InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Old Life but a New Beginning ❯ My New Home ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 4

‘I can’t believe she took them off. I’ve had those beads for over three years now. I feel like I don’t have a place any more. Maybe I am better off with Kikyo. Kagome said she never wants to see me again and she doesn’t love me anymore. I might as well die now.’ Inuyasha thought.

“I wouldn’t be so sure of that. Kagome denies it but she is still in love with you.” Inuyasha heard the voice out of nowhere. Midoriko appeared in front of him.

“Priestess, how do you know this?” he asked.

“She has told me. I gave her my powers to her so they may become quite useful to her in the future. Inuyasha, do you not see that Kagome has loved you for the past three years?” Midoriko asked.

“No, but if she did, she hid her emotions really well.” He answered.

“Do you wish to see what she is saying?” Midoriko asked. Inuyasha thought about it but then agreed. Midoriko chanted a spell as Inuyasha saw a twister-like motion all around him then it stopped. He found himself not to far away from the well and realized that he was in front of Goshinokbu with Kagome sitting at its roots.

“Don’t bother touching her. She can’t see you.” Midoriko warned. He sat in front of Kagome and watched her.

“Kami, I don’t want to love him anymore. Please don’t make me love him anymore.” She sobbed. Inuyasha felt his heart crush beneath his chest. “My love for him is like an endless fire. Please take my heart out. I don’t want to feel these feelings anymore.” She pleaded.

“An endless fire?” he said to himself.

“Yes. Kagome loves you very much. You should make it up to her.” Midoriko said.

“But how? I don’t know what to do.” Inuyasha told her.

“Well, that’s not the way I see it. I recently discovered that she has countlessly told you about an arrangement.”


“Yes , her birthday perhaps?”

“How could I forget? She’s been ragging on about it all month! Drove me nuts just listening to her every minute about it.” He exclaimed. “But what do I get her?”

“Now that is entirely up to you. I recommend something from the heart.” She said as she disappeared.

‘Something from the heart.’ He thought as he sat back onto a branch, returning to the original place he and Midoriko were.

Kagome had gone through the well and was now in her room. ‘My birthday is tomorrow. I can’t believe I’ll be 18. I know what I’ll do.’ She thought as she got up from her bed. She walked down stairs to her mother.

“Mom, I need you to gather everyone into the living room.” She told her. Kagome watched her mother rush off around a corner and disappear. After a few moments, Kagome heard her mother call for her so she went into the living room to face her family.

“Everyone, ummm, I’m going to be staying in the Feudal Era…….permanently.” she told them. “Tomorrow is my 18th birthday and I feel that it is necessary for me to stay in the Feudal Era because of the Shikon no Tama.”

“But Kagome, will the well be sealed?” Souta asked.

“No Souta. I will keep it open and see you once a month. If I can, I’ll see if I can get my friends to crossover with me.” She answered. Kagome walked out of the living room and up stairs to her room. She lifted the bed skirt and found her suitcase. She set her suitcase on her bed and started to pack all of her clothes. She opened the drawer to her end table and found six tubes of toothpaste, ten cases of dental floss, 20 mini shampoo bottles, 20 mini conditioner bottles, and 5 bars of soap. She stuffed every bit of those things in her suitcase pockets. She also added three brushes. She looked under her bed again and found another suitcase, then set it on her bed. She started to fill it with socks and shoes, 30 packs of paper, 25 pens, 10 hair ties, posters, 25 packs of batteries that came in packs of 50, cd player w/ headphones, her boom box, 50 cases of heavy duty D batteries that came in packs of four, and her cds. She then tried closing it but couldn’t because of everything being thrown in there. She took half the batteries out of her bag and set them on her bed. She managed to close her suitcase and grabbed her yellow bag to put the rest of her stuff in.

‘Now to go and build a comfy home.’ She thought as she walked out of the house. Kagome jumped through the well and climbed out the other side with a deep breath of fresh air. ‘Okay, now to find the perfect spot. Gramps says that when ever you build a home, it’s all about location, location, location.’ She recited in her head. ‘I guess building a den by Goshinokbu would be better.’ She walked toward the tree and looked around. She suddenly spotted the perfect hill. As she ran towards it, she found that it was by a small stream. She walked around the entire hill to make sure that it wasn’t anyone else’s home. She nodded her head in approval and found a place to start her entrance way. She measured and measured and decided that it should be half of her height.

‘I shouldn’t make it too big of it would be too noticeable. She dug a shallow round hole in the hill. ‘I should make it like Inuyasha’s only not as deep underground.’ She thought as she planned out the stairway. After an hour and a half, she finally dug a five foot drop worth of stairs. Kagome looked at her hands and made a face when she saw how nasty and dirty her hands and claws were. She shrugged and tried to figure out how big her space should be. Kagome didn’t worry so she started digging. After a half and hour, she sat back and took a look at it. It was still a little too small so she rose out the roof and pushed back the walls. After another 15 minutes, she was satisfied on how big the room was.

‘There, not too big, not too small. Just perfect.’ She thought happily. Kagome made her way out of her den and through the well. ‘Now to get my stuff and get settled in.’ When she got in the house, she went to her room and observed on how much stuff she had.

“Better take this a little bit at a time.” She grabbed her yellow bag and slung it over her shoulder to find it not being that heavy. She then grabbed one suitcase and headed out the door. She set the suitcase on the edge of the well, and then set a knee on the edge as well. ‘Here goes.’ She thought as she jumped, lugging the suitcase behind her. She got out of the well pretty okay, just a few sore muscles. She found a handle that indicated there were wheels. She finally got to her den and set everything down in one spot. After another 15 minutes, she got everything from her house to her den. Kagome opened the first suitcase and started to put the clothes away into the little cubby holes she made into the wall. After she put everything away, she placed a spell that only allowed her in and out.

‘Now for a bed and candles.’ She thought as she walked towards the village. As she reached Kaede’s hut, she saw the familiar hanyou in his fire rat kimono.

“Oi, wench! We still need to find the last of the jewel shards!” he yelled angrily. Kagome ignored him and walked right past him into Kaede’s hut.

“Kaede-sama, is there a chance you have an extra cot?” Kagome asked.

“Why yes, nut what do ye need it for?” the old woman asked.

“I have built a home and I require something to sleep on.” She replied.

“Well then, ye can take this one Kagome.” Kaede told her.

“Arigato Kaede-sama!” Kagome said as she hugged her. She then concentrated on her miko powers to lift the cot and made it follow her out the door. She didn’t see Inuyasha on the way to her den so she assumed he was with Kikyo. She managed to get the cot inside and set it on the ground.

“Ahh, finally, it’s all done.” She said as she lay on the cot. After a moment, she suddenly heard something scrapping and pounding on her barrier, trying to get in at all costs.