InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Open Your Eyes ❯ Open Your Eyes ( One-Shot )

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Disclaimer: Inuyasha is not mine, sadly. But I own the owl! It's MINE.
Open Your Eyes
She hated him. She really did. How he could forget about her in an instant, the moment he lay eyes on that Kikyo. She hated his silver hair, his stupid dig ears, his golden eyes. She hated the way he always came to save her, the way he carried her away. But most of all, she hated the way she loved him.
Kagome wiped a small, unshed tear from the corner of her eye as she turned over in bed. Staring at the ceiling, she sighed deeply. The silver-haired hanyou was always on her mind these days. Even when she wasn't even in his era, he still plagued her mind with memories of him. How could he do this to her?! She glanced at the clock beside her bed. The glowing lights read: 00:43. She closed her eyes, determined to fall asleep, but behind her closed eyelids as familiar face emerged again. The face of Inuyasha. She had an important test in a few hours! She must get a good night's sleep. Turning over once again, she snuggled up under her pink covers and screwed her eyes shut tightly.
A dark shadow passed over the shrine. The owl hooted softly, head twisting to look at the strangely garbed creature. Silver hair blew in the cool breeze as a window on the second story of the house slid open. The creature crept inside and the owl turned away.
Inside, the creature glanced at the sleeping figure laid across the bed. A small smile crossed his lips and he brushed a lock of hair away from her face. He sat cross-legged on the floor next to bed and lifted his head to look at her face again. In his eyes, it was beautiful. Everything about her, her smile, her soft touch, her gentle words; he loved it. But what of Kikyo? Did he love her too? He answered himself. He used to. Kikyo is dead now, he reminded himself. She's dead, and you can't do anything about it. He didn't need her anyway. He had Kagome. His Kagome. Only his. He stood up.
“Kagome,” he whispered. A faint crease marred her forehead. “Kagome,” he repeated, smiling. “Open your eyes, Kagome.” She did not stir, her eyes remained firmly shut, although the creases disappeared. “I want to tell you something, Kagome. Promise you won't tell anyone else?” He almost laughed at himself, talking to a sleeping person.
The sky outside was starting to turn a dusty orange. A lone bird chirped a morning greeting, another answered. Inuyasha turned to look. The small, unimportant sounds of early cars sounded outside, but he ignored it. He focused on Kagome once again.
Leaning over her her, her face inches from his; her regular breaths moving his hair slightly; their lips seconds away, he spoke so quietly he could hardly hear it himself.
But Kagome heard.
“I love you,” he said. “I love you.”
Her eyes opened in one swift movement, startling him. He made as if to stand up, but her warm hand reached out and took hold of his sleeve. She smiled, a tired smile, but one nonetheless. He relaxed and she pulled him closer. A trickle of sunlight escaped into the room as their faces neared each other's once again.
“I love you too,” she whispered back, eyes shining in the new sun.
He let out a gasp of surprise. She had heard him? Chuckling, he reached to touch her face again, cupping the soft skin with a clawed hand. He leaned down, their lips met and dawn broke over Japan.
A/N: -gasp- An Inuyasha fic! You better believe it! Damn, that anime is so addicting. But anyways, I was writing this while listening to Open Your Eyes by Alter Bridge. I love that song. So catchy. Anyway, review and enjoy!