InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Oops ❯ It’s There! ( Chapter 19 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or any characters there in.

A/N: It's a pretty short chapter, but it wraps up these adventures in modern time. Food disclaimer. Not being well versed in Japanese food and food habits (Not enough to deal with cravings and comfort food for pregnant women) I have been forced to draw on foods and habits I am familiar with. That being said, enjoy.

Chapter 19: It's There!

(Day 45)

InuYasha squinted at one of the three books that were spread around him on Souta's floor. Stupid evolution of language and technological advances.

Stupid mothers making him think about the stupid future.

Hell, he probably wouldn't survive the quests anyway. Not now that he had something to live for. Of course it would be just as cruel for him to get stranded in the future or something.

He could see it now. Kagome going out and working to support him and the pup, kid, whatever, while he hid in a dingy room staring at the wall. Reliving his past battles to hold on to some shred of his own identity. Unable ever feel the light of day on his face.

Ok, maybe he was exaggerating. But the other shoe was going to fall sometime and Kagome's mother was right, he had to try to prepare. He brought his attention on back to the book in front of him.

Stupid fractions.

InuYasha halfheartedly threw the book at the wall. He'd deal with math later. Right after he dealt with science. Right after he dealt with reading.

InuYasha stood with a frustrated growl. He needed a snack.

Down in the kitchen Mrs. Higurashi was already making him a sandwich.

"Ah, InuYasha!" She beamed at him, "I was just fixing you a snack. How's it going?"

"I hate fractions." InuYasha grumbled as he took a bite out of the sandwich.

"Have patience InuYasha, you're making good progress." She turned to continue preparing dinner.

InuYasha would have Keh'd or Feh'd but he was distracted by food.

The door to the outside opened and closed and soon Kagome stomped into the kitchen, grumbling.

"Hello Kagome." Her mother chirped, "Tough day at school?"

"Do we have any whipped cream?" Kagome stuck her head in the refrigerator.

"Um, no." Her mother answered, "I'll put that on the list. Do you want anything with that or will you spraying it directly into your mouth?"

"Just the cream momma." Kagome flopped down next to InuYasha, a jar of apple butter in one hand and a spoon in the other.

"Kagome!" Her mother took the jar away, "Use a bowl!"

"I was going to eat the whole jar." Kagome pouted.

"I can't let you do that, dear." Her mother put down a small bowl of apple butter in front of her.

Kagome immediately filled her spoon and stuck it in her mouth.

InuYasha watched all this quietly. Women are strange.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"What makes you think anything is wrong?" Kagome said then glanced at her mother.

"… I don't know." InuYasha watched as she stood and washed her now empty bowl and spoon.

"I need a nap before homework." Kagome announced in a crisp voice, "Don't follow me."

InuYasha watched her leave. She hadn't looked at him once since she got back.


Mrs. Higurashi found InuYasha playing Othello* with Souta in the living room a few hours latter, "InuYasha would you tell Kagome dinner will be ready soon?"

"Do you think it's safe?" Souta asked InuYasha, only half joking. The pregnancy had been hard on him too.

InuYasha ignored him and walked silently to Kagome's, their, room and carefully looked inside, "Your mother said dinner would be ready soon." He said quietly.

"I'm not hungry, go away." Kagome's voice floated up from under the covers.

"Did you faint again?" InuYasha crossed his arms, if she had fainted, she was staying with Keade when they got back. Even if he had to tie her down.

"No!" Kagome sat up pushing the comforter down as she did, "I would have told you that!"

"Then why won't you look at me?" InuYasha scowled at himself, did he have to sound so pathetic?

"I… just can't stand the sight of you right now." Kagome explained in a common sense way.

"What?" InuYasha blinked at Kagome, `What the hell?'

"Well, if you didn't have long white hair and golden eyes and break long jump records from a stand still, the rest of the school would have believed everyone on the lawn and the rumors wouldn't have exploded like that!" Kagome glared at him, "The rumors I had to deal with this morning are nothing compared to the what people were saying this afternoon." She flopped down on the bed again.

"What are they saying now?" InuYasha knelt near her head.

"… I don't want to tell you." Kagome whimpered, "InuYasha, would you have married me if I hadn't been pregnant?"

InuYasha froze, suddenly he understood that feeling that Kouga got that warned him of danger. Maybe he should lie.

"Would you?" InuYasha asked back.

"What?" Kagome rolled onto her side and looked into his eyes, "I-I haven't even graduated High school yet!"

"And I haven't gotten revenge on Naraku yet." InuYasha sat back slightly, worried about her reaction.

Kagome just sighed unhappily, "That's what I thought." She returned to looking at the ceiling.

InuYasha leaned forward again, trying to read her better. Should he say something?

"It really blew up." Kagome mumbled, "They were saying I was sleeping with both you and Hojo, that I got pregnant with you to trap Hojo, and when that didn't work I had to marry you. They said I was sleeping with lots of guys and on drugs and that's why I was absent all the time. It was awful."

"They're just insults, they don't matter. Right?" InuYasha moved closer to the bed.

"These aren't insults, they're rumors." Kagome pouted, "Besides, I never said they didn't hurt."

"You said you were prepared to deal with this." InuYasha pointed out. If she couldn't deal with a few teenagers, how was she going to deal with things in his time?

"I said…" Kagome sat up and looked at him unbelievingly, "I can take a few rumors InuYasha. I can deal with ignorance and stupidity and misplaced pity. I'm having trouble dealing with people that I have known most of my life, that have known me most of theirs, being willing to believe I'm a manipulative drugged out slut that got herself in trouble! But, if you want the truth InuYasha, that's not bothering me half as much as the fact that I know they're right."

Kagome hunched over, folded her arms over her chest and gave him a pained look.

"… Your not…" InuYasha started slowly.

"Yeah, no, I'm not a manipulative drugged out slut." Kagome conceded before he could deny anything, "But I am a teenager that got herself pregnant."

"I did that." InuYasha stated gruffly.

"It takes two to tango, InuYasha." Kagome stated wearily.

"We were married that night." InuYasha started, but Kagome interrupted.

"No, InuYasha, you married me that night." She fumbled with her hands, "You marked me. I didn't know anything about it for weeks. You didn't even tell me about it until you found out about the baby and Momma asked if you wanted to marry me. I don't even really know that you did mark me."

InuYasha bit his cheek against the wave of anger at that statement. Anger was not going to help him here.

He moved to sit next to Kagome on the bed, and spoke softly and deliberately, and with only a touch of rage, "I marked you that night. If you don't believe me, ask Shippo." InuYasha reached over and caught one of Kagome's nervous hands in his own and his thumb stroked the twisted white band on her finger, "I marked you a few days ago, by your tradition…." He tilted his hand to show the plain white band on his finger "You are carrying my pup, and you marked me. That's… all I know."

Kagome turned to look at him in the eyes. She was surprised, what he had said was in anger, but… "That's… I-I know, I… know."


The next afternoon Kagome sat in class in her bubble of silence. No one was talking to her, except for Yuka, Eri and Ayumi. Hojo would look concerned in her direction when he was around, but didn't approach her. But the silence didn't bother her, the fact that they weren't talking in whispers anymore bothered her. The fact that they should know better bothered her. But most of all, the fact that InuYasha was right bothered her.

She had said that she was prepared to deal with this, but she hadn't known how bad it could get. She hated how people looked at her, from hostility to pity to everything in between. They should know her better!

`But, so much of what I have told them lately has been lies…' Kagome bit her lip and stared unseeing at the paper on her desk. She had built a house of lies, little ones, harmless ones, true. But still lies. It was amazing that they had believed them so completely for so long. It was no wonder that they doubted her now. But doubting the truth and believing that about her! It was too much. All Kagome could do now was hope that something bigger took her place on the rumor mill.


Kagome hadn't seen InuYasha all day. She had half hoped he would rescue her from school. But that was silly, she wouldn't have gone with him. Probably.

She entered the house and immediately trudged upstairs to her room. All she wanted now was to soak in a nice long bath. `Maybe InuYasha will join me…' she thought lazily.

When she got to her room she found InuYasha sprawled on the floor, one arm covering his eyes.

"InuYasha?" Kagome said quietly, "What's wrong?"

He removed his arm and squinted at her, "My head hurts."

Kagome knelt beside him gently, "You have a headache? You never get headaches."

"I have one now." InuYasha grumbled. Mrs. Higurashi told him he might get one if he didn't take a break, "Could I… put my head on your lap?"

"Um, sure. I guess."

There was some adjustment of positions, but in the end Kagome was leaning against her bed with InuYashas' head in her lap. Absently she began stroking his forehead.

"Is that better?" She whispered.

InuYasha gave a slight nod and almost smiled, this was much better. Kagome's sent was relaxing him, driving the tension from his body, like it always had, and easing his aching head. He lay in silence letting Kagome pet him gently when he became conscious of a strange thrumming sound. It sounded kind of like ….

InuYasha rose slightly and spun around so that he was supporting himself on his hands and knees.

"InuYasha, What…?" Kagome looked at him in alarm.

"Shhh." InuYasha pushed her back a little so she was inclined slightly, then pressed one ear to her abdomen.

Kagome watched his face light up, "What is it?" she whispered.

"I, I can hear its' heartbeat!" InuYasha whispered back, "It's really in there!"

"You can…!" Kagome tried to straighten up, but InuYasha was too strong, so she settled for fake pouting, "That's not fair. I'm supposed to be the first to know that!"

InuYasha just shushed her again and listened some more. It was so fast!

"I put that there." He said in awe.

"And all it took was three days of near death experiences and near complete sensory deprivation for you to make a move." Kagome said wryly.

InuYasha growled at her and slowly rose up her body to kiss her lightly on the lips as he ran his hands over her waist, his thumbs stroking her stomach.

"Imu…!" Kagome mumbled against his lips and pushed against his chest when the kiss intensified.

InuYasha grunted and backed off a little, "Kagome, it's been days!"

Kagome gave him a curious look, "No it...." she shook her head, that wasn't really an argument worth having, "The doors open. Mom would kill us if Souta walked in."

InuYasha looked away from Kagome to the open door, maybe he should just take her to the forest… she'd never go for it. He jumped up to close the door and find some way to secure it.

Kagome decided she should get off the floor, before she spent the night on it, and just managed to stand when InuYasha knocked her back onto the bed.

She looked up into his laughing eyes, "But, the door…" she looked over to see her desk in propped against it. "My desk!"

"It's fine Kagome." InuYasha nuzzled her neck.

"But… the lamp and-"

InuYasha growled and ran his fangs along her neck, sending shivers down her spine.

"That's not going to get you out of trouble every time, you know." she sighed, "Eventually I'll stop you anyway."

`But not this time.' He smirked.


A/N: Othello, for those that don't know (or know it by some other name) is a game played on a grid involving chips that are black on one side and white on the other. The object of the game is to get as many of your opponent's chips the same color as yours before you run out of moves.