InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Only While Human ❯ Simple Conversations Part Two- Sango and Kagome ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha! I only own the story! But wouldn't it be good if I did own the show? Or the manga? Hmm… Anyway, I hope you enjoy! This kinda took me a long time to write. But besides my meaningless rambling, Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi.

NOTE: This part may be a little of yuri hintage, but it's not! And please keep in mind that this is happening at the same time as chapter 3 is happening except for the ending with Shippo, that sort of tags on to the end of chapter 3.


Only While Human

Chapter Four: Simple Conversations Part Two- Sango and Kagome


"T ell me, Kagome," Sango asked once again, pushing her hair out of her face to behind her back, having some difficulty with the wet hair since it was more heavier. "What are your exact thoughts about Inuyasha? Is that what you needed to talk about?"

Kagome's face became hot, an unseen blush spreading across her face as she slowly nodded. Sango once again sighed, she was getting both tired of this and annoyed. Inuyasha was the reason she called out Sango in the first place, but now all she was doing was stalling! Kagome wasn't nervous, she just didn't know how to say what she wanted and needed to say.

Not knowing what else she could do, Sango stood up and stepped forward towards Kagome. At the time, Kagome had her back turned toward Sango. And since the water still only came up to Sango's neck, it almost looked like a creature stalking its prey, although it was nothing of the sort. A gentle, warm smile came across Sango's face as she was now directly behind Kagome, a hand reaching up, fingers almost tracing up Kagome's spine.

A surprised gasp came from Kagome as she tilted her head sideways and down, looking at Sango's hand which had been now been perched upon her shoulder. "Sango, I…" she started to say before getting cut off.

"Ah, there now. At least we know that you can talk." Sango said, trying to lighten the mood and ease the tense filled area around them. "I understand. You're confused, just like I am right now. Really tell me, Kagome, what you need to tell me." Sango's voice was soft and calm like always as she spoke. She desperately wanted to know what was wrong with her best friend, what it could be that was bugging her so much. As Kagome took a deep breath to once again try to speak, Sango's hand didn't leave her shoulder.

"Inuyasha… While he's human, I really do worry about him. I mean, I always want to be by his side. And you know what happens in battle; he almost never refuses to just walk away. I'm afraid, Sango," Kagome said in a soft voice, almost like a whisper. "I'm afraid I'm going to loose him. He's always on my mind, I never stop thinking about him for not even a second, and I don't want him to die…" Kagome then stopped talking as it became hard to talk. Tears burned in the corners of her eyes. She had the strongest urge, felt the need to just let the tears fall and sob, although she forced herself not to. She then stood and got out of the water, grabbing her towel in the process as she covered herself.

Sango just stood where she was, watching Kagome's every more. Frowning, she followed suit as she climbed out of the spring, grabbing her towel and wrapped it around her. Sango's towel was still a little damp from it briefly being in the water. By the time Sango had fully wrapped the towel around her, Kagome had already been sitting down again on another rock near the waters' edge. Her head was tilted upwards, looking up at the night sky, lost in thought until Sango's voice broke in. She had let Kagome have the rock all to herself while Sango was sitting on the grass, which she didn't have a problem with, still pretty amazed that Kirara had not yet been awakened from the sounds they had been making.

"We all worry about him, Kagome. He's an important person in all of our lives, but you care about him the most. And the reason he almost never refuses to fight or back out of a battle is because he wants to protect you. Just like you don't want to see him hurt, he doesn't want to see you hurt either." Sango then smiled to herself and nodded. "In a weird way, this kind of reminds me about how I feel towards Houshi-Sama (Miroku.) But besides him dying in battle or by his own wind tunnel (Kazanna), I'm afraid that someone besides me will someday agree to bear his children when I'm not ready."

"Yes, I guess it all makes sense. But… Sango?" Kagome said slowly, a hint of questioning in her voice. She continued when she saw that Sango was staring up at her, interested. "Your true feelings on Miroku, what are they?" she softly giggled when Sango's face turned a dark red in color.

"Truthfully, I'm really not sure. They… Change. In fact, they change quite constantly."


"Yes, change." Sango continued on, "I mean, sometimes Miroku can be the best guy around, but sometimes you just want to kill him for his treacherous/lecherous/perverted ways!" both girls then laughed, a soft echo being heard from the wooded areas around them. "But really, he's a good guy." She gave her friend a smile, seeing Kagome's head nod in agreement.

"And he's good in battle!"

"Yes, I'm quite fond of his battle skills myself. It somehow reminds me of whenever he made that barrier for himself and Inuyasha with his staff; the barrier that protected them from the moth-demon Gatenmaru's poison cocoon. It almost proves that Miroku really would do almost anything for his friends while they're in danger."

"Or for the money! No, even better yet, the women! That bastard has the tendency to just jump on a girl, or married woman, after asking them to bear his children! I can't believe him sometimes!"

Sango laughed, nodding her head. She couldn't help but laugh while Kagome literally spoke the truth. In face, Kagome was still blabbing on and on about how awful he could be sometimes. 'Why did I even say a thing?' she asked herself. "Say, Kagome," she once again interrupted.

"Stupid letch, he'd jump into bed or run away with any… yes?" Kagome's face was now flustered, clutching the towel that was still tightly wrapped around her.

"Do you think we should head back now? We've been out here for quite a while, the boys should probably be asleep by now. Either that or you'll soon hear trees being torn down and fast approaching footsteps by them searching for us."

Kagome nodded, no longer opening her mouth to speak of Miroku. She had this weird feeling inside, like if she knew that her words were possibly hurting Sango. Of course Sango had feelings for Miroku although she would rather not admit it. But did Sango have this much pain locked up inside of her because of his ways? So much to actually stop her friend in the rare process of insulting him? "Yes, I think that would be a good idea, I'm getting tired anyways."

The girls slowly stood and walked over to where Kagome had her book bag, picked up their clothes, and once again turned their backs towards each other, letting the towels fall off the bodies onto the soft-soiled ground as they got changed.

A few minutes later they were both dressed in their normal outfits. Kagome in her white and green schoolgirl outfit, Sango wearing her pink and white kimono and green skirt, although she was not wearing her demon-slayer outfit underneath. It just usually made her overheat anyways, and it's not like she would need it at all for the rest of the night. Whenever Sango and Kagome had turned around to face each other, Sango had Kirara in her arms. Kagome was having a little struggle getting her large heavy yellow backpack over her shoulders, but she managed. Taking one last look at the spring, they walked out of the wooded area, pushing the vines back that covered the area from the outside.

It was about a 10 minute or so walk back to the hut where Miroku, Inuyasha and Shippo were. Sango and Kagome had small conversations, but nothing that major. After a few minutes of silence, Kagome really looked beside her at Sango. They had came a long way together since they first met. When she first met Sango, everyone thought of her as an enemy since she first attacked Inuyasha, then went behind his back and stole the Tetsaiga from him while he was sleeping to offer it to Naraku, thinking that she would get her little brother back. And now that Kagome knew that under Sango's rough exterior was a real brain. Also a real heart, and some incredible battle techniques. She then stepped forward, embracing both Sango and the once again sleeping Kirara, a small mew emitting from the cat.

This time it was Sango's turn to gasp in surprise, not really quite sure what the hug was for. A thank you hug, or a hug that meant something else? Using her free arm to hug Kagome back, a warm smile came across her face. "Thank you, Kagome."

"No, Sango, thank you. I would've never came out here and realized my true thoughts of Inuyasha --and your true feelings about Miroku-- if it wasn't for you." Kagome said in a low whisper.

The two stood hugging for a while until it soon became just awkward. They then faced forward again as their embrace broke, smiling as they saw the hut in the distance not far away, not sure if they should start talking again. Both walking forward rather slowly, the smiles on their faces were quickly wiped off as a screaming and crying Shippo ran up to them, at the same time happy that he had finally found them.

"Kagome! Sango!" Shippo screamed, jumping up into Kagome's arms, clutching onto her tightly.

"Shippo, what's wrong?" Sango asked the kitsune, moving closer to Kagome so she could look into the small fox tyke's eyes.

"Inuyasha and Miroku, they've gotten into a fight!"

"A fight?" Kagome repeated, turning her head to Sango. "We should've known this was going to happen." with a nod from Sango, Shippo jumped out of Kagome's arms and started running back towards the hut, motioning for the girls to follow. They did, and both of them gasped in surprise as they saw the hut was shaking, looking like it was about to crash down to the ground.


Yay! Cliffhanger! I'm sorry if this chapter made anyone think it was going to be yuri… I noticed that when I got done with it, but really if you think about the hot spring scene, that would stick to their characters. Sorry if this chapter got a little confusing at times, I would just have an idea and take out my notebook and write it down… Or if I was in the middle of class, just doodle some notes down on my folder so I wouldn't forget.