InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Night ❯ Please Forgive ( One-Shot )

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One night, Kagome was sleeping in her bed and she woke to a sound coming from her window.
She looked.
She found nothing, but the darkness of the night and the silhouette of the God tree, its leaves swaying gently in the night breeze.
She figured it to be a figment of her imagination or something of the sort.
It was not.
It was Inuyasha.
He tried to come in has quietly has he could as not to wake her.
Even though she was awake she acted as sleeping beauty for the moment.
He went to her bed-side and just sat there thinking until he fell asleep.
Later when Kagome knew him to be asleep, she took her hand and placed it on his white-silvery hair and moved her hand slowly to his triangular-shaped dog-like ears.
As she scratched/rubbed them she could not decipher weather or not he was growling or purring.
When it was almost dawn she went to take her hand away.
Accept that something, rather someone was stopping her from reaching that goal.
Inuyasha had awakened, softly grabbed her hand, and turned to face her.
He starred into her eyes looking for something he could not find, while his showed scarred and relief of something he did not find.
Then he pulls her into a tight, but soft at the same time, embrace.
He whispered something into her ear and when she went to reply, he brushed his lips to hers and said, “I will never leave your side again….”
“…I promise.” He added as a second thought.
He kissed her again but this time deeper and more passionate.
When they broke away for a breath she replied, “Thanks Inuyasha.”
FFF: Aww…this is so cute! This way at first a journal school assignment, but I added some things to it and it became this! Well since two people asked me to I guess I will continue this as a real fanfiction. I also posted this up at first for a friend since this is her favorite pairings and she loves romance.
FFF signing out!