InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Open Moon ❯ Forgive and Protect ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

~ I'm so sorry it took so long to update, I've got a lot going on with school just starting up again. But enough of the lame excuses.
On with the story!~
“Tea's fine.”
Rin nodded and awkwardly walked towards the pantry.
`I can't believe he's actually here!' She thought, completely taken off guard by his surprise visit. The woman wanted so badly to just hug him tightly and never let go, and tell him how much she still loved him, even after her lover left her for what she thought was forever.
She put the hot water in the tiny china teacup, and walked back to the kitchen table where Sesshomaru was sitting. He looked up, and their eyes met for a moment. Rin was absorbed in those magnetic golden orbs of his that she had missed so much since the day he left. But the moment passed quickly as she handed him the cup. The man bowed his head slightly, before lowering the cup down on the table. Rin sighed. `Same old Sesshomaru…' she thought.
“Rin, I-“
“No, Sesshomaru, please-“
“I'm sorry.” He said firmly, staring her in the eye.
She appeared to be at a loss for words, until her face contorted to outrage.
Sorry? You think that after leaving me, not coming back for who knows how long and not even sending one letter to let me know that you were still alive, that that one word will make me forgive you just like that?!” Rin yelled, standing up from the table.
Sesshomaru blinked, but his face still remained emotionless. He thought wildly for a moment that maybe he should say `yes' but he knew that would only make things worse, so he stood up from the table like Rin, but remained silent.
Rin looked slightly startled by his actions, but she continued to speak, this time using the softer side of her voice.
“I need to hear three words, Sesshomaru. The three words you said to me so long ago. I need to hear them before I do anything else.” Her eyes were welling up with tears now, and Sesshomaru felt his heart sink lower.
But when his mind processed what she had just said, his heart did a thousand bellyflops. “Do you mean that…you still-“
“Yes, even if you never do…” Rin interrupted quietly.
Sesshomaru knew that he had broke her heart, hurt her emotionally, and had almost ruined her life, and now…she was giving him a chance…a chance to start over. So he did the only thing that came to mind to prove how much he loved her.
He downright kissed her.
“Stupid wench…” he muttered, as he lay the girl down on the floor on top of a blanket he found on one of the shelves in the shack. He thought that maybe that would warm her up, but it seemed that the sleeping girl was still shivering. The hanyou rolled his eyes. “Will you just get warm already!” Inuyasha snarled, crossing his arms as he observed her. He didn't even know why he cared so much. He didn't know her, he hadn't actually met her, and yet he didn't want to go back to the town where the pirates were currently having the time of their life until, for some reason, he knew she was safe. Something about her made Inuyasha feel like…he had to protect her.
So, she was still cold, and Inuyasha wouldn't be satisfied until she was warm. He growled in frustration. “What a waste of time, I should never have saved you, you know.” The angry boy hissed, pointing an accusing finger at the burden that was curled up on the floor.
She mumbled something completely inaudible, and snuggled closer to her knees.
Inuyasha suddenly felt ridiculous. He was talking to someone who couldn't hear a word he was saying. And better yet, it was someone he shouldn't even have been talking to. The strange girl was meant to die in the fire, and if the rest of the crewmembers got wind that one of their own had saved someone they had intended to have beg for her life, well, it would not be a pretty sight. Inuyasha hoped that none saw him flash by when he had caught the girl as she fell from the roof.
Inuyasha searched the shelves once again, and whispered `ah ha!' when he felt the soft, wooly material of yet another blanket. “There,” he said laying the blanket gently on top of the girl. "Now I can get back to work, and you can continue to be dead to the world. Everyone is happy.” The hanyou said triumphantly, crossing his arms and observing the lump that was Kagome as if she was a piece of art that he had just finished after a hard day's work. He took a deep breath in, and nodded. “Time to get back to work.” Inuyasha mumbled, as he turned and walked to the small door of the shack.
He turned and looked back at the girl he would never see again (not that he cared, right? ;) ) frowned slightly, and continued his way out the door, leaping back into the night.
If looks could kill, Miroku was sure he'd be dead by now. The captain was not pleased. While they were all out raiding and a blazing the streets of London, the captain had decided to leave Miroku in charge of guarding the ship along with a few other crewmembers. Yeah, he left Miroku in charge.
Oh boy.
“I honestly didn't mean to, sir, but a lovely lady in distress is not something to be ignored.” The lecher defended himself. But, of coarse, it was of no use. The captain was gone way beyond the wall of anger, and was now on the verge of either exploding or killing Miroku right on the spot.
All of the crewmembers were watching with high amusement, trying not to laugh, hunching over and slapping their legs from behind the captain. At least they were out of the line of fire.
Miroku, the responsible, loyal mate he is, had left his leader duties to save a young woman who's boot was caught in a large root. He had spotted her running towards the boats, probably thinking she could escape by water, when her bootlace had snagged a large tree root sprawling out of the ground. His fellow guards hadn't noticed him sneaking off. They were too busy complaining about how it wasn't fair that they had to stay and guard while everyone else got to set everything on fire. Meanwhile, Miroku had been sweet-talking the young, and slightly frightened, bootlace root woman, and not one guard, of whom had been in a small huddle to the far left of the harbored ship, even sensed the presence of someone nearby. The brave mayor had gathered some of his most prized warriors, and had snuck over to the right of the ship, bright, cackling torches in each hand. Yep, you guessed it.
They set the ship on fire.
Which lead to one of the raiding pirates to notice the enormous ghostly figure of blazing fire out where they had harbored their ship. Which lead to that pirate running and yelling that the ship was on fire, causing the captain's heart to lead in his throat, which caused this very moment of genuine anger and distress.
“Miroku…you are the dumbest, most despicable piece of shit I have EVER met,” the captain was hissing through clenched jaws. “And if there was a next time, I never, EVER would have left you in charge…But unfortunately for you-“
“Come now, sir, you couldn't kill one of your own men, could you? Would you?” Miroku said, strangely calm. Of coarse not, now let's settle this with a non-violent-“
Just then, the captain had grabbed the monk by the collar of his pirate style vest, and was glaring at him, his eyes huge and outraged. “WHEN `ONE OF MY OWN MEN' ENDS UP BURNING OWR SHIP TO SHRIVLES, AND IT TURNS OUT THAT THE MAN RESPONSIBLE IS THE ONE I LEFT IN CHARGE, THEN BELIEVE ME, MIROKU, I JUST MIGHT RECONSIDER!”
None of the crewmembers had ever seen the captain so angry, and were starting to realize that this seriously was not a laughing matter. But the captain seemed to calm himself a notch, and he released the man who had remarkably remained quite calm through the whole argument. He took a deep breath, which was quite shaky, but let it out with a little more strength. He turned to leave, where he was going, no one knew, but he turned and looked pointedly at Miroku. “You'll pay for this, Monk. If it's the last thing I do, I will make sure that you pay one hefty find. And you'd better except that fact.” He stated threateningly before turning and heading back in the direction of his unknown destination. Miroku smiled slightly.
“With pleasure.”
Unfamiliar lips were caressing her own, softly…gently.
Everything was dark. She'd tried so hard to see the face of the boy who owned those lips, but even though it was dark anyway, she was a little too busy to really notice anything but the mysterious lips. A warm hand was gently caressing her back, while another was pressed against the nape of her neck, pulling her in closer to a warm, welcoming body. Suddenly, while she kissed as best she could back, her lids went red, meaning that it was finally light enough to see who it was that was giving her so much pleasure with just a kiss. Excitement bubbling in her chest, she slowly opened her eyes so that they were only half lidded, and was greeted with two beautiful, pools of gold figured into two magnificent eyes framed with soft locks of white hair-
Kagome awoke with a gasp, sitting up and breathing harder than normal. Everything was pitch black, she couldn't see a thing, but the air of the room felt…strange. `That dream…' she thought. ` That face was…so familiar. Yet it wasn't at the same time…' Her thoughts continued to confuse her further, until suddenly she realized that she was not in her own bed. She couldn't be. After all, her house had burned down. She gasped as she remembered the previous night, or, for all she knew, it could've been the previous week. Panic beginning to rise in her chest, Kagome blindly searched for the edge of the strange bed. Finding it, she slipped off quickly and walked as far as she could before finding a wall. Her hands guided her, and a few bumps and bangs later, her hand felt the smooth, round shape of a door-handle. Gulping, Kagome slowly opened it, being as quiet as possible. It was also dark in what she assumed was the upstairs corridor; she could just make out the dark shape of stair railing about 10 feet away.
A dim light was coming from downstairs, and she could hear voices. It sounded like a woman…talking to a man. Kagome distinctly heard the words `so why did you kiss me', which only confused the poor girl further. `Where the hell am I?' she thought desperately.
The girl still stood frozen in the doorway of the room, thinking hard on what she could do to try and figure out where she was, and how she got there. The mysterious man and woman were still talking downstairs, though it sounded like a rather intimate conversation.
Gathering all the courage she had in her, Kagome slowly walked towards the stairs, her thoughts only wandering back once to her…pleasurable… dream.
There's chapter 3 for ya. Yeah, I know I keep updating each chapter, but chapter 4 is already started and is on its way to you. And thanks so much to InuButterfly for giving me some tips on the prologue!