InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Year's Time ❯ Busy, busy, busy ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sesshomaru growled and pinched the bridge of his nose. Two days…. his haroi and sash both had been missing for two days. The first day he quelled his temper and his beast assuming that his belongings were in the wash. However when the laundry was finished and there was still no sign of them the search was on. The combined frustration of the previous six weeks and the disappearance of his tradition garments pushed him to the point of loosing his mind.
Over the past six weeks Kagome's presence anywhere near the shrine was dramatically decreased due to rehearsals. Inuyasha had cut their training sessions down to two a week because his presence at Sota's soccer practices was so skillfully requested one night over dinner; conniving crafty child. Of course with encouragement from Kagome, Inuyasha was saying yes and her mother was rejoicing about more time to run errands. With everybody else preoccupied that left him with the senile old man who was constantly attending to the shrine and the rotund feline. In his own time being left to his own devices wouldn't have bothered him in the least. Almost everything around him was for his doing whatever that may be. Here in this time however there were rules to abide by that made no sense to him and it left his head spinning whenever he thought about it. He was accustomed to birthright and honor and he was damn near ready to throw honor to the wind and use his birthright of slaughtering the next being to inconvenience him so.
“Sesshomaru, could you come into the kitchen please?”
Grinding his fangs together he stood to join Rumi in the kitchen. From the doorway he saw her slinging her purse over her shoulder. She turned and smiled at him when he cleared his throat.
“Ah, Sesshomaru dear, would you do me a favor? Grandpa is at a bridge game tonight and I have to go to a meeting at Sota's school, could you pick Kagome up from school? I already called Sota, he and Inuyasha will meet you there. Here's some money you can pick up something quick for dinner.”
Sesshomaru closed his fingers around the money she placed in his palm. He watched as she walked out the backdoor calling a thanks over her shoulder. Shoving the money into his pocket he moved back to the front room the retrieve his shoes.
“See you later Kagome!” Eri called.
“Bye, have a good night.”
“You too. Don't forget we have rehearsal tomorrow at ten.”
“Okay. Thanks.”
Kagome turned and walked toward the front gates. When she got there she smiled at the sight before her. Sesshomaru was leaning casually against the school entrance wall dressed in dark skinny jeans and a loose un-tucked white button up. He was looking down the street at something in the distance. Kagome's heart thumped loudly in her chest when he turned his piercing golden gaze on her. Standing stark still she watched him move away from the wall and take slow strategic steps toward her. Shivering slightly she fought the urge to gasp when his fingers grazed the side of her face and delved into her hair.
“Y-yes Sesshomaru.”
Kagome stammered, taking in a ragged breath as his smooth tones washed over her.
“You have string in your hair.”
He pulled his fingers back from her strands revealing a fine piece of silver thread.
“Oh, thank you.”
Kagome smiled sheepishly and turned her head away tucking the loose strands of hair behind her ear.
“Oi! Are you two finished or should we leave you two alone for a little bit longer?”
Kagome couldn't fight down the blush that stained her cheeks when she looked past Sesshomaru toward Inuyasha and Sota standing at the front gates. Quickly sneaking past Sesshomaru she greeted the others.
“What are you guys doing here?”
“Mom called. She wanted us to pick you up. She said she would send Sesshomaru with some cash so we could get something to eat. She's got some sort of meeting to attend and gramps is playing some old people's game.”
“Okay then. So, where are we going?”
“I don't know about you guys but I'm headed over to Hitomi's. Her parents asked me over for dinner tonight.”
Sota hoisted his bag over his shoulder and stepped away.
“I'll see you later. Try not to get into to much trouble. See you when I get home tonight.”
Kagome stood in awe between Sesshomaru and Inuyasha as she watched her little brother walk away. Smiling broadly she turned to face them grasping their hands in their own.
“Come on. I know the perfect place to go.”
Inuyasha stumbled as she pulled him and Sesshomaru out of the school yard. Slightly confused he followed behind the ecstatic Kagome. When Kagome finally stopped he stood dumbfounded at the sight before him. Massive monsters carrying screaming people stood out in contrast against the Tokyo skyline he had become accustom to. For a split second he wished he was still allowed to carry the tetsusaiga with him.
“Uh, Kagome what is this place?”
“It's an amusement park. Groups of people come here to have fun. I figured since you guys have been doing so well with not fighting and helping out with the shrine, I'd treat you to something special. This should help get some of that adrenaline pumping and get out some of that pent up frustration. I've been meaning to do this for a while now but my schedule for the play has been really hectic. Sorry it took me so long to show my appreciation for your behavior.”
“There is nothing you need to apologize for Kagome. Inuyasha and I have come to realize that life is extremely busy.”
“I know but I still want to do this for you. Please?”
Sesshomaru bit the inside of his lip to fight back the sensual growl that threatened to spill free. The way she peered up at him and Inuyasha beneath her midnight colored tresses nearly had him saying to hell with the amusement park, take her home for a different type of entertainment. He could sense Inuyasha was feeling the same way and that Kagome had no idea of the mutual feelings that were shared for her.
`Tonight would be a good night to inform her though.'
Kagome smiled brightly when both Sesshomaru and Inuyasha consented to her request. She had saved money since before going back to school in order to show them a night out on the town. Excitement pulsed through her veins at the thought of showing her boys something special.
`Wait. When did they become my boys?'
Slightly confused by her thoughts Kagome continued to smile and led the demons at her sides into the park.
“I'm so sorry Sesshomaru. Are you okay?”
Kagome looked at the normally stoic demon lord who, for lack of a better phrase, looked sick as a dog. He being the powerful demon that he was she didn't expect him to get sick from a simple rollercoaster ride. This guy would fly around the countryside on a ki cloud and did unthinkable flips during battle and he gets sick on a rollercoaster. Of course it could have something to do with the two fully loaded chili dogs he ate before hand.
“I never want to hear the words `All the way' when it pertains to food ever again.”
Inuyasha fought back his laughter as he handed Kagome some paper towels from the bathroom. It was kinda funny seeing the jack ass in such a situation, but in the same sense he understood his pain. The chili dogs weren't as the psychotically hot curry Kagome's mother served him once, but the way Sesshomaru had his dogs loaded up the way they were combined with the rollercoaster nearly there.
Sesshomaru shuddered as Kagome lifted the hair from his neck to place the cool rags there. The frosty feeling combined with the gentleness of Kagome's fingertips felt refreshing and soothing. He felt his hair shift more as she pulled it to the top of his head. A brush lightly scrapped against his scalp and he wondered faintly where she got it from. When the tingling sensation caused by the hairbrush stopped he looked up through his bangs to see Inuyasha staring blankly at him.
“Nothing. It's just you look a lot like the old man right about now.”
“Hmm… surprisingly that statement is very fitting.”
“Oh that's right. Your father did wear his hair like this a lot didn't he. I can take it back down if you would like.”
“No. Up or down I would still resemble my father. Besides, with it up it is cooler. Come, we shall continue the evening.”
“Okay. Let's go play some games. That will give your stomach more time to calm down.”
“Step right up. Test your strength. You sir. You right there, win your lovely little girlfriend a prize.”
Sesshomaru and Inuyasha stopped to look at the portly man standing next to a large tower holding a large hammer at his side. The smile widened on his face when he noticed that he captured their attention. Sesshomaru rolled his eyes but Inuyasha took a step closer.
“Ah, I see you are a man of unique interests. Why don't you go ahead and give this game a try. It's real simple; all you have to do is smack this hammer against this rubber mat here and try to make the weight hit the bell. What do ya say? Care for a whack at it?”
Inuyasha looked at Kagome over his shoulder. She was staring at the bell sitting atop the tower with a worried look. Her brows furrowed together and her teeth worried the smooth line of her bottom lip. Inuyasha stepped back towards her.
“Kagome, what's wrong?”
Shaking her head lightly Kagome looked at him.
“Nothing, really. I just wonder how angry that will be if you broke his game.”
“What do you mean?”
“Think about it. A normal guy would have to put his all into making that weight hit that bell. If you or Sesshomaru barely apply yourselves and that weight would shatter that bell and ruin his game. But, if you think you can hold back some here's the five bucks; go take a `whack' at it.”
Inuyasha took the money and handed it to the man.
“Okay sir, here's the scoop. Hit the bell once and you get a small prize. Hit it twice and you get a medium, and if you can manage to hit it a third time you get a large.”
The man said motioning to each size.
Inuyasha took the hammer into his hands. Loud and clear he heard the man next to him mutter.
“Good luck scrawny man. You're gonna need it.”
Without any effort at all he lifted the hammer over his head and brought it down onto the mat. The bell above him rang out clearly. He turned to the man who was gaping like a fish but quickly recovered.
“My oh my. That seemed almost too easy. You've got two more swings to go.”
The man reached into his pocket and smiled.
`I'd like to see you pull that same stunt again smartass.'
Inuyasha smirked as the faint buzz of machinery hit his sensitive ears.
`So you want to play dirty huh? Okay have it your way.'
Gripping the handle of the hammer tighter he hoisted it up to his shoulder and held it there pretending to be winded. He watched as the smile spread on the man's face at his efforts. Just as smoothly as before Inuyasha let the hammer fall. The weight sluggishly left the launch, and barely managed to pull a faint ting sound from the bell.
The smile on the man's face falter and the mechanical humming increased ten fold.
“Outstanding sir. Ringing the bell twice in a row is a rare sight indeed. You sure have the potential for row.” `But it's not likely with this amount of magnetic pull.'
Once again Inuyasha lifted the hammer to his shoulder. He turned slightly to glance at Kagome and Sesshomaru. Kagome hid her gasp behind her hands when he forced some of his youki into the hammer. Sesshomaru merely nodded and Inuyasha turned swinging the hammer down as he would the tetsusaiga.
The weight screamed up the track it rested in knocking the bell off in its wake. After a few moments the bell and the weight landed at the base of the tower with a metallic thud. The force of the impact caused the electrical components to spark and smoke dangerously. The malfunction caused several objects fly toward the tower from the magnetic pull making the surrounding crowd gasp.
Inuyasha selected a stuffed white dog from the large group the man signaled to before hand. Poking his head from around its back Inuyasha smile at the man.
“Three hits is a large right? That was pretty fun. Maybe I should play again sometime.”
Stepping off the platform he passed several angry looking people making their way onto it. He stopped in front of Kagome and, fighting desperately from blushing, handed her the prize.
“Wow. Inuyasha that's the biggest thing he had up there.”
Taking the prize Kagome smiled faintly before sending a worried glanced at the platform.
“What's wrong Kagome, don't you like it?”
“Oh, no, its fine, but you broke his machine.”
“Keh. Serves him right for cheating.”
“Considering you are the mastermind behind this evening and Inuyasha cannot be trusted to play games anymore…”
“… What is next on the agenda?”
Kagome turned her head into the fur of her stuffie to hide the grin that spread across her face due to the shocked look on Inuyasha's. Giggling she smiled sweetly at Inuyasha and apologized.
“There is one more thing we can do before we go. Follow me.”
They stood at the base of a giant wheel watching it slowly revolve. Kagome chanced a glance at Inuyasha and Sesshomaru's expressions and watched the colorful lights dance along their astonished irises. Gently she grabbed them by the sleeves and pulled them into line. Less than ten minutes later she coaxed them into the cart.
“Inuyasha, will you calm down? Nothing is going to happen while we're up here.”
Suddenly the cart gave a funny lurch and slowly swung to a halt. Kagome looked over the edge of the cart and down below. Just barely she could see the docking station. It seemed to stand out, oddly isolated, between two similar swinging carts. Kagome sighed and sat back down in her seat.
“'Well', well what?”
Inuyasha asked.
“Well it seems that the Ferris wheel is stuck.”
“Seems so.”
“What do you mean stuck?”
“What other explanation can I give you Inuyasha? Stuck; not moving; can't go nowhere; we're going to be here for a while.”
“How long would you say a while would be?”
Sesshomaru questioned.
“Don't know. All depends on the mechanic. Could be a few minutes, could be a few hours.”
“Did you suddenly become part parrot Inuyasha?”
“Well then quit mimicking me. I wasn't expecting for this to happen okay. I was hoping to show you a beautiful sight after an excellent night, but that idea is shot now.”
Tears began to brim at Kagome's eyes. Furiously she began to wipe them away in hopes of them going unseen.
She froze when se felt a clawed hand wrap around her wrist. She glanced to see Sesshomaru's golden orbs staring intently at her. Gently he traced the path of her tears with his thumb.
“Believe me when I say the view is amazing.”
Kagome blushed deeply.
“Now you say we may be her for a while- quit growling Inuyasha. I reciprocate the feeling of being trapped but we both have been in far worse scenarios. As I was saying we may as well make use of the time we have I feel that we need to talk.”
“Talk about what?”
Kagome asked pulling her feet up underneath her.
“About the situation at hand.”
“What situation?”
“Yeah what situation? We already know about being stuck.”
“There is a more pressing matter than being `stuck' Inuyasha. One that we three have needed to bring to light for some time now.”
“What do you mean? Is there something wrong?”
“Not wrong per say, but it does pertain to the night in which we share my bed those some months ago.”
“Sesshomaru I am so sorry about that. I know I never properly apologized but I've just been so busy.”
“That is not my concern. My concern is that during that night we created a bond that will surely be a lasting thing between us.”
“I'm sorry?”
Kagome was confused.
“What I mean to say is this Sesshomaru has created a bond with you that is similar to the one that you share with Inuyasha.”
“Good. I was hoping for that.”
Kagome smiled.
Inuyasha's eyebrows rose beneath the shadow of his bangs.
“You were?”
“Yeah. I was hoping that during our time her that we would grow to be really good friends.”
Inuyasha fell forward out of his seat causing the cart to vibrate violently.
Sesshomaru sighed.
“Woman you may be highly intelligent but sometimes you are very dense.”
“I beg your pardon.”
Kagome straightened her back and squared her shoulders.
“This Sesshomaru did not stutter. Sometimes you are very dense.”
Turning sideways in her seat Kagome huffed while crossing her arms over her chest. Shooting a dark glare at Sesshomaru out of the corner of her eye she growled.
“Well it is nice to know that you think I am stupid.”
Releasing a growl of his own Sesshomaru's arm shot out and his claws curled around Kagome's bicep. He pulled her to him cupping the base of her neck in his free hand. Tracing the column of her neck with his thumb her stared intensely into her eyes.”
“If I found you to be stupid I would have no interest in you. Since my interest has yet to waver you are clearly not stupid. I merely stated that you are dense because you have not grasped the concept of the situation at hand.”
“Wh-what concept?”
Slowly Sesshomaru's hand released her arm and joined its brother on her neck. His palms smoothed over the sides of her neck and he uses his thumbs to tilt her head upwards. The descent of his lips onto her was the exact opposite of the movement of his hands. His lips came down upon hers fast and hard.
Kagome wasn't sure if the sudden jolt she felt was from Sesshomaru's kiss or from the Ferris wheel coming back to life. Not exactly sure when she closed her eyes, Kagome opened them when she felt him move away. Blinking a few times Kagome looked into his golden depths. Chewing on her bottom lip she smiled lightly with a blush dusting her cheeks.
“I think I get it.”
“I believe so as well. Come the ride is nearly over.”
Kagome moved back to her side of the cart. Pulling her stuffed animal to her chest she subconsciously used it as a shield between her and the brothers. Since being home she had her suspicions that her relationship with the both of them was improving but she couldn't even fathom it progressing that much. The thought thrilled her and scared her at the same time. It also brought about many different questions. Would any of this of happened if they were still in the feudal ere? What would change when they went back? Does this mean she would have to choose between them? And if so, could she choose?
So many thoughts buzzed through Kagome's mind. Absentmindedly she climbed out of the cart and onto the platform. Sesshomaru and Inuyasha followed close behind but not too close. They followed as she blindly walked down the platform and through the park out to the nearly empty streets. Once on the dark street they moved closed but still kept silent. Kagome was grateful for that. It gave her more time to straighten out her thoughts and emotions. After finally reaching the shrine and making it inside Kagome whispered a goodnight before ascending the stairs in silence. The moment the knob clicked closed behind her Kagome buried her face in the fur of the giant stuffed dog to muffle the sound of her cries she fought the whole way home.
The smell of salt travels though the house and assaulted Sesshomaru's nose. His brow furrowed and he gritted his fangs.
“That did not go as well as this Sesshomaru planned.”
“What did you expect? Did you think that a kiss and a confession would have her leaping into your arms saying she feels the same way?”
“That is how it is done on daytime television.”
“Oh you have got to be kidding me. You actually tried to do the same thing those idiots do on TV?”
A voice asked from the doorway leading to the kitchen.
Both inus turned to see Sota standing in the doorway clutching a glass of milk fighting back a grin. He moved to plop down in the arm chair and motioned for the demons to do the same on the couch.
“Do you honestly think that overacted bullshit would work on Kagome?”
“It appeared to be rather successful on television.”
“That's because the people who wrote that show said that's the way it's supposed to be. Life and dating doesn't actually work that way. Besides if it did wouldn't you be upstairs instead of down here chatting it up with me?”
“The thing with Kagome is you can't go trying to seep her off her feet and think everything will be okay. She's too stubborn to go for that. You have to be more subtle about it.”
“Keh. How the hell are you sure about that?”
“Because, I was there when she fell in love with you. They say history repeats itself, and believe me it is the same pattern all over again. That and I read her journal about two weeks ago.”
“That's dirty tactics.”
Inuyasha smirked.
“Duh. It's my job as the younger brother to torment my older sibling. Having Kagome as my older sister just makes it that much more fun.”
Sota finished his milk and returned the cup to the kitchen before heading upstairs to his own room. He rapped his knuckles on the door twice as he passed whispering out his goodnight.
Kagome lay awake in bed listening to Sota make his way to his room. Not long after she heard Inuyasha and Sesshomaru follow suit. The thought of them settling down for the night made her envious. Too many thought muddled her brain to allow her to relax and actually rest. Her mind constantly ran circles through out the night until finally she fell asleep from exhaustion right before dawn. Though her thoughts were in disarray her subconscious mind filtered through the mess sorting it out in her dreams. Content with the conclusions of her dreams Kagome sighed in her sleep.
The sun shone brightly though the windows of the house. Warmth from the rays spread a gentle heat through everything they landed on. Kagome murmured something incoherently as she rolled over to shield her face from the sun. Slowly the heat from the sun was making in uncomfortably hot between her sheets. Sighing she knew she would not be able to return to the sleeping world. Tossing the covers back she stretched languidly in the sun like a cat would. Satisfied smirk in place on her face she rolled to face the night stand where her alarm clock stood.
The earsplitting scream reverberated off of the walls causing Sota to gasp and choke on his bubble gum. Coughing the sticky wad up, he sucked in a deep breath of air and glared at the ceiling. Moments later Kagome thundered downstairs slinging a short sweater over her sundress.
“Kagome dear, is there something wrong?”
“No mom, I'm just running a little late.”
Kagome ran by the armchair kissing her mom on the cheek.
“Bye mom, love you. Bye squirt.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
Kagome next moved to the couch to kiss her grand father.
“Love you too gramps.”
Then she moved down to the other end of the couch in her rush straight towards Inuyasha. Kissing him she smiled.
“Love you Yasha.”
Turning once more she turned towards the door and bumped into Sesshomaru. Skirting around him she gave him a quick peck on the lips and ran off calling over her shoulder.
“Love you too. See ya later. The show starts at seven.”
Sesshomaru turned to look at everyone after Kagome disappeared at the shrine steps.
“Forgot to set her alarm?”