InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Open Moon ❯ It Begins ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Life as a pirate wasn't all fun and games, and it sure as hell wasn't easy.
But when Inuyasha had joined this particular band of scurves, he had expected it to be.
He had joined them in the first place…to find out who killed his mother and father. He'd had dreams about it, more or less nightmares, but Inuyasha had never come to the answers yet.
He knew they were murdered. It was a gut feeling he had ever since his first nightmare when he was 6 years old. Behind the locked door he had always failed to open was the answer, and he just had to find the key.
One other (and very secret) reason of why he set out and became a pirate was in the hopes that he might find his half-brother. Yes, there was a small space in Inuyasha's heart for Sesshomaru, but he would never, ever admit that to anyone, not even himself.
His main mission, though, was to find his parent's murderer, at any cost. Inuyasha wanted his sweet revenge on this scum, for taking away the only people in the world who ever gave a damn about him…the only people who ever loved him…
Except for Miroku. He was like a brother to Inuyasha (a brother he actually liked: P) and he trusted him with his very life.
He and Miroku had been friends since very young childhood. After Inuyasha's mother and father had died, Miroku's mother had taken him in and treated him as if he were her own. But she died a long time ago, so Inuyasha and Miroku had learned to take care of themselves at a young age. Miroku had tagged along with Inuyasha when they had offered their service to the captain of the ship. They basically only had eachother, so it would've been wrong if one of them just went off on their own.
Inuyasha pondered on all this as he leaned against the railing of the ship, watching the moon make the waves glow.
He sighed, and turned to go back into the cabin, when he saw a light. Not a star light, or even a moon light.
Candle lights.
`It's about time,' Inuyasha thought, as the ship slowly, and quietly, approached the docks of London.
`Tonight will be one helluva night.'
Kagome felt something. It was strange, it felt like something was coming. Something big, and something frightening.
She sat up in bed, a slight frown on her face.
“Come on, Kagome, get a hold of yourself,” she whispered to herself firmly. “It's the middle of the night, and your supposed to marry the biggest idiot in the world in two weeks, so your nerves are just a little…frazzled.”
Kagome lay back down in bed, pulling the blankets closer to her chilly body. The night was calm, and she could hear it's calming sounds from her opened window. Everything was at peace, and she had nothing to worry about, or so she thought.
Suddenly, Kagome heard distant yelling and what sounded like clattering metal. She sat bolt upright in bed, listening hard.
`It sounds like…men…' Kagome thought, mild fear beginning to constrict in her stomach. `And…' she listened harder to the sounds of thrashing metal, which were coming fearfully closer and closer. “Swords!” she hissed out load.
Kagome flung the blankets from her franticly, ran towards her bedroom door and grabbed the handle, when she realized that it was hot.
She looked down, knowing what was coming, and saw a sheet of orange light and thin gray smoke sheeting in from the other side.
`Oh my god, they've set a fire!' Kagome thought, completely terrified. She suddenly noticed that the men she had heard, or at least several of them, were in her house.
`Oh no, Father!' she suddenly realized.
Kagome knew she had to find a way out, and get her father out before the fire spread, or the men that cast them found them. Why they had set fire to her house, she didn't know, but she didn't really care at the moment.
The slightly calmed and focused girl headed for her window, praying that none of the strange men would find her before she could save her father.
She put her hands firmly on the sill of the window and leaned out, looking down to the middle roof. Kagome gulped when she saw the 3-story height she was about to climb down, but pulled herself out of the window carefully and climbed down onto the center roof. “Well, that was easy enough.” She said, standing on the roof. It was freezing and the winds were harsh, but she continued on and hurried over to her father's bedroom window. But before she could even touch the sill, an unfamiliar man's head stuck out from the window. She screamed, and turned to run god knows where, but the man's arm reached out and grabbed her arm firmly, and painfully. Kagome reached over and punched the man in the face, and to her complete shock, he released her and fell back into the bedroom. She stood wide-eyed for a moment, completely amazed by her own strength, when she remembered that she had to get her father out, but then she realized that there were what had appeared to be pirates already in the house. “Pirates? Why were they here?” she asked herself, confused. “Ok, never mind that, I've got to get out of here, and get father.” Kagome reminded herself firmly.
She quietly walked to the edge of the roof, and felt dizzy at the height she was at when she peered down. She was shivering so badly now, and not just because of the cold. She could hear people screaming from everywhere, and she saw probably running in and out of houses with priceless items and bags of gold coins. “Damned pirates…” she whispered angrily. “How dare they-“
Kagome was suddenly cut off short when a large fat hand covered her mouth from behind her. She jabbed her arm in his jelly-like belly, but all that erupted from him was a small groan, She jabbed with all her might one more time and the pirate let out a low yelp and fell backwards. He rolled roughly down until he reached the edge and fell to the ground with a loud thump. Kagome quickly turned to try getting in to her father's room again, but three tall, skinny pirates were climbing out from the window already, grinning maniacally. She yelped out of reflex and turned every direction trying to find an escape route. There was nowhere, nowhere…but down.
She closed her eyes tightly for a moment muttering something about god not giving a damn about her anymore, and ran quickly to the roof's edge, chancing a glance back at the now heel close pirates. Kagome didn't hesitate and jumped for her life off of the roof. Yeah, she screamed like a madwoman as she fell, but only for a moment, for Kagome suddenly realized the warm arms wrapped tightly around her, but what still confused her further, was that she seemed to be flying in the air. She looked up, and nearly died of shock.
A boy with waist-long white hair and deep, golden-amber eyes was flying at an alarming speed, holding her bridal style in his arms, the lights of the village fires playing magically across his scowling features. He looked down at her for a moment, and she thought she saw a slight glint in his eye, or maybe she imagined it, it was only there for a moment. Kagome tore her gaze from the mysterious flying boy and turned her attention back to the fact that she was flying. Or, at least, he was flying, and she was clinging to him for dear life. `He saved me…” she thought, a small forming on her lips. `Mmmmm…I'm getting really sleepy…'
He jumped from burning housetop to burning housetop, chancing glances at the girl in his arms. `She's…Beautiful…'he thought. Inuyasha didn't mean to save her. He was fighting a police officer, when the sight of a young girl running off a house near-by caught his attention. He knew exactly was she was about to do, and abandoned his battle with the law-keeper.
Inuyasha hated it when his pirate mates attacked women and children, so he couldn't just stand by and watch as she made the mistake of thinking that diving off of a 3-story building would save her from the idiots.
So, yeah, he jumped just in time to catch the strange damsel in distress, and was thankful that she didn't scream and hurt his sensitive, bandana-clad dog-ears.
To his complete surprise, the girl seemed thankful to him, the way she was tightly clinging to his neck like that.
Inuyasha suddenly realized that she might not know he was one of the pirates who set that house on fire. Honestly, he didn't have any idea that there was someone inside the household, the light were off. How was he supposed to know?
Inuyasha snapped back to the present and searched for a safe place to land. He thought that when they landed, it would probably be best if he told her he was a pirate and maybe she would go running and screaming in a safe direction.
He spotted a small, dark clearing on the edge of the forest, and turned to land.
Inuyasha landed gracefully without a sound, and walked straight towards the forest, the girl still in his arms. He made to put her down, but stopped dead when she realized she was fast asleep. A small chuckle erupted from deep in his chest, but it died quickly when he realized that he had no idea what the hell he was going to do with her now.
`What a mess I've gotten myself into. Just for saving some stupid wench.' He thought, shaking his head at his own stupidity, adding that he should've `just left the wench on the roof'. But he took it back as soon as he looked at her beautiful sleeping form.
A content sigh escaped the girl's lips, and he couldn't help but chuckle at that.
The hanyou looked around in the darkness, his demonic eyes searching for somewhere to put the sleeping girl. He spotted a small, but apparently empty shed, about 40 yards ahead, and decided that it would be good enough.
Inuyasha walked on, the dreaming Kagome snoring softly into his chest.