InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Oops ❯ Yuka ( Chapter 17 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or any characters there in.

A/N: lemon early on, not a good one, but you should know mine are different by now. At least in this story I can write good lemons of the usual sort, just not in this story. If you want a cleaner still version of the story head to The story has the same name but I'm Gloria Underhill there.

Chapter 17: Yuka

(Day 44) or (1 Month 2 Weeks and 2 days since conception)

The honeymoon, InuYasha decided, was one modern concept he could deal with. Several days, in relative safety, far away from interfering relatives and well meaning friends. Just you, your mate, and a very big bed. The only part that he had difficulty believing was when Kagome told him that people went far away to exotic locations for honeymoons. Why bother with all that trouble and expense when you never left the room?

He looked at Kagome as she mumbled in her sleep. They were on the train again, traveling back to the shrine, and she was leaning against him with her head on his shoulder and her hand resting on his thigh.

Mating was another welcome addition to his life. Sure, if he had it to do over again he wouldn't have, at least, not yet. He would have waited until Naraku was dead. But he couldn't make himself regret it either, not now anyway. Not with Kagome safe by his side and almost another week in Kagome's time ahead of him.

InuYasha scowled out the window. Soon they would return to the quests. Danger would threaten from every side and he would be prevented from even this much contact with his mate. If only he could convince her…

"InuYa…" Kagome's contented mumble broke his line of thought.

InuYasha smiled, he'd been doing that a lot the last couple of days. Of course she had been saying his name like that a lot too.

Kagome's head rolled up and off of his shoulder, she looked around confused, "Where are we?"

InuYasha looked out the window again, "train." He growled. What? You think a little mating would turn him into a polite linguist?

Kagome shot him an annoyed look and leaned over his lap to look out the window. Almost immediately her head sank to rest on his opposite thigh.

"Kagome…" InuYasha looked down at her, "you alright?"

"I think I'm gonna be sick." She sounded like it to.

"Well, get of my lap then." InuYasha patted her hair hesitantly in what he hoped was a comforting way, what was he supposed to do?

Kagome gave him another annoyed look from one eye, without raising her head. She took a few deep breaths and rolled over, "Water."

InuYasha blinked down at her.

"Now!" Kagome barked.

InuYasha scowled and looked around, seeing if there was any way to help without moving her. Nope.

"Come on Kagome," he sighed, and moved his arms under her, "You'll have to move."

Kagome sat up only to lie down again as soon as InuYasha stood, "Windows are bad." Kagome mumbled, one hand on her stomach the other over her eyes.

InuYasha knelt next to her and handed her an open bottle of water from her pack. She had packed a couple by habit when she was preparing for the trip. Kagome gratefully grabbed it and took a few drinks of cool water.

"Thanks." she croaked.

"Feh." He replied, but his face just wasn't in it. InuYasha sat on the floor with his back to the seat and looked at her. He thought back to his earlier ponderings, and decided he defiantly would have waited before getting Kagome pregnant.

Suddenly, and without warning, InuYasha felt the back her fingers brushing against the back of his ears.

"What the hell are you doing?" InuYasha said, keeping his voice almost board.

"Humor me, I'm sick." Kagome grinned weakly at him.

InuYasha grunted and let her hand caress his dog ears lightly. So it felt nice… that wouldn't stop him from acting like it was a chore for him.

"What is so fascinating about my ears?" InuYasha sighed, turning to face forward, and giving her better access. "Most humans are disturbed by them."

`Well, they did take some getting used to.' Kagome thought, though she had been fascinated and intrigued by them, not disturbed. "They're unique," she said, "they are a part of you and I l-like… them."

Kagome stopped her light petting and looked at her husband. She wanted to ask him, she wanted to know why he had married her. But she wasn't brave enough yet. She didn't know if she could take the answer.

InuYasha scowled, "Why'd you stop?"

Kagome grinned, "I thought you didn't like having your ears touched."

"I don't," InuYasha said quickly, "but what you were doing didn't bite."

Kagome sat up a little and leaned forward shyly, "But… I like it when you bite." She whispered.

Her breath skittered across his ears, tickling them, and sending a shiver through his body. He looked at Kagome, somewhat shocked, that had to be the sexiest thing she had ever said.

She was blushing badly, and looking at the floor in mortification. But she was also grinning slyly.

She was the most appealing creature InuYasha had ever seen.

"Hey Kagome," he whispered, "how long till we reach Tokyo?"

"I'm not looking out that window again." Kagome looked up into InuYasha's molten eyes and bit her lip, "Do you see a city yet?"

InuYasha glanced out the window, and shook his head, no.

Kagome sat up, and looked around the small compartment. There wasn't much time, "How do we…"

InuYasha kneeled in front of her and pulled her around so that her legs were on either side of him, and forward so that she was barely perched on the edge of the seat.

"InuYasha!" Kagome squealed quietly, she leaned forward and watched as he untied his belt, "Been thinking about this long?" she said slightly amused.

InuYasha leaned forward and kissed her quickly, "We don't have much time." He whispered, "I want every minute we have."

Kagome wondered wither he was talking about the train ride or … something else. InuYasha returned to giving her sweet urgent kisses, bringing her back to the moment. She put her arms around his neck.

He was careful not to lift her skirt too high, she was still shy about her body even if ground had been made above the navel. She gave an indignant squeak when he ripped her underwear open.

"InuYasha!" she hissed.

"It's a long skirt." He replied shortly and returned to kissing her.

Kagome giggled into his mouth, she had never seen him this frantic before.

InuYasha growled and grabbed her hips, to keep her tilted on the seat, then pushed into her. Kagome gasped as he brought his body flush with hers. One of his hands supported her upper back and the other one anchored the small of her back to keep her from sliding.

It was a little clumsy, after all they didn't really know what to do in this position. But soon they got a rhythm going and the vibration of the train was an… interesting addition. Out of the corner of her eye Kagome saw buildings begin to flash by the window and she urged him to go faster.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. InuYasha released Kagome and fell back on the floor. "Fuck!"

"Hey you two, this is your stop so knock it off." A mans voice barked at them.

"Aw… Damn it!" Kagome smacked the seat beside her as she sat up, "He couldn't of wai-SIT!-ted one more minute?"

InuYasha fell flat against the floor right in front of the door.

"You are not allowed to kill anyone in this time, InuYasha."


"Yes you did," InuYasha smirked at her as they sat on a bench near the station, recovering, "you said Damn it, loud."

InuYasha was wearing a hat over his ears, and Kagome was still wearing another one of her moms' old dresses that she had borrowed for the trip.

"I said no such thing." Kagome lifted her head in the air, "I don't say that kind of thing. Maybe you said it."

"No I said fuck and lunged at the door," InuYasha made a big deal out of thinking back, "you said damn it and then subdued me."

"You were going to kill him!" Kagome defended.

"Damn right!" InuYasha snarled, "That fucking train didn't stop for… I don't know. We had plenty of time!"

"That is no reason to hurt someone InuYasha." Kagome blushed, "We shouldn't have been doing that anyway. I don't even think we locked the door."

"Shouldn't have been doing what?" Yuka smiled innocently at them.

"Yuka!" Kagome jumped up, "What are you doing here!"

Her grin widened, "I over heard Souta tell a classmate that you and your husband were coming back today. It wasn't hard to figure out when you were arriving. I wanted to see the mysterious boy- um, husband of yours. This him?"

She scrutinized InuYasha were he sat, he scowled back at her.

"InuYasha be nice." Kagome frowned, "This is one of my friends from school, Yuka. Yuka this is my husband, InuYasha."

He bared his teeth in an obviously forced smile. He had thought he was doing well not just telling the nosey bitch to go to hell.

Kagome turned to Yuka, "I'm sorry, he doesn't like being looked at."

"I don't see why," Yuka looked at him briefly before giving her attention to Kagome, "he's kinda cute." `If a little weird looking.'

"You should see him when he isn't pouting." Kagome grinned. Yuka was actually handling InuYasha's appearance better then most people. Of course, she hadn't seen his real ears.

"I don't pout!" InuYasha growled.

"He sounds better then too." Kagome and Yuka laughed.

InuYasha stood up, "I'm not going to sit here and be talked about."

"InuYasha, wait." Kagome grabbed his arm, "I'm sorry. Yuka is the first of my school friends to meet you and it looks like she might be ok with you… which is amazing considering what I told them about you."

"What did you tell …?" InuYasha frowned at her.

"That's not important now." Kagome smiled brightly, "What is important now is showing you off to my friend! So, be nice."

InuYasha started to speak, but stopped when he saw the look on Kagome's face, "Feh."

Kagome squealed and turned them both back to face Yuka, "So what have I missed at school."

"I was hoping to get to know your husband a little…" Yuka cast InuYasha a hesitant glance as they began to walk to the shrine.

"InuYasha doesn't like to talk to people. And he hates questions." Kagome said quickly, "It's really best to ignore him until he gets use to you."

"Ignore me?" InuYasha looked at Kagome incredulously, "You never ignored me!"

"That's different." Kagome said, "I'm different. All those people were staring at me, and you were alone and I wanted to be away from them and… I wanted to get to know you."

"You pursued him?" Yuka looked wide eyed at the couple. It was one thing to fall in love with a strange looking, rude, asocial, violent guy with ex girlfriend "issues", but to seek him out?

"What? ... No!" Kagome started, "Not like that anyway. I was away from home, alone and InuYasha was … I don't know. But I didn't pursue him! I just wanted to learn more about him. He's fascinating really."

"Really?" Both Yuka and InuYasha sounded surprised.

Kagome frowned at InuYasha and jostled his arm, "Of course you are. There are lots of things about you that I was fascinated with when I first saw you. Your… hair for instance. It's natural you know." she said to Yuka.

"It is?" Yuka looked vaguely impressed.

"Yup," Kagome's smile turned thoughtful, "I think it runs in the family. But he doesn't like to talk about his family." She ended quickly.

"What about his eyes?" Yuka asked, while looking into them.

"Them too." Kagome gazed lovingly into his eyes.

The girls were both staring at him, and while he didn't mind Kagome, Yuka was making him feel cornered. He bit back his first response, which was sure to upset Kagome, and instead barked, "Knock it off!"

Kagome giggled, "Yeah… he doesn't like being looked at."

Yuka giggled with her friend, InuYasha was scowling and made a little growling sound but from Kagome's reaction it wasn't anything to worry about.

Kagome decided to let the subject of InuYasha rest for the moment, he had gone through enough today, and steered the conversation back to school.

"So, what have I missed?" Kagome asked again.

"Well," Yuka thought back, "Nothing much, it's been really slow actually. Nothing good for days now. Except you fainting on Hojo. Everyone's talking about that."

"What!" InuYasha barked.

Kagome gave Yuka a dirty look, "That is exaggerated, I didn't faint, I just got a little dizzy, when I tripped. Right Yuka?"

"Um, Yeah!" Yuka smiled and waved of the subject flippantly, "It's just in the gossip that it became fainting. Hehe."

InuYasha scowled at angrily Kagome. It was just his normal scowl, and Kagome only worried about how she was going to convince him she could still continue the quest. But to Yuka, it was down right scary.

"Well, we're here," Kagome looked up the stairs to the shrine, "You can come in if you like and tell me about… Are you alright Yuka?"

"I- I'm fine." Yuka tore her eyes away from InuYasha to look at Kagome, "Will you be Ok?"

"…yeah," Kagome looked from Yuka to InuYasha in confusion. When she realized Yuka was worried about InuYasha, she started to laugh so hard she had to let go of his arm.

Yuka took a step back, and InuYasha nearly knocked his hat off when his ears flipped in surprised.

"Kagome?" he tried to get her attention as she folded over and kneeled on the sidewalk.

"Your face!" Kagome gasped.

"What's funny about my face?" InuYasha blinked at her in confusion.

Kagome shook her head, "You, you… scared Yuka!" and she collapsed in another fit of laughter.

It took a second for her words to sink in and when they did, InuYasha looked at Yuka. Who gave him a lopsided, embarrassed grin.

InuYasha rolled his eyes and lowered himself to Kagome's level, "Are you alright?"

Kagome nodded and took deep breaths trying to calm herself, "I forgot," gasp, "how frightening you could be." She said affectionately.

InuYasha stood up and folded his arms, "Keh! Well, get up. After the fuss you made earlier I'm not carrying you."

Kagome sighed and stood up. She brushed herself off and smiled pleasantly at Yuka, "Well, I was going to invite you up, but I think InuYasha and I are going to have a fight. So I'll see you at school tomorrow, Ok?"

"Um, sure Kagome, I'll see you then. It was nice meeting you, InuYasha." After saying her goodbyes, Yuka turned, slightly confused, and walked away.


Kagome skipped up the stairs, pasted some visitors to the shrine, and into the house with InuYasha close behind her. As soon as the door was closed Kagome turned around and embraced InuYasha and gave him a long happy kiss.

"You were great InuYasha!" Kagome smiled up at him when she pulled away.

"What?" InuYasha looked down at her in surprise.

"You handled being around Yuka very well." She grinned up at him.

"…I scared her." He said uncertainly, why was she happy?

"Yeah, but that was just your face," Kagome released him and waved her hand dismissively, "I doubt she thinks much of that after my little fit. I meant that you weren't completely rude… well, you didn't curse at her. Or call me anything in front of her. Or say anything she would think was weird."

InuYasha crossed his arms and followed her as she walked into the living room, "I hardly said anything."

"Yeah," Kagome sighed, "just keep doing that."

"Kagome," InuYasha decided it was time to discuss the fainting thing that Yuka brought up, "She said-"

Kagome skipped to the stairs and paused, looking back at InuYasha, "We can either finish what we started on the train, or have a fight. Which one is it InuYasha, cause we won't be doing both." She ended with a glare.

InuYasha stopped perusing her. Wait, was she serious? She really thought he might let this drop just for… he looked up at her retreating figure. Maybe he should think about… No! He put on a face of determination. He couldn't let this go. She had fainted! She couldn't be doing that! He may be subjecting himself to screams, SIT!s and maybe even tears, and he probably won't win anyway, but he could not let this go! What kind of mate, husband, hell what kind of male would he be if he let his mate manipulate him with her cute little…

InuYasha shook his head before he could finish that thought, then ran up the stairs to her room.

Kagome was leaning against the door frame looking wistfully at her room. Their room.

InuYasha carefully approached her.

"That is our room now." she stated without looking at him.

InuYasha was shocked into remaining silent. He hadn't thought about that. Kagome was his, her room was his too.

"Mine?" InuYasha whispered.

"Ours." Kagome repeated, amused.

"Keh." InuYasha responded in as much of a whisper as that sound could be.

Kagome walked in and looked around, "We're going to need a bigger bed. Unless you plan on still sleeping against the wall."

"Keh!" InuYasha said in a more normal tone, "Not while we're here."

Kagome sighed and sat on the bed facing InuYasha, "So, which is it?"

InuYasha crossed his arms and scowled at her.

Kagome sighed again, suddenly very tired, "Fight. You know you won't win, right."

InuYasha nodded before he thought about what she said. Then he flinched. The only thing worse then going into battle knowing you were going to fail, was letting your opponent know you know you're going to fail.

"Come on." Kagome patted the bed next to her. InuYasha narrowed his eyes at her and Kagome rolled hers at him, "I'm not going to try to seduce you out of this fight InuYasha. What kind of girl do you think I am?"

"You fainted Kagome." He kept his voice even, "You fainted and you didn't tell me."

Kagome started to open her mouth, then snapped it shut. He didn't even bring up the quests, yet. Now she felt bad.

"I didn't want to worry you over nothing." She looked down at her knees, somewhat humbled, "Which it was InuYasha, it was nothing. I just got a little dizzy. Emotional stress and all that."

"You can't do that Kagome." InuYasha knelt in front of her, "You have to tell me that stuff."

"I thought you would use it to try and get me to stop helping with the quests." Kagome whimpered. `Oh shoot, I'm going to cry aren't I?'

"Of course I'm going to try to get you to stop!" InuYasha raised his voice, he hadn't heard the warning in Kagome's voice of impending tears, "I hate that you're out there risking your life. And it's worse now cause there's two of you! But you can't keep shit like this from me!"

Kagome stared fixedly at her knees and tried to blink away her tears, but she couldn't keep them out of her voice, "I'm sorry, I won't do it again. I promise I'll tell you when something like that happens from now on."

InuYasha dropped back a little, both surprised at her words and trying to get a better view of her face. Never had Kagome crumbled so fast. Never had she crumbled at all! She always stood her ground until after the fight was over and they had cooled off, if she was going to back off at all. This seemed too… easy.

"But," Kagome whimpered before raising her head and giving InuYasha a death glare, "I WILL continue with the quests!"

InuYasha sighed, suddenly tired, he had known she wouldn't back down on this. For some reason the hunt for the jewel and the defeat of Naraku had become as much an obsession with her as it was with him. Maybe even more so.

He had to take his victories where he got them with Kagome. All arguing would do is build another rift between them, she would go no matter what he said or did. "I know, but you have to tell us about that stuff. Is that the only time you fainted?"

Kagome sighed and lay down on her bed. Their bed.

"Yes. Though I did cry at the death of a baby animal during biology and threw up during lunch." She glanced at InuYasha wearing a smirk.

InuYasha made a face, "You always do that."

He looked at her reclined form for a moment and then questioningly into her eyes.

"I'm not apposed to you joining me for a nap." Kagome closed her eyes and pursed her lips prudishly.

InuYasha was happier at that statement then he should have been, but he hadn't expected her to even be talking to him right now, and here Kagome had admitted she was wrong, he hadn't gotten subdued, she had barely cried, and now he was curled around her sharing her bed. Finally.

This kind of fight he could deal with.


A/N: Sorry for disappearing for a while, I wasn't even editing well and gave up the whole deal to refresh. Looking back at the chapter, I'm not quite back yet.