InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Oops ❯ What Mood? ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or any characters there in.

Chapter 12: What Mood?

(Day 27 … still)

Kagome woke up a few hours before they were to arrive at the spot that InuYasha wanted to spend the night. It was still in "his" territory and relatively safe.

This gave Kagome time to think, to consider. This was the first night away from her mother's home since InuYasha announced that he had marked her as his mate, a process he had described (along with clarifying the difference between "sex" and "mating") before their fight this morning. The first night since he agreed to marry her. Kagome was a little nervous about what he expected. And the way he kept glancing at her didn't help calm her nerves.

`It's strange,' Kagome thought, `It's beginning to feel like it was a dream, that night in the cave. There aren't any of the… markers, I guess, so it feels like it maybe didn't happen,' her brow furrowed, `in a way.'

Kagome blushed, `What if… what if tonight InuYasha wants to…" her blush deepened, `I don't think I could do that. At least not with Miroku so close. Surely InuYasha wouldn't… not with Shippo… and Sango, and definitely not with Miroku so close.'

InuYasha had been thinking about the upcoming night as well. He wasn't sure what Kagome expected, or what he should do. Getting her alone in order to mark her was next to impossible under the circumstances. After all it required them to be defenseless for several hours. Well there was always just joining her in her sleeping bag after the others fell asleep, but she would never go for that, and he was a little skittish about it as well. If Miroku were to wake up the teasing the next day would be unbearable. Not to mention the advice.

InuYasha stole a glance at Kagome, again. `Damn it.' he cursed this method of marking once again. As enjoyable as it was, it required too much time. If all he wanted to do was … enjoy some time with his mate alone, InuYasha blushed as images entered his mind, an excuse could be made. There was a warm stream that ran by his planed camp, and Kagome liked to bathe…

"InuYasha?" Kagome's voice teetered between curiosity and suspicion.

For a panicked moment InuYasha thought that she somehow knew that his thoughts had drifted to the brief glimpses he had gotten of Kagome bathing. Then he noticed that she was looking around at the remains of the battlefield they were traveling through.

It was now very old, tattered armor and bits of clean picked skeleton barley managed to poke out of the ground. Soon they would be completely swallowed up by the earth. The raised dirt path they were walking on was clear of the human debris, which was strewn on the barren ground on either side.

Kagome recognized this place. "This is were we met Shippo!" she turned to face InuYasha, "Why are we back here? Naraku is that way!" she pointed to the north and narrowed her eyes dangerously, "You aren't just leading us on a wild goose chase are you, because it would make a lot more sense to try this kind of thing latter on when I'm… more obvious!" she ended in a near shout "It would be less dangerous to face them now then wait! I want him dead before-"

"Kagome, please," Miroku held up his hands in a placating gesture and spoke in his most calming tone, "there is the rumor of a jewel shard to the south of here, a solid rumor. The youkia may have migrated here after you left the area."

Kagome slowly stopped seething and turned from the men with a feminine hair flip and "humph" combination, "It would still make more sense to go after Naraku now and clean up the shards later."

"Kagome," InuYasha tried his luck with reproducing Miroku's soothing tone, "we have to clean up the loose shards. We can't let Naraku get more powerful."

Kagome took a couple of deep breaths as she tried to calm her now raging temper, `InuYasha is right, Miroku backed him up. If a shard is this close we might as well get this thing out of the way.' Kagome reasoned with herself, `I am not irrational. I will not over react.'

"SIT!" she yelled. InuYasha was compelled to the ground, "I am not a child don't talk to me like I am one."

She was yelling at InuYasha but turned to glare at Miroku, "That goes for you to! Sango, slap him."

Sango looked uncomfortable, "I don't think he deserves to be slapped, Kagome."

Kagome looked like she was about to yell at Sango, but instead gave a weary sigh as her anger deflated suddenly, "Whatever, lets just get this shard and get back to Naraku."

"What the hell did you do that for?" InuYasha stood up and faced Kagome.

"Your were patronizing me." Kagome pouted, "I… I'm sorry InuYasha, I over reacted." Kagome blinked back some tears. `I'm not going to cry over this!'

InuYasha was about to reply when a voice came from the nearby forest.

"Well, well, what have we here?" a large scruffy youkia with black and white stripes over his eyes walked out of the shadows of the trees.

"Shit!" InuYasha drew his sword and quickly faced the youkia.

"Wait… is she the miko bearing the shards." The badger youkia sneered, "she has to be, no other human would dress like that."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Kagome shouted indignantly.

The youkia laughed, "I thought that other shard hunters might have heard the rumor, just didn't expect to run into THE shard hunters."

"Kagome! Stop arguing with him!" InuYasha yelled at her, she didn't need to be drawing anymore trouble to her then usual, "Does he have a shard?"

"What's the matter boy? Can't keep your women in line?" The badger prevented Kagome from answering him with his snide comments, and drew his sword, "I guess not, if you let her get in that condition. Or maybe you just weren't youkia enough to protect her."

"Shut the fuck up bastard!" InuYasha growled and lunged at him swinging his sword wildly.

"He doesn't have one InuYasha!" Kagome yelled, "Just get him!"

The youkia dodged InuYasha's sloppy attack, "She can sense the shards huh? Well maybe I should keep her alive. A pretty girl and a shard detector all in one."

He brought his sword down on InuYasha, but InuYasha blocked with his own.

"You won't live to touch her!" InuYasha snarled. He dodged aside and spun around to strike the badger in the back.

But the youkia fell to all fours, allowing InuYasha's sword to pass harmlessly over him, and spun around to knock InuYasha's legs out from under him.

InuYasha jumped up and back to avoid the attack. The badger stood and once again they stared at each other, swords at the ready.

"Give up the shards and I'll leave." He spoke to Kagome but never took his eyes off of InuYasha.

"You're stupider then you look if you think we'll do that." InuYasha snarled.

"I was talking to the whore, half-breed." The badger sneered.

InuYasha gave a fierce growl and lunged. The badger deflected the blow and hopped out of the way. As soon as he landed InuYasha was after him again, forcing him to retreat farther. A giant boomerang hit him with a glancing blow on the side of his head stunning him.

While the youkia was recovering InuYasha acted quickly to slice him from shoulder to hip. There were two wet thuds when his body halves fell to the ground. InuYasha put his sword away, still snarling at the seeping remains.

Kagome spun around to put her back to the scene, her anger at the youkia's insults forgotten in a wave of nausea. "Let's get out of here," she said.


The sun was just touching the horizon when InuYasha gruffly directed them off the path and into the forest. There was no clearing where he stopped them, just a slightly less dense area of trees interspersed with brush.

He sat silently with his back to a tree and scowled into the spot that soon became a small, but brightly burning, fire. He hadn't said much of anything since the short battle.

Kagome fell asleep on Sango's shoulder while cooking the night's ramen and it was suggested that she set up her sleeping bag behind some of the nearby bushes to get an early start on sleep. She had done that in the past under similar circumstances. So as soon as she finished eating she dragged her bag in to the shadows of the bushes.

InuYasha watched her from the corner of his eye. What the youkia had said today bothered him. He called Kagome a whore, implicated that he couldn't protect her. And InuYasha didn't have any way of defending them against those allegations because Kagome was not marked at the moment. This was the last night they would be in the relative safety of his territory. Today's youkia aside, the majority of youkia respected the territorial boundaries of equal or greater youkia. Usually when they did cross those lines it was over a shard. But that didn't matter right now. What mattered was marking Kagome. It had to be done tonight.

Once the others were all asleep, InuYasha walked around the bushes where Kagome had set up her sleeping bag. He knelt a few feet away with his back to the forest and watched her sleep. He liked this picture, with Kagome sleeping under the dark bushes and the fire burning brightly behind them.

What was he supposed to do now? He didn't want to wake her, and he didn't think she would be too happy about that either.

Kagome sighed and shifted in her sleep she had sensed a presence near her and woke up. "InuYasha? What are you doing?"

What was he doing? Oh yeah. Well, he couldn't tell her that, "Nothing."

"Ok." Kagome propped herself up on her elbows, "Then what were you doing?"

"…Thinking," InuYasha sighed, "about what that bastard said about you."

"They're just insults, InuYasha. They don't matter." Kagome sat up completely. She had been upset at the time of course. Insults were supposed to upset, but she knew that they weren't true and it wasn't worth staying upset over the insults of a dead youkia.

"They mean something to me." InuYasha muttered sourly, "He shouldn't be able to say those things!"

Kagome was getting some idea of what was going on, now that she was waking up more, and it annoyed her, "InuYasha, is that why you're here? You want to, to mark me because some youkia decided to insult me? They will say whatever they want to make you mad, InuYasha, you can't let it bother you so much."

InuYasha growled and moved closer to Kagome on all fours, "They shouldn't be able to say those things Kagome. I don't want them to be able to think them."

He stopped just inches from her and sat again wondering what to do now. He still wanted to mark her, but in both their other `encounters' they had already been in physical contact, and he wasn't sure how to initiate that contact. What had those guys in the forest done?

Kagome looked at InuYasha looking at her, "I always thought this must be how wedding nights went." She pondered out loud.

"Huh?" InuYasha returned from his voyeuristic memories.

"Well," Kagome started thoughtfully, "the night after the wedding is traditionally the first night that a couple is, um, intimate. So everyone knows what they are going to do. I always thought it would be kind of weird, neither one really knowing what to do."

"I know what to do." InuYasha scowled.

"…How?" Kagome bit her lip.


"How do you know, what to do?" Kagome looked somewhat frightened, `What am I doing? Just shut up!' she thought desperately, but continued anyway, "You said back at the cave that that was the first time. But then you kissed me and it seemed like…. How do you know?"

InuYasha stared at her, petrified. How the hell was he supposed to answer that? "I… what the hell kind of stupid question is that?"

Kagome wilted into a flash depression, "Oh… never mind then."

InuYasha fisted his hand in the dirt. Now he had upset her. At least she wasn't crying yet, "I don't want to tell you…"

Kagome sniffled.

"I was young," He said quickly, trying to head of her tears, "I stayed around the human villages when I was small. Sometimes I saw things, people went into the woods, to be alone, they didn't know I was there."

Kagome looked up, she gave a short laugh, "You watched?"

InuYasha scowled, "I was young, I didn't know what I was seeing."

Kagome grinned and shook her head, she was very relieved for some reason, "You're as bad as Miroku! Spying on people." She laughed.

"Feh!" InuYasha crossed his arms, "Whatever, I least I stopped."

"If you say so." Kagome giggled, "Still, if that's how you know… how come you could never figure out "the mood"?"

InuYasha shrugged, "I don't know. I think the people in the woods were already there by the time I saw them." he gave Kagome a curious look, "Is this the mood?"

"No…" Kagome said slowly, "It's a good atmosphere though. Do you, do you want to, to … mate, now?" she tripped over the word a little and blushed.

InuYasha blushed too, but said, "This might be the last chance I'll get to mark you for a while. I want every one to know you were taken properly."

"How romantic." Kagome said dryly then looked over her shoulder, and the bushes, at the rest of the group, "What about them?"

"They're asleep." InuYasha cast a wary look at them to make sure that they actually were asleep. "Except Kirara. She's on watch. But she doesn't count."

Kirara counted to Kagome. Kagome looked at the dozing cat youkia. "What if they wake up?"

"We'll be quiet." InuYasha said.

Kagome giggled again.

"What?" InuYasha asked.

"You growled," Kagome blushed, "that night, in the cave."

"Whatever," InuYasha scowled, "How do you find that mood thing?"

Kagome sighed and cast a quick look over the bushes, the others were still sleeping. Looking back at InuYasha she pulled her legs out of her sleeping bag and kneeled on the warm fabric.

"Come here InuYasha." She said nervously, "I want to try something."

InuYasha moved slowly to kneel in front of Kagome, "What?"

"Um, open your mouth." She said.

InuYasha gave her a funny look but opened his mouth a little anyway.

"Close your eyes." Kagome instructed, she had been wanting to do this ever since last night. To be honest, the idea had been around a lot longer then that, but last night solidified it for her.

Once InuYasha had his eyes closed Kagome leaned forward, eyes open so she could see where she was going. She opened her mouth and traced his lips like he had done to her and closed her eyes. When she found one of his fangs she touched her tongue to its tip. It wasn't as sharp as she would have thought, it was just sharp enough so she knew if she put enough pressure on it, she would prick her tongue. She moved the tip of her tongue to the side and swirled around its smooth surface into InuYasha's mouth.

InuYasha leaned forward quickly, entering the kiss in earnest and pushed Kagome back a little in his enthusiasm. He brought his hands to Kagome's back. Kagome wrapped her arms around InuYasha's neck.

InuYasha's hands moved from her lower back to her waist to her hips as his tongue fought for the advantage. His hands rested on her hips, his thumbs stroked her ribs sending shivers though her body.

Soon InuYasha moved the night forward hooking several fingers around the hem of her pajama top and leaving the rest of his hand to caress Kagome's skin as he moved the fabric up her body.

As soon as Kagome realized what he was doing, she pulled back and looked into the shadows shyly.

"…What?" InuYasha panted.

"Could you, see anything?" Kagome asked, "That night in the cave I mean."

"What?" InuYasha couldn't figure out what that had to do with what was going on now, "I don't know, I couldn't stop to look. I … I would have stopped."

Kagome nodded, if anything had stopped their momentum that night she wouldn't be in this mess. This wonderful mess. She shook that thought from her head. She felt a little silly, after everything, after that night in the cave, the whole "life-mate" thing, and actually wanting to do this… she was shy of being undressed in front of InuYasha.

"What is it?" InuYasha whispered.

"I'm shy." Kagome answered quietly.

"Of what?" InuYasha frowned in confusion, "I've seen it before."

Kagome scowled at him, "Yoouuu… said you didn't see anything."

InuYasha smirked, "Only the first time…. I won't look." InuYasha finished quickly when he saw the look she was giving him.

Kagome shot InuYasha one more look of annoyance before she pulled her top over her head.

He looked. He didn't mean to, but while her face was hidden, his eyes didn't have anywhere else to go… right? Thankfully he managed to be looking at her eyes by the time she had completely removed the shirt. Hey, he had promised not to look, he had too at least pretend to keep that promise.

Kagome crossed her arms over her breasts and blushed at InuYasha. She wasn't sure what to do and she wasn't brave enough to move her arms.

InuYasha resumed kisseding her and he removed fire rat jacket and shirt. Kagome relaxed into the kiss and ran her hands over InuYasha's bare chest, before he pulled her against him.

He held her against him with one hand while he readjusted the sleeping bag and lowered Kagome into it.

Now that she was unfolded and laying down InuYasha could rid her of her lower garments. His hands slid down her waist to hook into the stretchy waistband of her pajama bottoms and begin to pull.

Kagome giggled girlishly into the kiss.

InuYasha growled, "Are you going to start that again?"

Kagome shook her head, and promptly burst out giggling again, "Just kiss me or something."

InuYasha growled low and moved his head down to her shoulder. Kagome stiffened until his mouth settled over her shoulder, just where it met her neck. He gently nipped at her skin with is flat teeth until he got her pajama bottoms waist low on her legs. Then he gave her a quick nip with his fangs in that place that made her un-focus, before backing off enough to pull off her pants and catch a quick view of naked form below him.

InuYasha fumbled momentarily with his belt before he removed his pants and practically dove back on Kagome before she could shield herself from his eyes, catching her in consuming kiss.

Kagome's mind, muddled in pleasure and want from the bite and kiss, became instantly clear when she felt InuYasha's presence pressing into her abdomen. InuYasha moved, placing that presence in a much lower, more vulnerable place.

"Slowly!" Kagome gasped quietly as she brought her hands to his shoulders, "I'm not used to…"

InuYasha nodded and slowed his entrance. Kagome's breath came in short gasps as he languidly slid into her, her body stretching around him, welcoming him. InuYasha nibbled on her neck to help her relax.

`It's real.' InuYasha thought in astonishment when he was fully inside, `I'm… home.'

`I can't believe this is really happening.' Kagome thought as they found a rhythm that suited them, `this is all real.'

Images from the night in the cave spun through her mind in unbelievable clarity, becoming a blur, becoming the branches above her that reflected the fire and strands of white hair. InuYasha's gold eye's entered her view before he took her mouth in a deep, sweet kiss.

She pitched her head back and grasped at InuYasha's shoulders, as she became lost to the moment again. Vaguely, she was aware of InuYasha's low rumbling growl that grew in pitch and intensity until the last explosive wave of sensation knocked her less important senses aside.

InuYasha crumbled on top of her, panting. Soon he rolled off of her small frame and pulled her against him, keeping as much of her skin in contact with his as possible. He took a moment to adjust the sleeping bag around them before allowing himself to sleep.