InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ookami no Rei ❯ Chapter 5: The chamber called Klamor ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Ookami no Rei

By unokitsune

Disclaimer: No part of Inuyasha belongs to me. However, Eclypsia, Lucious, Ryuukokuyen, and the other four "Guardians of the Star" plus one or two future characters all belong to moi! Me! ^^

Warning: M/F This story is rated NC-17 for a fine good reason. Not much Snuff in here, (I like to save it for later chapters), but there is a great deal of language and other suggestive adultery situations.

Authors Note: It's been awhile since I updated, yes? I am pleased to announce that I will have a great deal of time to update this weekend considering I don't have school on Monday or Tuesday. I do, however, have quite a bit of homework and artwork I need to accomplish. ( :rubs head because of headache: ) And no hypnotizing me either, it won't work, reviews, however, will. I love you all. : Hug's everyone:

Chapter 5: The Chamber called Klamor; behold the Black Cauldron of unspoken nightmarish wisdom.

He roared at the very picture, yet he smiled a serrated tooth smile from charcoal black lips. He watched the beautiful girl through a pink and gold mirror, at the sleeping miko. He had seen when she woke up, had heard when she woke up. And, thanks to this beautiful and glorious mirror, he had felt her very attacks when she un-knowingly attacked the great Taiyoukai.

"So my sweet," He said in a very low voice, "You finally awoke after one thousand years, perhaps now I can finally learn you name, it has been lost to me forever so long."

Anger instantly filled his pleasant mood when an un-earthly servant knocked on the door. "YES?" He more than commanded when a servant opened the door.

"Master," It said in a voice much creepier than Kanna's whisper, "Lord Ryuukokuyen has failed, he is just outside the temple, awaiting your punishment." He then awaited his master's reply.

The being smirked, 'So little one, you still retain your strength after so many years of slumber, very well, I'll let you train more before I come for you, this time your very own soul will be mine, along with your body that no longer exists.'

"Have Ryuukokuyen brought to the chamber of Klamor, there, chain him so that he is forced to look at the very image he fears, the image that comes from my Black Cauldron." He said in a voice twisted with so much evil.

"Yes Master" and with that the servant was gone, disappeared into the dark, nothingness.

With that the being smirked and went to change for the "Occasion" and was gone.


The first is the worst

The second is the best

The third beholds the golden dress

The fourth is one of wisdom

And the fifth is the unspoken, mysterious one

All five create the star

The pentagon that releases the evil

And the devil who relishes it

Yet only one has the power to kill it

And the fifth one shall help it

Out of love and kindness

The power will grow

And death to all evil is fate foretold

However the price is dearly high

Both lives shall be lost

And die in the battle

Against the very devil

Who will soon be driven out of his true form

Yet if their love is strong

The angel of pure

And her protector

Will be born again

With thanks and born

As children of their master

That was the legacy that all the five guardians had to learn. Yet whenever they forgotten, even a fraction of it, they were taken here as punishment. Here, where they were chained to a rotten, broken cross, and beaten until they complied and looked at the center, where a black cauldron that oozed with even their worst nightmares. Here is the room where even the strongest of strong demons could be beaten, broken, and allow their nightmares to eat them alive. Here is the very core of demonic hell. Here is the Black Cauldron of Klamor.

The demon "Master" smiled his serrated grin, contained by his charcoal black lips. For even though he hated the prophecy that foretold of the future, his future none the less, he still felt happy to punish those who forgotten it. The first is the worst repeated in his head. For this spoke of Ryuukokuyen, the midnight black dragon, almighty serpent of the underground. He was supposedly strong, yet he only made the beginnings of "The Pentagon Star" and was considered the weakest of all five guardians.

The demon "Master" growled at this truth. For he couldn't lie about it and the name was acid poison on his charcoal lips, "The Pentagon Star" or more precisely "Black Pentagon" was the only powerful curse that prevented his full potential, his true form and all of his mighty, yet evil, power. He crunched his fist into knuckles, his nails digging in his skin, piercing them so that black blood fell from them and landed on the dungeon-yet-royal clean-like floor. He knew it wouldn't be long until the rodents would come and drink his spilled blood, trying to become more powerful than the weak beasts they were. Yet they were always too shallow-minded that they never learned.

He smirked when he heard the shrieks from the rats. They had just gotten no more than a droplet of taste of his spilled blood when their bodies began to disintegrate, melting them alive, bones and all. Nothing was left of the rodents; it was as if they were never there. He listened as his spilled black blood melted through the floor, leavening a sizeable hole until the demonic hall repaired itself.

For his blood was poisoning all one its own. He was so defiled that everything about him was just foul and evil. He didn't use the Shikon no Tama, for that name has recently been new to him. He remembered the very miko who gave birth to it, for it was he that told the demons were to find Midoriko, and after seven days and seven nights of fighting the demons, her last effort was to fling the Shikon no Tama from her body and seal herself away forever in a cave, frozen in a demon-fused worm's jaws.

He remembered her miko energy as if it was yesterday, for her power and her calm spirit reminded him so much of the angel who sealed him away. She had placed the curse on him and she had forbidden him memory of her name. This Midoriko had reminded him so much of "the nameless holy one" that he sent so many demons to dispose of her, her purifying powers gave him hidden goose bumps, and he just had to do away with her.

He roared at the very memory of it all. The angel, who once had smiled to him, had trusted him, and he to her, now shunned him. He hated the fact that she had made him weak; she made it so he succumbed to her. But what ticked him off beyond belief was that he still craved it; secretly he still wanted more. Part of him had actually taken a fondness to her; a part of him had actually become kind. KIND wasn't in his dictionary; KIND wasn't a part of his twisted belief, KIND AND LOVE were the very two things he himself had forbidden, for they weren't part of his nature. Yet a certain part of him screamed at him, giving him a great annoyance by paralyzing his body every single time he remembered that day, and time and time again after.

A loud growl had awoken him from his memories. No matter, he smirked; it would just save him the annoyance from the pest that dwelled inside him. He would find some way to rid himself of the being that had somehow found a way to weaken him, as well as the angel. Soon both of them would die; the angel would not be aloud to love.

A barely-constrained growl left his lips; the pain was bolder this time. 'Curse you, you will die, and someday soon, I'll see to it myself! I'll enjoy watching you scream for mercy from my hands!'

The being inside him laughed, and seemed to mock him. The demon could have sworn the being within him say 'Doubt it' but he shrugged it off, barely constraining himself from shredded his insides to pieces just so the being would go away.

Instead the demon focused more on the low, yet loud growl he just heard. He walked dressed in blood-robes-of-death, the death-like kimono he wore had black-and-blue flames decorating it along with black skulls that had blue eyes, and they seemed to scream.

ROOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The once-growl-now-demonic-roar demanded and received the black-lipped demon's attention.

* * * * * * * * * *

Ryuukokuyen was in his human form now, long black spilled carelessly from his well defined scalp. His long, slender, elf-like ears shot out of his head on each side. His black eyes and long ears, which enabled him to hear far beyond that of any average demon, tried to focus on anything other than the black cauldron that stood in the center of his master's favorite torture chamber.

He curled and uncurled his wrist, flexing his well toned and well defined muscles. His abs were a 12 pack, masculine yet slender at the same time. His long dark claws on each of his toes and fingers only added to the darkness of his body. His scale-skin shimmered the darkness yet lightness of the night.

He had a minor headache, though he did not know why, but he did know it wasn't caused by this absurd room. He growled really, really low when he noticed his master approaching. He then let out a mighty ROOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The roar was meant to shake his master of his thoughts. He wanted this to end quickly; for Ryuukokuyen did not like what he heard and knew of this room. However, that did not stop him from struggling in these demonic bonds that held his arms and legs, neck and his long, elegant, slender tail.

He lashed out, almost breaking free of the bonds that held his right arm and left leg. However, the bonds responded by becoming tighter, slamming him back against the rotten cross behind him. He held back the screech that wanted to grace his fine lips, for showing any signs of emotion or pain would only invite and increase more torture from his damn-cursed master. He would not look at the cauldron, for it held the breaking point of all demons, and the story's he's heard, nobody came back alive, or if they did, they were no longer sane.

Growling low in a greeted when he knew his master had entered the room, he grunted when he was addressed.

His dark, black eyes avoided the cursed demon in the devilish, blood red formal occasion kimono.

"Ryuukokuyen," he stated, "You have failed me."

Ryuukokuyen just smirked. He held his held high, eyes closed, and a cocky expression on his face. He knew this was the best way to piss his master off, but for the moment, he didn't care.

"You fear her, the creature that was inside that barrier." Ryuukokuyen said as-a-matter-of-factly.

The other demon just growled, "SILENCE, I WILL HAVE NO ONE MOCK ME!"

Ryuukokuyen inwardly smiled, knowing he had located his so called "master's" weak point. She was his weak point. But he also cringed, knowing he also had sealed his feint. Though outside he just shrugged, "You have nothing against her but fear and lust, you want her, to rape her again, yet in doing so, you will never know her name, ever again, for that is the curse she placed on you, isn't it?" Ryuukokuyen looked at the gaping demon with eyes not his own. "You wish to punish me, yet you also fear me, I can see it plain as day, written all over your face, you're a coward!" He spat.

The other demon, who had kept a stoic face outside, was inwardly shocked. This was absurd, how could anybody see through him, this whole time Ryuukokuyen spoke the truth. How, how did he know it? He had spoke of nothing to any of his five "Guardians" or any of his warriors for that matter. "I SAID SILENCE!!!" With that he slapped Ryuukokuyen across the face.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"He'll soon speak his name, soon it will begin." Said a whispered-creepy-feminine voice, "Yet answers will remain unanswered for a time, at least until fate's children are ready to yield. Only then will the confusion cease and the truth will be found. Until then, whatever sought will remain hidden."

"You are really creepy when you do that." spoke a lower boyish voice, "Soon, what will begin?

The feminine voice remained silent. Her long ebony tresses showered well past her shoulders and stopping only at her ankles, her bangs concealed her left eye, while the other, her right eye, remained closed, forever in thought. She wore a long golden dress that reached beyond her feet and hit the ground. The dress was about skin-tight. On her right eye was a bleeding star burst, it covered practically completely her right face. Her left wing concealed her upper chest from view, while her right wing concealed her back and provided a comfortable cushion against the cold stone wall she was leaning on. For this was Morgan, she was the third guardian of the "Pentagon Star" and had the ability to foretell the future, conceal the past, and take away life with a single touch. For she was a fallen angel of death and time, details to her past remain hazy. The only thing know about her is that, in order for her powers to work, she must remain a virgin. In being so, she was possibly the only female in this whole castle who still retained her virginity. Everything about her thereafter, except the part where everyone knows of her physic abilities, remains a mystery.

"Hey, I ASKED something Morgan!" the boyish voice said again. The boy who spoke was Manta; he was Morgan's younger brother. He was unlike his sister in many ways, yet he held his share of similarities. For they were both physic. However, while Morgan's field was death and time, Manta's was knowledge and wisdom. He was a SUPER GENIOUS! He had two, black bunny ears coming out of his head followed by a messy nest of black hair. He wore glasses; he made them from a demon crow's eyesight and crystal glass. This enabled him to see well. Unlike his sister, who didn't have the bunny ears, he could not fly. Yet he had a black & blue monkey tail that came and was wrapped around his abdomen. He was the wise one, though short and sporting a boyish tone, he makes up with it with his brains. He was usually very patient, that is, unless he wanted to learn something. And learning new knowledge always drove his patience crazy, he wouldn't calm down until he learned everything.

"Can't you even see she's in thought, kid?" An older, deeper, and more masculine voice said. A shadow appeared out of the darkness and came into the dim light, the only light, which came from Morgan's power as she appeared deep in thought. "A small pint like you should already realize when your sister was in thought, this room would remain dark otherwise, her thought provides the only light to this dark room, that's the only reason this room is lit." A tall, well muscled man came out of the shadows. He had two gigantic swords on his back. One was blue, the other one was red. When he combined the two swords in battle, they would become one, gigantic, purple sword. However, he did this rarely; this was reserved for fighting a powerful opponent. He of course, would always come out as the winner. When he would draw his swords, he would cross his arms making an X. The sword he used in his right hand was the smaller, yet heavier, blue serrated-edge blade, it was the more powerful of the two. The one he used in his left hand was the larger, broader red blade. The red blade held more youkai over the two. His armor was red with grey spikes. Both his swords handles were black. A black, gigantic, obi held his shirt to his pants. He had dark skin with light highlights. On his arms, from the elbow to the wrist (beginning of the hand) he had on white armguards. His pants were black, blue, and red flamed, creating a confusing design. He had on skin tight black boots. He wore a fox-tooth necklace. His eyes were dark and he had markings over them, they were black. (Think bankotsu people) They looked like long, black scars reaching from his forehead, stretching through his eyes, and ending at the bottom of his face, near his chin. Two silver crescent moons hung on his red armor, under the black fur. He also had fur on the shoulder part of his armor; it too, was also black. A set of two black earrings were on each ear. His hair was black highlighted with blue. This was Wolf, the most powerful of the guardians at the moment. Not much is known about him, except that he is Morgan's lover and nobody but Lucious has survived him in battle. His jet black tail, which also had blue highlights; hung under his obi, and was usually hidden from view, especially during battle. He was a powerful opponent, and one would do well not to piss him off. He slaughtered many a youkai and human. He also went by the name Crow, a name that was given him, though he can't remember who gave it to him. He was a rough talker, and not only talked the talk, but he also walked the walk. He was considered the strong warrior of the bunch.

"Well she's not in deep thought, apparently, her light is still dim, so apparently she can still hear me!" Manta said, and began to pull his sister's hair, earning a place in the wall by Wolf.

"Don't. Touch. MY. MATE." He growled through his clenched teeth. (Ah yes, did I mention he's also VERY PROTECTIVE over what is his ^^;) His long, slender, yet VERY sharp claws were inches from tearing apart Manta's throat. "Family, friend, or foe, NOBODY harms my mate without risk of their lives!"

He was just about to prove his statement on a very wide-eyed Manta. Sure the kid was smart, but he lacked hand-to-hand combat and was, heh, extremely week. Manta's hands were pinned to his side with one of Wolf's, so he couldn't use one of his gadgets.

A soft, whispered, feminine voice belonging to Morgan broke their adrenaline rush. "Hush now, it begins." She said.

"We're supposed to find out our master's name." Manta said, only to have his throat squeezed by Wolf, who glared at him. "You will stay silent!" He growled.

'Yep, he is definitely wrapped around your finger, sis.' Manta mind-spoke to his sister.

Morgan only nodded and offered a tiny smile, 'He loves but he won't admit, now listen.' She replied in her mind to Manta.

Wolf only eyed the two, he knew they were talking with their heads again, and it irked him to no end when they did that. He always wanted to know what was going on at every given moment. (Yep, he defiantly has control issues)

They now listened to the shocking conversation that was well-predicted by Morgan.

* * * * * * * * * *

Ryuukokuyen, who was expected that blow, pissed his master further when he didn't glare, but smirked instead. Grinning, he said "Was that supposed to hurt, Master" He said, emphasizing master and saying it in such a sarcastic, mocking voice.

The other demon growled. Ryuukokuyen always loved to test his patience, however tonight was different. "You will respect me, and you shall be punished. This cauldron holds your past, it will make your life a…"

"What past?" Ryuukokuyen interrupted, "We both know that you took that away from all of us, your supposedly star guardians. All my past was taken away from me, and I only have one thing I fear that I know of, and even you are afraid of it too."

"Silence, enough!" The other demon demanded, his eyes flaring a dangerous blood-black.

However, Ryuukokuyen wasn't fazed, "What was inside that barrier was in fact an angel over 1,000 years old, dead yet alive, and now she posses a holy miko, who's soul remains untainted. My job was to stop it, however, I didn't. You are afraid of anything and everything holy, you placed your blood into all of us for one reason, so we could not use the Shikon. However, we wouldn't anyway, the jewel makes any and everything mad, yet it doesn't affect the miko. Why? Because she can purify it, and no matter how tainted the jewel is, it still repels you. Why? Because of the dormant holy miko you had killed 1,000 years ago, shortly after the death of the holy one, who you raped and twisted her body, her soul, however, escaped, and cursed you forever. Isn't that right, Lucious?"

Ryuukokuyen turned his unnatural pure white eyes on Lucious, his supposedly master had shock all over his face, and they both knew he did nothing to hide it.

Lucious was morally stunned. Somehow, Ryuukokuyen knew everything. That could only mean one thing, Ryuukokuyen was the fifth guardian, and Lucious's previous spell to conceal this truth, was weakening. "YOU, YOU'RE THE FIFTH GUARDIAN! YOU WILL NOT WRECK MY PLANS, BATTOUSAI!" with that he commanded all the demonic bonds holding Ryuukokuyen to increase their power and attempt to shock him to death, to put him in utter misery. Lucious would, however, stop them shortly before Ryuukokuyen's death so that he could recover and yet, be broken.

That, however, wasn't the effect that happened. Ryuukokuyen cried out then roared, his veins being shocked clear out of his skin. Suddenly he thrust his head back and let out another, might roar.


Lucious's eyes widen, white light had engulfed the room. "NO! I WON'T LET YOU ESCAPE, YOU CAN'T!" He yelled, but it was too late, Ryuukokuyen's soul, the fifth guardian's soul, the soul that would eventually find the angel, the soul of the battousai long dead, now escaped.

Lucious sent un-earthly creatures to capture the freshly escaped soul, "BRING THAT SOUL BACK, KILL IT IF YOU MUST, JUST BRING IT BACK TO ME!!!!!" He commanded and let out a massive army to capture one, yet huge, soul.

The demons burned to death upon impact of the soul. A laugh Lucious instantly recognized as the pest inside his head spoke, 'Hah ha, I'm free now. No matter what you do, you can't stop it, you can't destroy me. Your first mistake was attacking her pregnant mother that day, along with her father, and taking a part of my soul within you. Your second mistake was killing the body of the one that I love, and forcing her to seal herself away. Your third mistake was trying to imprison me within this weak, dragon youkai. I can't die; you can't kill me or my love. I will return with her, together we will kill you. Though we may die in the process, deep down in my heart I know that our love will be stronger than even your strength combined with everything your evil tainted heart consumes. We will be born again. Soon everything you worked so hard to build will be destroyed, your life as well. Love can't die, though it may be weakened, it will only find many ways to grow back, stronger and purer than ever before. Love is weed to you, yet to us it is a flower, a flower that can never die. I will see you again, Lucious, and unlike you, I can speak her name. You can never say it as you are now. I can say it and I will treasure her name forever!' and with that, the soul was gone, like the day the Shikon no Tama was cut into a thousand pieces and spread to every part of ancient Japan.

Lucious growled, for he knew it began. He would do everything in his power to stop it, spreading his gigantic wings, he knew the curse was beginning to take effect and fade, allowing his features to slowly begin to appear, his wings and horns upon his head being one of them. He prepared a spell that was meant to erase memory. Little did he know, it wouldn't work for long, it would soon break.

* * * * * * * * *

Manta, Wolf, and even Morgan were shocked. They all heard the mysterious soul speak, as if he was speaking to all of them. In a way he was, considering Lucious's blood was injected into all of them in some way.

"I don't believe this shit, fuck." Wolf said, he felt a bit of fear wash over him, and at the same time he remembered something, a girl about 5 with golden hair and white/blue wings came running to him, her silver white tail twitching back and forth. 'Big brother, big brother :giggle: wait for me!' the girl said as she ran to him, a big grin on her face that reached her eyes, 'You looked just like a bird' she exclaimed then her eyes got wide with fear, her smile disappeared, she grabbed onto his leg, screaming. Then the memory vanished as quickly as it came.

He looked to Morgan and Manta; he was surprised that they were hugging each other, and….crying! But what surprised him most; they had lost all their deathly color and appeared bright, like angels.

Morgan was comforting Manta, her eyes like his were wide, their memory was a bit different yet the same. Morgan saw her brother, and her brother saw her, in this memory, they weren't demons, but angels! Running towards them was a girl with teary eyes, she was smiling but she was sad. Her golden hair wished this way and that, suddenly she flew towards them. She was dressed in tiny, yet long god-like robes. She was followed closely by a sword, which was moving on its own accord. 'Morgan, Manta, it's time, I'm leaving!' She lashed out grabbed Morgan, hugging her to death. Manta had golden hair and chibi wings, he appeared next to the hugging girls, 'Now?' he asked, his voice of emotion, obviously not wanting her to go. She nodded her head yes and came out from Morgan's embrace, who still had long hair that reached her ankles and gigantic wings, only they were both blond and white. 'Be careful, little one' Morgan said, her voice still soft, but it wasn't a creepy whisper as it usually was. 'Please take care of him, take care of Odin, he means so much to me.' She said, handed them the sword that was following her previously. They both nodded and took the sword. 'I'll meet you again.' The sword spoke, obviously speaking his goodbye to the girl he admired. Next thing they knew, Morgan, Manta, and Odin were running, worried expression on there faces, 'NO! YOU MUSN'T' another angel called out, but it was too late, Morgan, Manta, and Odin had left heaven. Then the memories fade.

"What…What was that?" Manta said, whatever it was he didn't like it, the thing had given him so much fear, as if he didn't want to remember the rest.

"A memory," replied his sister, whose bright color now returned to its original pale, deathly color. "He will erase our memory's now, Lucious, though we will remember again. When it's time, visions of this memory will be answered to us later, for he can't erase them forever, fate forbids it."

Before anything more could be said, a dark light erased every memory of this had vanished, though like Morgan said, it would return later.

* * * * * *

End of Chapter 4

Authors Note: This took bloody forever to write. I think I gave a bit too much info here. O well, it came out good don't you think? This chapter is meant only to describe Lucious, the one that caused all this to Eclypsia, who now resides in Kagome. Well what do you think? Please, PLEASE review. This took me FOREVER to write.

This chapter was finished on Tuesday, February 17, 2004.