InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Wild Night ❯ One Wild Night ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N: Ok, here’s a warning lot’s of lemon; girl swapping, and some yuri action in the mix.
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, and am not making any profit from this Fiction

One wild night

Inuyasha drove them to his lake house where he’d taken Kagome three weeks before with three bottles of Bacardi. They were drinking Jell-O shots from the girls’ belly buttons. Unfortunately the guys had mistakenly chosen the wrong girlfriend. Miroku was sipping from Kagome’s body while Inuyasha was sipping from Sango.

Sango giggled and blushed when Inuyasha’s mouth missed the mark and brushed against her crotch. She was shocked at the intense sensation that followed, her hips arching toward his mouth in response. He nipped at her drenched panties then smirked, his eyes glowing with hunger. He licked his lips and replied softly, “Are you tryin to tell me sumthin?”

She shrugged her shoulders, an answering heat in her bashful eyes. Sango gasped, closing her eyes, unable to respond immediately. But when she did it came out breathlessly, “Mm… maybe…”

He inhaled her scent; his eyes looking at her parted lips, turned on by her arousal. “I can smell your desire for me…” his smirk turned into a full-blown smile. “You’re horny aren’t you?”

She licked her dry lips and met his stare saucily, “What do you think?”

“I’ll show you what I think…”

Inuyasha’s lips lowered on hers passionately, pressing himself against her, her taste drowning out all thoughts. She kissed him drunkenly and fiercely, clutching the back of his head, her fingers grasping his long dark hair, indulging in his exotic yet very erotic taste. Her body caught fire and responded to him passionately; fiercer than she had to anyone else…maybe not more than Miroku but to her it was a very close call… it was definitely different, more intense. Everything was like new to her.

He seduced her senses as he suavely removed her top, unbuttoning the blouse until the cool air hit her skin and hardened the kiss, pressing into her body more. Incandescent heat emanated from both of their bodies, strong vibrant lust flamed them as the kiss went on and on, their excitement building and building to the point neither could stop, not even if they had wanted to.  

Inuyasha made trails of kisses down her neck and bared chest to the tips of her ample breasts. She gasped and clutched him closer as his tongue swirled over the tautness of her pebbled nipple. Her moans echoed in his ears as she arched her back, pressing more into his scorching mouth. The ache between her thighs intensified, growing from torturous heights and into an intense sharp throbbing as he bit her nipple as well as grinding his hips into hers. She inhaled his intoxicating scent and grinded right back, wanting him to enter her more than anything.

His hardness stroked her drenched panties, his desire for her more than clear. She moaned softly as his mouth went to the other coral nipple. The sheer pleasure of his hips and his mouth drove her absolutely insane, crazy with lust, his teeth scrapping it gently. She shuddered and cried out as he suckled her deeply into his mouth, gnawing gently on her. The pleasure-pain of it all fogged her brain, forgetting all else but his wonderful mouth and his teasing thrusts. Sango let out another sharp cry of pleasure as his hot mouth suckled her again, somehow deeper this time. Oh, his technique could make a woman come just by sucking her tits the right way! She was nearly there now, the pleasure ebbing closer and closer as he captivated her body and senses.

She needed to drive him just as crazy as he was making her. The way he made her feel had her barely containing her thirst for him.

“…now…” he whispered in her ear softly yet urgently, all the while blowing inside it.

“But I—” she broke off when her eyes met his.

He looked at her, his eyes meeting hers with heated intent, “Sango… I need you. I want you to be crazy with… passion… mindless with lust… That you’ll come just by the touch of my hand, tongue and…” He then licked her, making her shudder and hotter with desire. “…my dick…”

“I’m nearly there already Inuyasha!” she moaned, wanting him inside her desperately, “I want you so much…” she gasped.

“Good…” He said with a panty-melting smirk.

“What do you mean ‘Good’? How is torturing me ‘Good’?”

He chuckled, his tongue circling her breast once more, “I’m torturing you?”

She moaned and arched into his mouth again. “Yes! Believe it or not you are torturing me!”

His eyes, a rich dark chocolate held hers heatedly, “How?”

“How? By not fucking me now, this minute! You’re torturing me! I need you desperately.”

He smirked, “Without really trying? …Damn I’m good.”

“I’ll get you back! Inuyasha… I swear it!” she gasped as he kissed down her body.

“Whatever Sango…” He eyed her soaked panties, his mouth nearly salivating. “There’s something I always wanted to do to you… I think you may find it to your liking…”

She bit her lip as he finally pulled her drenched panties down until she was bare underneath her short skirt. He pushed her thighs apart, his eyes gleaming with lust as he stared at her wet pussy. He licked his lips and buried his head between them and tasted her humid center. She closed her eyes as he flicked his tongue against her clit until she arched into his mouth and cried out savagely, her climax powerful and earth-shatteringly too much. When it was over she felt herself freefalling. He allowed her to come down, watching her return to normal.

His eyes gleamed when she opened her eyes again, “That was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen… but I’m not done yet.”

He ran his tongue over her sensitized lips then suckled the hard pearl of her into his mouth. She writhed against his mouth, wanting that freefalling feeling again, the pleasure overwhelming. He tasted the saccharine of her essence, his tongue lapping at her slick folds, digging into her pussy, darting in and out making her arch and moan and writhe restlessly. He held her still, worshiping her, his tongue working her into another climax then into another.

She was panting by the time he was finished, her eyes gleaming with pleasure. “It’s my turn Inuyasha…”

Meanwhile outside in the Jacuzzi, Miroku had Kagome pressed against the wall of it, the sultry bubbles of it surrounding their nude bodies as his tongue fused with hers tasting her sweet sumptuous mouth. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her body closer to his incredibly hard body. His hands smoothed over her ass and squeezed her cheeks, seducing her senses as he nibbled her neck. She moaned and offered her neck to him, his lips and teeth hitting her hot spot. She shuddered and somehow managed to take over and kissed him with a wild passionate kiss, her teeth grazing his lips, sliding her nails across his brawny chest.

She gasped as his lips went lower, kissing her chest. “I—I think w-we should go i-inside…”

“And I think we’re just fine where we are.” He said against her flushed skin.

“Please Miroku…” she said desperately, not really wanting to stop but aware that they could be walked-in on at any moment. “What if they see us?”

“So, what if they do?”

“Miroku…” she gasped then moaned as he took a nipple into his mouth.

“Besides they’re probably doing the same thing anyway!”

She met his eyes, her heart pounding. “That doesn’t bother you?”

“What, them fucking? Not really. I know Sango loves me and I know Inuyasha loves you. But right now… I think we each need a little bit of diversity…”

She smiled, her eyes sparkling with renewed lust, “I like the sound of that… I really like that answer…”

“Me too…” He then kissed her aggressively, taking her mouth roughly and passionately.

It was as if dynamite had ignited between them in the form of heated lust. She kissed him back just as aggressively, wanting control but found control slipping from her. Intense arousal flowed between them as she kissed him, her hands grasping and stroking, indulging in his exquisite taste, his hands doing his own share of caressing. His hands were on her breasts, his fingers toying with her stiffened nipples until they were aching from his caresses. She moaned, arching into his hands, his infuriatingly sexy touch turning her on more, inflamed within his arms. She was hot and aching with desire as their kiss continued and grew impossibly wilder, clutching him passionately. He parted from her unwillingly, staring at her now plump lips.

“What? Why’d you stop?”

“Believe me I didn’t want to but I needed air.” He gasped, looking down at her plump lips.

“Ah, air is for wussies.” She said teasingly, then went back for the kill.

He held her closer, devouring her mouth. “I want you…”

“I want you too…”

He then lifted her out of the steaming water and laid her on the towel next to the hot tub on the deck, moving between her splayed thighs, his mouth taking her stiff nipple between his teeth, then sucking it inside his mouth passionately. She gasped and arched; his touch setting her skin and insides aflame, creating lava hot passion in her veins as his fingers toyed with her slick slit, dipping every so often. Kagome’s body quivered when the tip of his tongue touched her clit, tasting her, making her writhe in pleasure.

She instantly wanted more contact and Miroku gave her that and more. His fingers thrusting inside of her as his lips drew the hardened nub into his mouth. She cried out and arched firmly in his mouth, holding his head, her fingers digging desperately in his dampened dark hair, moving wildly against his mouth as the wide wild spreading fire climbed higher and higher.

He groaned, enjoying her taste after tasting her more fully. He didn’t want to stop tasting her; she tasted too good, so heady and sweet on his tongue. She cried out, her juices spilling inside his mouth, tasting like the most exquisite wine. She shook as another intense climax took over her. When it was all over she looked at him.

“Miroku…” she purred, smiling appreciatively as her hand wrapped around his thick length and stroked downward.

“What’s going on out here?” Inuyasha asked, walking out on the deck, his eyes on their naked bodies.

Kagome blushed furiously, embarrassed and angry that they walked in before she had a chance of getting to know him better. “Inuyasha… Sango… uh we can explain—”

“You look like you’re having a good time. Can we join you?”


“Can we join you?”

Miroku arched a dark brow, surprised, “You’re not mad?”

“No…” Sango said shooting Inuyasha a wicked knowing look, “Besides we already had our fun…”

“Oh yeah…”

“We gave each other head. Now we want to…uh, watch you two.”

“This is kinky! I mean Sango are you sure you don’t mind?”

“Of course I’m sure. We didn’t mind so far.”

“You watched me and her?”

“Yes. We watched you… it turned me on. It’s kind of like a voyeuristic fantasy.”

That was when Kagome saw Inuyasha’s huge erection and she smiled, “That’s hot…”

With total reckless abandonment of her senses she took Miroku inside her wet mouth. He groaned his ecstasy and thrust inside her mouth. She met his thrust, every thrust her made inside her mouth she lubricated it so that he would be able to move as freely as he needed and sucked him harder, drawing him deeper in her mouth again and again. Hearing the sounds of his pleasure pleased her so she quickened the pace and sucked a little harder, the result of her effort pleasing to her ears. But Miroku wasn’t the only person getting her heartbeat pumping, it was also the thought of Inuyasha and Sango watching them that had her wet and aching.

Miroku eyes rolled in the back of his head as overwhelming pleasure rushed through his system. He was well aware that Inuyasha and Sango were watching—and surprisingly—it was a huge turn-on for him. Somehow knowing they watched them, it was intensified. All the sensations he felt, every touch, lick, and suction was magnified.

“Oh God… I’m gonna come! I’m gonna come!” he gasped feeling extremely close to the edge.

Sango eyed him slowly and shook her head. “No, this won’t do. Ladies come first Miroku… and I want you to make me come.”

“I know that… but… I don’t know if I could… oh shit girl…” he gasped, “I don’t know if I can hold it…in…”

“How about a wager Miroku…”

“What?” he gasped, holding on, sweat beading on his upper lip from the strain.

“Whoever makes their ladies come first gets to have both of them.”

Sango shook her head and looked at both boys. “No I have an idea…”

After Sango arranged Kagome to mount her face Inuyasha was already thrusting inside of her while Sango’s face was buried between Kagome’s thighs, licking and sucking her, and Kagome was giving head to Miroku. As Kagome took Miroku in her mouth, Inuyasha’s hips pistoned into Sango’s tight body, gripping her splayed thighs, feeling her pussy clutch his dick greedily, she grew wetter with each rough thrust he made.

“Damn you got some good pussy!” Inuyasha growled.

“Thank you.” Sango panted, moaning with pleasure.

“Mm, don’t stop Sango…don’t you dare stop!” Kagome panted so close to her climax that she could scream from the frustration of the teasing of not reaching it yet.

Sango grinned and buried her head back between Kagome’s thighs and suckled the hard little nub. Kagome bucked, taken aback by the unexpected erotic jolt that coursed through her system. She cried out in pure pleasure, and then took Miroku back into her awaiting and eager mouth. Miroku groaned, trying to hold back—but couldn’t, his seed pumping out of him and into her mouth, overflowing it with his juices. His orgasm triggered Kagome’s and she overflowed Sango’s mouth as well, all the while triggering hers and hers triggered Inuyasha’s.

Kagome collapsed and Sango rolled over to cuddle her gently, they kissed each other and basked in the afterglow. Just the sight of them both together made Miroku and Inuyasha want them again. They smirked at each other and lay beside the girls and made them get fired up once more.

Kagome was more than willing, spreading her legs until she did a full split in the air. Miroku held her ankles and submerged himself inside her slick canal in one smooth thrust. She relished how he felt inside her, plunging vigorously and in powerful even strokes, stoking the flames within.

“Miroku…”she panted helplessly, her eyes shut, trying to absorb all the sensations he made her feel.

Miroku kissed her passionately as he thrust inside her, going deeper than she thought he could. She clung to him and moved with him, desperate for her next screaming orgasm. She gasped, digging her nails into his back, letting him know every move, every slight shift he made felt incredibly good… better… until she was close to the pleasure-painful point of insanity. She was moaning helplessly, so very close to that glimmering edge until she finally tensed, trembling as the mind-numbing pleasure exploded within her, ecstasy overwhelming her. Miroku gasped, feeling her hot tight walls contracting on his dick, massaging him until he spilled his seed inside her clutching heat.

Inuyasha listened to the adrenaline and the overwhelming lust that pulsed through him, thrusting inside Sango’s hot sweet pussy. He moved inside her fast and furious, the pleasure building and building until they both exploded in a blinding orgasm.

“I guess this makes us swingers huh?”

Sango smiled wickedly, still reeling from her intense orgasm, and replied sensually, “I guess we are…”

“This is so scandalous! What would my dear old dad think?” Kagome said laughingly, exhilarated that she did something so outrageously bad.

“Everyone loves a scandal.”

“I want my girlfriend back.” Inuyasha said looking at Kagome’s well sated body.

“And I want mine back! You fucked her twice!”

Sango looked offended, “Was I that awful?”

“Was I that awful Miroku?” Kagome asked, looking at Miroku with hurt.

“No you were great!”

“It’s just that… we want our girls back.” Miroku explained, wanting them to understand.

“Oh, well you’re going to have to wait.” Kagome said with an attitude.

“How’s that?” Sango asked.

“Well you and Inuyasha fucked twice and since you did fuck twice I wanted to fuck him twice. I only had him once.”

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