InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Tenth of a Picture ❯ New Year's Visits ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Okay, everybody complained that the last one was too depressing. So here's a happy ending.

New Year's Visits

First the couple visited their modern friends. Yuka's baby was a real little Houjou!

"They all looked happy!" said Inuyasha.

"I caught Eri and Ayumi checking out your tush," Kagome giggled.

On to Sesshoumaru's. Rin and Kohaku were hand in hand. So were Kanna and Jaken. And Kagura was as big as a house-a full litter for the Demon Lord!

Sango and Kagome compared swelling bellies and Kaede grinned as Miroku and Inuyasha dandled the twins.

"You're a fool, dog-turd," Kouga told Inuyasha. "My Kikyou is intelligent, a real beauty. And she smells like she rolled in something terrific!"