InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Only Time... ❯ Time to Reunite ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I do not own any of the InuYasha characters mentioned in this fanfic. The OC's, however, are off limits.
I know it's been a while since I last updated this movie, but life tends to get in the way a lot. I'm busy with the musical on weeknights except for Wednesdays, but then I work after school those nights. Fridays I work most often and I recently had vocal solo and ensemble for our district. Top it off with homework and my school blocking with Novell Borders and there you go.
Chapter 5: Time to Reunite
“This must be it. The place where Setsuna's village once was,” Ori stated, “Just as he described it; burnt and falling apart.”
“I wonder if my theory is right about him being here.” Nakura stepped forward to take in his surroundings. “If his village kicked him out, why would he stay here?”
“It was your idea to come here.”
“I know that, but now I'm having my doubts. Would you stay close to the place you almost got killed in?”
Ori sighed and shook his head. “Can't say I would. So,” He put his hands behind his head, “Japan sure is a big place, isn't it?”
They walked into the charred and abandoned village, past the high stone fortress walls that surrounded it. Checking hut after hut, they came up with no evidence of life. Frustration built inside both of them as they though about searching all of Japan for the Neko, but it was Nakura who found smoke billowing out of what appeared to be the main house. He yelled out to Ori and told him to follow his direction.
They no sooner approached the door than did a lovely young woman with cherry blossom pink hair and sky-blue eyes exit and stand before them. “Who are you?”
“We need to meet with Setsuna; you wouldn't happen to know who he is, do you?” Ori bowed in respect as he asked his question.
“What do you two want with my mate?” She backed away. “Kane-Sakura can't have him, so leave us alone!”
“Whoa there…” Ori tried to settle her down. “We just want to…”
“Ori, is that you?” Setsuna opened the flap and poked his head out. “Oh thank Kami! Have you guys seen Kane anywhere?”
“Setsuna,” Atsuko turned to him as he came out of the hut, “I'm your mate. Why are you suddenly so concerned for…?”
“You are not my mate Atsuko! Hell, you're not even alive anymore!” Setsuna snapped at her, his impatience flaring like his flames in battle. “Whatever you are, you aren't Atsuko!”
Tears gathered in her eyes. “Why are you doing this? All day you've been acting different; you were fine yesterday.”
He sighed in exasperation. “Yesterday I was…yesterday?” Setsuna turned to Ori and Nakura. “What's happened? Why has everything changed?”
“We'll explain it on the way.” Nakura stated. “This isn't the only change; there's a few concerning your wife.”
His eyes widened in concern. “Is she okay? What about our unborn children?”
“What's this about Setsuna?” Atsuko suddenly asked angrily.
Ori stepped forward with an explanation. “It's nothing Lady Atsuko. Nothing but unfinished business that he needs to take care of.”
“And this unfinished business that you speak of is?”
“Um, well…” Ori cleared his throat. “He…he needs to see Lady Kane because…
Setsuna sighed heavily and put his hands on Atsuko's shoulders. “Listen Atsuko. Before I met you, there was this other woman in my life. We broke our relationship off because…because…
“She's evil!” Ori helped.
“Yeah, and being the bad boy that I was, I thought having an evil mate was great. Then I saw the light…sort of. I'm still in love with Kane-Sakura. We've been seeing each other and now she's pregnant. These two came today to take me away for good.” He closed his eyes, pretending to be sincerely sorry. “I'm sorry Atsuko, but you're just not cutting it anymore.”
Even though he braced himself, he hadn't expected the slap to his left cheek. “You've been cheating on me this entire time?! With that evil wench?! How could you?!” She ran back into the hut, and then threw out his belongings, which consisted of the only Feudal wear he was accustomed to…his black hakama and haori. Since he was only clad in his under kimono, he put on both things at once. “Get out of here and never come back! I never want to see your hideous face again!”
“You know Hideik, it might've gone better if you had lied in a different matter. That way we could have gotten out of here faster.” Nakura stated.
“I know, but she wouldn't get off my back. I don't know how I ever stood that woman in the first place.” Setsuna shrugged his shoulders as he walked away from the hut. While what he'd said had been almost a complete lie, he didn't feel right about it. He could hear her sobbing in the little house as he walked away. `Great, now I feel guilty.'
“Anyway, we'd better get back to Kaeda's village and meet up with the girls. We'll explain what's going on while we walk.” Ori stated. “The walk might be just enough to give you the whole story.”
“We're both how far long?!” Mika and Michi yelled at Kaeda together.
“About seven months. Why are you two so anxious over this?” Kaeda washed her hands off as the girls straightened their kimonos. “Ye each have healthy babes.”
“There's no reason for us to be anxious,” Mika lied. “Right Michi?”
But the monk's face was stark white. “Seven months? Mika, I…I…”
“Thanks Kaeda. Come on Michi, I think we need to discuss something.” She helped the girl stand and they walked out of the hut to meet Yuki and Akira, who were seated by the walls next to the door.
Seeing Mika stomp out with Michi close behind, Yuki stood and followed. “How is everybody?” She asked.
Mika stopped and grabbed Yuki by the arm and pulled her along angrily. “How are we?! Seven months pregnant and freakin' healthy!” She yelled. “I can't wait to get my hands on that filthy bastard!”
“Who, Nakura?”
“Who else?! I'm gonna kill that sonuvabi…” Mika's speech discontinued when she saw the one man she absolutely despised. She stopped walking and stared as Michi caught up and Yuki and Akira caught their breaths.
Setsuna and Ori were close behind Nakura and when the boys spotted the group, they all happily rushed forward. Except for Nakura who saw the murderous glare in Mika's eyes. He took a deep breath and prepared an explanation in his mind.
But it was Setsuna who broke Mika's evil stare. “Is it true then? Mika and Michi are carrying my children?”
Mika blinked, having lost her anger. “Y-your child?” She touched the swell of her abdomen.
“Then it's not Akutou's?” Tears formed in Michi's eyes. “Oh thank Kami.”
Nakura relaxed. “Yes, you're both pregnant with one of Kane and Setsuna's twins. Your fetus's auras are similar and your scents don't correspond with them.”
“Now that's weird.” Akira stated. “When they're born they'll look nothing like you.”
Setsuna looked to both girls. “Have you two been taking care of yourselves?”
“For today, yeah. But before today, how the hell are we supposed to know?” Mika asked with little patience in her tone. “If it comes down to it, I'll carry this thing to term, but the second it lives and breathes outside of my body, it's not my responsibility.”
Setsuna nodded and closed his eyes. “Let's hope it doesn't, but I understand.”
“Yes, let's hope that we don't have to wait that long.” Nakura stated. “It's best we resolve this time issue before those two give birth.”
“Why's that?” Michi asked her long steamy kiss with Ori was over.
“Once they're born, I'll bet this time change will never be able to be reversed.”
“What?!” Mika, Michi, and Setsuna yelled in unison.
Suddenly, a blast was heard over in the distance shortly followed by InuYasha's cry of pain. Everybody glanced east, towards the Goshinboku and the Bone Eater's Well. “Setsuna, stay with Mika and Michi.” Nakura said with a quiet command. “We'll go see what's going on. If anything comes after you and the girls, run. Don't fight.”
“Understood.” Setsuna said as Nakura, Akira, Ori, and Yuki all rushed off.
Mika sniffed the air, and then turned to Michi. “Hey monk.”
“I have a feeling we'll be seeing Kane real soon.”
Michi's brow furrowed. “Why?”
“Her scent's from the East. About the same distance as the God Tree is from here.” Mika looked at Setsuna as he frowned. “And the only reason he's staying here,” She pointed at both of their stomachs, at the spot where the fetus's slept, “Is because of these two.”
InuYasha leaned against the Goshinboku for support as he breathed heavily. A drop of blood ran down his face with sweat and he wiped it away as it trickled near his mouth. `Damn it. She's gotten stronger. At this rate, I won't hold out much longer.'
He'd managed to lose Kane, for the moment. InuYasha figured he had only minutes before she picked up his scent trail and caught up. He needed a plan, and fast.
Yuki and Akira appeared from the foliage. “InuYasha, what's going…?” But as she asked her question, a loud cry came from a few feet away.
“Sora no Daimiyando!” Diamonds kicked up dust as they made their way towards InuYasha.
A barrier of pure blue stopped the assault. Once the dust started to settle, Yuki put her barrier down and rushed over to her half-brother. “Are you okay?”
“He might be now,” A female's voice began. “But later he may not be.”
As Yuki helped InuYasha, Akira walked towards the voice. “What do you want with him? Who are you?”
A shadowed figure moved in the dust. “I don't think you're the one who should be asking that.” The figure came into the fading sunlight to reveal herself. Her black hair was pulled up high in a ponytail and she wore armor, skimpy armor that covered her breasts, wrists, and around her hips. The silver material moved with her body in a seductive manner as she walked forward, barefoot with sheer, red silk caressing her legs from her bottom piece. Her amber eyes shifted from Akira to Yuki and her little dog ears on top of her head twitched in annoyance. “You are, after all, defending my prey from imminent death.”
“Kane,” Yuki breathed, standing to face her. “How can you talk about your brother like he's some animal you're hunting?”
Kane laughed. “Because he is. He has something I need, and the only way to get it is to kill him and his wench, Kagome.”
Akira nudged Yuki. When she looked at him, he moved his eyes from her to Kane in the motion of saying, “Look there.” She did and saw what he was indicating: she wasn't pregnant. `Nakura might be right. Michi and Mika may be carrying Kane's twins.'
When they didn't answer her, Kane huffed angrily and said, “If you value your life, I recommend you move.” She didn't wait this time and charged, claws outstretched before her.
“Get out of the way!” Akira shoved away from him and dodged Kane's attack while hanging onto InuYasha. He transformed into a phoenix of pure gold and royal blue and shot off into the sky like a bullet. “Yuki,” he called down to her. “Tell Ori and Nakura to stop her! I'll get the others and we'll meet up later!”
She nodded and ran away from the direction he was flying, but Kane stopped her by grabbing her in a neck-lock.
“Tell me where they're going,” Kane brought her other hand up to show her glistening talons. “Or you'll suffer greatly for this act of treason.”
“Kane, it's me! Remember, you're half-sister Yuki!” She pleaded desperately.
“I don't give a damn. I need to kill Inu…” She looked up from her newly captured prey to see Ori and Nakura. “Ah, my minions.”
“Yuki, we're…” But Nakura shoved Ori in the ribs.
“At your service, my lady.” Nakura bowed and pushed Ori into a kneeling bow with him.
“Nakura, what the hell are you…?”
“Just play along.” Nakura whispered. “It's our best bet right now at saving Yuki.”
Kane stepped forward with Yuki still in her grasp. “I want you, Ori, to follow this girl's friend. And Nakura,” she smirked, “Take care of the girl.”
“As you wish.”
“What about you, my lady?” Ori asked. “Would you like to come along?”
Nakura glared at Ori without `his lady' noticing. `That idiot! He'll put Mika and Michi in danger!'
“No thank you, Ori. I have someone else near here that I need to take care of.”
Nakura let out a held-in breath.
“I smell a cat demon nearby.”
That breath was then sharply inhaled. “A cat demon, my lady? You don't mean to chase it, do you?”
Kane strode towards the west, inhaled and exhaled, then smiled. “It's not because I'm a dog, mind you. This cat demon intrigues my sense of smell.”
“Excuse me?”
“As you know, I'm a hanyou; half demon, half human. This one, I can barely make out his human side, but it's there.” Kane undid her ponytail with a careless pull on the wrap holding it up. She almost looked like her normal self. “And his scent tells me he's very…experienced.”
`She's going to seduce him?' Nakura nearly let out a laugh, but contained himself. `Well, that's a real good coincidence. Even in a warped time, Kane-Sakura still finds him attractive…or so I'm hoping.' “Do you wish me to lure him to our fortress?”
“Good thinking Nakura.” She smirked. “Capture him and bring him there. What I have planned for him would be inappropriate in this area.”
`Good lord. And how am I supposed to find her fortress?' “As you wish, my lady.” He kept his head low as she let go of Yuki and put her in Ori's charge. Then she walked over to Nakura and put his chin in her fingers to tip his head up.
“Do take care of the girl first. Afterwards, you can go get the feline.” She smiled, her fangs gleaming. “And if he struggles, don't kill him. It wouldn't be fun with him in pieces.” She straightened and left, her hips swaying seductively as she walked.
Nakura finally stood. “Ori, follow her and leave a trail for me to track. I don't know where the fortress is.”
“But, Michi…”
“Hurry, but keep your distance. She can't know that you're following her.” Nakura ordered.
Ori conceded, and started walking in the same direction Kane had taken. But before he got too far, he turned and said, “Give Michi my love. I don't want her to think I abandoned her.”
He nodded as the Thunder Brother left the clearing. Nakura looked over at Yuki who was trembling slightly. “Well, it's true. She's evil as hell.”
She gulped down some tears, the memory of Kane holding her claws out before her face to prove she wanted to kill her all too fresh. “How're we going to fix this? If we only have two months to figure this out, then…”
He nodded. “Then we need to find a solution and fast.”
Akira landed, gently laying InuYasha on the ground before undoing his transformation. Setsuna was relaxing in the grass with Michi and Mika, and when he saw Akira and InuYasha, he stood and ran over. “Well, where is she?”
“She's changed Setsuna.” Akira stated, worry tingeing his voice. “She's evil and doesn't even remember us.”
Setsuna closed his eyes. “Is there any way we can reverse this, any way at all?”
Akira only shook his head. “I don't know.” He looked down at InuYasha, who had fallen unconscious during the short flight. “Help me with him; he's injured.”
He gulped. “Did Kane do this?”
“Yeah. And she took Yuki hostage. I'm a little worried…”
“She's perfectly fine.” Nakura stated, Yuki being gently guided by him.
Akira turned and ran over to her. “Oh thank Kami. Did she hurt you?”
“No, I'm okay.” She answered, and then ran over to Michi and Mika to tell them what she saw. Or, in this case, what she didn't see. “Hey guys, I met up with Kane.”
Mika sighed, laying herself back and caressing the swell of her belly. “Yeah, so?”
Yuki sank down beside them. “She's definitely not pregnant. No belly; in fact, she's got skimpy clothes on with her stomach in the open.”
“Where's Ori?” Michi asked worriedly.
“He's okay. Nakura sent him after Kane to find her fortress. We're taking Setsuna there since Nakura has an idea on how to reverse this.”
Mika finally sat up completely. “What's the plan?”
“Nakura thought that maybe…maybe if she remembered who Setsuna really was, then she'd fall in love with him.” Yuki thought hard for a moment. “And if they wait to mate until after that point, then everything may change back.”
“Kind of a weird theory.” With one eye brow cocked up as high as it could go, Mika stated what she thought of the idea. “Who came up with that stupid suggestion?”
“Both me and Nakura. And if you think about it, it makes sense. What if we got things to be the way they once were? Wouldn't that contradict what the Lost Memories Well changed and break the well's spell?”
“But half of the way things used to be included Kane carrying her own whelps, not us.” Mika noted.
“Listen Mika, that well didn't come with instructions on how to reverse things should your friend fall into it and turn evil. It may not be the right theory, but it is one.” Yuki stood in anger. “And from what I heard, Kane wants to seduce Setsuna, which is a sign of something, right?”
Setsuna wandered over to them. “Hey, she didn't hurt you, did she?”
“No, I'm fine.”
“And how about you two? Are you feeling okay?”
“Good, but what about you?” Michi asked him. “I mean, with things the way they are…”
“Nakura told me about Kane wanting to seduce me in her fortress.” Setsuna interrupted.
The girls stared at his all too serious face. Creases formed around his eyes and mouth in worry, and they had never been there before. Without his other half, his mate, and his wife by his side, he just wasn't the same person he normally was. “He's going to take me as soon as we get InuYasha to wake up.”
“Setsuna,” Yuki started. “If she tries to get you into her bed, resist her.”
“I know her intentions, but what if I'm not that strong? I love her, damn it!” He squeezed his eyes closed in despair.
It Only Hurts
By: Default
(Small selections of the song, not entire song)
Can hold my breath only for a little while
Until reality starts sinking in
“No matter what.” Yuki said softly. “I think that if she falls in love with you, and then mates with you, things could go back to normal. Now the challenge is to get her to come back to you after you resist her.”
Setsuna rubbed his face with his hand. “How will I know she loves me?”
“When she tells you.”
It only hurts when your eyes are open
Lies get tossed and truth gets spoken
It only hurts when that door gets opened
Dreams are lost and hearts are broken.
He nodded. “I only have two months to do this. If by then she still doesn't love me…”
“Then your children will be born and…and you may have to move on.”
He glared angrily at her. “She's my mate Yuki! I love her more than anything and you of all people should know that since you can read souls!”
Miles away promise from a burning bed
Two worlds should never collide
One word would end it if you ever heard
Tear the page out that reminds me when I
Swore that I'd be strong
Now the next time has come and gone
Well maybe I'm wrong
Yuki backed away. “Y-yeah…”
“There's no way I'll abandon her! If we're meant to be, we'll find a way around this barrier! If it's our destiny to stay together as mates, then she'll fall in love with me again!” He turned away and stomped off without another word.
I know what you're feeling
It's hard to believe in
Someone, someone who's not there
I know that you're waiting
Cause love is worth saving
But only for so long, so long, so long…
I swore that I would try
Since the last time, the last time…
“You know, it's true.” Mika began. “If they're meant to be, they'll find a way around this.”
Nakura approached and said, “Michi, Ori tells me to give you his love. He's very sorry he couldn't be here to say good-bye.”
Michi's eyes welled with tears. “I know that. Could you tell him I'll miss him?”
He didn't even hesitate. “Yes, I'll tell him right away.” He looked at Mika. “Two months. To me, it'll feel like two millennia.”
To his surprise and her own, Mika felt hot tears make their way down her cheeks. In a careless and harsh wipe of the hand, the rubbed them away even though he'd already seen them. “Get outta here you bastard. Like I'll care about how long you'll be gone.” Though she sounded tough, her voice broke on the last sentence. “Just go and jump off a cliff for all I care.”
`Typical Mika.' He thought as he embraced her from behind. The only sign that she acknowledged his presence was the fact that she put one clawed hand on his arm as `invisible' tears streaked down her cheeks.
It only hurts when your eyes are open
Lies get tossed and truth is spoken
It only hurts when that door gets opened
Dreams are lost and hearts are broken.
As the boys walked away, leaving an unconscious hanyou with the girls, Yuki looked at Setsuna one last time. “I hope he listens to my advice.”
Michi nodded and said just as InuYasha started coming to, “He will; he wants her back to the way she was. I'm sure he'll try any bit of advice he gets.”
Patience was not one of her virtues.
Kane-Sakura didn't like waiting for things, especially when they involved a potential candidate for seduction. So she paced in her room, in a red and black silk kimono, her long raven hair tumbling over her shoulders. Amber eyes glittered in excitement. She still remembered the lust she'd felt when this demi-demon's scent had filled her nostrils. Still knew of the way her pulse had skittered under her skin. And still though of how soon he'd be with her and she'd see him.
She wasn't looking for a mate; someone whom she would love forever. Oh no, she merely wanted a tumble or two with him. And when her desires were sated and she grew bored with her toy she would simply discard him, like over used and smelly trash.
The moon was almost full, and her time of weakness would be upon her. Kane hated feeling so damn weak, like a newborn puppy without its mother. She was no puppy, and that was reason enough to covet the Sacred Jewel and become full demon at last.
The door knocked and she turned impatiently. “It's about damn time Nakura! Send him in!” She barked.
His scent hit her nose like a punch to the face. He was so much closer, his scent much stronger. Lust and heat churned in her belly. His masculine figure was outlined in the dark, and all she could see was a pair of green eyes glowing from the candle light she had her own body bathed in. “Come forth stranger. It's a chilly night, and I'm so cold.” Desire had made her voice husky and deep.
He slowly made his way into the light. And when at last she saw his chiseled face and white hair, her desire went from a flame to a blazing inferno.
`This one,' she thought, `Is very different.'