside me, I believe there all the others members of the crew after her now. My poor Kaggie, she doesn't know where she put her feet. " Shaking his head and sighing.
"Yeah, said dejectively Bankotsu, at least you and our Lord. "
Kouga nodded his head at this.
But Jakotsu added : " Don't be so sure, Anikii, you could be surprised. "
"Oh come on, he hates humans, so he will never bend so `low' to lust after one."
"The future will answer that. My Kaggie is really special but that's not what trouble me now.(he sighs), I hoped so much to not draw her in this world and now…"
End of the chapter 3
sweetest angel