InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Only With You ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Neko: Hi all!! So this is my first fanfic under this name and well I hope it's good. P.s. my other name is Rin999, so check out those fanfics In Inu Yasha and Fruits Basket. Thanks and Enjoy!!! ^.^!
Disclaimer: No, I don't own Inu Yasha but I wish I owned Sesshy. That would be fun!!
Summery: Rin Hana is afraid of being touched my any one, because of a traumatic event in her past. But she especially doesn't like to be touched by men ((Which would be hell on the love life!)). Then her grandparents force her to apply for a job at the infamous Taijika Company, working as the President of the company's secretary. And that President is no other than Sesshomaru ((who is sexy as heck!)).
Pairings: Sess/Rin, Inu/Kag, Mir/San, and Kog/Aya.
Warning: Lemons, lime, flashback of rape, and violence. ((The perfect recipe for a Dark Fic, which this isn't! Oh, well!))
`Oh, he's sexy!'=Thinking
((Muwahahaha))=Me!! ^_____^
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*= Change of scene
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*=The end of the chapter
Only With You
Rin Hana's stomach was in knots as she sat in the empty waiting room of the Taijika Company's main office building. She still couldn't believe that her grandparents were forcing her get a job interview, especially for the possession of the President of the Taijika's secretary. She had never had a real job in her life and now she was being forced to apply for a job where she'd be forced to work for the richest man in Japan, and if the rumors were right, the coldest.
Rin tried to push that all from her mind, trying not to completely freak out as other thoughts kept coming. She was going to have to touch people, even men. Which was a problem since she was going to have to work for one, and she would have to touch some people. See, at the age of six one of her parent's close friend raped her, then again when she was eight, and another time at twelve. After the incident she didn't want any one touching her, even those who said they loved her, she just couldn't. But after a few years Rin got better and sometimes allowed her friends or grandparents to hug her, or others to shake her hand. She had to go through a lot of therapy for this job, just because her grandparents threatened her.
Again Rin tried to clear her head, she took a deep breath and held it. For some reason she couldn't seem to let it out, she was just so nervous. She thought she would be holding it forever but then something touched her shoulder and forced the air out of her in a violent cough. After she finished coughing she looked up to see who had touched her. I gasped at the young wolf youkai standing above her, she was beautiful. The woman had her red hair in loose pigtails, and her jade eyes held an amused look.
“Are you okay?” the woman asked smiling
“F-f-fine,” Rin stammered out and forced out a kind smile.
“Good. Hi, I'm Ayame Taki.” the woman said holding out her hand as if she wanted Rin to shake it.
“R-rin Hana,” she said hesitantly taking Ayame's hand.
“So are you here for the secretary job?” Ayame asked.
“Wow, why would you like to work for a man like Sesshomaru Taijika? He's so stuck up, and you seem like a very nice young lady.” She said causing Rin to blush at the complement, but before she could even think of an answer for Ayame, someone interrupted her.
“Ayame, love, don't talk about our boss that way,” a smooth voice said from behind Ayame.
Rin looked around Ayame to see a tall wolf demon in a simple suit. He had his brown hair up in a ponytail that seemed to suit him well. He had almost sparkling blue eyes and a nice smile.
Ayame turned and smiled at the man, “Koga, you know as much as I do that Sesshoumaru is very-”
The man just ignored her and turned his attention on Rin, “Well, hello. What is a lovely lady like your self doing?”
“This is Rin Hana,” Ayame answered for her. “She's here for the interview for Sesshoumaru's secretary. Rin this is Koga Taiha, he's one of the many youkai you'll be trying to calm down when they get angry at Sesshomaru, but don't worry, they're mostly all just talk.”
“N-nice to meet you Koga-kun.” Rin mumbled out, bowing and thinking of what Ayame said about the angry youkai.
“Hello, there. Don't listen to Ayame, I'm sure a cute thing like your self can handle any kind of demon.” Koga said with a wink, causing Rin to blush.
“Thank you,” she mumbled
Just then an ugly green demon bustled in and in a very annoyed voice said, “You girl, Sesshomaru will see you now.”
And at that he bustled back out of the room, and Rin stared after him, “Was that a…. frog demon?”
Both Ayame and Koga laughed, and Ayame answered her, “Actually no one around here is quite sure. That was Jaken, he's Sesshomaru assistant, and actually he's pretty useless and really annoying. Between him and Sesshomaru I don't how you'll...”
“You'll be fine,” Koga said interrupting her again, “Now go in there and good luck.”
“Thank you,” Rin said bowing to both of them, and exiting the room from where Jaken had entered and exited from.
Ayame smiled after her and then turned to Koga and said, “So do you think she'll get the job?”
“Knowing Sesshomaru he probably would just skip over her she is lacking some qualities Sesshomaru likes in his women.”
“What qualities?”
“Well he usually likes his women cold and heartless.”
“Sesshomaru doesn't like anyone.”
Neko: Well that's it for this chapter and right now I'm not quite sure if I should continue the story if anyone doesn't like it. So if you want me to continue then just review and I'll keep it going! I love you guys!!!
Love Life,