InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Shot Series ❯ Beautiful Oblivion ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kagome moved to Tokyo from Hiroshima when she was thirteen years old with her mother and her mother's boyfriend. Her older brother, Souta, went to college in another city, so she was basically an only child in the house.
Every now and then she would call her best friend since kindergarten, Sango. Also, on school breaks, Kagome would visit her hometown to see her friends and family.
Two weeks after school started (in the eighth grade) she met her best friend (in Tokyo) named InuYasha. Strangely, they became very close. They told each other everything, helped each other out, and gave each other advice.
After eighth grade and they went to high school, Kagome realized that she had fallen in love with InuYasha. But she did ask him out after she met him, but he declined. It was just that after getting to know him for so long, she loved him for who he was. The thing was, she was afraid to break the strong friendship she had with him.
In their freshman year of high school, Kagome dated a guy named Sesshomaru. She liked him. To her, he was charming and respectful. He would hold her in his arms and kiss her. Sesshomaru would walk her to class. Three months later after their relationship, he broke up with her. Kagome was devastated. That was her first boyfriend.
A year later, in their sophomore year, Kagome started to get jealous of the girls InuYasha would date. But, she would hide it and just smile. Kagome would act that nothing is wrong. Boy, she could have been a great actress.
Come the last month of school, she dated another boy named Koga who loved her to death. He always flirted at her for the whole second semester. She declined his offer to be his girlfriend a couple times, but he never gave up. He did dated two of her friends, Ayume and Yuki. Then, she accepted his offer, but she dumped him the day after because it didn't feel right to her and she felt no remorse for him whatsoever. But they did remain friends.
First, lets flashback to Kagome's sixteenth birthday.
She invited InuYasha to go to the movies with two of her friends for the weekend, but he couldn't go since his family already made plans. So, he went to her family's restaurant to hang out with her. They went to an art gallery and when they were going back to the store, he kissed her cheek! Her face blushed. Then, he tried kissing her lips, but she was nervous, scared.
When they were back in the store, they walked into the kitchen and went up the stairs to the storage room to hang out. InuYasha tried again, but Kagome ducked.
“You're a chicken,” he said to her.
“I'm not a chicken!” she told him and leaned up to and kissed him.
They started to make out. When they pulled apart, InuYasha told her that they are still just friends and that it was her birthday. Kagome just nodded, she just wanted more.
When they pulled apart again for air, they wiped their faces.
“Wow, you're good,” InuYasha told her.
“That was my first,” Kagome whispered, looking down to the floor. Yet again, he went back down to capture her lips. After they were done, he told her to not tell anyone. Then he left since his mom picked him up. But she did tell her friend Sango.
End flashback.
Every time Kagome thought about that, her stomach would start to flutter and she would start to breathe hard. It was a dream come true to her…in a way. If he was her boyfriend, now that would be a dream coming true!
Summer break came and InuYasha had another girlfriend. Her name was Kikyo and she would be a freshman and they would be juniors when school was back.
A week after school let out, Kagome called him to see how he was doing. Well…the conversation led to somewhere else. InuYasha started to brag about his times with Kikyo.
He was telling Kagome how they would get married and have children together (so what Kikyo told him). Also, how they went to the movies together and he had his arm around her shoulder and she laid her head on him. Then they would kiss quickly.
It went on and on. Bit by bit, Kagome's heart started to break and shatter. Since they were such good friends, she was bearing it, taking it all in. Tears started to go down her face and she was making sure her voice wouldn't crack when she had to say something.
Three weeks later, she called Sango on her mother's cell phone. Sango and Miroku actually dated when they were freshman and broke up before they started their sophomore year. They missed each other so much that they hooked up again when school was in session.
During their conversation, Sango was telling all sorts of things that happened to her and her boyfriend. Some of the stuff Sango was telling her friend, Kagome couldn't believe it. Then, thirty-eight minutes into their conversation, Sango had to go because Miroku was on the other line.
“Don't you hang up on me Sango…Sango please-” Kagome was met by a `click.' Sango hung up on her. Kagome was mad that she whispered, “Bitch.”
Kagome sat on her bed. “I can't believe she did that. Sango and I have been friends for eleven years and she let him disrupt our conversation and she never let a boyfriend do that. We live hours away and he lives forty-five minutes away. I rarely get to see her and they see each other a lot. What is wrong with this picture?”
Then, she heard yelling outside her room. Her mother and her boyfriend were arguing yet again. Kagome shook her head. Jin, her mother's boyfriend, always whines and says some things nasty to her mother and he's so lazy. Sometimes, he'll do the same thing to Kagome. Kagome can't stand him, so he's tolerating him for her mother's sake. Kagome always thought that he's Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde.
Kagome opened the door and walked to her mother's bedroom. Her mother always had a handgun in her nightstand in case an intruder came in. Kagome opened the drawer and took it out. Then, she walked back into her room, closed the door, and locked it.
She picked up the phone and dialed InuYasha's phone number. It rang a few times before he picked it up.
“Hey InuYasha, it's me, Kagome.”
“Hi, what's going on?”
“Nothing, just can't stand this life anymore.”
There was a long pause before she answered. She took in a deep breath for courage. “You see; there's this guy I fell in love with, but he just wants to remain friends. I have a friend that is too committed to her boyfriend. I have a mother who always sticks to her boyfriend no matter what he says and does. I don't want to live the life that has too much pain and unrequited love.”
InuYasha was speechless. “So, what are you going to do?”
“I'm going to commit suicide. I have a handgun already.”
“What?! Are you nuts?! You are my best friend. I don't want to go to my friend's funeral. You have so much to live for. What are your friends and family going to think and do?”
“I don't care. Why should I live if I can't have the man I love?”
Then there was a gunshot in the background.
“Kagome? KAGOME!” InuYasha cried into the phone, but he received no answer.
He hung up the phone. `Please let this be a joke. Please,' InuYasha thought.
The next day, there was an article in the newspaper about her girl who committed suicide in her own room. They said that she had a gun in her mouth when she pulled the trigger and blew her head off. When they saw her sprawled on the ground, one hand had a phone and not too far by her side was a picture of her and a boy, InuYasha.
The police took him down to the station to answer some questions. InuYasha told them that he was on the phone when she killed herself, but he was trying to stop her. Also, he said her final words. One of the officers took a book out and across the cover it said Journal.
“Read these pages, I think you'll might understand why she said those words and did what she did,” the officer said.
InuYasha started reading:
“Dear Journal, I am in love with InuYasha and I know I said this so many times, but I can't help it. I try not to, but I can't. I try to push that thought all the way back to my head, but it always finds a way to come back to the front. I love everything he is: nice, sweet, funny, smart, and hot! Although, he just wants to remain friends, I'll accept that, even though I don't want to remain just friends. I try to date a couple guys, but it felt wrong. I am trying so hard to move on, but it won't work! Damnit, I love InuYasha that I want to marry him and grow old with him. Every time I see him with a girlfriend I get jealous and when he talks about his recent girlfriend Kikyo, I start to cry. Why should I live if I can't be with him? Is it worth it?”
InuYasha closed the book astonished. He never knew that she felt that strong about him. He looked up to see the solemn faces of the officers.
“I…I…I never knew that she felt that way about me. Why wouldn't she tell me?” he asked out loud.
“She didn't want to lose the friendship she had with you since you meant so much to her,” replied one of the officers.
InuYasha started to sob. He lost one of his closest friends he ever had in his life.
The funeral came and after everyone left to go home, it started to rain, but he stayed and stared at the tombstone. He kept on staring until his eyes started to burn. He didn't care that he was getting soaked to the skin. He lost his friend and now she is in the ground. She won't pop up and say, “Hey, this was a prank, did I get you?”
“You're gone, gone forever. You were supposed to live until you are wrinkly all over. What the hell were you thinking!” he shouted at the stone. All his reply was the howling wind and the pitter-pat of the rain.
InuYasha fell onto his news. He didn't care if he was getting them muddy and didn't care if his mom would yell at him. He hugged the tombstone and he let it go when his arms were getting tired.
Before he left he laid a rose on the ground, it was her favorite flower.
(A/N: I hope you understand what the title means with this one-shot!)