InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Summer ❯ Don't Try, It's 'Feudal' ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 3: Don't Try, It's `Feudal'
“Inu-Yasha!” she yelled, still running. They had gotten separated sometime after the third youkai attack that evening. At least, she thought it was the third--it was hard to tell, what with all the screaming. Plus, she wasn't sure whether to count the stool incident as a youkai attack …
It was not Kagome's day. She was quite certain that she failed her math test, and it was a make-up test to begin with. There'd be a heat wave in Antarctica before she'd be able to swing another re-take. So, upon returning to the feudal era, she'd hoped for a reasonably stress-free afternoon. Because time in the feudal era was always so relaxing. Yeah. It was a regular health spa over there.
Today had been unusually chaotic. She'd barely had time to climb out of the well before some gigantic foaming-at-the-mouth purple monster wearing little more than a severely neglected loincloth had kidnapped her, presumably for sustenance. She'd been dragged back to its unkempt Fortress of Unspeakable Doom, tied up, stuffed in a broom closet, of all places, and left in the dark for two hours or so until Inu-Yasha came to kill it. Same old, same old…or so she thought.
They'd gone back to the village and had found Sango and Miroku cleaning up what looked to be entrails. Apparently a few more demons had attacked the village while Kagome was off on her magical broom closet adventure. (A smelly mop had poked her in the ribs for the better part of an hour. She would miss that mop. In the short amount of time that they had spent together, she felt that they had formed a deep emotional bond.) Shippo was nowhere to be found.
“Hey, where's Shippo?” Kagome had asked, not knowing the horror that was yet to come.
“Hmm…I haven't seen him for a while,” said Miroku.
Suddenly a scream pierced the air. And, like fools, Kagome remembered, like foolish fool-hearted fool-ridden fools, they had all ran to see what was the matter.
The scream had come from inside of Kaede's hut and what they saw therein was both disturbing and bizarre. Kagome knew that she would never feel quite the same about stools again; none of them would. Poor Shippo. Just thinking about the way the stool had…
It was so horrible that Kagome started to hum a little song to drown out the memory. It was the Smelly Uncle Bud's Olde Style All Purpose Cleaning Solution theme song, and it was remarkably catchy.
“If you don't want your bathtub to be filled with crud, go to the store and buy some Smelly Uncle Bud!” sang Kagome. Okay, so the lyrics weren't so great, but damn was that a catchy tune!
Unfortunately, she still had no idea where Inu-Yasha was and the song seemed to enrage the troop of beetle youkai that were chasing her.
She didn't know what they had against Smelly Uncle Bud's Olde Style All Purpose Cleaning Solution, but she felt that now was not the time to ask. (Say, was that green stuff coming out of their mouths poisonous?) She darted between the trees, hoping to loose them in the thick undergrowth of the forest.
“Inu-Yasha!” She was cold and tired and now all she could do was hum that stupid song! It was one of those songs that, like a parasite, attaches itself to the spinal cord and sucks the sweet life-giving nutrients from the brain.
She tried to hum another song to get it out of her head.
“Row, row, row your boat gently down the filled with crud go to the store and—oh.” Nope. Not helping. The demons were catching up, as if the song wasn't enough.
Kagome cried out in frustration. She was going to die and all she could think about was `if you don't want your bathtub to be filled with crud…” a statement of questionable quality to say the least.
The beetle demons were closing in, clawing at her with their spooky bug-appendages.
Kagome screamed. Oh how she wished she were back in the closet with the mop!
And that was about when the zombies arrived.