InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Operation: Seduce Her ❯ Love at First Sight ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Operation: Seduce Her
Chapter 4

Kagura was teaching Ayame how to play drinking games while Sango was off dancing and ignoring a few college guys that were trying to hit on her. Obviously Ayame was not a natural born partyer but she was a heck of a fast learner. Even though she knew she probably wasn't going to return to the crazy life again, she was trying to make the best out of her night.
A guy, dressed in an orange windbreaker, cargo pants, and also wearing shades and a cap, stepped onto the stage and gave the crowd a very familiar grin.

Kagura suddenly jumped up and screamed, "OH MY GOSH! It's my hunnie's turn! Sesshy, I love you!!" Kagome covered her ears for Kagura's screaming sounded louder than the music. After all these weeks and days of waiting, her anticipation was finally reaching its destination. He seemed to hear her since he looked up, gave a little wave, and blew a kiss her way. Kagura was thrilled to have a boyfriend like him, seeing as he gave her so much attention.
Kagome chugged down the beer that was on the table and noticed that Ayame was now bored since Kagura had all her attention on her boyfriend, who was now scratching discs. He was pretty good not to mention, he had a high chance and could be the winner of tonight.

"Haha, why don't you guys go and dance?" Kagome took Sango's unfinished drink and drank the rest of it, as Ayame blushed.
".. I don't know how to dance.. like that!" She pointed over to Sango, who was dancing dangerously on the dance floor.

"I'll go if you go with me," Kagome smiled and seemed eager to get out to groove. Besides, it was something she simply adored and there was no chance the young girl's passion would die down on it.

Ayame shook her head quickly and backed away from her friend, "No way, I'm not making a fool of myself out there!" she protested. Her confidence level was surely decreasing on her tonight despite her interest in learning new things. There was one thing she couldn't bear besides bad marks, detentions and being late for class, which was the utter suffering of embarrassment. She did not have any keen significance in doing that whatsoever.

"Come on, you can't be that bad..." she got up and grabbed Ayame's arm and dragged her off her chair before she could protest. Oh well, it was too late.

"No, no! Pleeeease.." Ayame begged as Kagome ignored her and dragged her to the dance floor. They were crammed amongst populations of bodies progressing their way to absolute felicity. Ayame had a atrocious perception blast through her structure, she took it as a warning.

"There's nothing to it, just move to the beat of the music." Kagome swayed her hips to show her. She could see that Ayame felt nervous and kept on looking around. "Haha, no one will notice. They're too busy dancing which you should and will be doing as well." Kagome grabbed Ayame's hand and tried to lead her but that didn't help, her legs were stiff and didn't want to move. Kagome was confident and certain to get her friend grooving, if not at least she was trying to help someone in need. After a couple of minutes of trying, she just hopelessly gave up.

"I guess dancing just isn't for me." The poor girl sighed, "I'm gonna go back to the table so Kagura won't feel lonely, you guys have fun.." she gave a fake smile, which caused Kagome to sigh. She knew Ayame wanted to dance, she just needed to loosen up a bit. School girls these days, apparently Kagome had no idea what it was like to live the stressful life of her desperate friend in the urgency of pleasure and games.

"Wait, Aya - " Ayame turned around to go back and disappeared into the crowd of dancing people. Kagome began following her back, but soon she couldn't find her among the heads.

"Kagome-san, teach me more moves!" She could faintly make out Sango's voice and nodded before giving one last look but Ayame was no where to be found.

Ayame walked around the people who were dancing and trying not to bump into them on her way back to the table. "Excuse me. OOF.... p--pardon me.. OW.. " Someone's arm hit Ayame's side making her tumble into a short, stout man that was dancing behind her. The guy turned around with an angry expression but seeing how pretty she was, quickly covered up with a sickening sweet smile.

The man grabbed her arm and winked at Ayame, lust filling his beady eyes, "Hey babes, how ya doing tonight? Looks to me like you aren't having much fun. Come and dance with me, and I'll show you how it's done.." By now, Ayame was scared and backing away from him.

"No, you stay away from me.." The now terrorized sixteen year old had never had to come upon a situation such as this one before. First timers scarcely came across smooth outcomes and if by chance they did .. well, its most likely that they just don't.
"Come here babe, I won't hurt you. Just one dance .. it won't hurt!" He walked closer towards her until she could smell the alcohol in his breath.

"No..." her voice squeaked out her protest but legs were too scared to move. The guy was about to put his arm around her shoulder when a taller man with brown hair, wide shoulders, sharp chin and around the age of twenty-three grabbed his arm.

"What the?!" The short man looked over at the person who just interfered, anger evident in his eyes. Ayame looked up, surprised.

The taller man glared at the short one and spoke in an icy tone, "I don't think this miss wants to be touched by you. Get away from her or you're gonna have to answer to me."

"Who the fuck are you to her?" The short man yanked his hands away and motioned for his buddies to come over. About five other guys came and stood behind him. A little man such as himself needed back up, not very surprising. But he did look as if he was a hobo, a rather prepared one with his own gang which left the two victims quite intimidated.

"Why would it matter to you," the taller guy stepped in front of Ayame for protection, giving her a sign that he was concerned for her. The mystery man did not only act like a gentleman but also displayed his determination in his posture to fight back.

"This guy is pissing me off, get him!" The short man stepped back as his men all ran towards him who stood in between their boss and their boss's soon-to-be new girl. Punches were thrown at him but he blocked them and punched back. The short man was shocked to see his men getting beaten up, and he backed away. His anger boiled more as soon as all his men fell to the floor in pain. "No one! And I mean no one messes with us!" With that, the short man charged ahead and threw punches out at the guy who still stood with no scratches on him.
Ayame was now kneeling on the floor with tears streaming down her cheeks, silently begging them to stop fighting. By now, people around them had stopped dancing and were watching the scene.

Ah, his men were all wussies, but this one seems to be rougher... I better be careful. He warned himself. Before he knew it, the short guy produced a knife from within one of his pockets. Ayame screamed as the short man missed her savior's throat but instead made a slight cut on his right cheek. What?!?! Oh no, this wasn't suppose to involve weapons little man. You're gonna pay.. The guy unleashed multiple punches along with swift kicks. The kicks and punches were too fast to be blocked and the short man soon found that his defense was falling and finally he could feel the hits making contact with his body. With a final punch in the nose, the short man fell unconscious to the floor with blood running out of his two nostrils. Ayame gasped at the sight in front of her for the short man almost fell into her lap but missed by a good inch or two.
The man's men had recovered enough to walk and they quickly hauled their boss out of the club. Seeing as the fight was over, the people surrounding them just went back to their dancing. No, Ayame escaping that situation was something as simple as a fluke or further more just plain old luck.

"Are you okay?" The tall man knelt in front of Ayame to see if she was hurt.

"I'm... I'm fine.. t-thank you," she stuttered as she tried to regain her strength to stand back up.

"Here, let me help you," he grabbed her shoulders and lifted her to her feet and supported her as they walked to the nearest table.

"I'm fine, really," she blushed, "But your cheek is still bleeding.." she reached into her back capris pocket and pulled out a small silver handkerchief. Lightly dabbing away the blood that was running down his cheek, she covered the cut in hope for it to stop bleeding.

"I can do it, than - " he lifted his hands to hold the handkerchief on the cut himself, but she pushed his hands away.

"It's the least I can do for you. You sort of risked your life to help me." He gave her a smile for her kindness. Ayame couldn't help it but smile back.

"I should be the one who should be thanking you. You practically got rid of those creeps for me. Thank you very much.. umm..."

"My name's Kouga."

He has such a gentle voice. Plus his smile is so adorable! And not to mention those sapphire orbs which totally bring out his features. With the man who saved her, Kouga, so up close, Ayame saw almost every detail in his sharp face. She didn't realize she was staring, until she saw him look somewhere else. Blushing, the young girl quickly continued dabbing his wound. "Thank you Kouga. May I call you that?" She gave him a big smile.

Kouga smiled, showing a set of straight white teeth. "Sure, I guess you're -"

"Ayame! We've been looking everywhere for - umm, am I interrupting something here?" Kagome came up to the table where she and Kouga were sitting at and eyeing them suspiciously.
Kouga? What a surprise...

Ayame noticed that she still had her hand pressed on the handkerchief on his cheek and quickly grabbed his hand to replace hers. Kagome gave them the eyebrow. "Oh, Kagome! I'm sorry, I uh.. kind of got lost in the crowd and Kouga here, helped me out." She gave a nervous smile and Kouga gave a little wave when his name was mentioned.

Kagome raised an eyebrow, her face suspicious. "Really, how? Then why was your hand on this guy's cheek? Does he have really smooth skin like Kagura or something?!" Kagome narrowed her eyes at the guy who supposedly bumped into her the other night when he was drunk.

Her stare made Kouga sweat nervously, "It's not what you think umm... Kogoma right? There was an accident an-" Kagome put her hand up to silence him.

"And her hand just unexpectedly landed on your cheek right? Yeah buddy, heard that excuse millions of times from guys who '
accidentally' have their hands on a girl's ass."

"Kagome, liste - " Ayame was cut off when Kagome burst out laughing.

After she calmed down, she waved her hand at them, "Okay, okay...I was just joking with you guys. I saw the fight, but I never expected it to involve the two of you." The other two sighed in relief but glared at Kagome, who giggled. "Oh and are you alright Ayame?" She nodded. "What about you Kouga?" She saw the cut, "Come with me, and looks like you need a bandage." Kagome grabbed his wrist and led him through the bodies of people and into the back lounge. He slightly blushed but she didn't notice perhaps because he was following close behind her.

The back employees' lounge was big and comfy. It sent a welcoming aroma around Kouga's body as he entered. Multi-colored bean bag chairs surrounded a round coffee table in the center. The pale white walls were covered with many paintings of spectacular scenery which were sure to appeal to the eye. A disco ball hung from the ceiling just above the coffee table and spinning slowly, causing flashing specks of light to wander the room. Skirts, jeans, ladies' under garments and other clothing were scattered on the beige carpet beneath their feet.

Kagome took detect of Kouga's look, "Hey, I'm sorry this place is kind of messy. We don't plan on having any guests in for you, for saving Ayame, I can make an exception," she smiled flashing a dimple on her left cheek while holding his head and placing the bandage in place.

Her touch is so tender.. so soft and she looks even better close up - was all the wolf man had on his mind. Kagome sent energetic vibes throughout his system. "Thanks.. so much."

"No problem, that's what friends are for." Kagome was overwhelmed by Kouga's previous actions and had already considered him as a friend.
"I'm leaving."

"Where to? What, so fast?"

Inuyasha growled back and grabbed his coat before slipping out of the club without paying further attention. The distressed male grew bored and decided to leave in addition, Kagome was no where in sight.

"Wait! I'm coming," Miroku got up after.

"No, you're staying," he yelled back before the doors closed in his face.

"He better reward me well for this." Miroku sighed as he scanned the club for the girl. A group of drunken males and females walked passed and one of them spilt their drink on Miroku's lap. "GAHH! Cold.. cold." He lifted his head and looked straight ahead where he saw Kagome coming out of the hall and entering the main club with Kouga by side. Wait .. KOUGA?!

"Dude, sorry about that," the young male with a groovy accent chuckled as his group walked off. Miroku just ignored him as he watched Kagome laugh at something Kouga whispered in her ear.

Shit! Inuyasha's not going to like what he's got to say. He kept his eyes focused on the young female and his companion. Or was he more than just that? That's when Kagome bumped into Sango and her so call companion, Kouga, left. Ah hah! There was his princess from the fairy tales. He decided it was best to make a move before he lost his chance. The delighted Miroku got off his stool and headed their way.
"Why hello there," Miroku placed his hand out to shake Sango's. A rather casual first impression was a good start.

"Hello? Do I know you?" She questioned and did not return the shake. Her voice was like music to his ears, his heart immediately melted on the spot.

"Um...hey, I'll leave you with your friend now Sango. I got to use the ladies room." Kagome left in a hurry, must have been an emergency.

"Huh? Wait! But I don't know this -" Miroku interrupted as he put his arm behind his back and laughed.

"Would you care to dance?" He faked his most polite voice along with a seductive grin.

Sango raised an eyebrow accusingly, but managed to speak in a polite manner. "I'm really sorry, but have we met?" He seemed like a gentleman at first. That's when his perverted side took effect. Miroku secretly slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her close so that they were looking directly at each other.

Sango's eyes widened, "Ahh! Get your hands off me!" She pushed him away as he bumped his head against the wall and slid down to the floor. "That just proves looks are deceiving." After spitting those words in his face, she rushed off towards the ladies room searching for Kagome. Miroku saw her faint figure running towards the hall as his vision became clear again. Despite the curious guy he was, he sneakily followed her and after turning a corner, she was gone.

"Ladies room I suppose." He waited outside for her to come out. What was taking so long? Well, he couldn't wait any longer so he took a peek through the crack of the door and heard murmurs fill the air.

"You know what?!" That's when Kagome saw a pair of violets eyes peer through the door. Then she immediately changed the subject just in case, into the first thing that popped into her head. "Uhh, so you know Kouga? He's a major hunk and my hero!" She fluttered her eyes.

"Eh who's that?" Sango asked while she splashed her face with water, still trying to forget what happened a short moment ago.

"Oh, you mean you don't know? He's brave and everything a woman desires in a man," she faked a romantic voice.

Miroku couldn'y bear to hear anymore. Poor Inuyasha, looks like the bet will have to end here. Miroku closed the door quietly and laid back against the wall. Kagome looked through the mirror and saw that the reflection of the eyes had vanished.

"Kagome, is there something you wanna tell me?" Sango flicked the excess water that moistened her hands and wiped them dry with a towel.

"No-no, never mind's nothing. So why were you angry earlier?"

"Oh! That..." Sango's eyes began to burn in fiery. "Some pervert - no, a complete insensitive jerk! Argh, I don't want to talk about it!" Her face began to turn a shade of pale green.

"Sango? Are you alright?! You look like you're about to throw up.." Sango raced into one of the stalls and all Kagome could hear were the sounds of her barfing. "Okay, I'll just wait for you outside." Kagome rolled her eyes, "Feel better."

He was just beginning to have fun too and things were getting interesting. Miroku sighed as he was about to leave. That's when a very much unexpected somebody appeared before his eyes.


Kagome noticed his familiar face and greeted him, "Hi, weren't you the guy with Sango earlier?"

Sango? Ah, so that's her name. "My, yes I was. Do you know where she went?" The ingenious monk furtively asked with a confused face.

"Yeah, she's in the washroom and she looked very angry when I saw her face. Wonder why..."

Yeah, wonder why.. He bit his bottom lip, and then suddenly snapped back to reality. He scanned the girl up and down before him. Healthy hair, lovely eyes, warm smile, even complexion, fine legs, slim figure. Holy great mother of pearl, fire on the poop deck! What more could a man ask for? Damn Inuyasha for getting the good ones!

"Hey, I haven't had the pleasure to meet you yet," Kagome offered to shake his hand. Miroku was eager and shook it in return. " -- Umm you can let go now."

Miroku hadn't noticed that he still held onto her hand, "Oh, my apologies."

Kagome giggled, "Well, I'll see you around."

"Kagome?" A tired and sweaty Ayame came rushing towards them. "Hey, can't talk now... gotta use the washroom!" She ran in leaving Kagome and Miroku confused.

Ayame stepped into the ladies room and a disgusting, sour odor made its way to her nostrils. "Ew! What's that smell?"
Sango, who was in the first stall, recognized the voice, "Is that you Ayame?"

"Sango? What's wrong, are you throwing up?"

"Yeah, no worries though, I'm perfectly fine. Just feeling a little sick from dancing, that's all."

"Alright, feel better hun," she entered the stall next to her friend's while Sango flushed the toilet and came out of hers. "Hey guess what Sango?"

"Hm?" Sango questioned as she scrunched her nose while looking at her reflection and washed her hands.

"I'm having so much fun today! I met this guy and he's totally adorable." Satisfied was one emotion Ayame felt tonight which probably covered up 75 percent of her feelings. She was wondering whether if she was dreaming or not because everything seemed perfect at the moment.

"Oh? What's his name?"

"Kouga, and.. and," Ayame started with a hesitant voice.

Sango stopped dead.
Did she just say Kouga?! Are Ayame and Kagome talking about the same guy?

"And.. I think I like him." She managed to finish.

"That's great.."

"Yeah, but I know he'd never like me... I mean it's
me. Guys don't like me."

"How are you so sure this guy won't? How about... try making a move?" The toilet flushed and Ayame stepped out to wash her hands beside Sango.

"You think?" She blushed a deep shade of pink.

"No, I know. Trust me ..besides, it couldn't hurt to try." Sango smiled with a cheerful tone hiding the truth beneath. She didn't want to break it to her that someone else, particularly her own close friend was going for the same guy. "Come on, let's go outside and show me this guy of

Ayame followed her out, "He's not mine." Yet deep inside she really wished he was. Young love was so romantic, all Ayame really focused on was school and her future, which did include her soul mate and love of her life.

"Well soon to be," Sango laughed and patted her friend on the back for reassurance.
The contest was over and the guests began to rush out the door before a storm of bodies clogged up the way to the outside world. Many guests had left early and others stayed to clean the place up. As for Kagome, Sango, Kagura and Ayame, they had to. Well not Ayame, but she decided to as her token of appreciation for them helping her get into the club.

"I can't believe the show was so successful tonight," a cheerful Kagome shouted as she picked up the used paper plates and cups off the table.

"I know! I've never had this much fun in my life!" Ayame said while jumping up and down, "I should spend more time around you Kagome," she winked.

"Did you guys see Sesshy?!?! Oh my gosh, he was amazing! And I can't believe you all ran off when it was his turn!"

"Oh Kagura, I'm sure he was great, obviously we all know that since you've been bragging about him for the past few weeks..."

"You're just jealous because you're ex boyfriend was gay!" The klutzy Kagura blurted out forbidden words out of her instigation.

"Kagura! I told you not to bring up about that!" The irritated Sango screamed in embarrassment. "I can't believe you just said that out loud too!" She pouted. Ayame was shocked, as for the rest already knew.

"Awww...I'm so sorry Sango. I'm kidding, really." Kagura looked around the room, "Nobody's here.. don't worry and Ayame is capable of keeping secrets."

"Yeah, it's alright. Just don't ever bring that up again...for I, am a man hater!" She stated with passion in her eyes.

Sango's ex was gay? Interesting, very interesting in deed. No wonder she was so aggressive around me. The same pair of violet eyes peered around the corner of the club. It was time to take things to the next level, for the monk was sure to help her overcome the fear of guys and thought of hating men. He dashed out of the doors like a speeding bullet so none of them could have noticed he was eavesdropping on their conversation.