InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Operation: Seduce Her ❯ The Misunderstood Bet ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Operation: Seduce Her

Chapter 2

"Kagome! Have you seen my earrings?! The pair that you and Kagura got for my birthday?"

Lots of objects were being thrown around out of a very messy closet, and one in particular hit Kagome.


In this era, there is no such thing as sleeping in anymore. Kagome grabbed the shoe that hit her face and threw it towards Sango who was heading to the washroom, half hoping it would connect to her thick head and knock her out. But unfortunately, missed.

"Kagome, be serious! I planned to have breakfast with Kohaku today and I'm already 15 minutes late! I overslept and now I'm in a hurry! Can't you be a little more supportive?" Kagome groaned and turned over then fell back to sleep. "And besides, don't you have to work at the club today?"

"Oh shit!" Was all she said before jumping up from her bed and running to the washroom. "Sango! I need to use the bathroom mirror! I haven't gotten my make-up on! LET ME IN! Open the door or I'll never let you sleep at my place again!"

"Fine, fine...gees calm yourself girl. It's not like you're going to get fired." Sango calmly said from inside, who still hadn't opened the door.

"Hey! Don't jinx it!" Kagome raised her fist to pound on the door again, but almost fell over when Sango suddenly came out. "Took you long enough! It's just a damn earring and it's not like you're going on a date.." Kagome froze halfway from bolting inside the bathroom and arched an eye brow, "Or are you?"

"Go get ready already or you're going to be late!" Sango tried dodging the subject as she focused on strapping her buckle down onto her shoe.

Kagome rolled her eyes and slipped inside, closing the door behind her. "Well you better get going yourself, don't want to disappoint your baby boy do you?" Kagome giggled and covered her ears, as an ear piercing scream from outside rang out.

Turning on the sink faucet, Kagome gazed into the mirror, "God I look like hell. I really need more sleep, check out these bags! Just plain hideous. Well that only means more make-up. Weee."

As quickly as she could, the young girl polished herself and ran her fingers through her hair as she rushed out of the bathroom. It was 8:30 AM when she checked her watch. Quickly, she pulled on a red spaghetti strap top, black jean skirt, high heel buckled shoes, grabbed her purse and raced out the door.

As Kagome walked down the busy streets of Tokyo, the sun shone down on her face creating an exotic complexion. Traffic buzzed through the air on this refreshing Friday morning. It was a perfect day and nothing was in the way of ruining it.

A few steps after Kagome started jogging through the park for a shortcut when she saw him again. Hey .. isn't that Sesshomaru's what's-his-name friend? she thought.

"Hey!" Kagome yelled, along with a small smile that she managed to conjure up. He, on the other hand, just ignored her and continued his jog, with a slight limp. Ignoring her ... this time. "What a jerk! He was much more welcoming the other day. Hope he trips and falls flat in dog shit, then scratches that pretty nose of his!" Hey, can't blame her for being nice and actually greeting him. Which reminds me, Ayame got a job at the pub just down the street. Maybe I should check how she's doing and grab a drink while I'm at it. She thought.


"The usual today?" Ayame asked her customer. He nodded towards her before she went into the kitchen. Ayame wasn't like them; she was the good daughter and respects her parents a lot. Definitely unlike Kagome, she's still in school and doing quite well, actually, doing excellent.

Ayame smiled when she saw Kagome walk through the pub doors. Kagome returned a smile and slid onto a stool in front of her friend. "The usual."

Ayame nodded and slipped Kagome a cup. "Here's your milk tea with extra honey. So how was the club yesterday? Too bad I can't go, only seventeen and plus my parents wouldn't allow me even if I am legal." She sat down and pouted, making Kagome laugh.

"It was fun, excluding the part where Kagura left me for Sesshomaru which made me carry Sango home by myself. She's heavy, not to mention!" Kagome took a sip of her drink. "Hey Ayame, why don't you come with us to the Mr. DJ contest tomorrow night? It'll be fun!" Ayame's face immediately lit up, but a second later, her face dropped.

"I'm not legal yet, I won't be able to get in."

Kagome smiled and wiggled her eyebrows. "Don't worry! I know the bouncer at the club; he'll let you in as long as you stick by my side. Just don't let your parents know that you're going, or I'll lose my job. Deal?"

"Deal!" She got back on her feet with a big smile and tended to the customers that just walked in. She had a feeling as if she was going to get caught, knowing how over protected her parents were.

Oh crap, I'm totally missing work. "I gotta go now! See you later!" Kagome yelled across the room for her friend to hear.

"Leaving already? But we still have to talk." She peaked her head over the counter.

"No, I'm late for work and besides I'm a big distraction to you right now. Wouldn't want you ending up like me!"


Kagome walked into the club finding only a couple of people chatting and drinking. That's business during the day, doesn't get any bigger than maybe a crowd of six to eight people. She went to the back employees' lounge and put her purse down. "Hojo!" she yelled to the back of the bar.

Hojo's head popped up behind a counter and flashed Kagome a warm smile. "I'm here! Why Kagome, you're late."

She giggled and became serious again, "Sorry, overslept you see - " before she could finish he stopped her short.

"Teenage girls," he sighed. "Don't stay partying late at night anymore when you know you have work the next morning, got it?"

"Yeah, I'm so sorry sir. Oh and Hojo, I was wondering if me and the girls can get tomorrow night off? You know that Mr. DJ event that's held here and we really want to party. Pleeeeeaaase?" She mustered up the best puppy dog face she could do in front of the soft manager, which caused customers to turn their way.

"Alright, alright! You girls deserve a break anyway." Obviously the customers' stares had made his decision and yet he wanted to keep a tight reputation.

"Yes! Thank you! We love you so much!" Kagome jumped up and surprised Hojo by giving him a big hug. When she released him, she looked a little unsure.

"Don't worry."

"No not that, I mean, are you going to make us work on longer shifts for ditching our jobs? You know that's a real pain to me." Kagome eyed the customers, trying to hint for help. "I've been really exhausted lately."

"Alright, alright, I promise I wont then." He gave in for the last time and stared back at the customers who automatically continued their thing, pretending they had nothing to do with their conversation.

"Awww... Hojo my man, I love you baby!" Kagome leaned in to give him a peck on the cheek this time. She was a perfectionist at persuading her boss.

"Why do I have a sudden feeling that you're sucking up to me Kagome?" He narrowed his eyes destructively with a hint of sarcasm.

"Hojo, how could you think of me like that?" She faked her sweetest voice and laughed. "Oh and are you sure it's alright?" She double checked in case it would have been mayhem without his prized bartenders to help out for the big night.

"Don't worry, I've got everything under control."


The young hanyou buttoned up his shirt but left the top three open. The girl in the corner pulled up her black skirt and tied her hair back into a pony tail. She had long black hair, silver dyed on the tips.

"So far you've been my best." The boy snorted as he looked over his shoulder at the girl, who smiled slyly at him.

"I knew I wouldn't let you down..." she whispered into his ears as she stroked her hand through his silky, shimmering silver hair. "You have nice hair you know? And your ears, I just love them." As she began to reach for them, the boy immediately stopped her.

"Don't even think about it." He warned in a dangerously low voice, as he handed a stack of money to her. She flipped through the stack and looked disappointed.

"Only a thousand?" She was expecting more than that coming from the wealthy bachelor known for his money.

"I said you were good, but not that good."

"You said I was your best Inuyasha!"

"Just take what you have and leave. It's over Yura, I only wanted the pleasure of one night, wench." The female walked out of the door and slammed it shut. The male, Inuyasha, took out his cell phone and pressed speed dial.

"I'm going out for a drink. You coming?"

"Yeah, I'll be right over," the man on the other line replied. Inuyasha hung up without a goodbye. The door suddenly smashed open again, revealing the oh so selfish Yura.

"Uhh what the -" Inuyasha blinked, "I told you to leave woman! What more do you want?"

"Umm, my purse?"



"Where's Kagura? I can't wait to break the news to her," Kagome cheered as she re-filled a customer's glass of bear. "Where has she been lately? Probably out with Sesshomaru again..." she continued talking to herself before getting out from behind the counter and posting the Mr. DJ contest banner by the front entrance. As she turned around, someone had tapped her shoulder gently.

"Hey, you wanna dance?" Appearing behind was a male with brown hair tied back in a pony tail, his sapphire eyes shimmering in the faint light. What's with the head band? Totally not in these days. Then she recognized him.

It's Kouga.

"Aren't you Sesshomaru's friend?" He collapsed in Kagome's arms before an answer. "Uhh.. I take it that you're drunk, Kouga .. and don't even give me that face. You look like you're about to - " before she could finish, her instincts immediately warned her to let go before he threw up all over her. She'll just let him throw up on the red cashmere carpet instead.

Sighing, Kagome dropped the unconscious Kouga and bent down to lift him up.


Two men stopped in front of two huge doors, and listened to the music pounding from inside. One of the guys, who had his jet-black hair tied into a small ponytail and brown eyes shining, grinned. "Club Trance eh? Not a bad place to find a couple of chicks."

The other guy, who had striking amber eyes and long silver hair, rolled his eyes and punched his friend on the shoulder, "Shut up Miroku. You're here to get drunk and forget about the misery, my friend. Like you with your ladies."

"And you?" He turned and focused his attention on him. Obviously, he knew what he was here for.. the girls.

"I'm here for the fun...if you get my point," he smirked. The two friends stood in front of the entrance that led to the other world beyond the two doors before them. They half grinned, approving the place they were about to enter.

The boy with the long silver hair flashed his amber eyes and raised his eyebrows. "So I hear this is the best bar in Tokyo." He pushed the door open with his friend following close behind. The vibe and aura in the air changed once they stepped through. The music they heard inside sounded ten times more louder. Everything seemed much more alive and much more wilder. They liked what they saw.


"Oh you're a dead man Kouga, Hojo's going to crack the whip on you," Kagome grunted and dragged him to the side, leaving him to find her boss.

Just when Kagome had left, the two young males approached the counter where Kagome was supposed to be taking their orders. The two found some stools and sat on, and began to check out all the girls on the dance floor.

"Hey, what about that one?" the dark haired boy hissed. The other took a quick look, his amber eyes remaining dull.

"I'll pass." He picked at his nail not paying any attention at all.

"Oh god, look at the one grinding! Like or what?" Miroku, the dark haired boy pointed at another girl and raised his eyebrows at his friend. But the amber eyed boy, Inuyasha, didn't react at all. "Guess not. You know what?! You're impossible man. Just look yourself, I'm no longer your man slave," he began to shake his head when he suddenly turned to a direction. "Ah, I know you'll like her... the one in the short shorts!"

Miroku looked at Inuyasha from the corner of his eye and sighed. "Wait, don't say it. If you don't want her then she's mine." Miroku turned his head to his friend and cocked an eyebrow. "Come on Inuyasha, say something! INUYASHA! Snap outta it and have some fun tonight like you said we would."

Still, the uninterested boy was speechless.

"Who the hell are you looking at?! Oh, must have found somebody eh?" Miroku looked toward the direction his dog eared buddy was gazing at.

"Her..." Miroku gazed over and in a split second, he choked on his saliva.

"Are you kidding me?! You like that big lummox?" Inuyasha slapped his arm hard and glared at his friend.

"No you idiot! Not her...her." Miroku squinted harder behind the fat girl in tight shorts that showed way too much, and suddenly, his eyes widened.

Instantly, Miroku regained his composure and slapped a still Inuyasha on the back. "OOoooOh you smart boy! She's a beauty .. "

Inuyasha glared at Miroku, "Shut up and stop checking my girl out! She's mine," he firmly stated before getting up to approach her.

Miroku's jaw dropped open and raised a finger, "What do you mean your girl?"

But Inuyasha couldn't hear him. He had already left.

Miroku sighed. "What am I thinking? It's Inuyasha after all, has any girl in history ever rejected him?" Miroku sighed again and went to admire his friend's charm.

--- -- ---

"Sango!" Kagome shouted over the loud music toward the dance floor. "Have you seen Hojo?"

"No! Why?" Sango yelled back as she swayed her body to the music.

"Nothing, some freak just ruined his new installment of the carpets!"

"HA, you're joking!" I remained silent. "Damn that guy is in for it!" The two burst out in a fit of laughing.

"Yeah I know .. he's gonna .." Kagome froze and cut off mid sentence, who received a strange feel as she felt someone lift her skirt.

"AHH!" She pushed him away and turn face to face with the mystery guy. "May I ask who exactly you are?"

Appearing before her eyes was a man with a strong jaw shape, and small lips. Long silvery hair dangled along his back and bangs that slightly covered his amber orbs. Two dog ears completed his features.

"Inuyasha, call me Inuyasha." He stated with a pleasant smirk.

"Okay Inuyasha - " she could no longer finish her sentence as he placed his index finger to her lips.

"I already love the way you say my name, it turns me on." He licked his lips, "Do you feel the same way?"

"Don't touch me you jerk!" She bit his finger hard, causing the surprised hanyou to pull back, wincing.

Inuyasha raised his eyebrows and shook his finger. "Talk about touchy..." He was surprised that this girl would dare yell at him, but he was more surprised when she bit him. And still, more surprised when he felt a hand whip across his cheek. Hard.

"Ouch, maybe that was a little too harsh Kagome," Sango piped up from behind. She liked this guy, Inuyasha. He had guts. Also, she wanted to see what was going to happen...

"Come on lets get out of here." Kagome pulled Sango by the wrist to look for Hojo, leaving the hanyou behind to deal with a slightly rosy and sore cheek.

Sango pouted. Nevermind. No show. "Aw come on, Kagome, he's our guest here. You can get fired if he reports you."

Kagome tightened her grip on Sango and gritted her teeth. "Did you see what that guy was doing?! I have all the right for my actions. First he lifts my skirt up, puts his dirty fingers that could have been anywhere on my lips and couldn't you tell he was tempted to harass me right then and there!?"

Sango bit in a giggle and tried to sound as innocent as possible. "Oh gee, I had no idea."

Kagome glared at her friend behind her, "Watch yourself Sango, I won't always be there for your back."

"Yeah, your concern touches me," Sango laughed sarcastically, "I'm a big girl and I can take care of myself."


"So ... how'd it go buddy? I can see it went well am I not right?" Miroku motioned for Inuyasha to take a seat when he returned. "Oh and who was that girl she was with?"

Inuyasha sat down and ordered a beer as another waitress who had taken over behind the counter and appeared before them.

"Hey, why the expressionless face? Don't tell me she's a lesbian?! Damn, I liked the girl she was with.. did you see those fine legs and the way she moved on the dance floor earlier? Inuyasha? Come on man, I was eyeing her during your whole conversation over there. Do you think she saw me? What if she didn't? Do you think I'll ever see her again?!"

Inuyasha didn't look at his friend, but spoke. "She wants me, I know she wants me. I could tell by that slap, she's a feisty one. I like those." He took a big gulp of his beer.

Miroku rolled his eyes, "That slap looked painful, I saw the whole thing. No need to cover up." Miroku laughed, "So, the rich and famous playboy, Inuyasha Takahashi got burned, badly may I add? By the looks of that, I bet you couldn't even get her in bed." That had finally got Inuyasha's full attention this time since they arrived here. His ears twitched to the sound of Miroku's devilish words.

"Is that a challenge I hear?"

"Well that's not what I meant, but if you take it that way then -" he was stopped short.

"You're on."


Beads of sweat rolled down the sides of my forehead as I tossed and turned in bed. It's a different dream this time.

I was in a club. I couldn't recognize what club it was. It was packed with people dancing to the music. Many people were drinking at the tables. I was walking around, and searching for something... but I don't know what.

A fight breaks out at a table near me between two drunks. One of them breaks an empty beer bottle. Ladies are screaming and the men are running. I'm too stunned to move, someone runs into me knocking me to the ground. The drunk with the broken bottle is confused and comes near me. I get scared and tried to crawl away. He smiles and throws away the bottle, only to come near me and grab my shirt. I close my eyes and scream but there isn't any sound coming from my mouth. I waited for what was coming .. nothing. I open one of my eyes to see a blurry figure in front of me.

Protecting me.

The drunk throws a punch at the figure who...

Kagome suddenly bolted upright in bed, sweat trickling down her flushed cheeks. Her breathing was rapid, her eyes were wide.

"W-what the... what kind of dream was that? Well at least it was a change from 'prince charming'." She looked to her left which her alarm clock read 5:37 AM. Need to go back to sleep. Was all she thought before lying back down when she couldn't help but mesmerize the never ending images recurring through her mind. What was that all about? Was my dream trying to tell me something?


"What?! You can't turn back on it now! You said your words!"

"I wasn't thinking of doing that." Inuyasha leaned back on his black leather couch.

"Then why are you so calm ever since your encounter with that girl?!" Miroku chewed his bottom lip and made swirls with his finger on the palm of his hand.

"I just don't know why she turned me down like that. It's obvious that no girl can resist my charm. But this one is different, she's rare. I took a good whiff of her scent and she's left me anticipating for more."

"Is that so? She didn't accept the offer you know. By the way, what's her name?"

"Her name, her name... Kagome, I think."

"Kagome. What about her friend?! Her friend Inuyasha!" He shook Inuyasha's shoulders eagerly.

Inuyasha pinched Miroku's cheeks, "Why are you so desperate for that girl?" He knew what the monk was like but he also knew that he could find other ones who were more worthy for him.

"I don't know, love at first sight? Her beauty is just so tantalizing. Wonder if I'll ever see her again..." Miroku drifted off into his own world. Inuyasha pitied the fool.

'Why didn't my charm affect work on her? Damn, maybe I should have started off with an intro instead," Inuyasha cursed himself. "Miroku, snap out of it and listen to me!"

"Yeah?" he wiped his saliva that was drooling from the side of his mouth, which left Inuyasha disgusted.

"Are you going to suck up to me so that you can see your dream girl again?"

"No! Of course not, why would I? We both know the only reason is because Kagome's the first to do such a thing. That would ruin your reputation wouldn't it?" It was true, it was every girl's desire to be around Inuyasha and a dream come true to even catch a glimpse of him. But if something such as news like this got into the wrong hands... things could start getting ugly. You know how news reporters make up the most flimsy lies.

"Yeah, you do have a point there. We're going back to the club tomorrow night."

"Tomorrow night? I see someone's a little desperate," Miroku winked and flinched when Inuyasha punched his arm. "Embarrassed are we?"

"Miroku, shut up... and why are you still here? This is my house."