InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Only Light in the Darkness ❯ Snakes and Sight ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Inuyasha ducked as the demon’s venom sprayed above his head.
He dodged the blow of it’s fangs, feinting an attack to its right side and instead slamming the Tetsusaiga into it’s left eye. The serpent youkai screeched into the dieing light of the evening sun, it had not long to last.
Thrashing about, it soaked the ground with poison and blood.
Inuyasha leapt to Kagome’s side, quickly throwing his fire rat haori over her, to protect her from the acidic venom.
He felt her draw near against his chest, wrapping her arms around him tightly as he held a hand firmly against the small of her back.
A horrible unearthly shriek rent his ears and caused them to flatten. Swiftly turning his head, he glanced over his shoulder to spot Shippo dangling from the serpent’s tail above it’s cavernous mouth.
Kagome let loose a strangled sob, unable to form words at the horrendous scene before her eyes. She dashed out of Inuyasha’s grasp, drawing an arrow, she pulled the bowstring taunt then let it fly.
It pierced the skull of the youkai, causing it to release the terrified fox kit and fall back, writhing upon the forest floor.
Despite Inuyasha’s desperate efforts to call her back, the young miko dashed towards the bloody scene and lifted an unconscious Shippo from the ground.
Kagome coughed and hacked as poisonous vapors rose from the ground surrounding the corpse of the immense snake.
It clouded her vision and her mind, slipping out of consciousness, she slumped to the ground. Inuyasha caught them both before they touched the dust.

Blurry visions and outlines of familiar faces.
Slowly, Kagome swam her way out of the darkness enveloping her.
Cracking open her eyes she found the concerned face of Sango and Kaede hovering over her.
Sango gave her an anxious smile and asked “Can you see me, Kagome?” the young miko looked at her curiously “Of course I can see you. Why, Sango?”
The demon slayer turned questionably to Kaede, and the old woman nodded, though before Sango could speak Kagome sat up quickly asking “What’s the matter? Where’s Inuyasha? Is he alright?”
Kaede spoke slowly as though she was carefully studying everything she said before allowing her lips to form the words.
“Inuyasha saved ye and Shippo from the venomous cloud, but he himself was dearly affected…” she paused and Kagome was already on her feet, her heart pounding in her ears.
“Where is he? I-I’ve got to see him.”
Sango sighed “He’s sitting outside.”
Kagome dashed out the door, her feet carrying her faster than she could ever remember possible. She spotted him immediately, leaning against the outer wall of the hut.
Falling beside him, she realized immediately that something was wrong.
He didn’t look at her, and continued staring into the distance.
“Inuyasha, are you alright?”
When she spoke he immediately snapped towards her, eyes opened yet clouded slightly, he opened his mouth, but then hesitated and shut it.
“What’s the matter? Are you in pain?”
He shook his head.
“Why are you so quiet, what’s wrong? Please, speak to me Inuyasha, I’m so worried about you.”
His eyes were shut tight and she couldn’t understand why he wasn’t speaking to her.
Tears began to fall from her eyes and she wept openly before him, bringing her hands up to muffle her sobs.
Inuyasha reached out and caught her wrists, pulling her into a crushing embrace.
Kagome’s shoulders shook as he held her close, she cried upon his haori and whispering into his ear she asked “What’s the matter?” pulling her closer in, he released a mournful whine.
Kagome froze.
Inuyasha had never whined before, something was wrong.
That was when it hit her.
Maybe he had lost the capability to tell her.