InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Only Time... ❯ It's The Right Time ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 9: It's the Right Time
Mika found herself stepping up a stair, the last thing she had done before…
“MIKA!!” Kane called out as she started to fall into the Lost Memories Well.
The wolf demon had no time to wonder why she'd been put back in that position at Yasukuni Shrine. Since she didn't want a repeat of the past six weeks, she dove after Kane and managed to grab a wrist. “Hang on Kane! I'm not going to let you fall again!” But she was caught in the same predicament; Kane was too heavy to be brought up with only back strength and no help from her legs. If only she could get her footing right…
The shrine burst with bright sunlight, and two shadowed figures came rushing in. “Don't let go of her Mika!” Michi stated, grabbing the girl's waist.
Yuki was beside Mika in an instant, taking the wolf's arms in her hands and commanding, “Pull!!”
Kane was out in a matter of seconds, sitting on the floor and shaking. Mika collapsed on the floor next to her and lay down to catch her breath. “Are you okay?” She asked, opening her eyes briefly to look at Kane.
She nodded, rubbing her belly in small circles with one hand. When Mika saw this, she was up in an instant. “Are you having contractions? What's wrong?”
“No, I'm fine.” Kane smiled watery. “I'm just so happy to be pregnant again.” She put her hands over her face and started sobbing. “Oh Kami, did that really happen?”
All three girls gathered around her and gave her a warm embrace. She cried in great gasps and they waited until her sobs had diminished to hiccups before they offered her a hand to rise. She took Yuki's and Michi's hands and lumbered up, tears still streaming down her face. It wasn't until she looked up that she saw a small crowd of students gathered in the doorway of the shrine. The teacher parted the crowd and hurried down the stairs. “Hideik, is everything okay?”
Before Kane could answer that she was fine, Mika stepped forward and said, “She's okay, just some false contractions.”
Ms. Takashina looked to each girl in the shrine and said to the other students, “Everybody back on the bus. This field trip is over.”
“But Ms. Takashina…”
“Kane-Sakura, it's okay. I had many students come to me and tell me what was going on. We're going back because everyone was worried about you.”
As they walked out of the shrine, Kane took notice of her surroundings. “It's as if those past two months had never happened.”
“Yeah.” Mika looked at the school bus as the students loaded onto it. “By the way, how did you reverse the well's hold on us?”
“Well, I remember I was having these memories from our time together as friends and that they didn't make any sense. The thing was I liked them.” Climbing onto the bus, she continued, “Then I saw the Shikon Jewel around Kagome's neck. As I lunged for it, both InuYasha and Kagome attacked and ultimately killed me. Just before I died, I made a wish on the Jewel to return me to my memories.”
After taking their seats on the bus, Mika shook her head. “I don't think the Jewel had anything to do with returning everything to the way it was. What if it took you being killed to change everything back?”
“I don't get it,” Yuki stated. “By dying all that would do is…”
“Think about it. Kane was the one that started this whole mess by falling into the Lost Memories Well, right? Think of our lives as one big book. If your intent was to change things, make them better or worse for the protagonist, would you kill him in the middle of the rewrite? If you did, your book would have no purpose to continue. Thus when Kane died, the story couldn't continue and had to return to the way things were in order to make it work. That's why she almost fell in again; the well wanted to rewrite that story again.”
Kane thought through the girl's theory. “That does seem to make sense.” She looked at Mika. “So, are you glad I died in that alternate story?”
“Damn glad. Me and Michi were just going into labor with your twins.”
“With…the twins?” Kane laid a protective hand over her stomach. “You mean you two were each carrying one of the twins?”
They nodded in agreement. Then she added, “How do you know it wasn't Nakura's or Ori's?”
They didn't answer. The only indications that they had heard her were the crimson blushes on their cheeks.
Upon returning to school, the teacher told Kane-Sakura to go home and rest. The entire afternoon was hers, and after that whole two-month ordeal, a nap and some tea sounded heavenly.
Kane unlocked apartment 306 and gladly walked in. It had only been a few hours since she'd been home in this time, but in that alternate universe she hadn't been home for two months. She wrinkled her nose as she walked in, smelling fresh cooked ramen noodles.
“Oi! Kane-Sakura, what're you doing home already?” InuYasha was lounging on the couch in the small living room, eating his instant ramen and watching television. “Are you okay?”
She rushed over to him and hugged his chest. “Man, I missed you bro!”
“What the…? I saw you yesterday!” He took her by the shoulders. “Why're you home so early anyway?”
“The field trip ended early so the teacher sent us home.” She said happily, deciding not to tell her brother about her two-month adventure being evil. “By the way, how'd you get in this time?”
“Your husband left a key out for me. I told him to do that in case Kagome was gone so I could have somewhere to go.” He slurped some noodles from his Styrofoam cup.
She took the cup from him and set it on the table. “Did you have to raid my husband's ramen stash?” He let out a pitiful whine. “Oh no, don't try any tricks with that face. It might work on Kagome, but I'm your sister.” She giggled suddenly when one of the babies within her kicked. “InuYasha, gimmie your hand.'
He did and she pressed it to where the baby kicked. His eyes widened. “Whoa,” he said in a breathy whisper.
“That's your niece or nephew. Just think, in two months they'll be out here to hold,” she cradled her arms. “Right here in our arms.” Even though she smiled, tears gathered in her eyes.
“Why're you crying?” InuYasha wiped a tear from her cheek.
She shook her head. “It's nothing, just hormones.” She sighed and walked towards her bedroom. “I'm tired. When Setsuna comes home, tell him to come see me in here, okay?”
He nodded as she closed the door. What she needed was a hot bath with lavender and a long nap. Heading to her bathroom, she decided the bath couldn't wait a moment longer.
His foot tapped anxiously on the floor under his desk as he tried to listen to the teacher's lecture. `Where's the damn bell?'
Ori poked his shoulder. “Hideik, your foot's gonna go through the floor if you keep that up,” he whispered.
Setsuna's leg stopped instantly. “Sorry, it's just…”
“She's fine; Michi told me everything last hour. Why won't you believe me?”
The teacher cleared his throat. “Boys,” they stopped whispering and looked up at their sensai. “You can clean up the room after class today.”
“Yes sir.” Ori and Setsuna answered in unison.
After the bell had rung, the teacher handed one boy a broom and another rag. He left the room and both of them sighed. “Sorry Hideik, I knew you want to see Lady Kane, and yet I kept talking. Now you're stuck here, cleaning.”
“It's not your fault.” Setsuna started sweeping the floor. “I just realized I need to be at work by four-thirty anyway. I've got a big news broadcast planned, followed by recording some commercials for the station. After that, I'm working in place of Kyoji from six to eight. Finally, I get to finish some paper work ahead of time.”
“Why?” Ori looked over at him as he wiped a desk off.
“After the twins are born, I plan on taking a couple weeks off to help her recover and adjust. They told me to get as much done while I can. Knowing them though, they'll only give me a week.”
“Yeah,” Ori laughed, “You're not the one who's going to give birth.”
Setsuna leaned against his broom. “Could you stop by my apartment after we're done here? Just tell Kane I'll be home by ten or so.”
“Sure, that's no problem. I was planning on seeing Michi before heading home anyway.”
They worked in silence for ten minutes until Setsuna spoke up. “Are you planning on spending the night with her?”
Ori stopped cleaning. “What do you think? I haven't been with her for two months.”
“In this time it's only been a day or so.” Setsuna laughed. “I can't say I blame you.”
Or smiled sheepishly. “Yeah, I love her so much. There's not one minute that I don't think about her.”
“Why don't you marry her?”
“Not now,” Ori shook his head. “If we hadn't come here, to the future, I'd have married her in an instant. We're still in school. You and Lady Kane were a special case, considering…” He trailed off.
Setsuna checked his watch. “Well, I'm done here. Don't forget to stop by my apartment.” He replaced the broom in the closet and left without another word.
Ori finished the last desk and put the rag away. After turning off the lights, he left for the apartment.
Ori soon found out that he wasn't the only one to visit Kane-Sakura. The girls had all beat him there, but what had surprised him the most was that InuYasha answered the door. When the Thunder Brother gave him a weird look, InuYasha cocked an eyebrow as he walked past him and into the apartment.
He told Kane when Setsuna was to be expected home, bowed in respect, and dragged Michi out of the apartment after whispering a seductive promise in her ear. They practically ran out, both smiling in anticipation. The girls had a good laugh over it, knowing Ori intended to keep Michi in his bedroom until further notice.
Mika and Yuki didn't leave until eight. They wanted to keep a close eye on Kane to make sure she wasn't in labor. After all, Mika and Michi had just started having contractions in the alternate world, so checking for signs of premature labor was only a precaution.
InuYasha stubbornly insisted he stay until Setsuna returned home. He'd gotten the whole story and wanted to make sure there were no repercussions. He sat by her bedside until she fell asleep. After her eyes were closed and her breathing even, InuYasha slipped out of her bedroom to wait in the living room for Setsuna.
At eleven-thirty, the lock on the door clicked and a tired neko walked in. He found the kitchen in disarray with ramen packages and dirty bowls on the counter by the sink. He saw the glow of the television in the living room and approached the couch. InuYasha was sprawled on it, another empty bowl next to him, sleeping. The late programs of adult comedy had started and the crowd roared with laughter as the actor as Setsuna turned it off.
The only light visible in the apartment came from the bottom of a closed door, his bedroom door. He smiled as he carefully avoided end tables and reached for the doorknob. He turned it, pushed the door open, and walked in. What he saw made his heart dance, his smile broaden, and settled his mind. His wife, Kane-Sakura, was lying on her back, neck and head propped with pillows and a book open on her chest. The light shone on her face as she slept with her face turned away from the lamp. He sat on the end of the bed to remove his shirt and just watched her sleep. A few moments later, Setsuna took the book, “Silver's Edge” written in English for her AP English class, bookmarked it and set it on the bedside table near the lamp. With the absence of the book, she moved her hands down to caress her swollen abdomen.
Setsuna knelt beside her on the floor and placed an ear on her belly. As if knowing who he was, one baby moved to kick a little and the other soon joined. He smiled, gave a small kiss good-night to them on her belly button, and then moved up to kiss Kane on the mouth. His left had cupped her cheek as he gently pulled her out of slumber. She stirred, sighing into his mouth and reaching up to grab his hand. He backed off and kissed her on the cheek.
“You'd better be my husband, or I'm going to smack you.” She said sleepily.
“Why? Who else would I be?” He asked huskily.
She finally opened her eyes and smiled. “You're really late.”
He ran his face down her neck and into her hair and sighed. “I know. The station kept me longer than I'd thought. They really don't want me to take two weeks vacation.”
“You're not having twins, I am.”
“Speaking of which, how are you feeling?”
“Good, except the babies are restless now because you woke me up.”
He laughed and stood to finish undressing. “Sorry, but I really missed you.” After pulling off his pants, he turned to look at her. “You know, as the way you are now.”
“Fat and pregnant?”
“Hell yeah. Not only that, but also the personality I fell in love with.” He grabbed her hand again after he'd undid his ponytail. “By the way, you're not fat; you're beautiful.”
She grabbed his face and kissed his mouth with sudden urgency. “Make love to me, like you did when I was evil.”
He smirked and straddled her thighs. “This won't be as easy as it was in the alternate world. Are you sure you don't want to go back and have really wild sex?”
“I'd like to stay here, thank you.” She sat up and kissed his lips feverishly. “But me being pregnant never stopped you before, right?”
He only smiled.
Here By Me
3 Doors Down
I hope you're doing fine out there without me
`Cause I'm not doing so good without you
The things I thought you'd never know about me
Were the things I guess you always understood

So how could I have been so blind for all these years?
Guess I only see the truth through all this fear,
And living without you…

And everything I have in this world
And all that I'll ever be
It could all fall down around me.
Just as long as I have you,
Right here by me.

I can't take another day without you
`Cause baby, I could never make it on my own
I've been waiting so long, just to hold you
And to be back in your arms where I belong

Sorry I can't always find the words to say
But everything I've ever known gets swept away
Inside of your love…

And everything I have in this world
And all that I'll ever be
It could all fall down around me.
Just as long as I have you,
Right here by me.

As the days grow long I see
That time is standing still for me
When you're not here

Sorry I can't always find the words to say
Everything I've ever known gets swept away
Inside of your love

And everything I have in this world
And all that I'll ever be
It could all fall down around me.
Just as long as I have you,
Right here by me.

And everything I have in this world
And all that I'll ever be
It could all fall down around me.
Just as long as I have you,
Right here by me.
I would like to thank everyone who read this, especially Amanda L. Thanx for wanting to read my story and for pestering me until I let you. Thank you Queen of Cuteys for being the only one to leave a review on this movie. Big props girl! Thank you to all my friends for being there during my dry spell, you know who you are! And thank you to Lomira High School for letting me type my story on their computers during my study halls.