InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One of those girls ❯ One of those girls ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kagome pulled herself up out of the well tears falling more rapidly. Her heart beating out of her chest she wanted to go back.
She took a deep shaky breath. Maybe just maybe everything well is okay.
She looked at her hand. Remembering how Inuyasha held it so many times. A sad smile formed on her cheeks. She hated saying goodbye.
She sniffed a couple of times before she got up and opened the well house door. Her eyes widen. It was raining. “Angel tears” she whispered. She bite her lip as she ran towards her shrine.
She opened the door and walked in. “Anyone home??” she yelled out. “Hello Kagome” yelled back her mother as she walked out of the kitchen.
“Why are you home so early I thought you had another week?” asked Souta who came out of no where.
Kagome held back tears and faked a smile. “Oh me and Inuyasha called it quits you know stupid stuff!” she said happily. Even though it was hurting her to lie. It was half a lie right?
Kagome's mom looked at her with sadness along with Souta. “Kagome what about Inuyasha you know he can't fight without you!” said Souta.
With those words her heart twisted. “He has Kikyo” she said in a whisper. After those words the phone rang. “I'll get it” said Kagome's mom.
Kagome heard the conversation clearly.
“Oh hi”
“How are you?”
“That's good”
“You're coming over, when?”
“Okay bye”
Kagome's mom hanged up the phone and turned towards Kagome. “Kag your cousin Yusuke is coming tomorrow”
Kagome sighed. Why is he coming over tomorrow why can't it be three four years from now?
She sighed and ran up stairs. She knew her mom was going to ask more about why Inuyasha and her quite.
Kagome threw herself in her bed and pulled her pillow close to herself. “I'll miss him” was the only words she said before she slipped into a deep sleep.