InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Only In Time ❯ The Stranger ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer:: still don't own inu group……but I still do own Heara………..Heara future story… and review pluheassss
Chapter 2: The Stranger
Where am I? Kagome thought as she stood up, with in seconds everything started spinning, she felt the back head of her and discovered a huge bump. Soon the spinning got her sick and she fell back to the ground and lay unconscious on the ground.
* * * * * * * * * * *
“I'm telling you Kikyo I smell some thing odd. A smell that doesn't come from anything around here.” It smells too good.
“Inuyasha don't you think that has a priestess I would be able to sense another being her too, and also what would they be doing in the ancient Bone Eaters Well.”
They walked along in the forest towards the well, which was right in the heart of the forest.
I'm worried the only way I wouldn't be able to sense another being is if that person had stronger spiritual powers then me and there's no one that I know of like that…unless…
~Flash Back~
“ I'm sure you heard of the demon Naraku, I want to kill him, and I heard from one of my mothers old friends who's a psychic, that I need the help of either the priestess Kikyo or Kagome.”
“Well there is no priestess named Kagome, that I know for sure, and there defiantly isn't another priestess even close to being as strong as me. My miko powers are the strongest in history, and I highly doubt that anyone can ever get as far as I have.”
~End Flash Back~
But how's that possible… The only way for a person to be stronger then me and I know it is if the person is a demon. Yes! That has to be the answer and that there working for the enemy Naraku.
“Inuyasha! Stop! Wait! Have you ever considered that this might be a trap set up by Naraku? Maybe he knows that you and I would want to check out the unfamiliar scent/present.”
He looked down at her, she did have a point but the scent was driving him crazy. It smells like nothing that would belong from this time.
They both walked to the well side by side and peered down, at the bottom was a figure laying unconscious. Inuyasha looked up and gave Kikyo the “told you so look.” Then swiftly jumped down the well to retrieve the body.
How did some kid get here in the well? It must be about 20 feet deep. Inuyasha thought has he jumped down. When he reached the bottom he was surprised to discover that the “child” was some where in her teens maybe even a few years younger than himself and Kikyo. He looked down at her and noticed that she had beautiful raven black hair, and full luscious lips.
Wow, who ever she is, she is sure beautiful and strong since she survived the fall. He looked down at her and felt her breathing she survived but just barely. I need to get to some help. He picked her up and jumped out of the well.
“Who is she, Inuyasha?” Kikyo asked as she examined the girl's cloths. “I've never seen anyone with this kind of cloths before. I wonder where she's from.
“I don't know but if we don't get her help soon, then we well never be able to find out. She survived the fall, but just barely. C'mon I think Heara can help her.” He looked down at the girl in his arms and then at Kikyo. “Um Kikyo do you mind if I go ahead of you?”
“No, its fine you go save her life so we can find out where and what she is?”
Inuyasha jumped ahead of Kikyo and into the forest. Every once in a while he would steal glances at the girl in his arms. She kind of looks like Kikyo but there's something different, her face it…it…I don't know it looks kinder some how more loving, caring. But where the hell would she get such weird cloths. A black skirty thingy, and a light blue shirt, but it has no sleeves, and its tight against her skin, not baggy and loose like all the cloths that are being worn today.
When he came around to a small hut in the middle of the forest he stopped, and walked over to the front door and started banging on it.
“OPEN UP YOU OLD HAG!! I HAVE AN EMERCENCY!” he shouted through the door. The door opened up at creek and a head stuck out,
“Listen, Inuyasha ye may be old but ye isn't deaf yet.” Then she looked down at the girl he cradled in his arms and hastily opened the door.
“What happened to her?” she asked as she examined the girl. Quickly noted the cut on her head that was still bleeding and started to wrap it with some cloth.
“I don't know me and Kikyo where out when I smelt and unfamiliar scent and went to see what it was. Then I found her on the bottom of that well over there.” He pointed to the right.
“Oh, you mean the Bone Eaters Well? Strange. How would someone like her get down there?”
“I dun no. I would say that she was being chased by demons but there is no fresh scent of demons around that area, or humans.” He looked down at the girl again. She seemed familiar yet so strange. Hey…a thought came to his head. Could this be…? He was just about to voice his question when the girl started to stir.
Slowly she lifted her eyes just a bit, to see were she was but when she noticed Inuyasha standing over her, her eyes widened and she let out a shriek that made Inuyasha cover his ears.
“Sshhh child.” Heara said.
The girl turned her head from the doggy-boy to the old women in odd cloths that looked familiar somehow.
“Where am I?” she asked quietly. In the sweetest voice Inuyasha ever heard.
“In the village right outside the bone eater's forest.” Heara answered politely. The girl looked around the hut, she was lying on a futon, in the middle of the room was a small fire pit with a fire going, and small pots made of clay.
“Um, who am I?”
NOTE:: ok I admit I needed a person like Kaede in the story cause in this story she's still young……..that's where Heara comes in …..still wanna know what you think