InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ookami no Rei ❯ Chapter 1: One Thousand Years Ago ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Ookami no Rei

Disclaimer: Inuyasha and everyone else don't belong to me. Lucious does though, as well with future unnamed characters.

Authors note: For those of you, who don't know me, I used to be on a lot and I had a story "Golden Beauty". I will no longer be writing that story but instead I will write this. It will be very similar yet very different from "Golden Beauty" I hope you will enjoy. I guess the main reason it was taken down constantly from staff was because it began to sound like an NC17 but I don't know for sure what really happened. staff, THIS IS MY STORY, so please don't assume anything different. As for Golden Beauty itself, I will no longer write it due to many complex reasons. I'm sorry…But I hope to make it all up to you with this story. Yes, it is a Sesshomaru/Kagome fanfic.

Warning: This is not something for kids. There will be violence and lemon in later chapters.

Not to mention adult language and content. I will update when I can. Reader, you have been warned.

Spoilers: There is mention about a mountain that won't come into the Inuyasha series until about episode 116 and up. ^^;Gomen Natashi, but I have seen up to episode 126 and no more. Also, Naraku has already gotten his powerful form and has already killed Kikyou, though even though I don't like Kikyou, it was really sad how he had done so.

Peiling Mountain was supposedly a holy mountain that kept all demons, hanyou's, and bad thought people and evil people out. Naraku has almost the complete Shikon no Tama. Though the last few shards are in Kouga's legs.

Please read and review. Thank you so much. ja ne.

Chapter One: One Thousand Years ago…

Winds played a soft tune and swept silently over the hills. The sky was cloudless, the sun shining so brightly. No youkai were around for miles. It truly was a beautiful day.

This place held enchantment. And in its core, was a beautiful crystal clear lake, and on it's center stood a girl with unusual hair. It was gold, as golden as the sun, and it was very beautiful. Her wings, fully outstretched as they were now, stretched out twice her full body's length.

Her eyes remained closed, and they looked as if she was in pain. She wore an ancient garment, one that appeared to be a 20 layer garment as a lady of high status would wear, but it was only 2 layers. Still the fabric was extremely rare, made of the best silk and durable, and the color was next-near impossible to come by. Yet the design was really simple, as though she was honoring where she had come from, yet in a way, also wanting to keep it simple and modest.

There was no youkai energy around her, she wasn't a demon. She was the exact opposite. Her chi glowed a bright blue; the purity of it was intoxicating, and any demon that was in range of her overwhelming chi was instantly purified.

A song of melancholy escaped her lips. The very tune of it was as sad as any, and included a confuse tone here and there. Yet even though it was a song, it remained wordless, as though to keep its purity.

Time seemed to stand still when the tenchi sang her song. And almost as suddenly it started, it ended.

Her human-like ears, which could hear just as well as any youkai, did not miss the rummaging in the bush, as a man in ancient armor and holy robes came out.

"Lucious" She addressed knowingly.

"I expected you would know it was me approaching, I couldn't expect otherwise. Your song was beautiful as always; forgive me if I intruded upon your moment." He said, and out of respect, bowed down before her.

"No it's quite alright, I have gotten used to it as of now." She said then stood, receding her wings. Without facing him, she spoke "Please, there is no need for that. Please stand up, we have known each other since I was very young, so there is no need for that." It was then she turned around to face him, opening her eyes.

He couldn't help but stare at her beauty. Standing up, he became paralyzed by the beauty of her eyes. Her eyes, they held the abnormal color of a baby blue, and their glow only added to the beauty of her snow white skin.

If she were human, one could swear her age didn't go beyond 17 or 18, but she showed wisdom far beyond her years, so he didn't really know how old she was.

He began having un-holy thoughts about her. He imagined she was running to him, running into his arms. He caught her and held her close. She placed a gentle kiss upon his lips. Demanding more, he turned it into fierce passion. Begging for entry, he licked her lips. She opened them, allowing him full access to her mouth. He explored her, tasted her, and moaned her named. Their tongues were at war with each other, until he stopped it to explore her further. He began down her neck, sucking, kissing, and licking her, all the while enjoying her sweet moans. She could feel his hard member even through her layers of clothes. He took it slow, tempting his lust even further. He would have her, as she would him. He took off her clothes, and soon she was naked before him, showing him everything. It wasn't long before his clothes were also off and they began making sweat pleasure, him sucking on her lips. He ripped her virginity away; at it wasn't long before she began screaming his name in pure pleasure. "Lucious……Lucious……Lucious"

"Lucious?" She asked again for the 1,000th time, "Lucious, hello?" She waved her hand in front of him, finally she got a response. He took her hand in his then woke up as if he just came back from a pleasant dream that he was rudely awakened from.

"*grumbles*Yeah..." "Lucious!" "What?" He said again, and then shook of his dream. Suddenly he remembered who he was in front of. Embarrassed and a little upset at himself for getting carried away, he bowed before her, "Forgive me, my lady, I am truly very sorry." He lied; truth is he wanted to stay in that dream, he wanted her to love him, he wanted her.

Lords he wanted her, he wanted her since he could remember. He wanted her to be his, he wanted her to bear his kids. He wanted her to raise him a family, to go to bed with him. Kami he just wanted her to love him. He would in turn do anything for her, provide for her and the family he wished ever so much he could have.

'So why don't you?' said a voice inside him. 'You protect her, you saved her life, and you do almost anything for her, so why don't you take her?' the voice was eerie and very creepy. Yet he couldn't get it out of his mind. This voice was right as it was wrong. 'Can I? But that would hurt her.' He answered thoughtfully.

It would hurt her, perhaps even kill her, for she was so pure that the thought of even eloping her was out of the question. Besides, she wouldn't have him like that, she already told him. He was to be her trainer, her sensei to teach her, to help her along her quest that an unseen fate has given her in so many mysterious ways.

Yet the inner voice inside him would not stop.

"Lucious, though you flatter me, please don't call me…eh?" She suddenly got a very cold feeling, like she shouldn't be there. Her feeling told her to run, to run away.

She looked at Lucious and was taken aback about what she had seen. He was surrounded in dark youki. She now knew why her mother was so sad and worried.

She tried to fly away, to get away from this youkai that was never a monk, never a man.

Lucious had released himself to this evil being within him. He was turning into a monster; he didn't care, as long as he had her. 'As long as I have her' was his reason he gave.

His body was no longer a man. Raven black demon wings grew from his back. Horns came out of his head. His body became more masculine; claws grew from his fingers and toes. His legs became more canine, a tail grew from his backside, huge scales penetrated from within his skin that grew directly on his spinal cord and went all the way down his tail. His face was between that of a dragon and a human. He was a dragon youkai, but wasn't at his full power yet. He was holding back, holding back for her, yet he still wanted her. At the moment he looked more Gargoyle than not.

He grabbed her with a claw hand, spurred on with the fear in her eyes. "I want you" he said in her ears, pulling her towards him and holding her to him tightly. To emphasize it, he pressed himself against her inner thigh.

Realization hit her, screaming, she sent out a wave of powerful holy energy, knocking him back from her. "Stay away from me!" She screamed.

Lucious licked the blood off his lips and grinned, "It won't do any good, I know all your tricks, and I've had time to find ways of defending myself against them." His voice was that of a predator about to corner his prey.

She fought him with all her might; the sky was no longer cloudless. They fought well into the day and into the night. She was growing weaker and he was growing stronger. Soon he pinned her underneath him, her squirming to get away only added to his already hardened member.

"Ahhh, keep this up and it will come sooner than….." Lucious never got time to finish his sentence. For the tenchi had time to whisper a last spell, transporting him away from the area using the last of her strength. She fell into a deep sleep, the water went around her, the trees seemed to protect her.

A holy barrier was erected around that spot, and it protected the angel that slept within it's depts. It would keep anything un-pure out, while keeping its mistress safe.

The Angel would sleep for a thousand years and the Devil would never remember or speak of her name again…

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

One thousand years later

"And that's the story." Spoke the flea, Myouga. He left out the un-holy monks thoughts and the adult situations out of simple modesty and for Shippou's sake, who was still just a pup.

"So this is why we cannot pass here." Sango said, admiring the barrier that was so unlike peiling mount. It's supposedly holy barrier was only constructed by a dead monk who merely was afraid of death, and in exchange by life from Naraku, protected Naraku so he could grow a more powerful form. Kikyou did deserve the fate she received, and died a second time by Naraku, but still it made Kagome hurt that Inuyasha went to look for her instead of staying with Kagome.

That damned hanyou just walked right by her, without so much as a hug to Kagome, it had hurt her at unbelievably high levels.

Sesshomaru had said, "The man that killed Kikyou was not me, but Naraku. Yet the man that did not save her, was you Inuyasha."

Upset by this, Inuyasha had spent the remainder of the night, searching for any sign of Kikyou. The flashes he had seen before, the ones just before she died as he was carrying Kouga to escape Peiling Mount were the signs telling him to rescue her, for she was going to die, slain by Naraku. Deep down in his heart he knew that she was no longer of the living world. The Miasma would have swallowed her up, melted her even if she had survived the fall. He had seen a piece of her miko outfit laying up the shores of the miasma, yet the wind blew it into the miasma, where it melted, followed by one of Kikyou's soul carriers.

The next day, as he had returned to the group, a monk had come by, saying that a priestess had washed up to shore. Inuyasha had ran after her, and had realized he was lead on a wild goose chase.

When he came back, Kagome was possessed by the last of Naraku's offspring, the revenant of Onigumo, a baby that could talk. Though released, Kagome, who was unconscious, was saved by Inuyasha. Kagura, Kanna, and the unnamed baby escaped by a barrier erected by the baby.

When Kagome finally awoke 10 days later, she wouldn't even so much as look at Inuyasha. He had hurt her to the point she was just broke. She wouldn't talk much to Sango or Miroku either. Even Shippou noticed that Kagome seemed to have lost her spirit.

She was so upset with him that she didn't even yell at Inuyasha to "Sit".

She had stayed only to complete the Shikon no Tama, purify it, and aid in destroying Naraku. Whenever she would smile, it was only half hearted, for Kagome knew that Inuyasha didn't choose her, rather a non-existent person.

Kouga had even stuck by trying to make Kagome happy; he wanted her so much as his woman. His stubbornness wouldn't let up. He decided to allow Kagome room by fighting constantly, neck and neck with Inuyasha. It helped, but only a little bit.

Now the group had stopped for a break and accidentally discovered the resting place of a sleeping angel, at least that's what Myouga said. In the center stood a Sakura tree that was at least 1,000 years old, it seemed to be the cause of the barrier.

Kagome stood in front of it now, within reaching distance. The group, Sango, Miroku, Myouga, Inuyasha, Kouga, Ginta, Hatkagoo, Kirara and Shippou were all modest to give her room.

They were all very quite after Myouga told the group about this sacred place, it strangely seemed so familiar to the present day.

Suddenly without warning, Kagome spoke, the very first time in several days, "What was her name?"


End of Chapter

Authors Note: Oh my god, I can't believe I wrote this. Wow. Okay, let me know what you guys think please. MUHAHAHA, I left off on a Cliffhanger, though not a very good one. Gee, I wonder what her name is, ne? ^^ :P not telling. For those of you who have read Golden Beauty, I'll give you one guess on to who the angel was. What do you think? Is it better than what I originally wrote? Well that's if you guys are still using

This Chapter was written and finished on January 31, 2004 @ 1:19 p.m.
