InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One-shot series ❯ Love... in a nutshell ( Chapter 2 )

[ A - All Readers ]

So many beautiful women. So many of them, but they are only paintings. They lack the life and vibrancy of Her; She is the only one I truly want. Her strength, not only physical, Her loyalty, Her shy modesty—all these things draw me to her. Never before have I worked so hard to attain the unattainable, for She is a goddess. Not even in the pursuit of Naraku have I put my whole heart and soul into striving for.
I tell her these things in the only way I know how: a gentle caress.
In Her scream of “HENTAI!” all I hear is Her profession of love, and in Her hand-print-leaving slap, I feel Her return my caress.