InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Tenth of a Picture ❯ Correction ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Another 100-word fic. Yes, this is a takeoff on my comic, The Hero in the 21st Century.


At last Destiny got it right.

This time, he was gentle. This time, he was thoughtful. This time, he was faithful and generous and kind. This time, he was trusting.

He was even good-looking and intelligent.

He had seen her from afar the day before, and his heart was hers. Now he waited in front of the school, ready to begin their Happily Ever After.

Destiny smiled. Finally, after all the girl had gone through--in two different lives!--at last she would have her reward. True love waited!

Except--he was one day too late.

Today was Higurashi's birthday…