InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Tenth of a Picture ❯ Warm and Fuzzy ... ( Chapter 12 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Knock, knock. Who's there? Anna. Anna who? Anna nother happy ending.

Warm and Fuzzy…

"Remember when I had the top bunk, and you'd kick the springs under my butt until I woke up? You'd always swear you hadn't done anything."

"You used to wait until I was asleep and slip your fuzzy down the crack next to the wall and tickle me till I cried."

"Dad used to get so mad."

Both brothers were silent for a moment. Then Sesshoumaru said, "Inu? I'm sorry I stuck my hand through your gut."

"Yeah," said his brother, "I'm sorry I cut off your arm."

They fell into each other's arm or arms. "I love you, man!"