InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Open Moon ❯ Fire ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Yes! I've FINALY added a new chapter! I genuinely apologize to those who've read the first few chapters and wanted more. A few personal things came up that I couldn't ignore. But here I am, with a new chapter for you ^_^. And there will be more, more frequently posted, as well. Thank you for all your support! Let me know what you think of this, if you don't mind. I love concrit with a passion, so feel free to tell me how I can improve. Now, on with the story!
"Why did you kiss me?"
Sesshomaru looked away, maintaining his flawless lack of emotion. His cold mouth opened, before closing again. His steely eyes darted to Rin's, hoping she hadn't noticed his moment of weakness. She had, and her arms crossed as she impatiently awaited his reply. Finally he spoke. "To shut you up?" he said, a dignified innocence laced into his tone.
Rin nodded and she looked at him, unblinking. "To shut me up. Of course! I don't even know why I asked that..."
Sesshomaru sighed heavily, quite irritated. Didn't she know him better than this? Apparently not. "It was the only way I saw fit to make it obvious that I-"
"Please, Sess. This is not the time to fool around. If I were actually important to you than you wouldn't."
"...I'm trying to explain to you now-"
"Can't you even muster a little bit of sense and be serious for once?! Can't you explain yourself properly?!"
"...That's what I'm doing-"
"But I should know by now that you simply just don't give a toss about me anymore, after all you did leave me."
"You're wrong-"
"Are you even listening to me?"
"If you do not stop I'm going to have to kiss you again, with which I have no problem whatsoever, but you seem to."
Rin stared at the demon in shock. She seemed to tremble slightly. Sesshomaru's brow wrinkled and his face managed to contort with concern. "Rin, are you alright?"
Rin looked to the floor, her face suddenly sad. " want you do. I don't want it to be based on your mission to silence me, though," she smiled slightly, ignoring his last question. "These times are changing, Sess. For a long time now, I-I've feared that I would face these changes alone, " her tiny voice wavered slightly as the words spilled from her. "Why? Why did you leave me?" Her eyes remained fixated on the ground.
Sesshomaru stiffened slightly, before walking towards his love and lifting her chin with one slender white finger. "What's more important," he began, forcing her to look at him. "Is that I came back."
Rin's heart fluttered unbearably, sending rockets of happiness through her every fiber. Her tiny hands reached up to ring around his neck, pulling him down to her. Their mouths connected, opening slowly and pressing gently against one and other. The demon's want for the young woman in his arms grew steadily as his arms wound around her, pressing her tiny body to his.
They were lost in a haze of ragged breathing and wandering hands when suddenly there was a loud THUMP. In the blink of an eye, Sesshomaru had turned, has back facing Rin protectively, and drawn his sword. A young girl lay at the foot of the stairs before them, rubbing her bottom. She looked at the couple then, in an apologetic way. "Sorry," Kagome winced. "I was just wondering if you could tell me where I am you people are?"
Rin smiled, laughing lightly as she gripped her companion's arm, forcing him to lower his weapon. "Yes, yes, of course. Are you alright, though?"
"I'm fine, I just tripped there on the last step. I was trying to be quiet..." Kagome said dismissively as Rin walked over and helped her stand. Sesshomaru's curiosity picked up, but he secretly felt a strong wave of annoyance at the interruption this girl had caused. He spoke, shoving his irritation to the back of his mind. "Why were you in our shed?" he asked monotonously as he sheathed his sword. Rin's stomach felt like flying at his words. Our shed?
Kagome frowned at him, utterly perplexed. Rin explained. "We found you there a few hours ago. You looked like you'd settled yourself in for the night."
"What do you mean?" Kagome asked, worried about her loss of memory.
"Well, you had a blanket, for one thing. You were sound asleep, also."
Slowly but surely, Kagome's heart turned to ice as she remembered what had happened. Her house. Attacked. By pirates. Not only her house but also the entire town. Her father...
"Father!" she cried, her eyes opening wide. She ran to the door. Rin looked at Sesshomaru, her face contorted with worry. The demon beat the girl to the exit, staring down at her with cold eyes. "Would you care to explain yourself before you go?" he frostily demanded. Kagome shook her head vigorously, attempting to get around the giant man. "Let me through! My father was still in that house when-"
She suddenly cut herself off as a pair of topaz eyes crossed her memory. She looked up at her obstacle then, shocked to see that his eyes were so identical to...
"There was a boy..." she whispered. "He...he saved me...why?...
You look like him. A lot like him," she eyed his long, milky locks along with his supernatural eyes. "But colder," the girl added. This guy's eyes were steely, frozen. The one who'd saved her had held warmth in his golden melted honey...
Rin gave Sesshomaru a knowing look, suddenly piecing everything together. He didn't look at her, though. A feral growl rumbled through his chest, sending chills down Kagome's spine. Rin swallowed hard, but was not afraid. "What is it?" she asked timidly. His face remained calm, but his voice was dripping with poison. "Inuyasha."
Inuyasha crouched upon a treetop, balancing himself steadily as he observed the chaos below. Blood-curdling screams ripped through the night air. The hanyou inwardly cursed. Yes, finding the killer of his parents would be quite pleasing to him. But lowering himself to this damnation was not an easy price to pay. His stomach turned sickeningly as he watched a fellow pirate drag a struggling young woman into the trees beneath him. His blood boiled. How dare these animals call themselves men.
Inuyasha cringed as he fully realized that he wouldn't be able to help the victim in his crewmember's clutches. He couldn't be seen defying their law.
'No Mercy. Willingly given mercy means betrayal. Betrayal Means Death.'
He'd come too far now to ruin everything by throwing away his own life for another.
And yet he'd risked his life to save that girl's. He hadn't been positive that none would see, and yet he'd jumped to her rescue. He was pretty positive that he hadn't been seen committing the act, but still...there was still that extreme chance he'd taken.
Inuyasha began to wonder how that girl was doing this very moment. Was she awake? Would she remember the face of her savior? 'Feh, don't matter anyway. She's just a useless wench, after all. We'll never meet again for sure,' he thought, pushing the memory of her face to the darkest pits of his mind. Its ghost remained, though.
Before the hanyou could dwell on it any further, a sudden loud cry of pain reached his furry white ears. They perked up, flicking in the direction of the sound. It came from directly below him.
The cry was very masculine.
As Inuyasha swiftly landed on the ground with a soft 'thud', a woman with dark, earthy-black hair swung a large piece of wood at his head. He barely dodged it, ducking his head low just in time at an inhuman speed. He stared at the furious woman, realizing it was the same one he'd seen moments ago being dragged away to be penetrated.
He backed away quickly as she swung at him again, the board in her firm hands narrowly grazing his arm. "What the hell do you think you're doing!" the hanyou yelled, staring at her with a mixture of confusion and fury. He noted the unconscious man lying in the dirt behind her. She spoke through gritted teeth. "Get away from me, pirate!"
Inuyasha turned his head back briefly towards the town a few yards behind him, shuddering as the screams and loud crashes continued. A fiery glow reflected off of the large clouds of smoke that hung above the crowded houses. But no one was watching.
He returned his gaze to the woman in a heartbeat, not letting his guard down. "Listen, wench, you'd better get the hell outta here before things get worse."
The girl stared at the strange man with long pearly hair and dog-ears. What was he on about? "You listen to me, pirate," she bravely began, still grasping the piece of wood defensively. "Why would someone who wants to kill me give a toss about my survival?"
Inuyasha growled. "Just go, okay? What you want to know is my business, and my business alone."
A look of genuine pride filled her eyes as she spoke next. "I am Sango Taiji. I have more respect in my blood than someone like you could ever hope to attain. To run away-" she swallowed, before continuing. "-Is to kill my family."
The hanyou tensed, understanding her words. She would be betraying her family if she ran now. No doubt they were back in the village, either fighting for their lives or already slaughtered. "I can't help you save them," he said, crossing his arms to make him appear crueler than he truly was. He looked as if he didn't care whether they lived or died, which, in a way, he honestly didn't. But he knew in his heart that if he were not a pirate, if he was not partly involved in all the madness being unleashed behind him, he would indeed help this woman rescue her family, if they were still alive.
Sango nodded curtly, her brow wrinkling before she ran past him into the fiery streets of London.
Inuyasha stood motionless for a moment, a sudden mental battle between himself and himself raging in his head. He could try to do it. It could work if he was extra careful. But one slip up and he could say goodbye to his head. The risk he would be taking to save a couple of strangers would be heavy. "Hey," he whispered, smiling to himself. "What's more fun than risking your life for something as stupid as this?"
With that, he turned on his heel, his flowing white locks blowing in the cinder filled wind as he strolled towards Hell itself.
A young man sat motionless on a moist rock by the sea. Every black wave that rolled into the shoreline soaked him thoroughly. He sighed. "It truly was an accident," he said to himself, shrugging.
"I just don't get it...I suppose I'm just not accustomed to the lack of forgiveness my fellow crewmembers hold for me."
His crest-fallen head turned to the right. A few yards away sat a huge washed up pile of burnt wood. The last hour had not been pretty. Not only had the ship caught fire, but it had exploded rather violently in a matter of minuets. How was Miroku supposed to know that they'd left most of the gunpowder behind?
Yes, Miroku was in quite the sticky situation. He'd been banished from the crew by the Captain himself. Although, he considered himself exceptionally fortunate. His hands came up to gently ring around his neck, savoring the feeling. 'Inuyasha certainly won't be pleased with me,' he thought, unafraid of his hanyou friend, but still worrisome. This meant the end of their companionship. This permanent separation would doubtfully faze his friend too much, but Miroku felt a wave of hurt wash over him as he hung his head, smiling sadly to himself.
He suddenly wondered when the crew would be returning. He knew he had to depart soon, but if there were one thing he could have, it would be a moment to bid his best friend farewell.