InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Shot Series ❯ Incomplete ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“Incomplete,” by Backstreet Boys.
*Empty spaces fill me up with holes
Distant faces with no place left to go*
It was the usual day for the shard hunters: wake up, eat, start traveling, attacked by demons for the Shikon shards that is carried by Kagome, walk more, ask villagers questions, eat, attacked by demons yet again, take a bath, eat, and go to sleep. It seemed to be a daily ritual. The only thing different was the distant space between the monk Miroku, and the future girl Kagome.
No one knew, but Miroku and Kagome were lovers for a while. They couldn't tell their friends since they didn't want anything to be different between all of their friendship. They started dating a year after Kagome went to their time. So, they've been together for two years, but now have broken up. It was Miroku who didn't want to be with Kagome anymore and it broke her heart.
Kagome felt lost and betrayed. She felt uncertain of what to do next. Should she go one with her life or wait for Miroku to tell her that he made a mistake and that he would love to be with her again.
Kagome started to feel like she was about to break down and started crying. She must find an excuse to go be by herself for a while.
“Umm, guys, I am going to find some berries for us to snack on for the rest of the day. I'll be right back!” she said as she put on a genuine smile across her face. Before anyone could say that they have enough berries, she was gone.
“That was strange, I wonder what's going on with her,” said Sango. InuYasha and Shippo agreed, but Miroku knew what was going on.
“I'll go follow her in case she gets into trouble,” he said.
“Don't try doing anything lecherous monk,” threatened InuYasha. Miroku just waved a hand as he followed Kagome's trail.

*Without you within me I can't find no rest
Where I'm going is anybody's guess*

Miroku found Kagome walking a path that he was not familiar with. It was not until later that he realized where she was going. Kagome was going to the well that separated her world from theirs.
Every few seconds he would hear Kagome's sniffling and her quiet sobs. It broke his heart that he was making her feel so sad. But he couldn't bear if they defeated Naraku too late, his curse would suck him whole and Kagome wouldn't live on without him.
All of a sudden, Miroku stepped on a tree branch and it made an audible SNAP! Kagome turned around and saw the monk. She made an angry glare and turned around to walk on like she never knew that he was there.
“Wait! Kagome! Hold on, where are you going?” he shouted at her back.
Kagome said, “I know that you know perfectly well where I am going Miroku since you have been following for how long? Twenty minutes? An hour? I am going to be in my time for a very long time to see what I am to do.”
Miroku sped up and grabbed her wrist. He spun her around so she was looking at him. But she wasn't. She refused to look at his adorable, guiltless face. If she did, she would probably cry again and she had been doing that a lot.
“Why is the reason you are back to your time?” he asked her.
“Do you really want to know why?” Miroku nodded. “I am going back to my world so I can be by myself and think what I am to do from here. I am not sure what I am to do when I am near you anymore. I feel so uncomfortable now just being in front of you. So please, let me go to my time.”

*I've tried to go on like I never knew you
I'm awake but my world is half asleep*
Doing as she requested, Miroku let her go. Just realizing that they were in the clearing of the Bone Eater's Well, he watched her hop into the well while blue light was shining through it. He sighed. What is he to do now?
*I pray for this heart to be unbroken
But without you all I'm going to be is incomplete*
Kagome ran straight towards her room and jumped onto her bed. She started to cry hard into her pillow. She had never been so much in love before. Sure she had loving feelings toward InuYasha, but she realized that they were more like sibling love. InuYasha was still in love with Kikyo and Kagome accepted that.
“Please stop,” she whispered to herself, “Please stop this heart from falling into pieces.”

*Voices tell me I should carry on
But I am swimming in an ocean all alone*
It's been a week and Kagome was still in her time. InuYasha did come to her house to fetch her, but he never made it to her room since she put a barrier around it. He clearly understood that she didn't want to be disturbed. He did ask for her when her mother, Souta, and Jii-Chan were around.
Her mother walked into her room one day and sat next to her. She rubbed Kagome's head and placed her hair behind her ear.
“Kagome, you know you have to go back there sometime. Your friends will need you and I know they are concerned about you, especially InuYasha. He keeps asking me what's wrong and when will you get better. Baby, tell me what's wrong. Is it that bad?” her mother asked.
“He-he-he broke up with me, Miroku. It's been going so well and all of a sudden, he dropped this bomb on me. I never expected it, not one bit,” Kagome choked out.
Her mother didn't say anything. She just let her daughter cry it all out. She didn't care that her clothes were getting wet with her daughter's tears. All Kagome needed was someone there to tell her that everything will be all right and that is what she got.
*Baby, my baby
It's written on your face
You still wonder if we made a big mistake*
Kagome's mother left when Kagome started to sleep. The girl started to dream of memories she shared with Miroku. The night she gave her virginity to the man she fell in love with. The man she confided in and so much more that makes everything happen between two people that love each other.
Then the nightmare came when the monk told the future girl that it had to end. Then the scene changed and it turned into the day she was going back to the present. Kagome took the chance to look at his face after she told him how she felt. His face looked grim. It almost looked like if he made a mistake of letting her go and was regretting it.
Kagome woke up. `Maybe, just maybe I can go on, even when we are close. It's not like the rest of the gang knew about our private relationship. Anyways, I have to help them look for the rest of the shards. It is my fault that it shattered in the first place. I think I'll go tomorrow. Right now, I just want to sleep,' she thought and went back to slumber.

*I've tried to go on like I never knew you
I'm awake but my world is half asleep*
The next morning, Kagome took a long, hot shower and put her clothes on. She grabbed her yellow book bag and jumped into the well to go to the Warring States Era. Her friends greeted her when they suddenly all said together, “Kagome! You're back! We missed you!”
Except for InuYasha, he just crossed his arms and looked like it didn't matter.

The girl smiled, “Thanks you guys. Sorry if I made you too concerned about me.”
Everyone just smiled and told her that it was all right.
“Well, let's get going. We wasted enough time as it is,” said InuYasha and everyone followed to where they heard (except for Kagome) where a Jewel shard was located.
While they were walking, Kagome lagged behind of the gang. Miroku took a chance and looked back. His eyes went solemn. He stopped walking and waited until she was by him.
*I pray for this heart to be unbroken
But without you all I'm going to be is incomplete*
Kagome realized that she was walking past him. She stopped. She turned her head and looked straight into his eyes. Her heart started to thump harder and faster. What she was about to say would make her regret saying them, since she was scared what the reply would be.
“Why did you dump me in the first place?”
Miroku's eyes bulged and they quickly went back to normal. Well…he didn't expect that and so straightforward.
“Oh, well…”
“Please tell me Miroku. I deserve an explanation. Did I do something wrong? Have you found another woman better than me? Has your love for me faded away?”
“No, no, and no Kagome. The outcome of this situation is none of those. Look, the reason I broke up with you is because if we defeated Naraku too late, my curse might suck me in. I don't want you to grieve over my grave for a very long time. I thought this breakup would be a good thing for the both of us.”

*I don't mean to drag it on, but I can't seem to let you go
I don't wanna make you face this world alone
I wanna let you go (alone)*
“Well you are wrong!” she spat. “I still love you and always will Miroku! I will still grieve over your grave if that happens. I love you Miroku and that's that. Ugh, Miroku, I will face this curse along with you, you are not alone, and I am here. So are InuYasha, Sango, Shippo, and Kirara. But, if you want me to not be with you as a lover and girlfriend, then I guess I can carry out that wish, if you like.”

*I've tried to go on like I never knew you
I'm awake but my world is half asleep*
She walked away, leaving a stunned monk behind. He looked at her as she walked away to meet up with their friends. Her words were of some comfort. He knew that she still loved him and he her. All of a sudden, something he dread happened.
*I pray for this heart to be unbroken
But without you all I'm going to be is incomplete*
His Wind Tunnel started toexpand and it started to suck him in. His friends and Kagome looked back and saw a black tunnel slowly sucking him in as wind was whipping around him.
“Miroku! No!” Kagome cried as she started to run to him, but InuYasha caught her. In a few, quick moments, he was gone. Kagome couldn't believe it. He was gone and it was in front of her eyes. And all was left of where he was, was a big crater, his staff, and a cloth with prayer beads.
“Miroku!” she sobbed out, into the clear, blue, innocent sky.
