InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Only Half ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

(A/N: Yeah.... I got nothing.)


It was nearly two in the morning before Inuyasha and Sango left the apartment. Miroku walked with Sango to her car while Inuyasha and Kagome stood by the door. He gave her a hug and kissed her forehead.

"I'll come by tomorrow afternoon, okay?" he asked.

"Sure." she replied. She waved as he took off on his motorcycle. She sighed and leaned against the brick wall as Miroku walked up. He took one look at his sister's expression and grinned.

"Your happy, I see. You should be, you two belong together. He's the only one who can keep you in line, I think." he joked.

"Oh, and what about you and Sango, Mr. Grope Her As Much As I Can Before Passing Out In Pain. What was with you tonight, man. I've never seen you go after a girl like that before. You must really like her or something." Kagome laughed.

"Hmm... Maybe.." Miroku said before entering the front door. Kagome stared after her brother in amazement.

"Miroku's got a crush.." she sang softly to herself before locking the door.

Inuyasha leaned back in his desk seat and smiled. Everything in his life had just changed for the better. After years of searching for Kagome, he finally had her back, and nothing was going to take her away from him again. Not even Naraku. He frowned at the memory of what she had told him, he stole her parents and her mortal soul, he practically stole her life. It was amazing that she was still able to go on.

Inuyasha knew that Kagome had always been a tough girl, that was why he was so attracted to her, but now she was incredible. He was sitting in his first period class. He didn't know why Sango insisted that they stay in school, something about the Brotherhood taking refuge with the students, who knows. He would rather be with Kagome right now, but he didn't really have a choice. Class was going to seem so boring compared to last night.

The bell rang and Ms. Kaede began class. Suddenly the door flew open and two students ran in, a girl smiling nervously, and a boy, panting hard. Inuyasha was too busy thinking to notice.

"Sorry," the girl spoke softly. "Kind of got lost, we're new."

"Ah, yes." Ms. Kaede said. "Miroku and Kagome Higurashi, welcome."

Inuyasha snapped out of his thoughts and was shocked to see Kagome right in front of him. She winked and sat in the desk next to him while Miroku sat next to Sango. Ms. Kaede again began her lecture again. Kagome tried hard to pay attention, but zoned out into her own thoughts until a small piece of paper hit her foot. She picked it up and read the note.


What are you and Miroku doing here?


She smiled and wrote a small message back. She then folded the paper and threw it back in Inuyasha's direction once the professor had her back turned. He read it:

Tell you in lunch

He folded the note, stuck it in his backpack, and waited for the bell to ring.

Inuyasha waited outside the door after fourth period. Next was the lunch hour. Kagome walked by and he caught her by the arms.

"Okay," he said. "Now spill, why are you two here?"

"All right, all right." she laughed. "I'll tell you on the way." He lead her to the cafeteria, an arm wrapped protectively around her waist.

"Well, I suppose you already know about Naraku's gang the Brotherhood." she asked. He nodded his head. "Well, Miroku heard that some of the teen members have been attending school in order to gain the trust of unsuspecting humans and demons. So we decided that we ought to check it out, so here we are."

"Yeah, Sango said something about that too. Well, actually, I'm here because she told me to, that girl can get pretty scary if you don't listen to her." Inuyasha said.

"I can imagine."

They entered the cafeteria and headed towards the table that Sango and Miroku were already sitting at. After talking for a few minutes, Kagome and Sango got up to go buy food. Inuyasha watched them walk away, Sango was talking about Miroku's latest groping attempt. He smiled as he saw Kagome laughing and realized how much he had truly missed her and needed her in his life. Everything seemed more complete with her around. Miroku raised an eyebrow at his old friend.

"You really care for my sister, don't you Inuyasha." he asked seriously. Inuyasha glanced at him, then looked back at the girls.

"Yeah.. I do. More than can you imagine."

"Well, I know she cares for you. She's never taken off that medallion or lost the hope that she would return to you someday. I've never seen her so happy, she really needs you, Inuyasha."

Miroku sighed and propped his elbows on the table, before continuing.

"Kagome may look tough on the outside, and in most ways she is. But on the inside, I know she's terrified. She's lost, Inuyasha, she's felt lost ever since we left." Inuyasha turned to look at his friend. "There's only so much I can do for her, sure I'm her brother, but there is only so much she is willing to tell me. You have a deep connection with her, Inuyasha. She needs you right now, more than anyone."

"Don't worry, Miroku." Inuyasha replied. "I watch out for her, I care for her more than anyone in the entire world. I'm not going to let anyone hurt her, I'm not gonna lose her, okay?"

"I know, I trust you. But just know that if you let her down, I will come after you." Miroku said, smirking. Inuyasha laughed.

"Oh, I'm really scared now."

Kagome and Sango walked to the table to see the boys laughing. They looked at each other and shrugged.

"What's so funny?" Kagome asked.

"Nothing, really." Inuyasha sighed.


"INUYASHA, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" came a shrill voice. The group looked to see a girl with long black hair and cold blue eyes glaring at them, namely Kagome. The two looked a lot alike, except for the fact that the girl looked a bit older than Kagome and wore way too much make-up. She wore a revealing pink tank top and short white skirt while Kagome wore a simple, modest red t-shirt with blue jeans and a red bandana. Sango sighed and Inuyasha groaned.

"Kikyo, what do you want?" Sango asked, exasperated.

"INUYASHA WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THIS WANNA BE LOOK ALIKE!!" Kikyo shrieked. Inuyasha's ears flattened against his head at the volume. Kagome glared at the new girl.

"Excuse me, wanna be look alike? Sorry, I don't think we look thing like each other so stop flattering yourself." Kagome snarled, placing the food tray on the table, then standing before Kikyo.

"I WASN'T TALKING TO YOU, LITTLE GIRL. I WAS TALKING TO MY MAN!!" Kagome's eyes flamed with rage.

"Little girl....I'll show you little.." she mumbled preparing to knock her lights out. Inuyasha grabbed her around the waist and pulled her into his lap, trapping her arms at her sides. Kagome growled but didn't struggle, seeing as there was no point since he was ten times stronger.

"I'm not your man, Kikyo, so get lost." he snapped. Kagome stuck out her tongue and smirked. Miroku mumbled something about maturity while Kikyo glared daggers at the two.

"HOW DARE YOU REPLACE ME WITH THIS... THIS.... SLUT!!!" Sango and Kagome gasped, Miroku's face darkened, and Inuyasha began growling dangerously. His grip tightened possessively as he glared.

"Don't you EVER call her that again. Don't talk to her, don't even go near her or I swear I'll rip your tongue out. I'm not your man, I never was, I never will be. Kagome is my girl, so get the hell out of my face!!" he growled. Kikyo fell silent but her glare never faltered.

"This isn't over, girl." she said and then stalked away.

"Rauw, like I'm really scared." Kagome called. "What a jerk!!"

"You have no idea." Inuyasha mumbled. The bell rang signaling that lunch was over. P.E. was the next class for the four of them, unfortunately they had been signed up for lap swim..... fun. The lap swim class consisted of about eight kids, unfortunately including Kikyo who was still glaring at Kagome.

Miroku and Inuyasha both had black swim trunks. Sango wore a green and black one piece, while kagome wore a red surfer top with red board shorts with a white hawaiian print on the sides. They sat on the bench at the deep end of the pool while the coach talked to the sophomore class. Soon the coach walked over to the small group and smiled.

"Hello, my name is Coach Myouga. I see we have two new students. I assume you both know how to swim," the Higurashi siblings nodded. "Very good, well basically this class is divided into pairs of two where you practice your skills, endurance, and learn about lifeguarding such as CPR and all that fun stuff. Well, Mondays and Fridays are free swim for your class so have fun, I'll be in my office if you need anything."

Inuyasha grabbed Kagome around the waist. "I'll be your partner, Kag." Kagome laughed.

"Okay, if you're sure. But I must warn you, I'm not that great a swimmer."

"Don't worry, I'll help you." he said.

"Inuyasha, Miroku. Do you boys think you can help me out in the storage closet." the coach called. The two nodded.

"I'll be back," Inuyasha said and gave Kag a hug.

"All right," she said and walked over to Sango. "Well, now what do we do."

"Dunno." Sango said. Kagome sighed and sat on the edge of the pool, dipping her legs into the freezing water. She watched a few of the boys do cannonballs and flips off the diving boards before she heard a splash in front of her. Ice cold water sprayed her body as she jumped in surprise. Sango surfaced and smiled, she had dived off one of the starter blocks.

"Come on, Kagome. It's not so cold once you get in." Sango said.

"I'm not so sure about that," Kagome replied. She stood up and climbed onto the small platform, looking down at the calm water. She saw Inuyasha leaning against the brick wall watching her. Suddenly, someone shoved her roughly off the block, hitting the edge of the pool with her head before falling into the water.

Inuyasha straightened in sheer concern when he realized that she wasn't coming back up. He ran down the side and dived close to where she had fallen. He grabbed the girl by the waist and pulled her back up to the surface and over to the shallow end. He held her close as she cradled her head and coughed violently.

"Kagome, are you all right?" he asked, moving the bangs away from her forehead to get a better look at the cut that had formed. She nodded and continued to cough, he rubbed her back. Sango started to swim over to the couple while Miroku and the coach went after Kikyo. Kagome rested her head against Inuyasha's shoulder and smiled.

"Well," she sighed. "That's gonna kill some of the few brain cells I have left." she coughed again. Inuyasha smiled and kissed the top of her head. Minutes later Kagome was sitting on the side of the pool, feeling a little worn out, with Inuyasha in the water next to her. They watched as Kikyo sprinted away from an enraged Miroku. Coach Myouga stopped running, panting heavily while threatening Kikyo with detentions and suspensions.

Kagome smiled evilly as she saw the girl heading in their direction. She quickly got up and ran to the storage closet that held all the pool equipment. She grabbed one of the hard styrofoam kickboards and hid behind the locker room door. Inuyasha raised an eyebrow in her direction, but decided not to interfere. Kikyo continued running right into Kagome's trap.

She came close to the locker room door, her only hope of escape, only to meet a searing pain on the left side of her head and the freezing sensation of meeting the water as she fell from the blow. Kagome had jumped from her hiding place and smacked Kikyo across the head with her kickboard, causing her to stumble into the shallow end of the pool. She walked over to edge and smirked at the sputtering girl as she surfaced. Kagome kneeled and spoke dangerously.

"That's only a fraction of what I can do to you. If I was you, I get the hell away from my face before I really gave you a headache."

Kikyo shuddered at the threatening tone the new girl had, and nodded slowly. Kagome smirked once again, and turned to walk back to a hysterically laughing hanyou. Then for emphasis, she rapidly spun back around and bit at Kikyo, showing her traces of small fangs on her canine teeth. The girl shrieked and ran full speed to the locker room, locking herself in one of the stalls.

The rest of the day had been pretty uneventful, but Inuyasha never left his girlfriend's side for a moment. Every so often they would walk through the halls and guys would stare at the raven-haired beauty. Inuyasha would growl and grab Kagome by the waist, threatening anyone to take a step near her. Every time Kagome would laugh and roll her eyes, but truly didn't mind. Everything about having Inuyasha near her again brightened up her life that had become so dark and full of hate and revenge. Life was finally starting to look up.

(A/N: Yeah I still got nothing)