InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Only You ❯ To Meet You ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any Inuyasha characters. Only Estelle.
Chapter Three: Meeting You
Estelle slowly opened her forest green eyes. These past 3 days had been a nightmare. Remembering this was not her room or the stone-walled hell, she was at that silver-haired man's house. She slowly sat up, noticing that she was wear light blue pajamas with little doggy bones on the material.
She got out of bed and quietly opened the door. Her bare feet padded on the hard wood floor as she walked through the hallways. After finding a stairway, Estelle quietly walked down the stairs following the light.
At the end of her little journey, Estelle found out that it was the kitchen. Her eyes widen in amazement as she saw the large kitchen. She scanned the kitchen and saw a windowed door that enters outside. She saw light spill into the kitchen which meant it was morning time.
After a few minutes, Estelle went back upstairs and found a closet in her room and began to dress. She wore old shorts that stopped inches above her knees, a tight halter top, black high thighs, and white tennis shoes. And her hair was put up in bun with black chopsticks.
After finding another stairway that led to the entrance room of the house. It was a large room that had tile- floor and large windows spotted around the large room. Stelle found the living room and sat down. She could explore this large mansion but didn't want to.
Estelle stared into space for gods know how long. She was distracted when she heard the sound of voices.
“Inuyasha, all I am saying is, he didn't mean to bump into me, he wasn't trying to touch me.” A female voice explained.
“Feh, he deserved that punch. I saw him lookin' at you.” A male said.
Footsteps echoed around the corner. A young raven- haired girl and a dog-eared, silver-haired boy appeared in the doorway. The young girl's eyes widened as she saw Estelle looking at them in curiosity.
“Oh, you must be Estelle. I have heard so many things about you…………ooohhh, I am sorry my name is Kagome and that bird-brain over there is Inuyasha.” Kagome introduced herself and Inuyasha.
Inuyasha shifted from his position from the doorway to standing in front of Estelle.
“So you must be the wench who is marrying the `Ice Prince'.” he said with a grin.
“First of all, Inuyasha. I am not marrying this so called `Ice Prince'. And I am not a wench.” Estelle snapped at Inuyasha. Her eyes burned with anger.
Inuyasha grin turned into a frown. Kagome smiled trying not to laugh. Inuyasha and Estelle began a battle of a staring contest. Silence filled the air until someone cleared their throat.
Estelle, Kagome, and Inuyasha saw Inutaishou, Izayoui, and Sesshoumaru looking at them. With Sesshoumaru's eyes on Stelle. Scanning her body with his emotionless gold eyes.
“Estelle, you are finally awake. I would like you to meet my wife Izayoui (pause) and this is my oldest son, Sesshoumaru. Your fiancé.” Inutaishou said.
Estelle's eyes blazed in anger as she stood from seat, balling her hands into fists. `So this is the bastard who put her through this.' Stelle thought furiously. Other thoughts filled her head not knowing what was she going to do?
Yes, that was the question. `What was she going to do now?'
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This chapter was very crappy but the next chapter will be better. I promise. Please I need your reviews. I know its short but the next chapter will be longer.