InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Operation: INUCRIME ❯ Suite Sister Kagome ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Operation : InuCrime
Disclaimer: Although I am of the Inu Tashio Clan, I do not own Inu Yasha , Kags, Sess, Miroku, Sango ,Shippo , Kirara , Jaken or Rin .
They belong to Takahashi -sama. I don't own Operation: Mind Crime either, or Giuseppe Verdi's Dies Irae Requiem.
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A/N: I'm sorry it took so long for me to post another chapter. There is a reason behind this though : I GOT A NEW JOB !!!!!!!! YAY!!!!
Anyway , arigato minna for patient!!!
Inu: "YAY , Skye gave us a sex scene"
Kags: *Turns red *"Yeah she did" *Sweat drop"
Inu: "Can we have more sex in the next chapter????"
Me: " Yash, your more hentai than Miroku"
Kags: "I've been trying to tell everyone that for a long time."
Inu: " Feh...I don't hear you complaining at night Ka-go-me"
Kags: "I don't complain in the morning or afternoon either, but neither do you."
Me: "They should have wrote you all as a hentai anime"
Inu: "Hell yeah!!!!!!"
Kags: "Shes gonna write again, so lets go get hentai, puppy."
Me:" Nymphos."
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A/N: This chapter takes place approximately 8 months after the previous.
Chapter 7: "Suite Sister Kagome"
Dies irae, dies illa,
Solvet saeclum in favilla,
Teste David cum Sibylla.
Day of wrath and doom impending,
David's word with Sibyl's blending!
Heaven and earth in ashes ending!
Quantus tremor est futurus,
Quando judex est venturus,
Cuncta stricte discussurus!
Oh, what fear man's bosom rendeth,
When from heaven the Judge descendeth,
On whose sentence all dependeth!
Yash stood on a street corner leaning casually against a pole. The phone rang that evening; waking him out of the first deep comfortable sleep he had experienced in months.
He pried himself from the grip Kagome had on his arm, trying not to wake her. He had made up his mind that soon he would be leaving the gang, this is not the life he wanted for him and Kagome, he could see this even through the haze of the drugs her and he consumed daily , it seem the only way to dull the pain.
It was Naraku, who he was loyal to and tonight though there was a job to do.
It was dark; the moon remained barely a sliver and the recent fallen rain on the dark pavement caused the light to reflect like a mirror.
Naraku's silver Mercedes pulled next to the curb,the window rolled down and the Hanyou bent to look inside.
"Kill her that's all you have to do." Naraku said calmly.
It all hit Yash at once Naraku for some reason had decided that Kagome was not fit to be in his operation and she knew too much.
There was only one way he would deal with it; to get his best hit man to take her out.
"Kill... Kagome?" Yash asked dumfounded.
"She's a risk, and get the priest as well." Naraku directed. Yash had no problem killing Miroku. Kagome had confessed to him what he had done to her on that Alter for so many weeks until he had showed up at the convent. He had been waiting for a chance to act on his hatred for him and make Miroku atone for the pain he had caused his beloved.
The car window rolled back up and was off leaving the Hanyou torn in his thoughts.
10 PM
Lightning flashed over head and the rain appeared heavy again as Yash mad his way back; all the thoughts and feelings swirling in his mind a reflection of the storm around him.
Despite the down pour he walked slowly, clothes soaked his long silver locks clinging to his wet face.
He couldn't believe that the person he looked up to, who had treated him like he belonged and made him feel important to the cause had just asked him to kill the one woman he loved, his salvation, his Kagome.
People in the streets were running for shelter from the downpour. 'He could have asked me to kill any of these humans, I would have done it for the Revolution, why Kagome? Anyone else would have been so easy, WHY KAGOME???'
He continued to walk trying to sort out what to do. He decided he would take care of Miroku first.
Miroku had gone to another church that night to visit another corrupt priest in Naraku's Operation.
Yash kicked the heavy door down to found him and his friend drinking scotch in the office, laughing about how many women they had while they were in their robes.
"Get out!" the hanyou yelled at the other priest; the marks appearing on his cheeks his youki took over. Miroku made his way to stand as Yash pulled him by his robes and held him feet dangling.
"So priest, how many women have you poisoned with your stench while in those robes? Tell me?" Yash commanded, flashing a fang.
Miroku trembled in fear, he never believed in the church he "served" but now he was sure a devil had risen from hell and was there to kill him.
The first blow was meant to make him suffer, his jaw cracked easily under the demons strength.
Vengeance continued as Yash broke the priest's hands. "Think you can put your hands on her now ...Father?"
He threw Miroku back in the chair and knelt in front of him.
" I will kill tonight again Father but this won't be a sin, so I have no need of your forgiveness."
He picked Miroku up again from his robes dragging him to the main hall and throwing him on the Altar knocking the object over on the floor.
"Do you feel as hopeless as she did... Priest? Alone maybe and terrified not knowing what will happen next. Your 'God' will not save you, you know."
Yash pulled his gun out and aimed it at Miroku's head. "I guess you don't feel like fucking on the Altar now."
Miroku closed his eyes waiting for the hammer to fall.
Instead Yash dragged him once again over to the holy water bowl and made him kneel before it. "Look at me you sick fuck!" Yash yelled.
The fallen father lifted his head slowly to meet the gaze of the demon. He looked like an angel of an angry god's wrath, silver hair laying on his black clothes his eyes red as the blood he was about to spill in Love's name.
Miroku would take that image with him to hell.
"Why Kagome?" the hanyou whispered as he rose his weapon to the priest's forehead and cocked the hammer back.
"She's mine now." Yash whispered as he pulled the trigger and the holy water turned red.
Yash finally arrived at the front door of the convent, the door opened as he walked up the last slate step.
Kagome stood at the doorway, she was dressed in her habit tonight her face lighting up as she saw him.
"What are you doing out in the rain? I've been waiting for you come in" with that she kissed him softly.
He took her hand and sat her beside him in one of the pews. Kagome slid the wet leather jacket off his shoulders and threw it on the floor.
He took both of her hands in his and looked her deep in her eyes. His eyes gave off a soft amber glow as the candlelight in the church danced on them.
"Kagome you're just a whore for the underground, they made you pay in guilt for your salvation; thought you had them fooled? Now they've sent me for you 'cause you know too much for your own good."
Tears started to swell up in her eyes; Yash pulled her small form to him and held her tight. "Don't offer me faith; I've got all I need here. What we need is trust, to keep us both alive. Help us make it through the night." he pleaded.
Kagome's will broke, her heart ached and she couldn't see a way out, she wanted to give up.
After all the things she had been through and she had finally found the one person that took the pain away and yet again she was destined to a hell she didn't comprehend why she deserved.
She was convinced she was never to be happy, but she wanted Yash to be spared the wrath of Naraku; so she begged him to do what he had been sent out to: "I've no more want of any faith so bind my arm and feed my mind. It's the only peace I've ever known so I'll close my eyes and you shoot."
The pain shone in the demon's eyes as her words were spoken. "No, Kagome, I will be your strength, I will protect you tonight and always; the priest is dead as he did I just watched him bleed."
Kagome kissed him deeply and her arms found their way around his neck. She felt his wet t-shirt and pulled it over his head and their tongues battled again for dominance.
Low moans escaped Yash's lips as she raked her nails slowly up his back leaving deep red scratches on the taught skin.
He picked her up and walked her towards the door to their room, she stopped him. "I want you here, help me spit the memory from my mind." she begged.
He kissed her once more softly, he understood what she wanted, to be taken willingly where so many times she had not.
He made his way to the Altar and sat her on the edge as his pushed everything onto the floor.
Yash smiled at her then laid her back. Kagome again voiced her wishes, "No, I want to be on top Love." So he took off his wet jeans then made his way beside her and Kagome climbed on top of him.
He reached up and pulled the headpiece off releasing her black shiny locks onto her habit. She lovingly looked at the demon below.
His skin tanned and his waist length silver hair spread on the golden marble of the Altar that matched his glowing eyes.
Dark and light met as she captured his lips in a searing kiss, her tongue demanding more.
Yash broke the kiss. "You are wearing way too much." She smiled and started to lift her habit over her head, but he stopped her. "Oh no...leave it on." he asked. Kagome looked at him curiously.
Then he ripped the clothing in half and opened it as if it were a robe. "Beautiful." he breathed and he pulled her down to continue where they had left off.
He moved to her neck and she let out a loud moan. Kagome felt him stiffening against her.
She pulled back to take her bra off, her panties he simply ripped off with his claws. She positioned her self above him her slickness coating him below as she rocked her hips.
"I want you Kagome", Yash pleaded not being able to take anymore of the sweet torture.
Kagome guided him inside her she paused for a moment just enjoying the sensation. She put her hands on his chest and Yash reached up to cup her breasts as she started to ride him slowly.
His hands traced her curves to her waist, as he watched her porcelain colored body bounce underneath the black of the habit.
He reached down further his finger making its way to her clit begging for attention. "Oh.... yes more." she moaned when he picked up his pace to match hers. Her first orgasm hit hard. "Inu... yash....aaaa", she screamed she tightened even more her grip on him.
She continued to rock faster, her wetness now covering him in warmth. He grabbed her again by the waist to help her balance.
"Harder... Kagome" Yash begged as he became even harder inside her, Kagome could feel him start to shake below. She looked into his eyes "Come for me.", she whispered. With that he let go and her second orgasm hit, and they cried each others names to Heaven.
My lady of pain, always alone
Blind you search for the truth
I see myself in you, parallel lives
Winding at light-speed through time, you're mine.
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Next chapter: "The Needle Lies"