InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Simple Question ❯ The Monk's Observation ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: I'd like to apologize to anyone who was flooded by update announcements. It wasn't my intention. Then again it was never my intention to take these stories down in the first place. I tried to recall as many of the chapter names for this story and TW as possible but I just couldn't remember more. I had also planned on looking for mistakes and editing before posting but my patience ran out about 3 chapters through TW(I reloaded that one first lol)…Grr I can't help being pissed. TW had over 9,500 views and 70 reviews, OSW had over 6,000 views and over 80 reviews. *poof* Pardon me while I go sulk.
Kagome's breath left her in a rush as she realized his fangs had grown and the faint jagged lines on his cheeks warned her that this was the hanyou's youkai blood lashing out. His red eyes lifted to look into her own, his narrowed in anger.
“Don't you EVER undermine my authority again, bitch.” The gravelly voice growled out.
InuYasha's consciousness watched like a passenger as his instincts kicked in and overrode his commonsense.
“When I agreed to teach the brat he became my responsibility. Mine!”
“You're not afraid of me, are you?” His voice had turned from a growl to a seductive purr. He leaned closer and deliberately sniffed at her, smiling as her eyes shined stubbornly.
“No. I'm not.” She unconsciously lifted her chin, straightened her posture. The hanyou's small smirk grew into a truly evil smile before morphing into a mask of rage that had all of their friends taking an involuntary step back.
“Then why the fuck am I still wearing these?!” His clawed hand jerked violently on the beads around his neck.
Oh fuck me. Sideways. Fuck fuck fuck! I'm not hurt! I've got the sword! What the fuck is going on?!
The deepest and angriest thoughts, the thoughts that were the fertile soil for his doubts and insecurities and bone-deep hatreds were dancing upon the tip of his tongue, ready to take wing and fly into the air around him. He wanted to rip into her so badly. He knew it was his pride and anger and youkai blood that had forced the words from him, and that they would continue to push venomous words past his fangs unless he did something.
Not that he was usually Mr. Suave-and-Sophisticated, but his darkest thoughts were enough to make even him shiver.
Unlike the times in the past where his youkai blood took control, he was aware. His mind flashed back to the mantis youkai who had threatened his son. Something fundamental within him had changed. And until I fucking understand what's going on I'm a danger to everyone around me.
Pushing his anger at Kagome to the back of his mind he fought against his alpha male instincts until he felt his claws and fangs shrink back to their usual sizes.
He couldn't remember ever being able to out think his demon blood before. He had rationally realized his instincts were more destructive than productive in this situation and forced himself to change back. Instantly he was aware of the potential. If he could call upon his youkai half whenever he wanted to he could destroy Naraku without blinking.
A whimper derailed his mind from its train of thought. Kagome was shaking like a leaf, tears glistening in her wide eyes. But InuYasha could not detect the rancid scent of fear. She wasn't afraid of him. It took him a moment, but he realized she was worried about him.
He flexed his hands, his knuckles cracking, as he turned and bounded off into the forest. He couldn't deny he was still pissed off at the young miko, but he had more pressing concerns. His youkai blood, for one.
Back at camp Kagome took a deep breath and made her way back to the campfire. She smiled at Sango and Miroku distractedly as she thought, her thoughts going every which way.
Why did his demon blood take control? How did he stop it? What did he mean his responsibility? I wonder if Shippou could explain the situation to us. Do I use the beads too often? This thought was almost brushed off as she thought back to all of the baka-ish behavior that earned the hanyou his many `sits.' But Kaede put them there to save my life. InuYasha isn't a threat anymore… She couldn't shake the thoughts loose no matter how she tried.
As Miroku turned the fish so they cooked evenly Kagome looked up and spoke softly.
“Should I take the kotodama off InuYasha?”
Sango and Miroku sat back, shocked. The hanyou had gone full demon on her less than ten minutes ago and she was considering freeing that youkai from the only control they had over him.
“No. Look, Kagome. There are some times when I think you use the rosary too often, but it's not just something you use to punish him. It's saved his life, it's snapped him back from his demon self. You'd have absolutely no control over him if you take it off Kagome.” Sango looked adamant. But Kagome had caught something she hadn't expected to hear.
“I use it too often?” She looked wounded. Things had always been so clear. InuYasha hurts her, she sits him. But the more she thought about it the less it made sense. Had she really turned it into a game of `backsies'? He hurts her so she turns and hurts him back? Bile rose in her throat along with her self-loathing. Kaede gives her a way to save herself and somewhere along the line she began using it on a whim.
“Don't worry about it too much, Kagome.” Miroku smiled a gentle smile at her as he sat next to Sango.
“InuYasha raised himself, with no human interaction. He never learned how to talk to others. I imagine much of the language he picked up was from the youkai that hunted him. Now he has us. But he ignores the rest of us, thinking etiquette is something he doesn't need to bother with. And you teach him otherwise.” Miroku folded his legs under him to make himself more comfortable as he continued.
“As a hanyou he is much stronger than we are. So think of the kotodama this way. You sit him, Sango beats me.” He grinned sheepishly as Sango looked outraged at his choice of words. “Both are meant as forms of discipline to curb less than desirable behavior.”
But I `sit' InuYasha more often than Miroku gets hit. Because of Miroku's words she felt better, but the issue was still not completely resolved in her mind. She didn't say anything though, there was no reason for Miroku and Sango to be privy to information she felt embarrassed and guilty about.
When Shippou hopped into her lap she was jarred from her thoughts.
He looked up at her inquiringly, a light breeze ruffling his hair and tail, making him seem even more innocent and child-like.
“What did InuYasha mean? I thought he just let you watch him hunt. Do you two have some kind of agreement?”
Shippou looked at his furry little toes, finding them extremely interesting. It was his fault InuYasha had gotten sat, it was his fault the hanyou had transformed. He didn't want to betray his papa's trust on top of it all, and InuYasha didn't want them to know. So what was he supposed to do?
“We, uh, talked.” He glanced around nervously and saw everyone was watching him, even Kirara.
“I, uh, went to him for help. And we kinda talked.” He twitched his tail and scratched his head. He was the embodiment of nervous energy. “He figured out how much I don't know and kinda offered to, um, teach me.” Shippou finally looked up and his brilliant green eyes met Kagome's.
“He was trying to teach me to fish. He told me not to try just yet, because the water was cold and fish are fast, but I wanted to show him I could do it!” The kit stopped and sniffed, his eyes falling to rest on his tiny hands. His frustration came through his tiny voice loud and clear. “But he was right. The water was freezing and I was so cold I forgot what he said and the fish just swam away. And when he grabbed me and pulled me out of the water I started screaming at him.” He looked up at the young woman he had adopted as his mother, his lip quivering, tears struggling to escape his eyes.
“I'm sorry, mama.” He sniffed and wiped at his eyes angrily. “It's just…he warned me and I didn't listen…then he laughed at me and I got so mad.”
Kagome hugged Shippou tightly and made soothing noises, trying to calm the little one down.
“I'm not mad at you, Shippou. He shouldn't have dropped you back into the cold water.” Kagome felt the familiar irritation that resulted in InuYasha eating dirt, but now that she knew the story it was much weaker. In fact, she noted guiltily, she wouldn't have sat him more than once had she known the whole story.
“Kagome…” Miroku began hesitantly. “Sensei in your time do not discipline their students?”
“Of course they do. But punishment is…” She stopped to think. In her era discipline was not physical, but it hadn't been too long ago that certain cultures still allowed teachers to inflict physical punishment.
But InuYasha and Shippou were both male, and both had youkai blood, and this was sengoku jidai. She visibly paled when she realized that her kit had probably gotten the youkai equivalent of going to bed without dessert.
Then the thought that InuYasha was being gentle hit her.
The kit had annoyed InuYasha enough that he should have had a few lumps on his head, instead of just being put back into the mess he had gotten into. The thought made a warm and tingly feeling spread through her. She liked thinking that her hanyou would make a good father, even if she didn't agree with his idea of discipline she understood he had tried to discipline the kit without hurting him.
When she realized everyone was looking at her, and that Shippou was holding a skewer of fish for her, she blushed deeply. She took the skewer and waved the fish-on-a-stick through the air slowly to let it cool a bit.
“In my time punishment isn't physical. Hitting children isn't really accepted, instead you usually take away something that the child likes. A child can be forced to stay in their room and not play with their friends, or won't be given sweets for a certain amount of time.”
“Parents never spank their children?” Sango arched an eyebrow gracefully.
“Well sometimes. But it's only the parents that are allowed to, teachers aren't allowed to touch their students.” She began nibbling on the fish to forestall any more questions.
Miroku's eyes gleamed. Like the cat that ate the canary, or the child that snuck away with an extra piece of cake, he knew something. Shippou squinted, wondering what was going through the monk's mind.
“Now, my hearing may be off,” the sly monk began as he pinned Shippou with a look, “but I could swear I heard Shippou yell for his `papa' when the mantis youkai grabbed him.”
Kagome and Sango sat back as if slapped. As one, everyone turned to look at Shippou.
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A/N: I have to say I was floored by the amount of feedback I received for the last chapter. THANK YOU to everyone who reads my stories, and a double thank you to those who actually find time to tell me what they think. That being said I don't think it'll come as a surprise that my responses to my reviews section(sectioned off so anyone who wants to can skip it) is huge this time.
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Poor grounded Cricket =( I promise I'll look at your story, but I am so busy right now it will probably take me a bit. I just don't have the time to stop and read right now. I'm lucky if I find time to write once every 2 or 3 days =(
Alatero - =) I hate that, when a story has a great idea but the spelling/grammar make it torture to read. I doubt I'll ever get that bad. My worst fault seems to be actually skipping words as I type because my brain goes so much faster than my fingers. Oops Hehe
Fyrloche - One of the biggest differences between myself and Kagome is the way she takes off. Even if watching would hurt(like watching Inu and Kikyou) I couldn't leave, because I would never stop second-guessing myself that maybe I misunderstood because I left too early to be sure. And yes, Kikyou will be one hell of a monkey-wrench.
Bluezinthos - I went over and over my view of Sengoku Jidai before putting this down. SO many people have good ideas about packs and marks and mating and youkai vs. ningen heat cycles, but I find most authors who use those ideas don't tie up loose ends. Usually it's because it's a one-shot or just not considered a major idea. Relatively soon all that shall be explained and I hope explain Inu's behavior.
Ohmygod - Um, I'm guessing that's a good `oh my god' so, um, thanks?
Nymphminxgoddess - The whole concept got me too, and it won't let go! Lol Which is why I'm writing it! *giggles*
Snowfall - Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your review was very flattering and I'm glad there are people who agree with the way I have interpreted IY. And while I haven't focused on characters' thoughts yet that will be coming up soon as well, to clear up stuff :)
Shadowing - lol thanks. Eventually there will be lemons in this story, sorry if you were expecting one earlier.
JASG - I'm glad you think it was in character. One of my main goals in this piece is keeping the characters we all know and love the same, or giving believable reasons for growth and change.
Miss_Marilyn69 - I know the sitting was a bit much, it should make it more dramatic this way ;) Also, I doubt his demon blood would boil for a single `sit.' hehe
Leila-chan - You rock, girl, you really do. I read your reviews and have a 100 mega-watt smile that lasts the whole day. *huggles*
Dustin - Yes, there will be Inu/Kag fluff. Should be fairly soon, won't be very heavy yet though.
Wendy - Yay for reviews too! I watched an episode the other night and was floored by how childish Kags can act with regard to the kotodama, I think that made it into the fic, ne? lol
LavenderRose - While I'm sorry it took this long to `get interesting' I'm glad I got there eventually =) And for the rest of it, you'll just have to wait and see! Muahahahaha
Thanks MMC =)
Angelswrath - *bows* Thanky thanky thanky :)
Lady Jay - Cliffhanger? Where? *looks around looking confused* Besides Naraku there will be NO character death in this story. So what's there to be scared of? Hehehe…Do people really stop reading stories because of cliffies? I never even considered that.
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Guys, the truth of the matter is that I am emotionally immune to my own writing. Some writers cry as they write angsty/lovey scenes. Not me. I don't know what will make you laugh, or cry, or jump out of your computer chairs screaming, “You can't stop right there you bitch!!!” *shrug* That's the reason reviews are so important to me, I just don't know what feelings/assumptions/conclusions you all get from this. . -Pixie