InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Simple Question ❯ The Battle ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

*-*-*-*-*-*A/N:This chapter is not in chronological order, it starts about 3 weeks after Ch.15, there are flashbacks for some of the missing time, the rest will be revealed later. And the Song is “Reach for the Sky” by Social Distortion.*-*-*-*-*-*
And he wasn't kidding when he said it was hard, if not impossible to change a bond once done. He wanted to mark Kagome as his. Could he work up the nerve to say anything to her? Could he condemn himself to such a long life by her side and yet utterly alone, with his happiness in reach? His thoughts raced around and around, much like the curry he had dumped into what Kagome called a 'toilet' before it all vanished into the oblivion of 'the dark water hole', it made him dizzy. He hated thinking.
Modern Day
Grrr. Three and a half years and mom STILL doesn't wake me up! Kagome fumed the whole time she packed her bright yellow bag. She checked her alarm clock. She had come home last night and planned on leaving first thing after breakfast. It was almost 2p.m. on Sunday now.
To make matters worse her friends, including Houjou, stopped by not five minutes after she woke up, delaying her even more. First Eri calls Buyo a HE and I have to listen to Houjou politely explain that calico cats cannot be male because there's some genetic…thing…that doesn't allow for calico coloring on male cats. Ok, so I wasn't really listening but it was still annoying! And then Ayumi and Yuka try to set up ANOTHER date for me. I feel bad for wanting my friends to leave, but I REALLY don't want InuYasha coming for me because I overslept AGAIN. Argh! She had to get back but her friends gave no indication that they had any plan of leaving. Heck with it! InuYahsa gets most of my time anyway, I should enjoy my friends while I can.
She spent the afternoon being a normal teen. Talking about music, movies, anything she had managed to keep up with during all of her time hopping. Eventually the talk drifted to school and classes and teachers. Houjou commented that since Kagome misses so much school he had made an arrangement with the secretary in one of the offices of the school. Every week he was going to have copies of his notes made so he could drop them off for her. Kagome loved the idea of having notes ready for her whenever she got back. On the other hand she didn't want to encourage Houjou and have him getting cozy enough to stop by her home every week.
Houjou left just before 6p.m. so he could be home for dinner. For once she had managed to get away without having her friends accept another date for her. Kagome figured Houjou wouldn't remember about the date until he was halfway through with dinner. She was sure he would ask again Monday, lucky for her she wouldn't be there.
Sengoku Jidai
“She can catch the fuck up. She's late.” Arms stuffed into the sleeves of his haori, InuYasha was trying to control his temper. His voice still rang clear throughout the entire village.
“And how do ye expect her to catch up with a running inu hanyou and a flying neko youkai?” The one-eyed woman squinted at him as though he left his brain behind this morning.
“Lady Kaede is right, InuYasha. Without her `bi-cycle' she will not be able to catch us if we leave before she arrives. And if I remember correctly her mother did not wish to replace it after the last one went back a smoldering mound of metal last week. And she could be in danger trying to catch up to us on her own.” The monk and kitsune on his shoulder stood calmly, long accustomed to the anger of the half demon before them.
“The fucking demon is more than half dead! We can kill it and be back before the bitch shows up! Or would you rather wait for the damn thing to come back and try tearing the village apart again?!” He gesticulated wildly indicating the few houses at the edge of the village that had been all but demolished by the female bear demon. No one bothered pointing out he was being protective of the village, he would deny it until he was blue in the face.
“As much as I hate to agree with InuYasha, I think he's right. We can kill it and be back before Kagome returns.” Sango held Kirara in her arms, her face dead serious. Sango had an idea as to why the female demon had gone rampaging this morning, but she didn't want to say anything, yet.
“Hachi and I will stay behind.” They turned to look at the person who had spoken, none of them were quite used to him yet.
“I can protect Miss Kagome should she arrive after you leave, and Hachi can travel faster than we humans can.” Everyone nodded, they weren't used to relying on him yet, so leaving him behind wouldn't detract from their effectiveness. And no one doubted he would protect Kagome, not after how fiercely she fought to save him.
“Go to the well and wait, that wench can't even walk to the village without getting into trouble.” At the other's nod the discussion was over, they all left to gather their things and head out. Hachi snoozed blissfully in Kaede's hut.
“Sango, my love, why did you agree with him?” It was the monk's idea of polite conversation. He hated the silence that had enveloped them as Kirara took to the skies.
Sango shifted the sleeping Shippou in her lap and looked over her shoulder at the monk riding behind her.
“Bear demons are strange creatures, housh- Miroku. Usually very solitary. They mate and then raise the cub and will only mate again once the cub is independent. The fact that she headed into a village full of humans disturbs me.” Their attention was captured as the red clad hanyou loping alongside the low flying fire cat called out.
“Oi Sango, don't go worrying about it.” He paused as he returned to the earth, only to spring up again, “The stink of death was around her. I bet something killed her cub.” Again he went silent as gravity pulled him back to the ground. And again he continued his thoughts as he bounded back up to their level. “She wants vengeance before she mates again but for some reason her body went into heat already. No wonder she's pissed.”
“If that's all this is we can't kill her, InuYasha.” Sango called before he dropped back down.
“But neither can we allow her to terrorize humans in her grief, Sango my sweet. The question left in my mind is why she came to the village, surely the villagers didn't kill her child. And correct me if I am wrong but I cannot remember killing a youkai child.” Miroku wished the kit was traveling with InuYasha today, he longed to pull Sango back against him.
Her voice was low as she replied, “She probably smelled InuYasha.” She turned again and saw the houshi's baffled expression and continued, “Some youkai species are monogamous, some are not. Bears, for the most part, are not. She wasn't looking for love, she was looking for a male to make a baby with. She is most likely too sick with grief to either notice or care that InuYasha isn't a full youkai.”
“I CAN hear you, ya know.” InuYasha's scowling face again dropped from view before he leapt back up.
“Of c-course, InuYasha, I was, uh, keeping my voice low so as not to wake Shippou.” She gave him a cheery smile and willed her blush to go away.
Kagome heard something as she landed on the other side of the well. Someone was up there. She heard a chain rattling and quickly placed its source.
“Kohaku? Can you help me?” She smiled at the young man as his head popped over the lip of the well, freckles and all.
“Welcome back, Miss Kagome.” He said as he leaned down to take her backpack from her upraised arms. Once she and her two bags were safely on the grass she struck up a conversation.
“How's your arm? And your back?” She grabbed her bag before turning to head into the village.
“Fine. That weird feeling I had finally stopped. Remember how I said it felt strange to be without the shard?” At her nod he continued, “Well I woke up this morning and couldn't remember what it felt like to have it there. And my arm's still a little bruised but it's nothing.” He shrugged.
“That's wonderful, Kohaku. I'm so glad. I bet Sango hasn't stopped smiling since I left.” Her smile grew to a grin as the boy blushed and smiled.
“Her smile faltered once.” There was a sly twinkle in his eye, and Kagome immediately got the impression that Kohaku had spent far too much time with uncle Miroku lately. “Miroku groped her, she slapped him, he pointed out that a husband was allowed to touch his wife. She had nothing to say.” They laughed as they walked toward the village, both thinking about how complete their lives felt since Naraku had been destroyed.
She was quickly informed as to where the others were and after they managed to wake Hachi they set off.
Kohaku closed his eyes and focused of the simple pleasure of the wind brushing against his face and playing with his hair. He wondered if it was Kagura watching over him. He smiled sadly, he hoped she had truly found peace before she died as Sesshoumaru said she had.
Kagome watched Kohaku as her eyes unfocused, her attention turning inward. Naraku had been dead two weeks and some things had changed greatly, and some had not changed at all. As Hachi flew she replayed the past half month in her mind.
Sesshoumaru had just finished `informing' InuYasha and crew about how after Tokijin was destroyed Toutousai had re-forged Tenseiga into a blade that could destroy. To InuYasha it had sounded a lot like bragging, but no, his ice prince of a brother didn't stoop to bragging, he was merely informing them all…
**When I was young I wan invincible
I found myself not thinking twice
I never thought about no future
It's just a roll of the dice**
Not to be outdone InuYasha took it upon himself to declare rather loudly, “Oh yeah? Well it's still no match for Tetsusaiga, I've mastered it's dragon scale form, it's kangousouha(`diamond spear attack'), it's barrier breaking red version, the bakuryuuha(`backlash wave') and the kaze no kizu(`wind scar' to our `dubbed-anime-only' friends out there). What's Tenseiga gonna do? Give me a paper cut?” He crossed his arms haughtily and glared at his brother. He didn't bother telling his brother that he had removed the jewel from Tetsusaiga to give back to Kagome, to him that information was given on a need to know basis.
**But the day may come when you've got something to lose
And just when you think you're done paying dues
And you say to yourself, “Dear God, what have I done?”
And hope it's not too late 'cause tomorrow may never come**
The temper tantrum had been broken by insane laughter and the sound of weapons clashing not too far away.
**Reach for the sky cause tomorrow may never come
Reach for the sky cause tomorrow may never come**
They had found Kikyou and Kohaku fighting Moryomaru again. As they assessed the situation Kouga, Ginta, and Hakkaku entered the clearing from the other side. With hasty greetings the ookami and inu brothers leapt into the fray.
**Yesterday is history
And tomorrow's a mystery
But, baby, right now,
It's just about you and me**
Kagome fled with Kohaku and by following her gut instinct she pulled Kohaku into a small clearing where she had him sit so she could concentrate. She quieted her mind and sought the inner pool of calm, drawing upon it to hastily purify the jewel shard and use her connection to the powerful jewel within Kohaku's back to heal his soul before she carefully removed the jewel and healed his flesh as it came free.
**You can run you can hide
Just like Bonnie and Clyde
Reach for the Sky
Ain't never gonna die
And I thank the Lord for the love that I have found
And hold you tight cause tomorrow may never come**
Quickly concocting a convincing deception Kohaku leapt high into a tree and raced, hidden in the canopies, as he and a weary Kagome went back toward the battle. Her mind was still reeling that she had been able to save Kohaku, everyone had been resigned to losing him, she shouldn't have been able to do what she had just done, and she had no clue what she had done, or what gave her the inspiration and knowledge to do so.
**Reach for the sky cause tomorrow may never come
Reach for the sky cause tomorrow may never come**
“Now I am your target!” She cried as she held Kohaku's shard above her head.
Everyone's heads whipped around to face her, even Kikyou looked slightly stricken. Moryomaru chuckled darkly.
**So if you please take this moment**
“You would kill one of your own for the shards? Perhaps you are more like Naraku than you will admit.” Kagome's chin lifted infinitesimally as she glared at the monster before her.
“I would rather he die by my hand, feeling no pain, than in your clutches.” Sango's choked sob was cut short as Moryomaru roared and charged the young miko.
**Try if you can to make it last**
Miroku unleashed his kazaana trying to reunite Moryomaru and Hakudoshi within the void of his hand and finally get rid of the evil creature in front of them, but he quickly replaced his holy beads as Naraku appeared from nowhere, floating on a dark purple cloud of miasma, and released a hive of saimyoushou in the houshi's direction. He turned his furious eyes to the incarnation in possession of Onigumo's heart.
“You fool! You would die as easily as Hakudoshi? Your ignorance will be the end of us both!”
As Naraku reached toward Moryomaru, claws extended, Kagome screamed, “NOW KOHAKU!”
**Don't think about no future**
The eyes of every human, youkai, hanyou and clay pot was drawn to young taijin as he leapt from the trees straight at the evil hanyou that was the cause of all his pain. Having been under his spell for so long Kohaku knew exactly where Naraku would keep the jewel, if he was indeed carrying it. The cloud of miasma dissipated as the force of the boy's impact pulled the hanyou to the ground. Kohaku tumbled and rolled away from the dark hanyou before the other could react.
“Kagome!” Kohaku tossed Naraku's jewel to her as the monster recovered from his fall and lashed out at the boy. Kohaku's now limp form crashed into a tree with a resounding crunch as Kagome reached to catch the near complete jewel. Kouga, seeing her intent, disengaged from the fight and ran over to her, pulling his shards from his legs and dropping them into her open hand.
Time seemed to stop as Kagome held her shards in one hand and held Naraku's piece in the other. She brought her hands together and bowed her head, as if in prayer. A glow began to appear around her, first blue and then pink. Her miko powers were purifying and uniting the jewel shards.
**And just forget about the past**
Kikyou unexpectedly felt a stab of affection for her reincarnation. She had found a way to achieve her goals and save lives. It had never before occurred to Kikyou that life was not an either this/or that situation, that she could have all her heart had wished. Her lips set in a thin line of determination as Kagome's hands parted, revealing the completed Shikon no Tama lying in her upturned palms.
**And make it last**
Moryomaru was about to dive for the jewel when Naraku caught him by the throat and squeezed, intending to choke the foolish incarnation into obedience if that's what it took, the jewel temporarily forgotten as his humiliation over Moryomaru's actions flared.
InuYasha launched his sword's most powerful attacks to distract the evil creatures as he heard the undead miko's voice.
**Reach for the sky cause tomorrow may never come
(reach for the sky I ain't never going down)
Reach for the sky cause tomorrow may never come
(reach for the sky I ain't never coming down)
Reach for the sky cause tomorrow may never come
(reach for the sky I ain't never going down)
Reach for the sky cause tomorrow may never come**
“Kagome.” The dead miko spoke low, entreatingly and commanding at once. As the eyes of the mikos met across the battlefield a lifetime of conversation passed between the two. Kagome nodded and threw the jewel high in the air towards Naraku and reached for her bow as Kikyou did the same. In complete harmony Kagome and Kikyou drew arrows from their quivers and nocked them, pulling the fletching until it tickled their cheeks. The double twang of the bowstrings releasing echoed through the clearing.
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A/N: I think I'm gonna drive you guys nuts before the end. And I'm sorry for that, but I really like keeping these guys in character, and I think we all know that means InuYasha doesn't snap his fingers and become Casanova. Yes, there will be at least one lemon(maybe more), and no, I won't save it for the last chapter either. Just need to get further into the story. But I promise we'll start getting mushy, I'm a sucker for romance, after all. Oddly enough first time I heard “Reach for the Sky” I could see the final battle between InuYasha and Naraku in my head, a long time ago...but I don't own the song either! Just saying...LAST announcement for this A/N...I have officially diverged from the manga, I love it, but it's hard enough to get my chapters out without trying to stay up to date with the book and there's no way this story will last as long as they're going to drag out everything lol so yes, I know, the fight bit was very manga dependent, if you hadn't been reading it there may have been bits you hadn't gotten to, but no more. And no killing me for the cliffy lol
*Sigh* love my Crickee, and TMR, and loverr, and Autumn(whose review was touching for unknown reasons) and everyone else who was glad to see me back(indicating you've been reading long enough to notice an absence lol) you guys have been so great to stick around, I am very thankful. *waves* to the new people, welcome! Hope you find a reason to stick around!