InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Operation: Seduce Her ❯ Second Impressions ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Operation: Seduce Her

Chapter 3

The DJ contest was about to start in an hour or so and Kagome and Sango still weren't ready.


Actually, it was only Kagura who wasn't ready, and the rest had to wait for her. The three girls were crowded in the back employees' lounge by the only washroom for the staff. Sango and Kagome were dressed in matching tank tops and matching black skirts, Kagura on the other hand was still running through her closet looking for the perfect outfit to look her best for Sesshomaru.

I don't get it. It's just another day of seeing him. I'll never understand how she always gets worked up for that. Kagome thought as she dodged a black high heel hurled at her face.

"Kagura! Hurry up will ya! Sesshomaru wouldn't want you to miss his performance would he?" Sango called with a smirk on her face.

Kagome opened the drawer of her bedside table. "Kagura, I'll find some earrings for you to wear!" She pushed boxes of jewelry aside to find Kagura's favourite hoop earrings. Kagome reached a small brown box and stopped. She knew what was inside of it. Her face clouded over.

It was the box that contained the valuable and precious jewel that was passed down by her mother from generations to generations.

The powerful and mysterious Shikon no Tama.

' "Grandpa, tell me that story again. Tell me how mother and father got together. And what's that word again? Love?" A little girl crawled onto the bed as an old man pulled the blankets over her small body. The man laughed at her granddaughter's words.

"Haven't you gotten tired of that story? I've told you millions of times," the elder sat down near the edge of the bed.

"It's my favourite story grandpa! Please tell me it again!" The little girl pouted, making the man laugh harder.

"Alright alright. But after the story, you're going to have to shut your eyes and go to sleep, okay?" The little girl gave the man a big smile showing two missing front teeth.

The old man clasped his wrinkled hands in his lap and peered at the ceiling, as if he was remembering something a long time ago.

"It seemed like it was just another night of your mom's performance. As usual, she did her dance on the stage, bowed, then walked off into the wings. She was showered with flowers from her adoring fans, and she signed a few autographs as well. She went into her dressing room to change when she noticed a huge bouquet of flowers on the vanity table," the man made a gesture with his arms to show the size of the bouquet.

"That's a really big bouquet of flowers!" The man smiled at his granddaughter's enthusiasm even though she had heard the story many times before.

"She looked all around the bouquet for a card, but there wasn't one. Soon, she just assumed that it was brought in earlier by another fan. But your mother was wrong. Because every night after her performance, there would be a bouquet of flowers in her dressing room, waiting for her. Soon, cards were beginning to come with the bouquet, and it surprised her when it came word by word. One card would just have the word "You." and then the next card with the word "Will" and so on. Half a month later since the mysterious bouquets started arriving, she got 7 cards altogether." Grandfather watched his daughter's eyes slowly droop closed then suddenly opened again.

"Grandpa! Go on, I'm not tired," the little girl managed to keep her eyes half open to show the man that she is paying attention.

The man stroked her granddaughter's hair and continued, "Well, the cards were actually a message when put together so she called her best friend who was also her co-worker into the dressing room to help her with the puzzle. What she didn't know, was that the man who was her best friend, knew what the message said all along. He put the message together in a matter of seconds and read it out loud for her to hear. He read 'I love you. Will you marry me?', and before your mother could say anything, the man got down on his knees and pulled out a purple velvet box holding a diamond ring inside. She was shocked yet deep down inside she told me she had feelings for him too. He confessed that he was the one who ordered all those bouquets to be brought into her room and how he was too shy to express his feelings which he had for your mother since she had become one of the members of the theater..." The old man looked at her daughter's face; her eyes closed and she was peacefully sleeping. The old man smiled and stroked her forehead before turning off the light. " Goodnight my little angel, sleep tight," he bent down and kissed her cheek.

I never got to hear the end of that story; I'd always fall asleep before my grandfather finished telling it. But I know how my parents' life ended. It's another story my grandfather had manage to tell me before he too, had passed away. He was off at one of the wings of the stage watching mother dance and sing. She was an amazing dancer, and that's where I got the love of it. My father was carrying me in his arms and also watching mother. Then one of those big lights from above the stage fell onto her, causing screams from the audience. She was lying on the floor, bathing in her own puddle of blood. Father ran over to her with me in his arms. He crouched beside her body, crying. Grandfather told me that I too, began to cry. Mother wouldn't wake up no matter how loud father called out to her. The doctor said mother died instantly when the light hit her. Father was devastated for months after her death.

Then one morning, I woke up very late and wondered why Father hadn't awakened me. I went into his room only to find him in bed, motionless. I called out to him, but he wouldn't wake up. I started to cry. I screamed causing grandfather with Souta in his arms to come and see what was wrong. It seemed that my father had committed suicide. He couldn't let go of mother so he took a bottle of sleeping pills to be with her, in his dreams... forever. I cried three days straight when grandfather told me of this depressing tragedy. I didn't remember a thing about that day; I assume I was just too young to remember. And I'm glad I didn't because I could never bear to see such a sight

Three years after both my parent's perished. That's when my grandfather handed down the Shikon Jewel to me, when he thought I was capable of treasuring it. I was ten years old that time...

"It's beautiful grandpa, what is it?" I had said.

"It was your mother's. The Shikon no Tama." My grandfather had replied in between coughs. He was getting rather sick .. and rather old.

"The Shikon no what whaa?"

"Passed down from your great grandmother, to your grandmother, to mother and finally you. It's a big responsibility, are you sure you can handle guarding it?" Deep inside, he knew I could.

"Of course, I'll do anything to protect and cherish it."

Where comes a great and mighty jewel, comes a great and ancient prophecy. - -

' Only a two sided heart and a jaded soul will unleash the misery and reverse its purpose ... ' '

".. Kagome? Hello?!" Sango called to me and I woke from my memories.

"Oh, sorry. I kinda drifted off there," she rubbed her forehead and focused on reality. "Are we going?" she quickly put the jewel back into the box and closed the drawer.

"Alright! I'm ready, let's get a move on and see my honey in action!" Kagura came out of the washroom wearing a black dress that went up to her mid-thighs, making her look daring and .. bare. Well. Didn't they all?

"Finally! Let's get going before we miss the oh-so-talented Sesshomaru's performance." At those words, Kagura began to rush out the door calling for us to hurry up.

"We still have another hour before it begins, what's the hurry? Hojo told us to set the tables and clean this place first, and then we're off to go." Kagome yelled after the two and fastened her skirt before leaving and entering the hall. The two other girls moaned in frustration.


"I know I have a tight schedule today but can you squish in a time for an appointment with the bartender?" The dog boy sat behind his big desk in the study and rushed through a stack of papers.


"Yes, and don't question. Just take my demands."

"Yes, my master." Miroku sighed arrogantly in a sissy voice.

"And also Miroku, I want you to do me a favor tonight." Inuyasha's tone was unexplainable yet calm. "I want you to keep your eyes on her all night. Got it?"

"So you're asking me to spy?"

"Keh," The dog hanyou growled, "Keep your eyes on Kagome and observe her every move. I want a full profile on her from the human eye by tomorrow morning."

"What's in it for me?" Miroku questioned with a sly smile.

"If you can get that done then I'll see what I can do for you my good man."


Inuyasha pulled up by the curb of Club Trance. His red SUV sports car seemed to catch the attention of the many people in line. He was ecstatic by the optimistic comments he had overheard throughout the mob of bodies. He smiled in satisfaction, 'Note to self: Pulling up by the curb while slightly pressing against the breaks, causing a screech and leaving skid marks behind in a decorous manner will impress the crowd. Got it.'

"Remind me next time to never get in the same car with you again!" A messed up haired and dizzy Miroku retorted with a glare. "If of course you're not the one behind the wheel."

"Who said you had to? You could have walked here for all that I care!"

"My, that was just my way of complimenting your fine yet dangerous driving skills," the clever boy corrected himself to cover up.

"Whatever. Come on, lets get going," Inuyasha stepped out of his car and took a whiff of the air. "I smell her, she's here..."


As they entered the club from the back, the line up at the entrance was long. Kagome turned around to find an excited Ayame.

"Ayame! You made it! Did you get caught? The bouncer let you in right? See I knew this would work," she gave the girl a nervous smile.

"Nope, I told me parents I was going over to a friend's for studying and I would be sleeping over since it would take a long time to get all that geography crap squished into the corner of my brain." Kagome laughed and wiped that guilty look off her and face stood in a positive posture. She looked at Ayame with a suspicious kind of grin. Kagome had noticed that she had also put on make-up, even though her parents opposed to it. There were tints of silver eye-shadow that matched her silver top and her eyelashes were curled. Her lips had a light glossy pink shine to them as well.

"Ayame! What have I done to you?! I've turned you bad, can't you see?!" She gave Kagome a confused look. "I made you lie to your parents about sneaking out, I helped you get in this club when you're under-aged and you're wearing make up! Which you shouldn't be wearing." 'I have to admit, she does look cute tonight.'

Ayame laughed and waved her hand at the older girl, "Oh come on, and I should be thanking you for bringing the new me out." The young female twirled and finished with a bow.

"If you say so," Kagome still felt a little on the unsure side.

"Hey! Kagura, Sango!" Ayame ran over to their other friends while Kagome walked to the front doors where the crowds of people in the line-up were chattering away into the night.

Hojo gave Kagome a smile seeing her walking near. Then his eyes drifted to the younger girl talking to Sango and Kagura.

Distinctively, Hojo gave her a serious look, "Kagome, you know the rules. No under-ages allowed."

She gave him a small smile, "Come on Hojo! Just this once could you let her in? She wants to get a taste of the wild life before university settles on her." Ayame giggled as she tried to persuade him. Soon, Sango and Kagura started to annoy him with their nagging as well. It didn't seem as if their nagging was working on him, so Kagome decided to go into plan B. She went right up to Hojo, putting an arm around his neck, made light swirly circles with her finger on his chest, and in her most innocent voice, "You know Hojo, I thought you were pretty cute when you had that little bow tie on the other night. You know that mini black bow tie with the white strips. Where is it now?" She gave him a pout. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see the others holding in their laughter. Sango just made a gesture indicating that she wanted to throw up.

Hojo rolled his eyes, but gave in. "ALRIGHT! She can stay, but just this once! I'm only doing this because you're a regular, Kagome. Now get all your bums outside so we can get this night started." He shoved them all by the line-up so they could organize the way. Kagome leaned up and gave her boss a peck on the cheek, "You're the best!" He gave her a grin before pushing her inside as well.

"I know, I know."


The fun had begun and people were dancing to the beat of the night. Lovers were grinding their way to euphoria as others were enjoying the company of themselves and a glass of alcohol. Mist was making its way around the dance floor as colorful and vibrant lights bedazzled every second or two, creating an alluring sight for the eye. Screams and cheers were heard over the loud booming of the music as a crowd began forming around someone singing karaoke.

"Damn my sensitive ears." Inuyasha grunted while he rubbed them and took a seat by the counter with Miroku. "The music's even louder than last time."

"Maybe cause you're sitting right next to the twenty inch speakers?"

"Come on, let's grab a table instead." A sudden vibration in his pant pocket jolted fear through his body. "GAHH!"

"What?! What is it?" Inuyasha reached into his pockets and took out a metallic pink cell phone. "Hey..neat, new cell buddy? But I would re-think on the color there." Miroku suggested, giving Inuyasha a don't-hit-me-if- you're-offended-by-that look.

"It's not mine you idiot. It's Kagome's."

"You jerk! How could you do such a thing to an innocent girl?! Already!!"

Inuyasha gave his friend an annoyed look, "I'm not that low, you dirty minded bastard! It was from the other night.. she dropped it and before I could tell her, she already disappeared." The phone began vibrating again in the palm of his hand.

"And you're gonna plan on answering that? - Okay never mind."

"Yeah, what?" Inuyasha spoke into her phone.

Miroku slapped his forehead, "You could at least show some respect."

"Who?! WHAT? I can't hear you. ... What? Kagome? She's not here right now." He hung up on the other line pretending the reception was bad.


"Keh. Whatever, who cares what you need to say. So .. where's the wench?"

There were a lot more people in here tonight, plus, the vibe was really good, it almost made Kagome dance when she first stepped in after greeting the last customer. But her first step was stepped on by some guy. "OW! DUMBFREAK! SHITTIESHITTIESHITTIE -" She shoved him off her aching foot. She looked up to glare at the guy but only saw a very familiar somebody. He obviously didn't know what he just did. Kagome walked up behind him and jabbed her finger into his back to get his attention.

"Who the fu - " He turned around and surprised her.

"You again - " she quickly lifted her right foot and stepped down hard on his toes and continued walking forward leaving him there yelping in pain.

"Kagome! Wait!"

"Huh?!" She turned around and realized it was the pervert from the other night. "How do you know my name?! And you have no right to call me that!" She turned to leave.

"Wait, I have something you may want..." he pulled her wrist and swung her back causing her to bump into his chest.

"Hey buddy, we aren't friends, family or acquaintances, we're strangers! Get that straight!" She poked her index finger against his chest.

"So we're buddies?" Kagome growled and peered at the boy in annoyance. She didn't really get a chance to look at him last time, and she had to admit, he wasn't horribly disfigured with his long silver mane and fierce amber eyes, a chiseled face and a quite muscular body ..

Kagome shook her head. She was glad it was dark inside, or he'd see her blush. "Seriously, get a life!"

"Hey, chill.. and stop screaming in my ear!" Kagome ignored him and walked away. "Wait, don't you want your cell phone back?"

"So that's where it went!" She smiled grabbing it from his hand but missed and sent a dark glare through his system, "And where exactly did you get that?"

The annoying boy in front of her made a face, which almost looked cute. Kagome raised her eyebrows. Cute? "Ask me nicely and I'll give it back." The dog boy flashed his irresistible smirk.

"Give it."

Inuyasha shrugged, "I can wait."


"NoOoo," he taunted causing her to become ferocious.

That's it. Don't care how cute he is, he's just annoying now! Kagome kicked him in his soft spot leaving him to drop to his knees. Why does that look so familiar for some reason? Her cell dropped to the ground and she quickly picked it up before leaving him.

The poor guy lifted his head from the ground, "Oh, she'll be seeing more of me tonight."

Kagome hurried away from the boy crumpled to the ground and found the girls sitting at their usual table. Sango looked up to see her flushed face, "What happened to you?"

"Bad luck today, just saw that mental jerk from the other day.." She took off her heels and rubbed her poor foot. She looked at Ayame, who was getting very excited by just looking at the place that she could've peed in her pants.

"Ladies and gents! Please give a big round of applause for our contestant number four for his great vibes! Remember to vote for your favorite contestant at 12:30 AM! Now, let's hear it for our next contestant, number 5, DEE-TRIPLE-J!!" Loud clapping and cheers emitted from people all around the club. Ayame seemed to be clapping really hard as well.

"Yo! Dee-Triple-J here gonna sp..." As soon as those words were heard by Kagome's ears, her heart gave a little beat. That voice sounded so smooth, so gentle. ".. first start off with a song by..." The music started to shake the dance floor.

"OH! I love dancing to this song.. what a coincidence.." Kagome's legs seemed to have a mind of their own as she found herself getting closer to the dance floor.

Lost. That's the only word to describe where she was, lost in the ocean of bodies of males and females, dancing to the rhythm of the song. Kagome always felt truly happy whenever she was on the dance floor. But today, she felt something extra, if that was possible. Her smile grew as her body moved with the music. His choice in songs were the best, she danced for all the ones he put out.

"This will be the last song for me, hope y'all enjoy... " Kagome had lost track of how many songs went by, but this DJ had been spinning almost all of her favs. 'He definitely has my vote!' She felt out of control, dancing and swinging her head. Suddenly, her eyes were caught in the sight of the DJ. She noticed he was wearing a black zipper-up with a white tank top under, a baseball cap and a pair of shades that reflected the image of her face which meant that he was staring at her. He also noticed and smirked at her sending butterflies to her stomach. Quickly, he dropped his head and continued doing his stuff. What a weird guy... eh. The song came to a slow stop as the announcer came back on.

"Thank you DEE-TRIPLE-J for spinning us those fabulous tunes!! Remember, don't leave until you have voted! Next is contestant number 6: DJ!"

"I need to get myself a drink.." Kagome quickly removed herself from the dance floor back towards the table. She began pouring herself a glass of orange juice.

"I saw that.." a voice from behind started. Kagome felt his breath against her neck and shivered at the thought. She turned around to see, yup, it was him again. The DJ.

"What the freakin' god is your problem?!"

"I saw you staring at me, baby don't deny it."

"Ew, who would wanna look at you?" Damn that bastard for looking so good, but Kagome really couldn't seem to help it. But seriously, she wasn't looking at him.

"I was watching you. I was watching you dance to my every song. So you like my fine DJ skills?" He wiggles his eyebrows in satisfaction.

"What? OH! That voice, no wonder it sounded so familiar. YOU! You were DEE- TRIPLE-J!" Kagome screamed and pointed at him.

The silver haired boy, what was his name, oh yeah, Inuyasha scoffed, "Took you long enough to notice."

"You and your shades, plus that baseball cap you had on." I knew it was too good to be true, that DJ, which was him, kept looking at me during his performance. Figures. How could I have not noticed? He grabbed her drink and gulped it down in a second. "Hey! That was mine!"

"Thanks, I'm dying here." The ignorant male crushed the paper cup up, "Ooops, did you want that too?" It only caused Kagome to pout and fold her arms displeasingly.

Why did he have such affect on her when he was DJ-ing.. ? No other contestant had that advantage. Ugh, what was she thinking? He's just some loser! Kagome slapped him on his left cheek. "I hate you Inuyasha!" And once again, she ran off leaving him in pain.

He put his hand to where his face was slapped, "She's denying it again. Playing hard to get eh? ...We'll see. Oh wait. She said my name this time. Cool."


Author's Notes: I'll update when I start seeing reviews. ^__^ I get a lot more on I wonder why…